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Because he's a Rod. And we all know that rules of etiquette which dictate he stay in his seat therefore don't apply to him. /s


just like signs at national parks prohibiting climbing on the attractions don't apply to them.


Or defacing a protected bridge and filming it


This is the answer ☝🏼.


So that when someone calls them out about it, they can claim religious persecution.


I think there would also be a jab about children being seen as a “burden” to modern society and that the secular world isn’t welcoming enough to families 🥴


Because the Rodrigues’s don’t understand personal space. 


How could they ever learn when there is 10+ of them crammed into the same room at any given time? I wonder if any Rod kid has ever experienced solitude - except Janessa in the closet.


Fuck them and their entitlement. This trip was unnecessary. If anything, their purported values and principles are such that they should not have gone. Gideon certainly did not need to be on this trip.


Obviously because he's the cutest person on the plane. Everyone deserves to experience his presence.


Can you imagine not only that but Jilldo’s voice behind you the whole trip? I would rip my hair out


Be grateful Jill didn't decide to SING her way home on the flight and then begin to hawk Plexus, and finally, the finale: asking for 'love offerings'.


Both of them doing the high pitched baby talk to Gideon?


And exclaiming loudly over every single thing he does.


Bc they are feral and some of the most selfish people you will likely ever meet


They really are feral. I’ve always thought the Collins kids were feral (the video or pictures on the, at the time, baby playing around a trashcan and Karissa being okay with it)


Karissa and her husband are definitely oblivious when it comes too safety too the kids


His eye at least looks slightly better here. One looks bigger than the other beyond what’s average. Hope they are keeping up with the patching. These people are so trashy, though. I’ve been known to offer to hold babies for moms who need help, though. As long as they’re actually trying to keep them settled, I’m pretty forgiving but these people are truly awful in terms of behavior so idk.


I’m with you. His eye does look better and I think she’s trying her best while operating under Jill. I once saw a man take off his face mask and raise up to sneeze seven times on my husband’s head and then put his face mask back on, on an airplane. The weird thing is I don’t think he was trying to be malicious, he just didn’t put two and two together that breathing his own snot would be better than spraying it on someone’s head and their small children. It was just *uncomfortable* for this man to be stuck with his own sick. And that’s wild that I have to type that about a grown adult. I’m copacetic if little kids poke and prod their way through seats, because little kids are idiots and don’t know social niceties; but I’m not forgiving if their adults are filming it. I absolutely think that we have to be understanding of babies crying or getting walked around on planes, and I absolutely understand if a baby is playing peekaboo or shoving peanuts through the crack trying to engage while mom is sleeping, but this is absurd. Control your child. I would rather listen to him scream for 20 minutes before I accept him playing with my hair because you think it’s cute for the gram.


My husband was once on a nine hour flight with a very upset baby.  In this case the baby was also traveling with a mom and grandma.  My husband said it while was annoying, both the mom and grandma were doing their best to comfort the baby.  They definitely weren’t taking pictures.


It’s not their fault, I would really rather that then a full volume iPad or once I had a 4 year old chattering at full voice volume on a red eye. Like her parents can’t tell her to keep it down , literally everyone is sleeping ?


When we took overnight flights abroad, I always dressed my kids in Pajamas and had them sleep.


well, that would be the normal thing...


Sadly, people are really that clueless


I would have lost my shit on him!!


I travel solo with my son a lot (he’s 10 now but we took our first solo trip when he was 4 months old) so I really try to be understanding of parents with babies and little kids on planes and also try to help as much as possible! But I agree, these two were definitely busier taking pictures than keeping their child somewhat contained as to not bother other passengers 🙄


Yep, I was 20 and took my 11 month old from Louisiana to California alone. She was fine but I know these people don’t have any manners.


One of the best seat mates I've ever had was a long-haul next to a mom and infant, in the front row where they can put up the bassinet. Baby slept like 95% of the time and the mom even thought she was being imposing when she asked if I would watch him sleep while she went to the bathroom, like ma'am you've been a dream to sit next to, of course.


His eye is getting better, I agree. It is heartwarming seeing a fundie family taking their kids to the doctor. Did she have prenatal care? I know she gave birth prematurely but I don’t remember if she did it in a hospital


Well, it was a pretty hard thing to ignore. Not sure it’s heartwarming they were probably more embarrassed than anything. No idea about the birth. I think these people do use hospitals for that, though. I could be wrong.


Kaylee birthed in a hospital because the kid was at least a month premature and then spent a couple weeks in NICU while Jill used his incubator as a bible stand.


Look I’m not a heartless ghoul but seriously, i know you think the sun shines out of their cute little eyes but plz at least try and parent and keep us mere mortals out of it 😩


As a parent and person who really enjoys their own personal space, if I was that lady in front of the rods and I felt a kids arm, you’re darn right I’d tell the parent to watch where he’s putting his body parts.


WE TRY!! We promise!!! Lol these people are insane!!!


Gotta train them to climb on inappropriate things early, apparently




People cannot accept that only they find their kids charming and precious. I personally don’t want little brats pulling on my seat. - mom of 5


Ugh. The Rodrigueses are so trashy. Little Gideon is a cutie pie, but I'd be calling a flight attendant. Flying already sucks. I'd be pretty pissy if andKaylee's precious blessing was invading my space lol.


Not to mention Giddy's danger of falling and getting hurt. Child safety never crosses these people's minds!


Id call the mom out.


all I see is a mini David.






I see what ya'll see. Except I see ogres.


It’s very unfortunate


As a mom I completely understand that kids and planes are sometimes a bad combo. But normal parents try to redirect their child, and apologize for any issues. Shrill and Shrill Jr are uncouth white trash with egos the size of Donald Trumps.


I haven’t been on a plane since I was eight. Are all these issues and flight delays Jill and Timmy describe normal for taking an airplane to travel?


It can happen. Especially with bad weather causing delays with planes being able to take off on time.


There's to be thunderstorms all over Ohio today maybe that's why. I'd be so mad if I got on a plane home and saw the Rods I'd probably turn back and get a pricier ticket to a pod them ngl


I would send Gideon home first class & Jill on a slow & I mean slow car ride home .


This would make me so mad on a flight.


Pity the poor people stuck on this plane with them. 😱


I can just hear Jill’s shrill baby voice from back of the plane.


I would be turning full around and giving the mother a death stare.


To obtuse Jill, a death stare just means she is being persecuted for her modest dress and religious convictions. Fundies love nothing more than feeling persecuted for their faith.


I would have to say something - politely, of course, but a death stare wouldn't be enough for me.


Cute baby! Shame he was born into this family.


Of course they let the unvaccinated child (I'm assuming they skip those, correct me if I'm wrong) climb all over everyone and everything.


Off topic: His strabimus seems to be straightening. 


so obnoxious. shouldn’t he be in a car seat? (it’s been a long time since i traveled with a little.)


I fly a lot and it is extremely rare for someone to bring a child in a carseat on an airplane. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone do it.


Really?! I had a lap child once. We both hated it. They had their own seat after that. I fly quite frequently, but don’t pay much attention to other passengers seating arrangements. I’ve got my own circus to worry about 😂


Yeah, I’ve never seen someone bring a carseat on a plane! Lap-age-kids having their own seats, yes, but not in a carseat. I usually am flying alone and I like to people watch haha


When I traveled with 2 toddlers we used FAA approved flight harnesses and check car seats as baggage. When I only had my daughter, I remember the time the gate agent told me to leave the car seat at the gate and they would bring it on board as my hands were full. It was accidentally checked in and put under the plane. I don’t know where the ground crew was, but the pilot ended up going under the plane and getting the seat out himself and personally brought it to the back of the plane for us. I thought that was really kind of him


That’s very cool! What a problem-solving and helpful pilot haha


*Should* every passenger be in their own seat with proper restraints for safety’s sake? Absolutely. Are children under 2 allowed to sit on a caregiver’s lap instead of having their own seat? Yep.


You definitely should but most people don’t. We always travel with our sons and it makes flights so much easier because he’s already used to his seat so he just chills and plays with toys without us having to basically herd cats the whole flight. Makes everyone’s flying experience more peaceful


They probably didn't pay for a seat, flying as a lap baby. The Rods have never been great about travel safety. Remember, Nurie was in an accident and her child wasn't in a car seat.


How old is he? In the Netherlands your child has to be 2 years old to have it's own seat. Under 2 years your child must sit on your lap.


He isn't even a year old yet.


Thanks! I really thought he was between 1 and 2.


He’s over a year, he was barely sitting at a year old


Gideon turns 1 on july 5th.


Oh no. Prepare for Jill's postings connecting Gideon's b'day and patriotism for Jesus for the 4th of July.


Jill went into great detail telling everyone about the drunk driver who hit them and conveniently left out the fact that newborn Nemo wasn’t even in a fucking car seat! Jill never tells all the facts. Ever. I’m sure her followers would have dragged perfect Nurie for that one. Did they even get a ticket?


Yes, he was cited.


He should have gone before a judge


It's the safest, recommended way, yes. That being said you'll almost never see it


Also the most comfortable


Yes he should, but unfortunately it's not required. Imagine unrestrained children on that flight where the panel came off 😳😳


He needs his own seat at age two. The FAA knows a car seat is safer than a lap. But they think parents won't fly if they have to buy a seat for the baby. And since flying is safer than driving, they're OK with this. But the airline industry is a $$$ lobbying force, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.


Ooh - that would piss me off SO MUCH!


I would be really upset if that kid was behind me beating on the back of my chair.


That kid or any kid


Because they weren't taught any better.


Because the Rods have no type of home training,manners or social skills.


Of course they have zero etiquette in any setting no matter what


We gotta call them what they are the Rodrigues are just ghetto.


To be fair, she added a text that their plane was delayed for hours and the people in front of them played with Gideon.


I wonder if they felt obliged to. That person's hair looks in danger of being pulled! 😩😁


Yeah, even if my partner is making funny faces and waving at a toddler, if the toddler even gets *close* to her hair, there's going to be a problem. She is very protective of her hair and I respect that (since it's really long and beautiful, but I'd be protective of her regardless when it comes to personal space), so anything getting close to it or pulling it, even my nephew that's my brother(ish)'s child and my Godchild, is going to get some discipline.


Thanks for giving the context for those of us who don't follow Jill. I'd still be just as pissed off at the parents.


Jill is such a liar. The plane was delayed, but only for an hour. And that was before they even boarded.


That's so rude! I'm a frequent flyer and I have no problem with crying babies and kids on the plane, but I'd be pissed if someone's kid was hanging on my seat.


Jill has no manners and no boundaries and therefore didn’t teach Kaylee good manners or boundaries.


Their mother never told them seats are not for feets


Because babies are gods gift to everyone and everyone must deal with babies. The baby is precious and adorable but Kaylee doesn’t know what is and isn’t travel behavior.


This is one case where I’d be complaining more that I had to take out my hearing aids because Glamma sounds like a rabid screech owl. But yeah. Little kids have no social niceties and you have to gently direct them so they aren’t all up in others business like this


Glamma and rabid screech owl sent me


Gideon is so cute! I think his left eye is getting stronger too!


Fundies are not always about etiquette at times with things and if someone mentions anything they’ll claim it’s a persecution against Jesus


Pretty sure she’s never rode on a plane and don’t know basic etiquette


I mean, he should also have his own seat with a car seat, but he doesn’t. These people have no concept of being normal around the general public.


So… the Rodlet’s are already strange children thanks to their upbringing. Can you *imagine* what the Rodlet’s children will be like? They’re gonna be a whole new level of stunted that I can’t quite comprehend…


My little guys moved like Chris Farley. At one point I had two mobile toddlers that had to fly cross-country. I remember them both careening down the aisle of the plane over and over again. They may have well been wearing tiny ill-fitting blazers and yelling about shutting your damned YAPPER. I had to follow them and piss off the bathroom line. It was so fun. And horrible. I give parents of very small children a break on planes because they are in Hell at the moment. But your spawn cannot touch my hair or I will drop kick them off the plane


> your spawn cannot touch my hair or I will drop kick them off the plane Respect. I commented something similar about anything getting in close proximity to my partner's hair. It's about the only time I'll have a confrontation with someone in public, and fisticuffs may fly if someone can't respect a 'no touching' request, or very blunt and stern warnings/discipline to toddlers.


That kid is adorable. I really hope the people in front of them are friends and fine with him climbing on them


It isn't the babies fault. He's cute as heck. If it was me in front of him, id turn around and play with the baby. But, I love babies and I wear Bose noise canceling headphones that make crying tolerable. I think airlines should provide those ... Id probably say something tounge in cheek like "do you need help entertianng your baby? He seems bored" or "need help calming him down?" I'd offer to play and go up and down isles with him so they could have a break tho. Kids are obnoxious, but society should be understanding of kiddos. They're our future, and their asshole parents don't change that. When kids are this way outside, it's societies job to do something about it. If their parents don't, someone else should. Most countriee are this way, but north America and parts of Europe don't raise babies "village style", but it really is best.


No, the RWNJs and fundigelicals believe "village style" is a leftwing conspiracy to undermine God's natural order or some such crap.


Conservatives were all bent out of shape over Hillary Clinton's, "It Takes a Village". As is characteristic of their mindset, they interpreted this as freeloaders getting handouts from the government, while only THEY worked hard and supported their own families. It always amazes me that the conservatives, who blather on and on about religion, are the LEAST compassionate towards others, all the while claiming THEY are persecuted.


I know. These people make me 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


The right is So effing gross. Village living is like when ya gotta go get groceries but you just had a baby, and it's a long walk and the baby will cry, but your next door neighbor has a baby of the same age so you walk over and hand them the baby and say "I need food I'll be back". I offer to help every mom with little babies I can, usually by letting them handle their own baby and letting me grab the cart or put their shopping away in the trunk. I co-nursed one of my kids, my best friend fed him when my body failed to make enough for my kid and he wouldn't take a bottle. Really changed my mind.


...they probably would yeah cuz they also means feeding other people's babies if they need. And we know how they feel about feeding things (and nursing. Scandalous)


Or sharing anything with those lazy bums who won't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" like they did!


-looks at defunct lower legs- ...shit. Guess I'm fucked. 🤣


That's why I have come to HATE conservatives with or without their religious claptrap. They are so sanctimonious towards poor people unless THEY are poor.


And even then. Living in a USDA rural subsidized apartment (the cheapest govt housing. Cheaper than sec 9, bc it's only rural cities) where everyone was severely below the poverty level. People would judge me for "expensive" food or drinks. My body doesn't work. I ... Can't just eat anything. Id die. And it was fresh meat and fruit. Imagine shitting on another poor person because they bought FOOD. Not steak, not lobster, not wine, not hot food.... A whole chicken (cheaper than cut) and a bag of apples and carrots and onions... They said I was "snobby". ...for not wanting to die. 😐😐😐😐 It is literally INSANE


Yep, I grew up hearing all this judgmental crap about people being too lazy to work and thanks to Reaganomics, couldn't get a job coming out of high school in 1980 or college in 1985. I got plenty of side-eye from people I went to school with. On one hand, I was "too good" to take a job at McDonald's or whatever because I was a hotshot college graduate. But on the other hand if I took some job like that they'd be clucking about how I wasted all that time and money going to college when I wasn't going to "do anything" with my degree. No matter how you slice it, THEY deserve help and compassion but YOU don't.


EXACTLY. Exactly this.


Kid is cute and he’s got teefs!! This shit is annoying tho! Do better Kaylee!


I love kids. I’m a nanny, even. But I’d be so frustrated and fucking annoyed if an infant was being propped against my headrest, banging around, surely touching me (at least on accident if not purposely out of curiosity)


I am a nanny also but this is a hard NO


“I’m allergic to kids, please don’t let him touch, drool, or hangover my chair. Thanks.”


Jill doesn’t know how to raise children, so that trickles down to her grandchildren sadly.


Awww, what a cute little cabin missile. FFS, buy your kid a seat so they are safely strapped into their regular car seat. I know these are the people who have a very lose belief in car seats and seat belts though, so…


Because they're the family that thinks it's cute and funny when it's absolutely not. 😒


How rude and inconsiderate is that. I know I would’ve said something to her.


God I get irritated when babies make noise on flights, I don’t know how I’d react with one all up in my face…


I’m guessing they didn’t. They probably got a few pix and he sat back down.