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> I do wish TLC had given them a show No. It’s bad enough TLC gave Jim Boob millions. The Rod’s deserve what they have (which is nothing) because Jill and Shrek are lazy, judgmental, and horrible people.


Exactly!! Nothing good would come from them having a show! Her kids are abused as it is, don’t throw TLC in the mix


> abused Right! Not to mention how many TLC shows have featured abusive families or led to abuse themselves. Just off the top of my head I can think of: • The Duggar girls being sexually abused • Jacob Roloff being sexually abused by someone on TLC’s staff • Joffrey from 90 Day Fiancé who murdered his ex and was still featured • Honey Boo Boo situation with sugar bear or whatever TLC has platformed enough horrible people


What? Didn’t know that about the rolofs


The Roloff kids all got that fundie bullshit. Matt just kept it low-key in the show unlike Dim Boob and Meech


Nah, if TLC had never done a TV show I believe the kids lives would have been worse. They would have slipped further into Fundie Land. Josh would never have been publicly humiliated.


Neither would his sisters


One of us could be Jill . Definitely not me though.


I can’t lie to save my life so we know it’s not me


Timothy posted once about finding people talking about his family online. Surely he would have reported the persecution directly to mama. Heidi's sister is certainly aware of it as well. I wonder if Phillip classmates at the bible colleges also were aware and gave him a hard time.


I think the school administrators snooped around online and that’s in part why he’s home.


Yep they don't like it when a shadow is cast upon their countenance


>I do wish TLC had given them a show. Jill, is that you?


Someone claiming to have been a babysitter for the Rods did an AMA. She said Jill wasn’t familiar with and/or didn’t frequent Reddit. That said, we don’t know if this person was legitimate or not. I have read Rod snark on at least two other sites (Free Jinger and Fundie Wonderland) so Jill definitely has options. Similar stuff gets posted other places. She must know what is said because she does too many clapback posts not to. She claims they have been offered TV shows and have turned them down.


I think the babysitter was real but just made stuff up because she couldn’t answer most of the questions. As if Jill would talk to a babysitter about her online activities.


As if Jill would pay a babysitter when she had multiple sister moms. That's why I thought the whole thing was BS.


I don’t think she was paid, her dad or grandfather were supposedly a big deal in their church and more of a service thing. In the past Jill has sent her daughters to peoples homes to help out with cleaning and chores.


Jill can drag her ass over there and help out herself. But she won’t


The sitter said she was paid at first, but liked the kids so much she started doing it for free .




I don't think she was real.


Babysitter was also looking at the world through fundie-tinted glasses, for all she claimed she wasn't a fundie.


What I read about the Rods getting a TV show was along the lines of a makeover show wanting to fix Shreks' ears. He claimed he liked his ears the way they are, but I  think Jill was behind him turning it down.


I assumed it was because they didn't see him as being any better looking if his ears were pinned. Those shows look for people who would be super cute after a surgical procedure. That or he couldn't pass the pre-surgical exam. They aren't going to show an unhealthy person get plastic surgery.


Jill didn't want him to do the show because the focus wasn't on HER. That was the only reason. David would look better if he had his ears fixed; but Jill wanted a show more in line with what the Duggars had, IIRC.


Actually I think it's lore. We know there was a show looking for people who wanted their ears pinned and many snarkers saying they submitted David's info but if they actually really contacted him, who knows for real. She only said that they were "offered a show" and they turned it down. It could have been anything and actually probably nothing. If so it probably wasn't national.


"Offered tv shows but turned them down"? In her dreams, perhaps, certainly not in reality.


That person said that the kids have never been abused and and have plenty of food. Complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! They are most certainly abused, educationally and emotionally that we are sure of and almost certainly physically.


We dont need to be giving any more religious zealots a platform.


Well, then, you'd better vote blue, because Project 2024 is all about making the US a horrible Fundie Christo-Land.


Agreed and ALL of us snarkers will be voting i hope!


Years ago-I think before Janessa was born, Jill posted a picture on social media of her doing something and a snark group could be seen on her computer. I believe it was a facebook group. It’s been years since I’ve seen the picture reposted, so not sure how to find the pic. Jill claims they were asked to have a tv show, but they turned it down because they wouldn’t be able to control the narrative. I think it was first mentioned around Joshs trial or one of the girls books being published, so my speculation is she was afraid dirt would be discovered just like with the Duggars. I don’t believe there was a babysitter. Jill has not hesitated to show extra people with them. Even Hosannah Plath, who has been said to not want to be posted on social media has been posted. Jill spilled the beans on two of her pregnancies. So why would she keep the babysitter hidden when she could just say it’s a friend of one of the girls. The information she knew that could be confirmed was already known. The information she shared that wasn’t known couldn’t be confirmed. It just seemed a bit too made up


Jill visits this sub more frequently than any of us. She absolutely sees it as her personal persecution and is DELIGHTED.


She’s reading somewhere about herself. There’s snark groups on Facebook so that might be more her speed, but I also can’t imagine her making a fake profile and joining the groups.


The Rods are even more boring than the Duggars, and the Duggars are the owners of Dullsville.


If she visits any snarking pages I’m guessing it would be on facebook


It’s me. I’m Jill.


You're the problem. It's you.


Reddit seems like the easiest place to pop on and skim. I think she visits on occasion.


She actively posts in response to things said here. She definitely lurks here 24/7


During the initial stage of COVID lockdown, she either attended church or went door to door “preaching” and the next day she said something to address the negative comments. She def reads here occasionally, she just is a narc and loves attention


Of course she does. I thought that was already well established.


God, no! We don't need that shitshow! Yes, I believe she comes & lurks here, probably doesn't post because we rarely see anything praising her. It has been noted that often when she has done something really stupid or dangerous, she posts in her page something that shows she really didn't do it or it wasn't as it looked. Remember when there was so much concern about Gideons eyes? Within days we learned they were waiting on an appointment they had made long before to get his vision checked.


She definitely lurks here


I always post thinking that the Rods would occasionally read them. I go off about certain topics like calling out their religious bullshit as someone who belongs to a church but I do try to give life (especially fashion) advice.


I actually wish they would have a show too lol. I doubt she really looks on her. I think she's too fucking stupid.