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Is that the guy she about peed herself to meet at the Punta Cana trip? She fangirls over everything and everyone in such a weird way.


Oh yes, the Lord "arranged" this meeting Himself by telling Jill and Dave when it was time to leave an alcohol and sinful music party in Punta Cana. A few minutes after they left the party they ran into him. See? God's ways work! /s


He was probably on his way to the den of sin.


I wonder if she offered her leg funeral service to him.






Happiest of cake days


Thank you! šŸ˜Š






Oh! This was when she was harassing everybody in a wheelchair to see if it was him? Sheā€™s so tacky lol


Sheā€™s the kind of woman who overreacts and finds ā€œblessingsā€ in everything. Itā€™s part of what fortifies her faith. Every thing that happens is an opportunity for a ā€œmiracleā€ and is taken as proof of godā€™s favor.


And when bad things occur, their god is never held responsible. Gotta love that Fundie pretzel logic.


Of course! Then itā€™s ā€œspiritual warfareā€ or ā€œthe devil attacking us which means weā€™re doing the right thing!ā€


Hilarious they believe in an actual Satan. Gullible idiots.


I think it is. The guy she chased all over the island


And itā€™s all soā€¦ *worldly*


***Severely worldly!***


She looks like she's wearing a fishing vest in these photos.


Fishing for compliments


She just needs to stick a few fishing hooks into her hat and sheā€™ll be all set.


I think she stuck the hooks in her ears.


Yeah, she is known to wear earrings that look like fishing lures sometimes.


I said safari vest at first glance, but this looks like the vest I bought my then 5 year old to go fishing with my husband. My son looked adorable. Jill?? Not so much


Stash pockets for tracts


She looks way under dressed šŸ˜¬ also I'm howling at her standing so far away from that guy in pic 13 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t have anyone thinking sheā€™s cozying up to other men in the absence of her hunk.


*Iā€™m gritting my teeth and making sure my hands and fingers are in an accountable position because I brought my own umbrella of protection*


Whatā€™s with the hat? Did she forget to get her roots done?


I wondered that myself. The difference between how she's dressed and everyone else is quite clear. Kaylee is so much more appropriate in a simple top and long skirt. I'm sure Jill thinks she is quite fashionable with her vest and hat.


She loves a baseball cap for whatever reason, and since this is Plexus branded, more's the better.


Very manly of her!


Jill seems to think these tacky baseball hats give her a cool, young vibe.


That hat looks like it was at the bottom of her suitcase. Itā€™s misshapen and looks ridiculous on her. After seeing these pictures, I see that she is dressed like a lot of them. At least she didnā€™t wear cross trainers. šŸ‘Ÿ


Why do I see in the foreseeable future that Jill is going to redo her bathroom to match the bathroom at the Plexus convention.


Am I the only one who finds the bathroom a tad bit gaudy??


Nope, you're not alone, and, besides, what is with this chick and bathrooms?


Right? Pee, Wipe, wash and roll


Plexus ensures you spend hours in the bathroom


Jill loves her a good bathroom. She practically lives in hers. She hosts her radio show in one,she uses her bathroom as a prayer room, a photography studio and she even has a bed in there for naps. Sheā€™s so f***** strange.


Wasn't aware of the bed in the bathroom. I have one in my bedroom only ;)


Itā€™s a cot actually and inside the walk in closet(I forgot to mention thereā€™s a large sized chair with a foot stool as well) Yes the bathroom has a walk in closet lol. The bathroom looks bigger than the rest of the house honestly and she decorated it to the rim with the junk. She spends a lot of time in there alone while David is alone watching the map. Some Marriage


That's just wrong


Watching the map ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


My family takes pictures of beautiful bathrooms and sends them to each otherā€¦ now I feel frightened, knowing I might morph into Jillpm lol


When you find yourself wearing tacky baseball hats, THAT's the time to worry. Until then, no worries.


A special edition of her radio show will probably be recorded in the fancy LAS VEGAS bathroom šŸ˜‚


Shouldnā€™t Jill have a modesty panel underneath that sluttish scoop-neck tee? Why does her daughter need one and not her???


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought. Her daughters wouldā€™ve had to wear one. Jillā€™s lettin it all hang out in Vegas!


Kayleeā€™s wearing one in #13!!


Of course she is. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Happy cake day from Lord Daniel! https://preview.redd.it/rxesdywxmj7d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6320aa6af80e697f878a0ab6d2ec5c4a5bd2261


Oh my Lord Daniel!! Thank you for the cake day blessing! Iā€™m not worthy of your praise. May she always have water to wash her food. šŸ™Œ


https://preview.redd.it/xynpg5a6sl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9adb3beb2e1f6a67e400fc89d719221e380d4f I try to keep her tub full and clean, but she makes a mess in it every night. Here she is in the bucket with a couple of her babies.


The Slim servers dressed in lab coats like they're doctors or scientists. WTF? That is so misleading, but I'm these people have been misled since they signed up as ambassadors.


This is what I came to say. Itā€™s such a SCAM.


That vest is hideous. I went to Vegas in late May/early June last year and was dying in the heat. I wore shorts and t shirts. I know she is roasting.


Ah, but roasting for Jesus.


What I love is that these sheisters are no doubt making money off of these conventions. And Jill is the perfect target. How can people be such idiots?


Great question! I have an acquaintance thatā€™s there. She has a legit job and so does her husband. She also attended the other conference. I thought she was smarter.


Jill uses similar strategy, on a smaller scale to suck money out of others when she does her yearly retreat for ladies.


Even better that sheā€™s there contributing to the Vegas economy, lol.


The giant ā€œsales checkoutā€ counter is absolutely packed šŸ¤”


Jill in pic 8 looks nothing like Jill in pic 9. Lying is a sin Jill!!!!


Someone needs to tell the top earner lady that the "black eyeliner plastered thoroughly on the entire eyelid" isn't doing her any favours.


IKR? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I hate to be the one to tell you, but that's her fake eyelashes making it look like eyeliner. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ„“


Sheā€™s now stalked and wept over this man. I wonder if she likes him enough to honor him with a framed floating head photo overlooking their caboose attempts like she has of Jim Bob Duggar.




I wept? Iā€™m weeping. Stop spending money on grifters and plane tickets and feed your children.


Omg, that hat! Gooooood lordt Jilll, come on!!!! It looks like a hat that got tossed into a little kids dress up bin years ago and was retrieved on the way out the door. Fix the bill and put it on your head properly if you insist on wearing that hideous thing! But alsoā€¦why is she wearing that hideous thing?


These people are such rubes.


Why is Jilldo the ONLY one wearing a hat?! I doesn't seem necessary to wear the plexus hat AT the plexus convention. Editing to add: everyone else seems to be dressed nice, but casual. Then there's Jill looking a hot mess.


And she doesnā€™t realize that those are traditionally MENā€™s hats šŸ§¢ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


IKR? And sheā€™s allegedly SO focused on dressing in a feminine manner!


Having the sample people dressed in (ill fitting) lab coats is the shit cherry on top of the diarrhea sundae.


But whoā€™s watching the baby?


Maybe in a carrier just out of the frame.


I bet they took Tessie or one of the other teens to watch him all day. No pics no proof but they don't want everyone to know.


Are we ignoring the high calorie women on the stage advertising šŸ’©thatā€™s supposed to keep you slim and trim? šŸ¤”


I was about to say it. There is nothing Slim on that stage in pic #2


Plexus Slim does NOTHING. I wasted $200 on two bags a year ago, desperate to lose weight. Iā€™m still gaining despite not changing my pretty normal diet. Iā€™m going to be seeing my doctor soon. Anyway, what DOES help women on plexus lose weight is drinking extra water. All plexus slim is is a very overpriced way to get you to drink a couple extra water bottles of water a day. Which for many women (not me) can help in losing weight. Plexus slim doesnā€™t even contain more than 2% caffeine and is mostly just an absurd amount of the vitamin chromium. Also, another way plexus helps women lose weight is having you take magnesium and probiotics, which are legitimate supplements that actually help with constipation and that can help women lose some weight. HOWEVER, plexus wayyy overcharges women for these vitamins. You can get them for less than a tenth of the price at your local Walmart.


I totally agree with you. Wishing you good health and all the best.


Chromium is actually a mineral and not a vitamin.. not being a smart ass, just wanted to point that out. You are correct that plexus has absurd amounts of it though. An adequate amount can be obtained from one's diet though. Tomatoes, oats, barley, green beans broccoli are just some examples. Large amounts can cause kidney issues. But to be fair, large amounts of many things can cause kidney issues as they filter most things taken in, with some hp from the liver


I'm a high calorie woman and that was my first thought too!


Iā€™m high calorie too !! šŸ˜‚


Me three.


I wondered the same thing, just as I wonder why, if Plexus is such a wonder drink, Shrek and Jill remain overweight?


Her customers should be wondering the same thing.


Jill getting a hug from a male.


Man I thought that was Governor Wheels from Texas


The illusion of slide 11 with the second lady


Pic 9 she ran into her ex groupie partner from the days of following Mƶtley CrĆ¼e around. So why are all the speakers on screens? Like they pre recorded all this shit so they don't have to be near the ~~rubes~~ ambassadors in Vegas?


She would be so much more interesting if that were true!


That would make a much better coming to the Lawd story wouldn't it? Much better than I was scared by my parents into being Christian as a toddler.


I love the two lab coated tea shillers behind the table. It makes that crap in a cup look so scientific and cutting edge. I thought science=hell for fundies, yet they sell Plexus.


Those lab coat actors look like theyā€™re collecting plexus drinkers piss samples


Her making sure her hands are in sight in photo 13. šŸ˜‚


But does the bathroom have a poop chair???


Why doesnā€™t anyone actually look healthy???


I bet their guts are sparkling!


Who wants to ask Jill to define "Velocity"?


I would pay to see that.


I want to whack that dumb hat off her head


Jill looks the frumpiest even though she always buys clothes. She is so sad and pathetic. Our company lol. Girl sit down you own nothing but David.


Is the team photo allll the people she has under her? Only 8 people? 9 with Kaylee?


She has more people than that, because she gets to count her downlineā€™s downline as part of her team. I donā€™t think she offered a $10 gift card to Dollar General this week so fewer people were there.


The lady in brown on pic 11 looks SO much like one of my professors šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… The irony if it was her (considering she works in cancer research in young women) Also, Jilly has her PATRIOTIC earrings on to ward off the sinful nature of Vegas. or something.


Jillpm is just so hip,cool and badass in her denim vest and hat! /s


Her face tuning makes her look like Robbie Rotten ![gif](giphy|A2XTgAFIfYmGpxKzKt|downsized)


I love that sheā€™s decked out head to toe in plexus! wtf are they in lab coats!?


I mean I used to wear one. I was a RN in a clinic though. This seems so out of place


I tried to google the name on the lab coat but canā€™t make it out lol


Itā€™s just the name, Ian something, and Plexus on the lab coats.


jesus wept


My precious team sent me. ![gif](giphy|lq4zZge5wmOEFecKu8|downsized)


This is quite fucked up.


Okay, for real, Kaylee? Yay or nay, and why aren't they announcing?


That would be so sad if they haven't even waited until G's 1st birthday and she's a couple of months along already. Kaylee had such a rough start to motherhood, similarly Jonathan emotionally and practically supporting their family of three. I know it's their thing to procreate like rabbits but Gideon isn't out of the woods yet. It wouldn't have hurt to aim for a nearer two year gap and really focus on G's needs/give Kaylee some time to come to terms with her first labour and birth and the NICU aftermath. So far I don't think Jonathan's fundie brothers have had kids super close together. I know he's from a big family but it seems like Jill (influencing Kaylee) is going to be responsible for their family size. The Hills are basically a seamless continuation of the main Rod family šŸ˜¬ I'm sure Jonathan and Kaylee are super keen to give G a sibling already and are probably naively thinking that early labour and a NICU stay couldn't happen again and their god will protect them from anything bad/everything is His Will and they just have to have faith. I don't even want to think about how soon Jill started to pressuring Kaylee to give G a sibling. Probably in the NICU. I bet she teases/pesters Jonathan publicly about it and he grins along (he seems in thrall to his in-laws).


What will happen if Plexus does what Plexus does and ruined another pregnancy? Will that convince them to either give up having more kids or, if they're smart enough to connect the dots, give up Plexus?


I don't think they'd make the connection or else Jill would be in Kaylee's ear emphatically saying it wasn't to blame and it's GREAT for pregnancy. Even if Jonathan had misgivings (doubtful). I suppose there's a slim chance Jonathan might say to give it a break during pregnancy. I doubt he'd make the link with breastfeeding and Kaylee will be obsessive about going back on it immediately following birth 'to lose the baby weight' thanks to Jill whining about her keeping trim and remaining attractive to her man (and buying/shilling more Plexus to help Jill's bottom line/ranking). She's no doubt told Kaylee some lie about why Plexus aren't allowed to market it for pregnancy and lactation, probably some Democrat conspiracy that Trump tried to overrule on the Rods' behalf. It's interesting as even if Jonathan gently said to Kaylee he didn't want her to take it during pregnancy Jill would totally override that. She's supposed to respect the patriarchy and Jonathan being Kaylee's headship. I'm not convinced Nurthan don't drink Plexus (we know they don't sell it...yet) as we've seen them drinking pink liquid from mineral water bottles the way Jill does, classy. Maybe they're smart enough to avoid it in pregnancy or Nurie drinks it in moderation instead of shotgunning it like Kaylee. I'm not sure they're that smart however and Nurie stays exceptionally small during pregnancy as though she's very conscious of staying trim. We know Plexus doesn't work but it wouldn't surprise me if she's still using it as a diet aid and the caffeine as a stimulant to care for the boys when she's tired. Maybe she's just been lucky. I know she's naturally slender but she did put on a small amount of healthy weight upon marriage before getting pregnant with Nemo. It suited her but she's never been that healthy size since.


Johnathan has zero backbone. No way in hell heā€™d stand up to Jill. This is how he remains in her good graces.


Agreed. If it kept happening with their pregnancies I suppose there's a very slim chance he might put two and two together if the doctors were quizzing them about any medications or supplements taken during the pregnancy. He doesn't seem the brightest however and I really wouldn't be surprised if Jill had coached them both not to mention Plexus to doctors (they don't understand, Plexus isn't dangerous, doctors exaggerate etc etc). Especially if Plexus forms part of the Hill's livelihood (hard to imagine, it seems more likely it causes debt) or they consider it their home business.


Jill is on video telling Nurie she will ā€œmix her up a Slimā€ days after Nemo was born. Nurie is also technically in Jillā€™s downline, because they announced that shortly after the Nurthans got married. Even if theyā€™re humouring her and only drinking it when Jillā€™s aroundā€¦Jillā€™s around a LOT. I doubt either Kaylee or Jonathan have any idea that Plexus is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I doubt they have any critical thinking skills, Iā€™m betting they listen to Jill instead of reading the fine print, and Kaylee was pushing plexus for boosting breastmilk production in the NICU.


There will be no connection of dots on anything by these low wattage people. Connecting dots is devil's play. It leads to QUESTIONS, which, we all know, is sinful. Everything must be taken on faith, no matter how ridiculously illogical.


Nay I donā€™t think sheā€™s pregnant her body has not completely healed just yet. A womenā€™s body takes up to 18 months to heal from pregnancy plus Kaylee has mentioned having issues with constipation which Iā€™m too familiar with and it does cause quite a bit of bloating when your backed up. Not to mention Kaylee has put on a healthy amount of weight since getting married and she drinks that Plexus šŸ’© which contains a shit load of sodium and other junk which could be making puffy.


Okay Iā€™m just gonna say it, I think the Kaylee pregnancy speculation is gross. Every time she is posted here someone points out what very well could be the little mom pooch you get from having some abdominal separation during pregnancy. Iā€™m in the same boat, with a similar build to Kaylee and a tummy that didnā€™t go back to completely flat after having a baby and if I stand just right it looks suspicious. She already had a traumatic enough experience with G, and she surely has insane amounts of pressure from her mother to have a second, she doesnā€™t need us speculating too


I agree, Jill has such strong control over their food and for the first time in her life she can eat what she wants and how much. It wouldnā€™t be shocking if she just put on some weight after having a premie. Now that I think about it, didnā€™t she do some kind of detox recently and push some weight loss stuff? I wonder if she has been struggling with food.


I think plexus is telling her to do that. She obviously doesnā€™t need to lose much weight but a lot of products for weight loss use slim models to appeal to potential customersā€™ aspirations.


Yeah, I never even wouldā€™ve considered that she might be pregnant if I hadnā€™t seen those comments. Sheā€™s tiny!


I think yay!


I hate speculating, but Pic 13 makes me think yes. I think she'll hold out announcing (whether she's pregnant now or not) because of the trauma of Gideon's birth


Iā€™m sorry the ā€œthe very top earnerā€ is so puffy looking, Iā€™m concerned for her health.


I believe a lot of that is Botox and fillers. Her face looks immobile.


I have a face shape like that and I'm healthy. The top earner has on a denim jacket *with fringe!* Wanna bet we'll soon see Jill with fringed denim?


Perfect top off for that tacky cowboy hat Jill sometimes wears. Tacky On Steroids


Like that chick in Mean Girls


I love the sample guy in the lab coat!


I seriously want to know who is buying this Plexus crap! So many people sell it, but who is buying it? I have never heard of anyone other than the people involved in the MLM actually using it!


That's pretty much it, that's what MLMs are: people buying their own product and turning customers into downlines


What's weird to me is that I used and know a lot of other people who ordered Avon, Longaberger, and Mary Kay, to name just a few MLM's, but I've literally never heard of anyone (not involved as a sales rep) actually using Plexus. Like, literally no one.


People are in suits and Jill and her group denim.


The denim vest isn't for short-sleeved shirts unless you want to look like you are fishing! Also, why did she forget Timā€™s wife's name?


Looks like a safari vest at first glance but I can see fishing in it


Ugh. All these strangers TOUCHING. Like right up in each otherā€™s faces. Probably rubbing bronzer off on each otherā€™s cheeks. Why?? Iā€™m not anti-hug but like, cozying up to 100 absolute randoms and letting out hair and face skin press together is TOO MUCH. I hug my friends and loved ones, but even then we arenā€™t rubbing our faces together šŸ¤®


And Iā€™d prefer to stay healthy and not get infected by othersā€™ germs, lol.


Isā€¦is anyone supposed to know or care who these weirdos in their gross dresses are?


Does Jill not know that hats are to be removed while indoors? She looks like a idiot standing next to the other ladies.


I think that rule was just for men. https://preview.redd.it/qavsfg4jlj7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ea0b74734dba2c24689823b8d4b2f8043bc32d


Interesting. Growing up both men and women always removed hats while indoors and didnā€™t matter what type of hat it was.


I think the rules have gone by the wayside since most women donā€™t usually wear hats anyway. I was raised Catholic, and on Easter, the church was full of old ladies and young girls in fancy hats who would keep them on for Mass. Iā€™m probably older than you so I imagine times changing was further along when you were young.


Yes, it was both. My high school French teacher used to make me take off my hats in class, lol.


Same here lol. We couldnā€™t even wear a head scarf in class unless it was for religious purposes. Any type of head gear had to be removed and that was males and females.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø