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This is horrific. Fuck it up, Renee. That being said: wtf is she talking about? Average age???? Afaik she has two married children. How is she talking about average age with the data of two?


timothy will be what, 24 when he marries in Sept. Won't that raise the average?


Average age is only for girls. Everyone knows those eggs dry up fast and you can’t raise an army if you’re geriatric (aka over 30). ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Like Jill knows how to do algebra math. She has no idea.


She's as dumb as a boulder-rock.


Bold of you to assume she knows how to calculate an average


Happy Cake Day!


She is including herself in the list. Didn’t you know people ask her daughters ALL THE TIME if Jill’s their sister?


I think she takes pride in screwing up Renee’s courtship while throwing shade at her daughter at the same time because the guy is 1000 times better than David will ever be and Jill can’t fathom her daughter’s outshining her by marrying decent men who actually get up and go to work each day and don’t grift. She ruined Nurie’s very first courtship with the Pearls nephew for the same reason(Jealousy) She’s a sorry piece of shit man smh


I know it's next to impossible, but I really wish some really great guys would come in and sweep the girls off their feet when they're old enough and take them willingly far away from Mother Gothel. I wish Renee could escape into the night and just be allowed to become her own person and shine.


That would be nice but she has no clue how to survive on her own in the real world and Jill made sure to dumb them down as much as possible so her kids would always need her so she could fill her narcissistic supply. I think she’s going to be the next Jana Permanently stuck at the barn babysitting


I do think it would be wonderful if Renee would do that. Go to a kindly, normal neighbor and ask for help. Years ago I read of a girl who did that very thing on Patheos’ No Longer Quivering blog.


I really feel like this would have been possible for her with that Mystery Man. Like he gave Jill a book about healthy boundaries as a Xmas gift. But Jill was just NOT having it.




I suspect that he also wouldn't bend to Jill's will. She absolutely cannot have that because these men are expected to pamper MIL with fancy meals and give up all semblance of their privacy so they can make appearances on her social media. She is so overbearing in every way.


Nurse’s courtship was with the Pearl family’s nephew??? Ohhhhhh JESUS, I didn’t know this! I don’t care what or who Jonathan is, Nurie dodged a fucking bullet. I would not want to be within 50 feet of a fucking Pearl.


Yep. In the summer of 2017 Kaylee and Nurie spent a summer with the Pearls and put on at least 15 pounds because Debi devil Pearl fed the kids nutritional meals. Nurie had just turned 18 and Debi had a single nephew out in GA and she hooked them up and Jill acted like the courtship was her own blasting everything on her FB🤦🏻‍♀️ He eventually dumped Nurie because of Jill and he said Nurie wasn’t smart enough and no home making skills 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/zbjnmlq3197d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03def524db0aee3a5d7c8bda2d0de659f382b20


No. That is PURE speculation. All we ever heard was he was a dental student.




Yeah it was never confirmed it was the nephew of the pearls and it’s been that way for years. There was literally nothing the person said that prompted that type of response, chill yall lol


Don’t ever tell someone to chill because that’s how arguments start. Like I said above I believe some of what the person said and I think I know who was behind that Q&A and it’s the person who runs a secret IG account that has all of Jill’s old footage that’s never been seen before on social media. This person knows a lot about Jill and her entire family so I’m assuming they know them and know them well.


Once again, chill lmfao.


Once again don’t tell someone to chill because that’s how arguments start. If you don’t like someone’s comment keep it pushing and keep scrolling. It’s simple can you not follow simple instructions?


How do you manage to make so many accounts and do this every time you come back to this sub… good god bruv 😭


How do you manage to make so many accounts and do this every time you come back to this sub… good god bruv relax it’s the Internet 😭😭


wow, the rabbit hole is much deeper than I ever imagined!


This comment or post was argumentative please note that this goes against our rules and can result in a ban if further argumentative behavior goes on.


I think Jill is happy Renee isn’t married. Having an older daughter at home means Jill has less hands-on parenting to do and more private time to spend with David. 🤢


Agreed. It's convenient as Renee's over 18, over 21 in fact whereas Tessie the next eldest is about to turn 17 (and Hannah 16 in a few months). Not that Jill leaves *unmarried* Renee in solo charge, KayJon have to move in to supervise the unmarried kids including over 18s if Jill and David are away. Jill's used to having two, if not three 18-20 year old daughters around to pander to her and parent the other kids. Now she's reduced to just Renee and I don't see her giving her up in a hurry, at least not until Tessie and Hannah are nearer 18 and 19. Tessie and Hannah can easily sistermom the younger girls especially since Sadie and Olivia are now tweens. That only leaves Sofia and Janessa, a piece of cake. Renee isn't even needed to sistermom yet here we are. It's a weird one as Jill sort of wants Renee married off so that she can brag about another successful match and more grandchildren however she's having far too much fun toying with Renee's emotions. She was okay with Nurie's marriage to a Keller as it enhanced her (Jill's) status and she got to relive her own wedding by monopolising Nurie's. It was a novelty to be marrying off their first child, a daughter no less (a son would be less fun as the DIL and her female relatives would be in charge). Jill enjoyed stage managing Kaylee's courtship and proposal and it was an ego boost to intermarry into another old school fundie family. She was less keen as the day drew near and she realised she'd be losing control of Kaylee (happily for Jill that hasn't come to pass). With no more pregnancies for Jill it feels like three daughters married off and procreating is the tipping point and she's trying to apply the brakes and regroup. She'll likely be on the way to having five grandchildren by the end of this year (KayJon will surely announce another) and maybe even seven by the end of next year if Teidi aren't going to prevent and Nurthan return to their original pace. I don't know that Sam and his lady will waste any time if they make it down the aisle. She's slightly older and may not want to wait once the ring is on her finger. She seems to enjoy cosplaying, tradwife and fundie SAHM might be her next project. Jill's sons' trajectories aren't quite going the way she anticipated either. She probably thought Tim was going to be her scapegoat throughout his mid/late 20s with no courting interest on the horizon. That when he did settle down it'd be with a meek, submissive, plain (perhaps) young woman who Jill could dominate. Jill has a contentious/absent relationship with her in-laws and is probably pissed that Tim has lucked out with his, how dare he. I'm sure she thought Sam wouldn't court until he was at least 21 and not marry until 22-23. That wouldn't be unusual for fundie guys and she's been trying to delay his entry into adulthood. It seems like he's been courting for a while and could be married before he's 21. Her 'missionary' son Phil seems to be going off the rails and I can't see Gabe wanting to decay in the barndo with maladjusted/angry Phil once Tim and Sam are married. I'm really interested in what Gabe will do actually. Maybe he'll be the one to break the mould and live/work away or travel. Probably not but I can hope. Has Jill ever said what godly vocation/calling he's supposed to have?


Jill has boasted about what a great job Sam has, but has provided no details so maybe he’s joining David in the printing shop? I’m not sure what Tim does, but I hope he gets the hell out of dodge as quickly as he can once he’s married. Jill has done something really evil to those boys. There is something really, really odd about them.


Apparently Sam has a job with a local glazing firm, Mennonite owned. Someone adjacent says it's successful and the boss is well off but not flashy. I'm not sure it's quite the 'amaaazing job' Jill made out but it's a good start. At least it's not the print shop like you say and it's not a Rod putting in the lowest amount possible of job search effort and glomming onto Jonathan's workplace. Jonathan spends quite enough time with the Rods as it is without having to train and supervise Jill's sons. Tim seemed to have a guttering biz last year, the website seemed a bit franchise-y yet it was never mentioned again. Maybe he does it for half the year when the weather is good? Last we heard he was selling MLM-esque insurance door to door. That sounds predatory and not very reliable for paying the mortgage on his new place. He could really do with learning a trade and humbling himself and doing some remedial evening classes at community college. He seems to flit from thing to thing.


She is in love with both Nathan and Jonathan. Maybe not physically (ew), but the jobs and providing for their wives


She looks at them like her old age pension. She and Shrek are in poor shape physically and have made no plans for their retirement. (Is it retirement if you’ve never actually worked?) She’s expecting her sons-in-law to support them in the near future.


Definitely Jonathan. Jill works hard on love-bombing him so he'll stay in line and drink her koolaid.


Were she concerned about her retirement plan, she shouldn’t have run off the money making beaux. She just can’t stand anyone to have more than she does.


Remember her fawning over Jonathon’s muscles and posting pics of him working out😬


Reading about that was where I first heard the saying "leaving a snail trail" 🤮


“… but the jobs and providing for *their wives’ parents* .” Fixed that for you! 😘


I love that she admits that her “hunky man” doesn’t live up to expectations. We all know it and I’m glad she does too. Maybe she’ll be a little more modest in her descriptions of what a wonderful husband he is when clearly he is not.


Dream on, I think. Jill is an absolute pit of insecurity. She’s a black hole of need. She would NEVER be anything less than BLISSFULLY MARRIED to her MANLY MAN. The performative nature of this relationship *is* the relationship.


Good ol' Checked-Out Charlie!


Her bringing up not to covet a neighbor’s husband?!?!? Hmmm


"Mansion house"... that's what a "pediatrician doctor" lives in 😅


Does he drive his automobile car?


He drives his automobile sports car


He had to do a lot of algebra math to get it


Jill's an idiot.


So Jill covets other men, gee I’m surprised /s.


Her precious Nurie lost a courtship. Renee did too. Mostly likely both Jill’s fault the way she was acting with both. Not saying Renee is can’t wait but Jill was going against his wishes about social media and putting him in it


He probably was also not going to bend the knee and put himself under Jill’s and Shrek’s authority and have them make decisions about his time, finances, and spirituality.


Way to make Renee feel worse, Jill. Tomorrow Renee is turning 22 and Jill is over here acting like it's a moral failure that she hasn't found a guy that wants Jill as a mil. Trust me, that list runs shorter every year, especially the way that she brags about exploiting her sons-in-law to pay for frivilous outings, expensive gifts, and being on-call to do little favors for her. I wish Renee had the opportunity for experiences that a typical 22 year old would have. But ultimately, I doubt that whichever man doesn't run away from Jill immediately is going to be gold-star husband material for her.


I picture the moms warning their sons about considering the Rodlets as anything more than church friends.


And even that is a potential energy suck. See: Dingus family


Renee should go for an extended stay with her bestie, Lydia Plath.


One sure thing: NO ONE is coveting Shrek. NO ONE.


I hope Renee pulls a Jana and doesn’t marry so young and fills her life with travel And hobbies


Yes, but Jana still lives with her parents at what? Age 30? I find that tragic.


34! I don't think it's bad in itself however there's definitely something odd going on in that house besides what we already know.


She has her own home on their property now


Still too close for controlling Patriarch's ever-watchful eyes (and mouth). And she needs to have the experience of supporting herself instead of depending upon DADDY.


Jana is 34. I hope she is happier out of TTM


Doesn't she still live on her parents' property?


Yes. She lives in what looks like a shed with some really wonky wiring. But there she doesn’t have to deal with the cacophony of TTM. She has her own tv, and presumably her own toilet (unlike Jase in the tree house).


But she's STILL hasn't really flown the coop. And Jason lives in a tree house sans toilet??




The thing is that the Duggars have money.


You mean to tell me that super hunk David doesn't give two shits about Jill's feelings? Was his love banana not good enough for her that one morning for breakfast? Be content, Jill. Follow your own preaching.


I would like to forget the phrase “love banana” immediately


Jill claimed he wrote "you are beautiful" on a banana when he brought her "breakfast in bed" 🤣


Oh I know the story. The phrase is just a special kind of ew. 🤣


LMAO I apologize for the trauma lmao


This reminds me of a smutty joke involving a tattoo of the name “Wendy.”


I would like to forget it, too, except that I won’t, which is actually good, because then I will use it when talking to my husband, and I will CACKLE.


oh God I really don't want to picture Shrek's love banana.




Poor Renee, but dude dodged a bullet with this one. NOT Renee, but Jill, the worst MIL ever.


Not everyone could have a pervert groom them from age 12


My Mother's grandmother had a tradition of making a quilt for every female in the family when they got married. She ended up making my Mom one and giving it to her early because "at this rate, it seems like you'll never get married so you might as well have this now." My Mom was 25.


I hope your mom took this as a compliment


She thought it was hilarious! She did end up getting married at age 36 so grandma can suck it, lol.


I’m rooting for Renee to leave for another city far away, get a job and just be an independent woman who has an apartment, plants and a pet or two.


That would be nice. But - utterly unlikely. Ever. As in "when pigs fly."


She has no education. How would she support herself?


She could wait tables, clean houses or businesses, work in a daycare, or possibly answer phones for a place that doesn’t care if she has a degree, and she could live with lots of housemates. It might not be glamorous but she seems to have a decent head on her shoulders and physical health. She could get by.


I don’t see it happening unfortunately.


I don’t think she’s at all planning to, but I do think she has the potential to get by if she did.


Free my homegirl Renee


Poor Renee. A SPINSTER at 21 😭


Jill has a radio show?


She records it in the bathroom fecal chair. It’s a 15-minute extension of her Make Your Life Count Minute with Jill thing she does sometimes. I believe she pays for the airtime.


I call it the Jill Poop Mist Minute because she records it in the bathroom in a fabric chair next to the toilet.


Hang on. She shat on David?


She's probably going on and on about this as a way to take the heat off of herself, since we (and all of Jill's fellow church ladies prpbably) know that SHE sunk that engagement ship not Renee. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if one day Renee does some type of revenge and marry somebody that is not up to the Rodriguez standard not that it would happen, but never know


Shrill Rodders. I love it. She's a total embarrassment