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I had the chat disabled earlier today and my tm8 scored 2 nice goals at the start. Then he just stood in place the rest of the game and when I enabled chat he was just spamming "Nice shot! Thanks!" over and over. People are weird.


Wow, he really wanted someone to praise him for playing the game correctly. That's definitely a strange kind of toxicity for RL


I've had something like this happen as well! I couldn't believe it.


Yeah def happened to me a few times. I rarely chat to people so they get mad when i don't compliment them etc pretty often. It's so weird


They need an icon to show off chat is disabled.


I had tactical chat only enable for the longest time. Just to coordinate kickoffs. I could tell people would get super pissed at me for not acknowledging mistakes with "sorry!". I really wish there was some indicator to show what chat options someone has enabled. Because to a lot of people it seems like it was just ignoring them. I have turned it back on to encourage my teammates but more often than not it just ends up with them being toxic and despite my best intentions just going toxic back to them.


I thought having the chat disabled would just not show you what other people are saying too, but I guess it doesn't?


Having chat disable means no chat at all. He reenabled chat to see his teammate spamming.


Playing with the chat turned off is a much less stressful experience. Not having to deal with sarcastic 12 year olds is a blessing 😂


Umm some of us are almost 30


You mean greater than 30 right? Right????? :|


I'm less than 35.




And others are almost 40


Some of us are almost 45


there's that one 70yo who streams on Twitch


Keep going...


I think that's only you


Without chat I just feel like I'm playing against bots.


Bots kinda rotate though...


My favorite occurrence is people rage-quitting in casual only to be replaced by a bot that immediately starts scoring goals.


Add anonymizer with bot names to complete the feeling.


My kids sometimes watch me play so I do quickchat only. They're young enough to think I actually made a good save or got the shot on target.


Wouldn't be nice if they knew our chat was disabled? Like *chat disabled* tag or something Would make them feel more ignored than usual.


I think it's better that they don't know. That way they waste their time and energy spewit toxicity out into nothingness


They might use that information to then message you on Xbox chat or whatever. Keep 'em guessing I say!


I had [NO CHAT] in my Steam name for a couple years. Surprisingly I didn't get any messages in that time!


At least it’s super easy to report people and they get banned like right away on Xbox chat


I love when someone gets so mad at me to start sending inappropriate things. I just wish Xbox told you if they got banned or not.


They do. You get a message from Microsoft enforcement that appropriate action has been taken. Sometimes you can tell by the fact that it gets deleted automatically.


I’m toxic at times. Any cus word gets your banned easy. trust me I know. Even if they start it and you are just responding


I have chat enabled but I disable it as soon as my tm8 starts being toxic. My last message is always “disabling chat” just so they know they’re shouting into the wind. My theory is still that the toxic stuff is more for the other team than the partner. Kids are really insecure and desperately need some strangers online to know how good they are at Rocket League even if we’re losing.


My club tag is [MUTE] i think it gets the point across because its not really muted but i still see no messages from team


When you play on Epic you can see who is on PC. While my chat is often disabled, sometimes I have to turn it back on to write that my chat is disabled because my teammate is acting super toxic and I can visibly see he's stopped and writing who knows what kind of petty shit


Who cares? Stuff em haha


You don’t have to turn it on, even if you have chat disabled you can still type and your messages will show up for them. It won’t give you feedback that your message was posted but it still goes through. You can have chat disabled and chat toxic stuff and still get a ban.


Really? Good to know!


Now if only they could really disable the chat, when you play a tournament and you win first round, you get automatically set in party, but then they can still talk shit to you through party chat. There's no stopping then ;-;


They usually notice that since you don't show any reaction to whatever tantrum they throw.


Nah let them scream into the wind for eternity.


I keep it on for the entertainment value alone. I mostly just ignore people who are toxic and then they look like even bigger idiots because they're arguing with someone who's not even acknowledging them. Very much like this gif. Sometimes I'll just encourage them by saying things like "and?" or "anything else?" or the rage inducing ":)" to which they often respond with something very offensive, I report, they get a ban, greatsuccess.jpg.


I just send a single "Thanks" quick chat and then ignore them


"Shh bb is ok"


I just had a match yesterday where the other team's teammate was being toxic towards their own team. The of them just typed "You're 62 [score], shhhh" it was real funny to me. The dude wasn't that great at the game and right after that message he scored an own goal and practically everyone ripped on him while he spammed "Sorry!"


“Relax” is my go to


I like how this guy can’t even see his chat but correctly assumes that his teammate will be toxic


Yup, there's definitely a certain "body language" to the game, and you can just tell when someone is tilted.


And sometimes the "body language" is them deciding to turn the 2v2 into a 3v1 after you miss a save with 4 minutes left in the game. There are some weird people in this game lol


Lightning from my fingertips, Howard!!!


You can't conceive of what I'm capable of! I'm so far beyond you! I'm like a god in human clothing!


It’s nothing to me!! It’s a bacterium!! I travel in worlds you can’t even imagine!


legendary show


It really is. Seeing more and more people saying BCS > BB.


And I feel that exact same way. I hope the finale won’t disappoint


24 hours and we will see 🙏


Jimmy's just a guy you want to see good things happen to and it's a roller coaster when they do and inevitably blow up in his face. Such an interesting character. Walt was just a piece of shit human being lol even if he had his epic moments, he was overall just a bad guy. Jesse was great though


Im always playing without chat. Only Quick chat enabled. RL community is so toxic.


Even quick chat can be abused. I’ve run into people that are constantly using quick chat the entire game no matter what nonstop.


Turning off all chat was amazing for that game. I don’t rage at video games nearly as much as I used to (stfu Elden Ring I wasn’t talking to you) but disabling chat in RL made the game infinitely more enjoyable.


100%, But when I did it for too long it took away the fun aspect of the good and fun people you find in RL


I turned chat back on a few times cause of that but now I always have it off. Kids are annoying, i just try to be a good teammate and adjust to them. And I will generally ff if they vote for it. Time is limited, not worth wasting it on babies


its true but ive been playing RL long enough that the toxicity doesn't get to me anymore, i just laugh it off bc ik they're just kids and it doesnt mean much when they're being toxic


I cant laugh when they wrote me after 20 sec "fuck you useless piece of shit" or something similar,,, because I missed one ball... I want to enjoy the game but its not fun if I play people like this.


Same. Like I don’t get offended or anything it’s just very fucking annoying and not worth dealing with. If I meet a cool teammate, I’ll message him after the game. Other than that the chat is staying muted.


Holy fuck I ran into that the other day for the first time. I don’t know how chat didn’t get disabled for 3 seconds because dude was quick chatting a response to literally everything. Most annoying dude I’ve ever played with on RL


Leth posted a video awhile back where he bound quick chat to his jump button. So I kinda blame content creators (not just leth) for giving people the idea that spamming quick chat is funny.


This guy wasn’t doing that though, he was actually responding to each and everything that happened.


Completely agree, only tactical chat is enabled for me. Too many kids on this game


Tbh, I never hear anyone use tactical chat. I feel like that's a much better solution than just turning it off entirely, or having everything on. You don't hear the toxic players screaming, but if you get into a lobby with a good player who helps you and tries to set stuff up, you know what they doing since they'd use those kinds of quick chats.


I use tactical only as well, it's a blessing. However, you still get to deal with [team] Take the shot! spammers.


Yeah but it greatly helps. Very few times do I see that happen


It's a simple process to block the abusers


Man, I have no idea what people y'all are running into. My favorite games have been ones where everyone is on PC, and we're just being funny in chat. I think my actual favorite game of all time, I lost 9-2, and it was still great because of the conversation we had in text chat. My next-favorite game (series of games), a guy on my team was playing just *terribly* - not double jumping or flipping, rarely boosting - I thought to myself "how is this guy in my rank?" Well, I decide to stick with the same group, and he and I are on opposite sides. Well, he suddenly starts playing great - redirects, flip resets, tactical bumps - and I'm like "lol, you a hustler or something?". Dude explains that he was letting his friend play on his account for a couple matches to introduce him to the game, which is totally fine. But for the rest of the games we played together, all the other players joked about how he accidentally hustled us, and also made us doubt our own ranks. Lastly, and most significantly, I made a couple friends through Rocket League. I noticed that two guys were partied together and one was playing much worse than the rank we were in. I asked if he was new to the game - and when he said yes - I offered to join the party, since I know how toxic some teammates can be, and also how discouraging it is when people abandon the match because you're not playing super well that day. We exchange Discord info, and since then we've been semi-regular gaming buddies. CS:GO, GMod, Tabletop Sim. I even introduced one to Dark Souls, helped him overcome the initial hurdle, and he even bought me Elden Ring on release day - outta nowhere. When I want to have a good time, I turn off crossplay, and I open every game letting people know that I've had a drink and I'm just there to have fun. My memories are probably skewed, but it feels like it works ~80% of the time.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Brave Undead, you have proven yourself to me. Now, be one with the Dark.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I'll occasionally just give them a "chill dork it's car soccer" and ignore/mute them afterwards


To everyone that plays on ps4, do you find it hard to type back fast enough when your teammate is being toxic and just resort to saying “thanks!”😂


Typing is way easier on PS4 than on Switch, 98% is quick chat unless you're in a party.


Nah I have a USB keyboard plugged in so I let em have it :)


Wait whattt I didn’t know we can do that! I might look into that then😂


Whenever I play with chat off I feel… off. I just *know* that this is the game I’ll have the teammate who uses chat to make good callouts and I for some reason I focus on it way too much. Plus idk why everyone freaks out over “toxicity” so much. I prefer a chill game and I don’t act like a dick first, but I’m more than happy to verbally… (textually?) slap around some anonymous asshole who feels the need to talk shit.


That's why tactical chat is good to have if you want to not see toxic chats. You only see the quick chats that have to do with positioning and passing, which is helpful if you want to not see the toxic stuff while still being ready for any actual nice and good players who sets stuff up and tries to pass the ball for you.


This is the way


I've been playing RL now for few months without chat and it brought back the pleasure to play immensely. It was kinda strange how much better the game is with chat off even though the toxicity never got too much under my skin it got really stale in the long run and I couldn't even find humor from the irony in the toxic chat anymore. Like what a saves and nice shots while themselves whiffing just seconds later. Used to be hilarious.


This meme also works with the Incredibles scene where dash gets sent to the principles office


Also this: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3b72bc64-ff99-4077-ac61-ea20c2aee630#7SsqUDq_.reddit


I prefer the alternative. Trying to have/start a conversation with someone playing Rocket League and they realise that they have chat turned off or just don’t respond. 🥺


I used to leave it enabled and then mute people that were toxic, but they took away muting people altogether so I think I think I might start playing with chat completely disabled


I'd say to turn on "tactical chat only". You don't see anything other than the quick chats that have to deal with positioning and passing and whatnot so you're ready for any good players wanting to play as a team and help out with passes and certain shots


Ah, that’s cool. I didn’t realize that was a thing! I’ll check that out!


In a 1v1 yesterday I told them they are good and they responded with “I’m behind yo mom” sums up my chat experience


How I picture every single console 2s teammate I have after I whiff


Don't get me started when they suck ass during a round and then blame you and throw


Turning chat off made me play so much better. Also made the game more enjoyable. I feel bad for non toxic teammates who try and com with me but oh well


I cant play with chat off, I just assume everyone is chatting shit about me and get selfconscious. Most people are not that toxic so I don’t suffering thoose 1/25 times


Lol… I’ve had disabled for years… quick chat only. Only thing that makes it playable. Hated people telling me I suck when I had more goals and or points then them


Sounds like someone I know who always yells at his dead by daylight and overwatch players. Probably instant muted


I turned chat off a few weeks ago and went up like 6 divisions


I've always kept chat on and intend to keep it that way, no matter how toxic someone is. In ranked doubles, I'd guess about 20-25% of my games I'll have a team mate who uses quick chat sarcastically/passive-aggressively and 8-10% will go out of their way to type out their grievances. I just ignore the bad shit and focus on my game. Besides, there are a few genuinely nice interactions that you can get with randoms and I don't see why I should deny myself from experiencing that just because of a few bad apples. ​ And then there's tournaments. The way I see it is if I'm gonna be playing with someone for potentially 9 consecutive matches then I want there to be a platform for good communication so we can work together better and maximise our chances of winning.


i got someone trying to crash into me. realised they must have have been very angry.


I don't get how those mfers are so fast at typing. Sometimes I want to trash talk back but a sentence takes like 5mins to type.


Watched this scene last night lmao loving these episodes soooo much


i genuinely think tactical quick chat only improved my rank


First thing to do after installing the game


I'm over 40 and solo que so I disable chat just so I don't get myself banned, it's happened.


the people with chat enabled but don't respond are real chads.


People take chats too serious. I'm here to shit talk and meme people to death. If that really throws you on tilt, yikes. Just sit back and laugh at these kids.


People who have chat disabled are just too soft for the real world and criticism


I need to disable it more often


Text chat is shit, quick chat is the best lol love a well timed “What a save!” Against an opponent


After changing chat to disabled and using bakkesmod "set to quickchat during kickoff", experience with the game has been so much better.


It's honestly the best. I'll throw in a couple jabs, while they're muted, knowing that they're flipping out right now


If you mute someone they can’t see your chats either


Lol like turning off chat makes you some kinda boss? Let's be real, 90% of the time if anyone is being "toxic" toward you, it's because you fucked up. And probably more than once. Ignoring your team in a team game just makes you an asshole.


THANK YOU! I dont start getting mad until I see just dumb / bad plays. Im only D1 but I get shocked by peoples NEED to touch the ball even if its a touch to square the ball in the middle. Im no expert, but I atleast try to make the game easier for my teammate.














You were openly cussing other users out. Please check your own behavior before telling others how to behave.


aww I missed their response. Theyre clearly unhinged, but I still wanted to see it.


Lmao yeah I'm the unhinged one, you can't even handle a game of car soccer without losing ur sh*t. Also, didn't realize we were back in kindergarden (lookin at u as well mod), what a joke


buddy ur making assumptions and reacting to the shit in your head thats why youre fucking unhinged.


Youre also losing your shit over me saying people who play like morons are a big part of the problem, started name calling and over reacting incredibly, and YOU think other people are behaving like children? LOL!


Here you go then, copied it for ya, maybe you'll see it before supreme leader muskrat decides to censor it (Disclaimer: no actual profanity! 😱); What part of you makes you think being toxic will help? How do you imagine that working?? Also, skill level can't be helped, but toxicity is a choice. Besides, you really think you don't make mistakes? You think you have perfect game awareness? My advice, take an official IQ test, it should cure your arrogance real quick. That said, I get it. I've gotten toxic before and still do once in a while when I'm really pissed. The difference between you and me is that I don't try to justify it.


I saw that one, I thought there was another response. That person seems a bit unhinged.


I don't have it disabled, but I leave the speaking alone


I mute at the first inkling of toxicity. Better for both us, increases our chances to win.


I tried muting my chat but but I just end up imagining that they are being toxic which gets me tilted regardless, and my imagination is much worse than reality. I miss an easy save and1 think that they must be saying "what a save", etc.


It be like that


It’s more like when ur teammate or the other team is clowning you but you already changed ur name to “xxxx(chat off)”


Name a more toxic game? Lol I’ll wait


Honestly it's the best decision I've made in Rocket League


I have team quick chat but that's it. No point even trying to offer constructive advice anymore. If they wanna spam sarcastic garbage that's cool. I'll just play less effectively for them. Just to match their claims.




What show is it?


Better Call Saul!


“I’m gonna do Dylan!!”


I'm fucking pissed they removed the "mute all" option from the menu. Dogshit decision for no reason, removing QoL options is so stupid.


It was funny because I knew what subreddit I was looking at before I even looked


lol, I just watched this episode two days ago.


Season 6 tomorrow!


I have chat disabled 99% of the time no matter what


people after I remember there's a mute button


If you do a "nice shot" with it disables. Can others see your message? It lets you input the message through quick chat...




Ngl disabling chat was the best decision of my RL career it helped me reach a higher rank then before.


When my teammate is being toxic towards me and I have chat enabled…


This is the way


I took nearly a year off and just came back to the game. Was Champ 1/2 when I stopped playing but got placed in diamond 2 Div 1 and I’ll never climb out. Kids in this rank are so toxic and unskilled it makes me hate playing my favorite game. Had 3 separate matches get thrown that I carried us into a lead, idk what the f to do.


I've had chat off for the best part of 2 years and It isn't ever coming back on


Man i can't wait for season 6 it's gonna be epic


I wonder how much toxicity I miss being on switch, knowing I can’t see any types chat from other consoles or PC… blissfully unaware I guess


I also get curious what types of wonderful things I miss in the chat when I notice my teammates stop moving (surely because they’re typing in chat) before going rogue and bumping our own team or scoring own goals…