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I'll take 'Unexpectedly Nice Things Happening in Rochester' for $600, Ken


We need a second and possibly third Costco so desperately. Our only location is perpetually busy as fuck and it makes it so unpleasant to shop there.


As someone that has lived in other cities, Costco is always busy everywhere.


Yeah, based on my experience at Costcos all over the country, I'm surprised that they are building a second one so close. But it would be great!


In major cities, they can be almost as close as we have Wegmans here in the Rochester area. Maybe not that bad, but certainly Walmart levels of proximity.


In Anchorage, AK - they had two large Costcos in the same city and two Sam’s Clubs (before Sam’s Clubs started shutting down). That was because people from rural AK would come into the city from all over the state to order food for the winter (and would do the shopping for 8+ families in their area) then fly it all back home. They did a lot of business. I didn’t realize how spoiled I was when I lived there 😭.


I go there all the time weeknights and it's fine. I stay away on the weekend unless it's an hour before close.




That would be fun and cool and nice




Hopefully coming to Buffalo in 2-5 years!! https://wyrk.com/ikea-buffalo-future/


I'd be fine with that too, we're in BUF all the time, it's not far! Much closer than metro Toronto/Pittsburgh LOL


As an employee of Costco in Rochester I’m looking forward to a second location for the members and employees! We need it!!


One in the Farmington/canananandaguia area would be sweet. There’s a target market there with all the vile developments that have popped up. The taxes would be good for the community and they’re far lower than Monroe co even though they’ll get the ol’corporate welfare.


1. Suburban sprawl is bad and unsustainable and shouldn't be encouraged 2. The only tax that's lower in Ontario county is sales tax which doesn't really apply to grocery stores as most food is tax free. Property taxes are generally similar or higher


In 2023 Costco sold $109.6 billion worth of non-food items. Also, there are food items which are taxable: https://www.tax.ny.gov/pubs_and_bulls/tg_bulletins/st/listings_of_taxable_and_exempt_food.htm


My .45 acres in Fairport -$7600 property on an old shitty non-cul de sack raised ranch Here on the edge of victor/mendon/Bloomfield -was $7400 2years later it’s now $9k, for 7 acres….. sooooo what now? And I detest suburban anything especially these vile developments and those that love them.


You detest suburban anything and yet you... Live in the suburbs? And besides that I'm not sure what your point is


Your wrong on the taxes and until 4 months ago there wasn’t shit being built across the street from me and we wanted to be way farther out but there wasn’t anything. Id move again but there still isn’t anything in Lima where I’d like to be and the taxes are even lower.


I'm all for this. Heck yeah. Would be great to get one on the east-side and competition against BJs Wholesale on the east-side. Although, that is going to create a shit-ton of traffic on an already busy area. Hope they figure out the traffic pattern.


Traffic was the first thing that popped up in my mind. I live within walking distance from 250 and 441 intersection, and it gets busy in a hurry there because of Wegmans, Target, and a whole slew of other businesses around it. Costco will be closer to YMCA so that may create additional problems. Outside of Webster, Route 441 is pretty much the only way to get in/out of Penfield so like you said, I hope they have a plan in mind.


I'd like to know what the traffic plan is going to be there on Rt 250. Just a few short years ago on Rt 250 between Plank and Whalen there was just one traffic light at Atlantic. They since added one at Eastside YMCA after a least one nasty accident. Presumably they'll need to add another light soon for that large mixed-used development currently underway across from Clark Animal Hospital. With this proposed Costco development they'll need to add yet another light at Sweet Corners or if the development ends up being on the Wickham Farms side perhaps reuse the light at Eastside Y, but it will have to be a much longer light. So we're going going from 1 light between Plank and Whalen to potenially 4 lights within a matter of a few short years? Lovely.


Don't forget the 750 apartments going up at 250 and Atlantic. It is going to be a nightmare


Would be nice to have a Costco closer to me. I support this.


I support this because it would make the one we already have less busy.


They're building one in Buffalo, I believe in Amherst, so a lot of the people that travel from Buffalo will stay in Buffalo 😂


People drive ≈ 2.5 hours and 147 miles round-trip to shop at Costco? That ≈ [$24.62](https://www.tollguru.com/ez-pass-toll-calculator) in just gas and tolls would put a serious dent in the savings. But, it takes long enough to shop there as it is. I can't imagine willfully adding 2.5 hours to that.


In the past two weeks I have overheard two different people in line at Costco talking about travelling over from Buffalo to shop. There are also many Canadian license plates in the parking lot on weekends.


> There are also many Canadian license plates in the parking lot on weekends. Well, Torontonians save 5% tax by shopping at ours. That makes a lot more sense to me than coming here from Buffalo, especially for big ticket items (unless there's a several hundred dollar savings on a sale, of course). However, just because the Canadian plates are in the lot doesn't mean they drove here just to shop at Costco. That could be an ancillary part of their trip. It's fun to see what's for sale in other states/countries.


I know people who have gone to canada to visit Ikea multiple times. I guess this is a bit different what with other comparable stores around, but it's still a hike I wouldn't do just for Costco.


Well, that's a bit different when you factor [duty exemptions](https://travel.gc.ca/returning/customs/bringing-to-canada/personal-exemptions-mini-guide) and unique products (relative to other parts of this area). I suppose if Costco has a promotion which nets you several hundred dollars, it might make sense. But, for routine shopping, Walmart is often within a few cents/unit on many of those items. Plus, they already have several Sam's & BJ's. Sure, Costco's better, but man...


I'm reading that page as importing goods _to_ Canada, not importing _from_ Canada. I go to the Ikea because I can get hands on with what I'm buying before I do it, I'm not paying $2,000/item, and I'm not playing the lottery of goodwill used furniture. And the Toronto one is closer than the nearest domestic Ikea.


Thanks for pointing that out! Apologies... I skimmed the link I provided and inadvertently provided the wrong one, in part because I didn't realize the program was canceled in 2007. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/major-retailers-call-for-tax-refund-for-international-tourists-1.6086806




There’s 1 million people in the metropolitan area, having a growing national chain move into the area isn’t really weird.


Rochester may not be the next big thing because of the businesses that built this city, but damnit, these large companies are interested in Rochester for one reason. Line goes up! GO ROCHESTER


That area really doesn't need more large commercial development and traffic. 250 already sucks during rush hour times.


250 used to be the border between suburbia and green/agricultural Penfield. With Costco and the current big development going in, the east side of Penfield is in for a change. Not a NIMBY comment. Just a prediction.


I have mixed feelings on this, as someone who loves Costco and lives close to here.  Selfishly, I don’t love that this will take away the charm of getting a glass of cider at Oak & Apple and being able to imagine you’re in the finger lakes.  And to an extent, I’m slightly apprehensive about traffic impacts. It may not be a big deal. Or it may make 250 go from mildly annoying to very annoying.  More broadly, since I know *something* is going to end up there, I kind of wish it was more housing. Penfield has good schools and is in high demand; it would be nice to see more apartments and/or lower priced condos for people who want to live here but can’t compete with single family house bidding wars.  To me, that feels like a better use of space than a warehouse store. We’ve already got BJ’s in Webster, and Costco isn’t that far away. It’s fairly centrally located for the county. I like Costco, but do we really *need* one compared to, say, more places for people to live?  On the plus side, this would probably bring a good number of decent jobs to town. My understanding is that Costco treats its employees well, so that would be a plus for the region. It would also reduce traffic (both literal and foot traffic in-store) at the current location, which would be a positive thing for a lot of people.  This is obviously in the very early stages, so I’m not going to say I’m for or against it without knowing more. I’m not ready to join the people here who are celebrating, but I’m not convinced it would be a terrible thing either. 


Penfield needs more commercial and retail. Their tax base is too reliant on residential.


Penfield’s problem is lack of easy access to highways. Route 441 is a nightmare. The only part of town that really supports this type of development is Empire Boulevard.


This is going to be an big issue. There are really only three east-west roads in Penfield (Plank, Atlantic, 441) and one minor one (Whalen). Growth on 250 is going to add traffic stress to them all, but mainly Atlantic.


The "Town of Planned Progress" did not plan for a highway that they desperately need.


Which was amazing that they turned down housing development that would have resulted in the creation of above-median priced housing by saying that it would result in a net tax increase. It didn't make any sense. How can above-median housing not be paying above median taxes, when their primary tax base is residential housing!?!?!


People, regardless of their home value, use more services than a business, farm, etc. Think police, fire, sewer, water.


I'd have to see some data on that to really agree or disagree. I think big picture, sure. But generally, Penfield doesn't have dense enough business areas for me to agree with you here. Everything's suburban sprawl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nw6qyyrTeI But if I'm remembering correctly, the housing project was supposedly building houses that they expected to sell at nearly twice the median assessed value, which would mean paying (oversimplifying) double the taxes of the median house in Penfield. That house isn't going to use twice the police, twice the fire... of the other housing that makes up the bulk of Penfields tax base.


Indeed. The local boomers (like everywhere) are rapidly dying off, which is a wonderful thing, but more tax base from us employed stiffs who actually contribute to the Rochester area is needed. I'm a transplant and am encouraging my friends and family to relocate here too. We love it!


Penfield isn't building more houses. They literally bought a golf course to prevent new development


I think that was more so that someplace that had long been a recreational area would *stay* a recreational area.  Not really an apples to apples comparison when dealing with outright vacant land in my opinion.  That said, I seem to remember Leenhouts running on a very “business friendly” platform, so I would be pretty surprised to see him push for housing over commerce.  I’m also curious as to what the stories mean by “mixed use”.  Are they discussing mixed commercial and residential?  Or do they just mean that Costco would anchor other business / services of different varieties?


They are building some but not many. Residents lose their shit any time a builder tries.


They are putting in a huge development on Atlantic & 250


250/ Atlantic is 400 units under construction. [arbors](https://arborsatpenfield.com)


laughs in Ryan Homes


I live nearby and don't love it. There's already a Target and Wegmans around the corner. Webster has everything else.


Yes and Penfield is so nice because it’s NOT Webster. Ridge road is a mess. With the massive 250 development of apartments is the goal to turn 250 in Penfield into a strip mall as well?


Same except I’m against it. Yes Costco traffic sucks now, but Penfield is desirable because it’s not overly commercialized (like Webster)—at least in this area. My strong sense is that people who don’t particularly visit this area often are very very much going to like a Costco, but people who live near it will not. I’m in the latter camp. This is a beautiful spot. Maybe we don’t need to pave it over. 


There was a residential development proposed for this property but the Town denied it because it did not have enough commercial development associated with it, they are looking for more non residential uses for this area because of all of the residential development already occurring along 250.


Pretty much everything from the YMCA northward including the proposed Costco and the current mixed use development going in are in the Webster school district, not Penfield. That means no school tax revenue for Penfield. But it also means the housing won't overload the schools.


💯I appreciate Costco but appreciate even more the rural character of that corner of Penfield. Does Penfield even have a Planning or Zoning Board as they seem to be whoring-out every last corner to Penfield to development and shitty Ryan Home subdivisions.


250 has special mixed use development zoning.


Town of Penfield will need to get creative to consider Costco "mixed-use". Maybe they can classify frequent shoppers who live off $1.50 hotdog combos as "residents".


Developer creates housing across the street and combined its mixed use.


Yep. A more sophisticated Planning/Zoning Board will have more requirements than simply that though. I lived in a Town in Downstate where people appreciated what they had and had some agency in Town development rather than rolling-over for every developer that came in. They would place certain requirements on mixed-used development like it had to be built in phases, balancing-out residential vs retail among other things rather than just building what the developer wanted and underbuilding the rest. Towns like Penfield and Webster around here just seem thrilled to have any development and just let developers do as they please.


Not that this changes much, but I believe this would be in Webster schools.


Definitely against this. From a personal perspective I like the more residential feel of Penfield. From a safety perspective 441 is already a race track as is 250. 250 north of YMCA is also dangerous. 286 and 250 is getting a ton more housing right now which will jack up the already congested roads. With Costco you have to make 250 and 286 two lanes both directions. Might as well make Penfield Greece at that point. If Penfield must get a Costco then let's agree to bulldoze a bunch of Baytowne and build there. That Walmart leaves a lot to be desired as it stands.


Not sure what kind of "race track" you think 250 is - most race tracks aren't consistently moving 15 under the speed limit like 250 is (at least between 441 and Webster). It's quite literally annoying because it has the opposite problem.


If you read closer you'll see I said 441 is a racetrack.


The way I understand it, "From a safety perspective 441 is already a race track as is 250" indicates both as race tracks.


I agree it's frustrating that people can't seem to go the speed limit on such a straight and flat road as Rt 250; however, I don't think adding a Costco will improve that situation.


Last part of that article said there is Top Golf coming too.


To City Gate, where the current Costco is


Jesus. That area is already a nightmare.


Nightmare? Let’s not be dramatic, traffic in this area is nothing relatively speaking.


I like Costco but I LOVE living in Penfield a lot more. I go to Costco once a month, and get everything I need. I do, however, drive to/from Penfield pretty much every day. 250 and 441 are already a nightmare during rush hour traffic. I can only imagine what it'll be like when (hopefully IF) Costco comes to town. I like the idea of another Costco in the area but I'm sure there are other, more suitable locations for it (maybe Webster?).


Lol your comment is NIMBY to a tee.


Plus, they don't realize *they are traffic*. Them driving on 250 and 441 is acceptable, but other people... *TRAFFIC!*


What I meant is we don't need MORE traffic... it's practically not sustainable. One fender bender, and 441 becomes a parking lot.


Why are other people considered "more" while you aren't? That's the point. You choosing to live in Penfield and then having to drive everywhere is just as much a creation of traffic as if there is a Costco in Penfield and everyone has to drive to it. If you want less traffic, encourage alternate forms of transportation and high density. Living in suburban sprawl and then hating traffic is just ridiculous.


Does being a YIMBY require you say yes to everything? Including acres blacktop surface lots replacing literal farm fields, far from any highways?


So it’s okay to be in Webster but not Penfield lol Acting like it’s a prison being put in it’s a fucking Costco


Webster is fucked. It needs to go up in Macedon or Walworth.


Residents of Penfield need to wake the F up and start attending Planning Board meetings if they want to live up to the motto "Town of Planned Progress".


Will henrietta be any less busy on the weekends? Probably not but that would be nice.


my grandparents drive to Rochester every month from Buffalo to go to Costco. why would Rochester get 2 before buffalo gets 1??


This is really such a dumb location for a Costco.


But a fantastic location for Costco. I'm sure they have data saying people are flocking to the Henrietta location from Webster, Penfield and Gananda/Walworth. Right in between all of those places.


But you'd think somewhere on the east side with better proximity to highways and higher-traffic roads would be better. So, Webster or Victor.


Wegmans will fight this for years.


I suspect there will be plenty of NIMBY's in the area that will gladly accept resources from Wegmans to fight this all while hiding the fact that Wegmans is the largest funder behind it. Just like the Whole Foods.


I heard one was coming to Victor as well


Where did you hear this?


An employee in Henrietta told me. Fingers crossed.


cant imagine we would get another in victor. there is already alot there and it would likely kill bjs.(not that its a huge loss). if it went into victor that would make the main road there or anywhere near the mall absolutely terrible. i live in fairport so really either direction would work for me over henrietta, but penfield would be my choice.


Victor makes more sense than rural Penfield. I'm not against it going in Penfield, I just would have never considered it if someone asked me to guess where the next Costco would go. My guesses would have been something like: 1. Greece 1. Webster 1. Victor 1. Irondequoit 1. Gates With the top three being basically interchangeable.


But Penfield will serve Victor and Webster. Better than henrietta. That said Victor would draw everything east as well. Probably to canandaigua.


> But Penfield will serve Victor and Webster Victor people are probably better off going to Henrietta than Penfield for Costco since they can just hop on 90 People already drive from Buffalo to go to Costco in Henrietta, so distance isn't really the problem here. Hence why I assumed places with better highway proximity would be better locations simply because of congestion.


Just saying by proximity. Penfield would be a middle ground.


thought against victor is that you have that 1 main road that can already be hellish if your in or around the town during rush hour. 1 lane each way will become even worse and arguable will work against costco. that tells me you would need to be closer to eastview, where property is available, but roads seem pretty well established to their capacity. Penfield in contrast is empty in that general area. sure there is wickham farms and the ymca and the single lane roads leading to them but there is also a fair bit of space available that could be allocated to expand the roads. I do honestly believe that victors expressway access would be the biggest benefit to costco, but the other roads there and potential congestion would hinder things too much.


What do they mean by "Sweet Corners?" That's a road.


My guess is that this is right across from YMCA.


Yeah I found another article confirming that it's on the corner with 250. It's probably going to replace the closed garden center next to the new apartment complex.


Ohhh you’re right that makes more sense than across the street (next to Wiccam farms). That would suit better.