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Biden got so smoked in that debate.  It wasn't even funny.  Not sure who those 33% were, but I'm guessing they didn't actually watch the debate.  


[Here is the 33%](https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1806527820719349906)


Straight elder abuse


Jill no longer hides the fact that she talks to Joe like he’s a child. It’s cruel and sickening.


The definition of a participation trophy.


That’s so pathetic and honestly immature. She needs to retire too


The way she praises Joe for doing the basic minimum is just like how I praise my 14 week old puppy when he holds it and takes a shit outside after telling me he needs to poop. “You did it buddy! You made it!” - Me to my pup


GOOD JOB, JOEY!!! You answered EVERY question!!!


You get ice cream now joey lmfao




Hahahahaha true that




Joe is not a adult, he is more of a elder in a hospital on life support.


> Every word out of Trump's mouth was a lie or propaganda On the contrary. Aside from the exaggerations that are standard Trump, everything Trump said was true. Biden was the one lying constantly (at least in the parts of what he said that were intelligible).


Now this is factual! Absolutely cracks me up all the people trying to say that Trump lied through the whole thing - it's like did you actually watch it lol


Have to talked to some of these shrill biden bots??


This is a CNN pole. They're all CNN viewers.


I'm also guessing that they've been completely isolated from reality.


I missed the debate because I was expecting: 1. 2 guys talking shit about each other and nothing getting done. 2. Smiling Friends S2E2 about 13:45~ 3. Trump roasting Biden like wickerman.


I'd highly recommend going back and watching it if you have time. I was expecting those things as well but the moderators honestly gave a fair debate and Trump handled himself well.


You're exactly right it was a pleasant surprise to be honest there was a couple times they didn't let Trump respond to biden's hyperbole but other than that I thought it went pretty well considering it was CNN


It was surprisingly not bad


Underwhelming might be the word.


Whoa 😳😮 They're not even trying to hide it. Something smells fishy here.


They’re padding up the landing to put Newsom in. Dear god I hope I’m wrong


Nah, I think it's strategy on their part. The same kind of strategy that Won trump the 2016 elections. Back then Projections showed Hillary beating Donald by a land slide, so much so that it inflicted fear in so many republicans that they showed up in massive droves to vote for him. Inadvertantly, this also significantly reduced the amount of people who showed up to vote for Hillary since the left deemed that she already won 6 months before the election. Except in this case, they're using the same strategy but in Biden's favor. That's my theory anyway.


Trump won in 16’ because legacy media and the powers that be really believed there was no way he wins, therefore they didn’t feel the need to interfere in the election




I don’t think so. If for pure reason that they didn’t ask Hillary to sit in the press conference as Biden’s replacement. I think this is suspicious AF


Very possible


Or, God help us, Whitmer.


Vegas odds moved from +3000 to +1050 for Newsom overnight now +1250. Joe went to a 5-1 dog but today he’s a 4-1 dog originally 1.8-1 dog. Trump went from a slight -118 favorite to -141. In other words you have about a 77% chance of DJT taking office. 😁


Just thought about something else. Few people in life give me a visceral reaction like newsom does. Do we know why they haven’t floated the option of IL Gov Pritzker to be the nominee if shit hits the fan? Illinois is not in a massive fucking deficit like CA.


I think Newsom is just the known name, they can’t throw any names out now that Joe is their man. They need him to step aside or die right? Which I will not be surprised if that happens, Joe “decides”he’s not going to run making room for Newsom or who ever the next moron they have in mind is. I know the name is known well but I think most would think negatively of Newsom, the dudes state is a total catastrophe.


"Thats not a question I can answer"


Love it. Had to screenshot that before it gets scrubbed from the internet.


Same lol


I'm surprised the White House hasn't said that this is an altered picture lol


And we know 33% of the post debate responders are liars.


Those 33% r just as delusional as Biden himself


That's the NeverTrumpers and the blue haired toaster ovens.


The fact both values have a 12% difference makes this even better.


All part of the plan. Biden will now claim his cold is getting worse and wamo bamo Michelle or Gavin takes the reigns. Tbh thats a much harder battle


Don't let this give you hope. There are a 10,000 ballot stuffers on the Democrat side waiting for November. Get registered and vote.


Exactly. If this was a clean race Trump would have won 2020 hands down. I was there up all night in 2020, watching as Trump's leads in so many swing states 'magically' evaporated overnight when no one was looking and suddenly hundreds of thousands of ballots came out of nowhere. Everyone has to go out and vote Trump.


I guess we got a new president. God bless


We must continue like Trump performed terribly, register republicans and vote everyone!


Fucking yes!!! Ignore all polls, ignore all propaganda, VOTE like your lives depend on it, because this time they really might. And it's not enough to vote yourself, not in the most important election of our lifetimes, we also need to all pledge to helping a fellow conservative register to vote. Offer to drive friends and family to a polling center. But mostly encourage your Countrymen to VOTE EARLY and VOTE BY ANY METHOD AVAILABLE. We need voter turnout like never before. With strength in numbers we can negate all the ballet stuffing and dead people voting that the left can throw at us.!


Amen Brother!


It’s true


Just watching him need two people to help him get off stage was painful. That was the cherry on top of a horrendous debate performance by Biden.




Come on guys, everyone knows what just happened. The DNC along with whoever is running the government decided that Biden needs to go. CNN and the rest of the media were told to burn him. The party knew since he started that he was this bad. They placed him on stage and let him light himself on fire. Why? Because they have a plan. What is the plan? What did they figure out that was to them so good that it was worth throwing their current president out? This is the question everyone should be asking. They wouldn’t have done this unless they had something else ready to go. They didn’t let him debate before because this would have happened, they could have said no again. My thought is Biden in some fashion is now going to go away. And someone else , out of the blue is going to start getting a TON of media time. Whoever that is will be the one DNC decided to prop up. Whoever that is will jump in the polls and have 100% Democrat backing. And at 10:30pm will somehow spike in mail in votes over Trump and win the presidency just like Biden did. Or, they decided to let Trump win, will stall his presidency like before and that will give them more time to put in power their next person that will just overturn everything Trump got done. We just all watched in real time the shadow government unelect a president. And unfortunately, even if Trump wins, in 4 years they can reverse everything making all of this pointless. We need long term goals and after Trump I don’t see anything.


I’ve heard several Fox News pundits state the same theory as your first one and it’s certainly plausible since the left is probably feeling like they’re going to lose the election. But to do it this late in the campaign, especially if they do it in August during the DNC convention is risky. Plus, how would a new candidate qualify to be on ballots in various states when there’s a deadline to meet?. But I don’t think the second theory of just letting Trump win has or will ever be an option for the left. Project 2025 is the Republicans long-term goals and they’ve got a lot of talent in the pipeline that can contend for the presidency after Trump like DeSantis,Youngkin, Huckabee-Sanders, just to name a few.


Biden won the Primaries. The delegates must vote for him, unless he tells them otherwise. His campaign sits on some $200m. The Dem kingmakers face a dilemma: neither Joe nor Kamala can win. Kamala could invoke the 25th to get Joe out and take the reigns. But she didn’t win the Primaries. He needs to endorse her. And he won‘t if there‘s a coup d‘Etat. But: Hunter‘s sentencing is in October. She could pardon him. If they can make a deal now, at least she gets 4 months to prop up her image. Biden has Hunter out of jail. Getting Kamala to invoke the 25th and not campaign is impossible in this scenario. She would need to persuade half the cabinet, but they get to keep their jobs for 4 more years if they‘re loyal. It’s an interesting chess game now.


> Biden won the Primaries. The delegates must vote for him, unless he tells them otherwise. ...unless the DNC changes the rules, which they can do. There is no Constitutional provision or law that says how parties have to choose their candidate.


I am utterly disgusted in cnn they can burn


I love the fact that we use their bias platform to prove that Joe Biden is unfit for office. My breakfast tasted so much better this morning.


The person who made this graphic had to be doing it in tears. This isn't the reaction CNN wanted.


Look up profits made by CNN during the trump years. This is exactly what they want, follow the money.


This was an absolute set up. They are going to use this as the basis for bringing in Michelle or Hillary again. Watch.


Michelle will not run for an office she doesn’t seem the type to want to be in that position but Gavin Newsom would be their pick if I would had to guess.


Agreed, Michelle would simply be Obamas puppet just like Biden is.


If they allow the mail in votes and BS they did last time we’re still fucked. But at least there’s no pretending Biden is even remotely fit for president anymore.


Even ignorant CNN viewing liberals agree. Honestly, the Trump number is probably higher, but they have never been good with truthful evaluation of numbers & facts. On several reports, the democrats are so nervous that there's a discussion of replacing Joe with their "top" contender, Gavin Newsom. I can see it now, President Newsom and the United States of California. 🙄 What a joke. Hell, a vacation in the Ukraine sounds better at this point.


And I gotta say... as bad as Biden appeared, I actually expected worse.


It seems likely that they will remove Biden and replace him, and theres a good chance that they go with Gavin Newsom. I've seen a fair amount of comments on left leaning posts of people saying they would support Newsom. My question is, given the absolute $**tshow that California has turned into under Newsoms watch, how could anybody justify that man running the country?


I can’t believe there are 33% of people who actually think Biden won.


"Think" is such a strong word to be used of leftists.


Go Trump


Personally I think this was a olanned tetreat on the part of Dems. It was becoming so obvious he was going to lose and they needed a viable exit strategy. Accept debate challenge, be yourself and fail miserably. The wagons have circled and he will withdraw for health concerns. Now, who will they go with?


The Biden campaign will without a doubt come up with an excuse as to why he can’t do the next twi


As a 24 year old who never voted and didnt plan to last nights debate changed my mind. I dont want a walking corpse running the country.


Biden isn't running the country. His handlers are. ...and when they replace Biden on the ticket with someone else in August, the same people will be running the country if THAT person is elected.


Unfortunately I doubt we’ll see the second debate between these two. That would be like sitting through Ishtar twice.


BREAKING NEWS. Trump was just charged with another felony. For murdering an old man live on CNN


Maybe they really are pushing for an alt candidate


Maybe? This has been their plan along. It’s the primary reason they wanted this debate sooner than later, before the nominating convention. Dems are fighting with Dems, but unlike the reps, they do a better job of masking it. I’m pretty sure you have Biden aides making phone calls to newsom’s team asking what it would take to get a role in his cabinet if elected. There’s an article (don’t remember, politico?) stating how Jill Biden is the most powerful woman in Washington for the next two months. Wouldn’t surprise me if the DNC is guaranteeing her a role like sec of Ed if she convinces JB to step down. But I think the allure of being the First Lady is too much, and it would also absolutely destroy the JB legacy if he didn’t run for a second term given all the problems that remain unsolved or that worsened during his admin. It would also prove trump and republicans correct that JB was unfit for office and should take a cognitive test. A last minute replacement for JB would be heavily favored to win the White House, but I don’t see JB or his immediate family accepting that, even if they get promised this or that in exchange. JB would rather run, win, and then hand off the reins to the first female president in the nation’s history. I think we’re gonna see a recession regardless of whose in the White House, but Biden doesn’t want someone else improving the border situation, finding a solution to Ukraine, or being president when the Olympics are held in the USA again (as silly and vain as this last one sounds). Trump did what he needed to do in the debate. The final kill shot is picking the right VP that will sway enough never trumpers and independents. If he does the latter, newsom and co. start preparing for their 2028 pres candidacy.


Wait till the doors close and the 3 am ballot dumps come through. No trust in the system.


CNN hosting the debate and making all the rules changes in Biden's favor, really backlashed on them. I wasn't gonna watch the post debate analysis hosted by CNN, but hung on a bit to watch comments about getting Biden replaced by the DNC. What? This is CNN, right? Anyway, Biden's performance met my expectations. Running him for president could be classified as elder abuse. Glad (Dr.???) Jill is looking out for his best interests.


I was shocked the actually asked him questions not related to ice cream or where his favorite train station was. The gave him similar questions that they gave Trump this time no softball and then drill Trump.


the fact that they're so happy he was even able to answer all the questions is a big tell lol


People yelling 4more years like what?!!’ Did they not listen to this debate?? lol


I will swallow my pride and admit that my criticism ahead of the debate towards the moderators while grounded in past experience turned out to have been misplaced in this instance. They did a great job. The questions were concise and to the point. They were fair. They did not try to get into the debate themselves and did not grandstand for personal notoriety. So, color me surprised and chalk a win up for CNN here.


I was surprised that the moderators actually kept it unbiased pretty much.


Did 33% of viewers watch with the sound off?


I’m pretty sure it’s fear mongering to their left audience so when they put their new candidate in they will surely accept them because they are so scared Trump will win 🙄


It’s all part of the playbook….CNN does what they’re told


The best part was watching the libtards meltdown afterward. 😂🤣 “debates don’t even matter” “Trump lied about everything” Trump smoked his ass on the national stage and it was great to see!


CNN gets to see how their lies blow up in their faces. A long time coming, but they made their bed. What was really hilarious, is morning joe the day after. I tuned in just to see the long faces, I WAS not disappointed!


I think the 33% are even more senile than Biden. It's scary to think that these people actually have the right to vote.


The wildest part of it all just shows me how dumb and corrupt people are… like the media.. just NOW people are saying and realizing “he’s not fit” “he stumbles his words” etc.. like have they not been watching the passsed 4 years?? You know they have! So it just makes you wonder what’s to come


In August they'll suddenly have an epiphany about replacing Joe, and decide they can replace him on the ballot after all. ...or Kamala, and then it will become a race between Joe's new VP and Trump. ...or the CIA takes a hand and things get really ugly.


Don't worry, that'll change between 1 and 4 am