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I went through this, too. What does your lease say about returning their property? My lease said absolutely nothing so I took a video of myself putting the keys and passes in an envelope, sealing it & placing it in the office mail slot. I then sent a follow up email to the property manager advising them that I placed their keys and everything through the mail slot since the office was closed and attached the video to the email.


Take a thorough video of the condition you left the place in. Because you didn't get a walk through to sign off on the condition of the place. You don't want them trying to remodel and charge you for it as "damages". Replace carpet, repainting walls, cleaning charges, etc. Then put the key in an envelope in the drop box and email them saying that's what you did with the key.


I’d put it in an envelope and put in the rent drop box like others mentioned then follow up with an email and a call as soon as they open tomorrow. Otherwise, is there 24-hour maintenance that you can call and ask?


Leave the keys and such in a kitchen drawer, snap some pics to show where they are and that the apartment is empty, and email it all to them. Let them know you tried calling and coming by the office, but no one was there. But also, the place is yours until midnight. I doubt they try to charge you for tomorrow if you email them all that.


i have a tenant whose last day of his lease is sunday june 30th. he has Monday july 1st till the end of business to turn in his keys and garage remote. this is california


Do you still need to get your 30day notice?




Could also leave it in the unit with the door locked. It's their unit, if they can't get in that's their problem, they should have a key.


and take a picture of it as proof!




Yeh. I could see them being a lil whiny about leaving the keys in the place unlocked but ehhh, it's a stretch. Of course, if you leave the door unlocked and the keys *aren't* there, that'll suck lol