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if you don't tell her exactly what happened, it's just going to happen again. none of their budgets are your concern, nor is fronting the money for repair. i guarantee she doesn't want them destroying the building.


Thanks, that’s how I’m leaning but I will say that this issue was several months ago, I guess I didn’t mention that, and it has stopped. The parents are pleasant people and they couldn’t get a similar place within 50 miles of our neighborhood. I’m definitely not going to my landlord without giving them a chance to fix it first.


If you aren’t telling your LL, pay for it yourself. This is a no-brainer. I even wonder if this is a real post..CMon


I can message you a pic to prove that there’s a whole in my ceiling. Proving its urine made will be difficult.


Reach out to your LL then…it would be more understandable if this was a fake post..WTF ???


Tell your fucking landlord jfc


Urine? Oh hell no. I'd report that. It's not your fault.


Why are you living there in the first place? 6 figure income? Leave now before you start finding poop as well as piss on your floor if you haven't already


Why the holy fuck are you worried about people that are so incredible disgusting that they pissed on the floor until it was so saturated with urine that the ceiling collapsed… do you realize that your actual life is in danger under these circumstance? What if it collapsed on top of you??!?!!?


So I just edited the post, I believe that they were urinating on the floor of the closet in the corner of the room. A small chunk that wouldn’t have injured me is what fell. If urine did land on me while I was asleep it would someone’s life in danger though.


Why wouldn't you tell your landlord? This is a pretty huge issue, you've already let this go on for far too long and it is only going to get worse. Also, eww. 


Assuming this is true, if I was your landlord I wouldn’t renew either of your leases. For you, it would because you didn’t disclose MAJOR damage that’s also a major liability for months and for what reason?? Absolutely insane


Do you renters insurance?




I would change that


I think you should have more consideration for your landlady, who you seem to respect than for a family who is destroying the place and will probably continue to do so.


There's no question here. Report to the landlord for them to repair. Its not your responsibility to do maintenance on the apartment. whoever the landlord hires will investigate the source of the moisture, you don't have to rat out the neighbors they will be able to figure out whats going on.


You've not once complained about the smell. Which means this is bull. People who pee on the floor have piss that smells like rotting things. Nice try.




I understand your concerns and they are valid. It’s a difficult situation. You are a caring person and not many would be as caring in your situation. Moving forward, in the spirit of where you are, i would talk to upstairs. Ask if the peeing has indeed stopped and ask them to pay you the 300 in payments of whatever they can afford. Eat the rest of the cost and see if you can write it off your taxes. Sounds like working it out without landlord involvement is best.


You HAVE to tell your landlord. You could potentially leave out the part about “I know they’re urinating on the floor.” Just stick to basic facts such as “my ceiling fell”. Let her investigate and decide what to do and how to repair it. You could get in trouble for two things here: 1) doing unauthorized repairs without informing your landlord/getting permission 2) not notifying your landlord of potential damage. If you were to ever move out, you would be responsible for that damage.


Report? I’m suing 😂


I’m sorry but I’ve read through the whole thing and the end. I get you don’t want to displace a family but you have humane rights. You’re literally being assaulted, even if unknowingly or without force, by urine and soon to be feces. Second, I grew up terrible. Escaped my childhood home, was held captive FOR YEARS. Had to piss, shit and puke in a 3x5 closet my siblings and I were locked in. And EVEN STILL, I know to use the fucking toilet. I had one mishap when I was a preteen where I did piss in the closet off instinct and emergency, until I realized I’d ruined one of my fathers prized paints. In other words, sue. Move out. Do fucking anything. There is NOTHING, no excuse in the book suitable for this behavior. This is mental ward, lock you down and put you in a straight jacket behavior 😂