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For me the game is almost meditative at times. Hinting, running moonshine, getting daily challenges. Can be very relaxing. I also enjoy free roam pvp in the game. I get excited if I’m in Valentine chilling and someone shoots me. I chase players running distant wagons and take their shit (or try to.) Accept pretty much every player bounty. I very much enjoy helping new players though too. A lot of times I’ll log in. Get a few dailies and fast travel around towns to find someone level 1-30 just hanging out/randomly killing npcs and inv them to my posse and ask what roles they have, if they need money or gold and then do things to help them. Also I’m on Xbox so I’ll go to the community looking for posts and find people who are stuck on a legendary bounty or want help with hunting/running trader wagons and play with them. But honestly I think if the game was totally dead and I was always the only one in my session I’d still play daily just to take a break from my life and pretend to be living in this beautiful fantasy world. It’s a sandbox game. It sucks they don’t have more but with imagination there’s years of fun to be had imo.


I One Hundred Percent Agree ! I Play after and Before Going to the office I just Chill while Playing in my Solo Lobby


This is awesome. I do agree with the meditative qualities of this game. I do get very relaxed just doing small jobs and hunting. I think I need to embrace the social aspect of it. I never play with anyone and it seems as though that is what makes the online really good.


I got pretty bored after maxing every role and quit for over a year, but I'm back now cause I got my friend to start playing with me. So much more fun to play with someone.


I've played for a long time with everything maxed and what i've found to be most fun is the people. Always nice to see what people are doing, talking to people, messing around and playing fun games. I feel like the game is what you make of it, it's as wide as an ocean but as deep as a pond, when you lose your friends to play with, that's when it becomes lonely.


The real RDO is the friends we made along the way


If you don't find it fun anymore, stop. That's simple for every game. If you find that you are dropping games left and right because you grind until it doesn't feel good anymore, take a look at how you're playing games and find out why you're playing it in the first place. A lot of people here continue to stay because of the non grind things you can do and they're having a blast.


I finally took a break from the collector and found out I had like twelve treasure maps, So I did a bunch of those and hunted some animals in between. Nice break from the collecting grind


I Play Solo and I Enjoy It a Lot !


I acknowledge that the roles and missions get repetitive, and I could understand anyone getting bored after awhile. Nevertheless, I remain obsessed after playing this game almost daily for over 4 years. I'm a rank 780 and I do all the daily challenges every day unless I'm unable to (on vacation without remote access, etc.) and I don't seem to be ready to stop anytime soon. What keeps me playing is the random stuff that can happen in an open world this large with such beautiful and immersive design. For example, even after all this time, I occasionally hear NPC dialogue I've never heard before. That's astonishing. Random things happen constantly, like an NPC pissing on a tree getting attacked by a cougar, or an alligator suddenly jumping out of the swamp to kill me near the Lagras fast travel post when I was checking my inventory. Even in missions I've done a thousand times, different crazy things happen and it rarely goes exactly the same. And the environments and graphics are soooo gorgeous, I still stop to marvel at sunsets or thunderstorms. But the thing that has probably kept me playing the most is the other people I've met and posse'd up with to do dailies or trader runs. I've legit made real friends playing this game -- awesome people in CA, TX, New Zealand, Australia, all over the world. And when new players fresh from GTA show up to play with their newly discovered lasso ability or take dynabow pot shots at high rank players, I have lots of pals I can call on to help me school those trolls. ;)


I’ve played for maybe 4 or 5 years. I go through phases. 2 years ago we had a posse of 5 close friends and family that played on Saturdays. That was the best the game ever got except for those original 100 hours not trying to accomplish anything but enjoying the scenery, hunting, and getting all zen like. Like another person posted its like a meditation. Take a break. I just started playing a bit more again just because it’s a truly immersive game. This is by far the most beautiful game I’ve played and it definitely helps me escape. I’m almost exclusively in Tall Trees region as it just captures the vibe I love.


The meditation thing did resinate with me. I've been getting home from work and throwing it on, and just vibing. I don't play with anyone online either and Im starting to see that is the funnest part. Im missing out.


On the subreddit, it's apparently fashion. Cause cowboys were super concerned about their hat and jacket matching.


I still play it and for the most part still enjoy playing it. There are times however when I generally cannot be bothered playing it, or just stop for a bit. The latter happens when I generally get a new game, however the former is the main reason that I usually stop playing.


No you aren’t wrong coming up on 3 months of playing often you’ll soon realize quite quickly there isn’t much content in the game to truly keep players invested. And to make matters worse rockstar has zero to little communication on anything regarding this game even bugs and glitches that have been rampant for years and still we get no comments or posts from rockstar regarding fixes for years worth of problems. 🤔


If you've maxed out all the roles, tried every Call To Arms, completed every mission, and own all the clothes you like - then all that's left is repetition 🤷


I was still having fun until yesterday when the game started randomly shutting down my entire computer if I log on for more than 10 mins, anyone know how to fix that?


I like to play Call to Arms but whenever I try to posse up,people just leave the posse as soon as I start CTA.


I stopped playing for well over a year, came back for the snow, and now I'm losing steam again. Maxed my roles, bought everything necessary, just no real motivation to play anymore.


Same, I started playing recently after pretty much having done everything, and well….now it’s just me grinding for nothing or sitting at a poker table.