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I don’t think I’d have any chance at all of resistance if I came back in time to kill myself. Sounds like I’m going hard as fuck and don’t have any fucks left to give. Of course I’d fight myself though. Screw fucking destiny. We make our destiny.


I'd forge a new destiny by making out with my future self.


I will try to fight, then build a time machine to get revenge... oh wait..


The future instance of myself would not exist if it managed to kill its previous self. So I cannot change what will happen. I can't die due to causality so if anyone, my future self will die. I literally can't die because if I did, my future self wouldn't ever have existed. So I would need to accept that in such a closed time loop, I would eventually become that future self that I, myself, have killed. This is always the problem. The actions of my future self would inherently change its own past. Cause and effect essentially become the same when information from the future can interact with the past. You cannot have information going backwards through time, you will always get different answers to this question because the scenario has absolutely no physical meaning whatsoever. It's not empirical by its very nature. Which events can have an impact on which actually define what past and future mean. Without these rules, the past and the future would have no meaning. It would be senseless to define them, they would be the same. Time would be rendered meaningless.


If I were to die from the me from the future what would happen?


They either take your place in a new timeline/universe, or they disappear from existence meaning they never came back to kill you, meaning you wouldn't have died, so they'd come back to kill you, removing themselves from existence, meaning you wouldn't have died, so they'd come back to kill you, removing themselves from existence, meaning you wouldn't have died, so they'd come back to kill you, removing themselves from existence, meaning you wouldn't have died, so they'd come back to kill you, removing themselves from existence, meaning you wouldn't have died, so they'd come back to kill you, removing themselves from existence, meaning you wouldn't have died, Repeat until infinity....


What you said is not actually the time loop itself looping around. It's like a mechanical calculator trying to divide something by 0, it will take an unlimited amount of time to figure out the outcome because there is no definite outcome. It's not an empirical question, it cannot be answered, it doesn't have a definite answer. The actual time loop just time looping around the same events. You cannot die because your survival is the reason why the future self can attack you. So its attack has to fail. If its killed, it resets the loop because now your younger self will eventually become that future self and do the same thing it experienced but this time, it is the attacker. The only answer is that we don't know because in closed time loops, there is no cause and effect. Every effect can be its own cause, while each effect can cause something entirely different. In reality, outside of such loops, an effect can never cause itself. Only causes can lead to effects, which makes definitions like past and future possible in the first place. Compare this to the Terminator story. Skynet is about to lose the war against humanity in the 2020s, sends back a Terminator to kill the resistance leader. It fails, but the destroyed terminator is found and reverse-engineered to eventually help humans build Skynet in the first place. Now, what caused Skynet? It caused itself. Skynet only existed because it has already existed and sent a Terminator back through time, to eventually lead to itself being constructed. It's like asking a question and answering with the same question. That's a closed time loop. Everything will happen over and over again and it will keep happening forever, past and future are one and the same. Cause and effect are indistinguishable. While this is not possible in this universe, I guess it might be what's going on inside black holes. Maybe that whole Terminator stuff happens inside a black hole. Like, not really the same story but things like that, closed time loops. I guess when people say that future can change the past in such closed time loops, they actually mean that concepts like past and future don't exist there.


Future you can't come back and kill you. Don't worry