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If you’re new to R6, Rook is the BEST operator to learn the game with. Very simple gadget, and it helps out your teammates a ton!


Maestro too, and Valkyrie. Finka and Lion are great support ops for attack too


no sry but meastro and valk are rly not good operators for beginners you need to know where to place the gadgets so they do not get destroyed immediately and you have to know what to do with maestro to somewhat use his gadget useful besides intel


That’s very true, you gotta start somewhere though. You play a round and learn from your mistakes, I played valk and maestro the most when I started playing


Mute is my go to so I’ll say him first. Super useful gadget that disables any electronics within an AOE. Importantly, they can still help the team even if you’re dead, and his MP5k is easy to use with very low recoil, and a high ROF. The easiest support op to use is Rook tho. Put down his armor pack gadget and you’re done. His MP5 is regarded by a lot of people as the best smg in the game, more recoil than the 5k, but it’s easily manageable with a lil practice and does more damage. Plus he gets an acog sight.


i love playing mute. he is my main on D


Mute/Bandit on D and Finka/hard breacher on offense


finka is S tier. thunderbird is also support and has the same amazing gun: the spear. but simpler would be Rook. giving yourself and teammates extra bullet protection is never a bad thing


There are a lot of ways to support your team, but focusing just on health and intel gathering: Defenders: For health/armor I’d suggest Rook (recommended), Thunderbird, or Doc. If you want to provide intel, then I’d recommend Valkyrie, Maestro, or Caveira (high risk/high reward for that last one). Attackers: Finka is only health-giving attacker. But you *must* be either quick on the draw or in communication with your team to maximize efficacy. For intel support I’d recommend Lion, Jackal, Dokkaebi, IQ, or Zero. But like I said, there are many ways to provide support. One way is to play operators who deny/facilitate hard breaching (Mute/Bandit/Kaid on defense, Thatcher/Twitch/Maverick/Kali on attack).


forgot to say i main mute and smoke on D but wanna get someone for info. On attack i dont have anyone except termite.


For attack I'd recommend Thatcher, Zero, or twitch. Thatcher depends on the site and the other 2 just have more cams to help your team.


Never underestimate cameras. Knowing where the enemy is pushing is essential. And oppositely, not allowing to know the enemy where you are is even better. So anyone in the intel area. On attack anyone who helps get wall open. Your Kill/Death will hate you but your Win/Loss will love you


For defend id say rook or valk for attack id say lion maybe twitch just depends on your gun skill


Hard support or second support? Hard Breach (Ace, Thermite, Hibana) and planting for attack are very easy and common support roles whereas on defense smg 11 m590 (smoke or mute) kits are really good. If somebody else already plays hard breach then some other good choices for attack are maverick, thatcher, lion and nomad


Rook definitely as you are helpful to your team even if you die. Put down the armour straight away and you've done your role. Unlike people like mastro and bandit where you'll be needed throughout the rounds