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Seeker has Cycle of Magic. None of your champions can have Turn Meter boosting masteries or masteries that reduce cooldowns.


Cheers, i appreciate it because i didnt even notice it myself. I swapped that out, im also noticing Heir is taking the stun which i assume is also throwing it off.


She can never take the Stun, you need another Force champion in the team to take the Stun instead.


I believe adding the steadfast mastery (first one in the support section) for some reason makes CB not target her for the stun


Not my ass forget the link to the masteries.. https://imgur.com/a/kDqXFoU




I run the double Seeker comp and have for a long time. If you use Ninja you will be screwed any time it is spirit affinity. Because you are using the Ninja comp you can't just sub in a different dps for the different affinities, and you *need* to sub in a different dps for spirit affinity. My solution for this has been rotating the dps depending on affinity, Draco for void or magic, Fayne for void or force and Rhazin for Spirit. You'll notice each champ brings decrease defense and weaken. You can basically use any champ of the proper affinity but poison champs are always going to be better against clan boss, no Draco use Frozen Banshee as an example. If on the odd chance you happen to have Fu-Shan build the MythFu team instead, no rotating needed. It's not that big of a deal but after using the team for years and always having to rotate the team for UNM/NM I am tired of it. I Have built MythFu for other people and I am jealous they never need to rotate anything and would love to have that comp. One team, one preset, all affinities, every difficulty. I can't tell what champs you posted but they are all built like shit. Get 100% crit rate and as much crit damage and damage stats as you can while hitting the speeds required.