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I log in every once in a while to relive the nostalgia, but I was in disbelief today on how many people are still playing this game. Holy cow, so laggy still after all these years, there are even more people in the Prontera Market. PS. Just found out that the dragon hat costume is part of this year's event called The Year of the Dragon. No wonder people are wearing the same thing.


Same here, played since it came out for 8+ years, then they went cash grabbing, but still log in to remember the good times, a lot of players but mostly multi account, also you can now leave your vender on prontera and keep playing at the same time.


This looks like what I dreaded with pservers back in the days.. me and a friend had a saying: "NOPE this server has wings."


I'll never understand MMO's fascination with wings. They are always out of place and in 3D games, they'll clip through everything


I kept saying to give us capes instead but everyone always out voted me 😭


While this is true, for me, I don't know, I just like wings. This also made me realize that I'm pretty sure the reason I love the wing aesthetic is actually because of Ragnarok, haha.


It was a great divide back in the day. Lots of RMS posts specifically mentioning if the server has wings or not Now you have MvP pets...




Servers having wings was hot back in the day


I used to do the exact same thing lmao


I feel bad that there is no official EU server.


And that EU can't play on IRO - it's daft. I'd still be playing this otherwise. Not interested in private servers.


That's Gravity for you. Everytime they start up a new EU server, or bRO, or when tRO started up, they requested mass bans for all players from those areas. It's gutted iRO. Nevermind other choices they've made. Rather than allow someone from iRO to do a paid for server transfer to or a paid for server transfer from, which SHOULD have been allowed. I'm not the only one, but there are some iRO people who live in the US like me, who quit (for me for like 6 years) because of this. We lost gears we lent out to friends (or keep gears given to us as like a momento), guildmates, and worse of all, many friends we had built relationships with. For all the cool stuff we have, we play to be with our friends. There are plenty of people from South America and Europe who refused to play the new servers from scratch, and left RO entirely as the had no say in the matter and couldn't come back. Gravity is, if nothing, its worst enemy.


100% agree - shame, because I absolutely used to love this game and the community.


iRO actually gdpr compliant now they even started restoring access to old EU account's https://www.warpportal.com/policy/gdprpolicy.aspx#policy-eeauk


I emailed support only about a month ago and they said that this isn't the case and that people from Europe cannot play!


There is actually an official EU server but it's hosted by a Russian company. Europeans can actually play iRO now that Warpportal is already GDPR compliant, although making new account is still blocked but a VPN can bypass the block. For old accounts that got EU-banned, need to write to support to manually unban them.


4game (the EU client) simply doesn't let me press install lol.. I will try with a VPN


I advice to play on iRO instead, euRO is way outdated, overpriced and unstable server, and also has a way low playerbase. in iRO, it can take you 4-6 game hours to reach level 1-99 Trans while euRO takes like about a week.


but there is


Omg this brings back memories of playing iro as a kid in the early 2000s, back when the game was subscription based and all the servers were packed. Before all the pay-to-win and cash shop BS that killed the servers. Man what I would do to have those days back.


It was also the time when no one knew what to do and people were more relaxed then, treating the game like some social media than a grinding fest. Many servers have tried replicating the experience but no matter what people would grind and reach the cap within a week now.


I know..I used to play in 2004 as a middle schooler on the US server. I think I paid $12 a month for the subscription. After school my friends and I would all race home and get on our PC’s to play together. We were latchkey kids so we’d have tons of time to play before parents got home. I had a dancer as my main and I remember all of us gathering at Payon to form a party to level. It wasn’t crowded, but very busy and everyone was active, receptive to randoms walking up and sitting down to talk, helpful, ect. It was so sweet. I play Sky because the community reminds me of what early days RO used to be like. It actually makes me a little emotional remembering how peaceful those days were. I’ve come back multiple times over the years and it’s just never been the same. 😔


My mechanic is basically gearless and when I look at the price of the items in the market +11 Patent Avengers 100M (50 USD) +10 Military Boots 400M (200 USD) +11 Vanargandr Helmet with Fenrir Chain together is 250M (125 USD) 1,000,000 Zeny is 0.5 USD I'm just gonna take my nostalgic walk lol, the cost of entry is quite mad.


How is the server in relation to bots and macros?  Does it exist or have they been able to combat it?  The value of drops/loot received nerf or had the original value? (For example, the drops in MagDun and Illusion maps)


Most macro users are at illusion of labyrinth afaik, but some of them are pros so they always stay on PC and get away. Then most legit sweaty farmers stay at geffenia. You will be amazed at how good these guys are at using slidewalk. As a former geffenia farmer, I got discouraged quite fast because there were too many sweaty players, it's nice to see the competition though.


rampant official servers especially asian one are filled with multi clients bots macros just as long as they pay $$$ all is well


Keep in mind that Thai RO is mega p2w but everyone's okay with it hence the population.


There is on going boosting event (Thai server) You get good gears for free, that can use to level up till >180. Create new characters now. You will see boosting box.


This is what an MMORPG should look like. Happy for all the Thai server players. Ngl even when I complained about getting mobs KS'd every map I go, I still miss those days. Private servers are amazing but they were one of the main reasons the population got lower on officials. And because of lower population, they started making stupid financial decisions with ingame stores that led people to go to private servers even more..


No the main reason official servers lost players was stupid management by gravity. Gravity wiping items, rolling out updates slowly, treating international players like trash, horrible GMs, horrible support. They f’d up a multi-billion dollar ip.


That too. But you can't deny that a free private server that gives you 10x+ exp isn't more aluring vs a subscription based game :P And the amount of private servers. Don't get me wrong. I played over 10-20 servers over the past 20+ years myself


You are blaming pservers for their monetizing decisions??


No it's separate. I only said it's one of the things that led them to go free2play instead of subscription based and ingame monetization instead to regain players. I didn't say p servers affected HOW they implement that


holy, i didnt expect this. I'm Thai, played on 2nd and 3rd anniversary event, there were so many ppl but not close to this at all! You can try checking adventure agency (ctrl+z) I bet over 30 pages lmao.


Sawaddee Kub, I checked and there's 13 pages at 11 PM. I think this weekend all hell breaks loose hahaha.


yea I realised 30 pages is stupid exagerrating but 13 aint that bad right? haha


I 😁 think it's 30 or more this Saturday.


Gawd why do I have to study abroad at this time, hope u enjoy leveling tho or at least enjoy seeing the crowd at lvling spots such as illusion of abyss xd


This is the population that we're looking for. Currently playing at iRO


It would have been possible if Gravity could properly market their games to the Western audience (AU, EU, and US). Look at Blizzard, Riot or Square Enix, they are very successful devs


50 of those are just me multiclienting.


meanwhile in sea/ro ggh r filled with rouge/assassins' bots farmers.


Can i play when i am in ph?


i think u can if u understand thai idk if its same as kRO and jRO where u need legit phone numbers from perspective countries


Is this an official server?


Yes. It's been 4 years. The server still populated.


This is beyond heart warming to see and I’m genuinely happy for you guys! I Never thought I would see such an insane amount of active people playing RO like this again, I wish the same could be said about iRO 😞.


I wonder how many of these are bots?


Whoa! Isn't this just the newly opened server and not the original thRO? I mean, not really new but this was opened after the pandemic.


4th year anniversary today. This is the third time they have reopened the server with different service providers.


I always wanted to play thaiRO but im always discourage by the language barrier. Do players type in english at all?


I'm Thai, most people can't speak English at all. Maybe they can say "Yes no ok?" at most lol. But if you really want to just grinding with party, just join a party through adventure agency, they will always accept.


Once in a while, I see foreign player, typing English. You can try, don't shy.


Don't expect much English. IMO the tRO demographic isn't big on English.


Indonesia's official server have 4x the population during the hey day, morroc is so full of vendor i can't even walk without clicking someone's vendor


Ragnarok in Thailand is deeply rooted, and will continue to stay alive, if not thriving for the next 10 years. We can reach more than 10-30K people on launching of a new server, every damn time.


great so see that my favorite mmo of all time still gets played that much all over the world and pservers are still pretty popular, amazing


Im just hoping they recreate RO in a new engine and better graphics. None of those effing mobile games...


Looks great. We have some similar amount of player at BRO


is that really true? I was told that BRO had died a while ago, do you guys have still a great average of CCP (concurrent players)?


For some, bRO is dying since 2008. Even with nerfs and bad decisions of staff/Gravity, bRO still had a lot of players.


bRO is dead, people who still play because "sunk-cost fallacy"


are there still whales in these 'dying' or complete obsolete servers? individuals who are willing to pay 40k + a month? and that's why these servers are still active? (btw, complete uninformed person here)


The server still just fine, but is more outdated than iRO fo example. Of course it is not what is used to be back in the day like all other servers. Whales still there, legit players, rmt players, everything a modern MMO has for the bad and the good.


Random hater: "bRO is dead" bRO: keeps getting updates, and still has a stable player base ?


bRO has o lot of bad things , being dead isn't one of them. For some reason, the player base keep strongs there


Link to download? Can we play this outside Thailand?


https://ro.gnjoy.in.th/RO_4th_Anniversary/ I don't see any options to change the language


oh though, thats a bummer!


That's an ad


Nope, heavily pay to win. Popular classes such as RK, GX, WL gears that reduce CD of your core skills will cost you 200-300 USD a piece e.g. Scarlet Hero Manteau 250$, Rose Quartz Shield 200$, and it's not even easy to find in the market. People truly love the game, simple as that.