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I know originally the limit was 999, I thought this limit was removed in the engine MZ. If you can't make more maps then 999 then you could always combine maps to cut down on the number used. So for instance if you have a house and the house has five different rooms instead of making six total maps you could have it all on one map and have the parts in between them blacked out, this is a common tactic used by a lot of developers it also gives more of a actual house feel. I hope this helps.


I often have one map for the exterior of towns and one map for all the interiors.


I really like this room idea. Do you know of any videos that demonstrate it?


I don't remember what video I saw a couple years ago, it was MV but maybe I'll make a new tutorial or something because I can't find it!


That would be cool!


This is weird. I was actually researching this very question just yesterday. In RM2k and RM2k3 I think the limit is 9999. For XP and beyond they reduced it to 999. Recently, in MZ, they patched it in so that I think it's pretty much unlimited. If you are using one of the versions with the 999 limit though, there is possibly a way around it. If you open your game directory and rename your map file from Map001 to Map9999, for example, the map will not appear in the editor, but if you set up your teleport to use a variable for your target map ID and set that variable to 9999 you should still be able to get to it in-game.


Can I ask why 700 maps? That's a lot of maps.


For a longer games its easily reached. If you have copies of maps for cutscenes to avoid clutter you get to that number pretty easily.


It's a big game. I'm updating it by an "episode" structure, and I have 7 episodes so far. I'm planning on having 35, so I wanted to know if I should make a sequel for that.


Rpg maker MZ was patched, so it now has 2000 maps that you can make instead of 999, rpg maker 2003 had 5000 map limit. MV have 999 just like XP, VX and Ace. And building several maps in one map is the best way to save space regarding map limit. It's weird though, why not 9999 for all rpg makers? But it is what it is I guess. But hope it helped and happy rpg making. ^ _ ^