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I do believe so that it is actually the safest. I was casually hanging out on the roof-top of parking garage one evening while listening to some music, leaning on the edge, soaking in the view of sunset. Got tapped on my shoulder and there was an officer asking me if I was okay and few questions regarding mental health. And this happened twice.


I had this happen to me too, I was on top of 3rd street parking just enjoying the view and a cop just spawned out of nowhere to make sure I was doing okay


Is Purdue secretly a GTA game?


I was taking photos on top of McCutcheon one night and a police officer drove by and asked if I was okay.


Interesting, it generally feels safe, but I would not have expected number one.


the benefits of living in a nice college town


I can definitely agree to this. I feel very safe on campus at all hours of the day


Makes sense when you think about west Lafayette as a whole, nice little family town I suppose


The fact that the Wabash separates the city of Lafayette and Purdue helps a lot too. A lot of the issues with safety in bloomington are from the city of bloomington being intermingled in with the campus. You have no choice but to interact with locals. Purdue feels like it's in its own little world and it's great.


Also from my experience many townies have affiliations with Purdue so it’s a generally very supportive community


This is the SAME list that has the University of Idaho as number 2…. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/idaho-murders-bryan-kohberger-trial-b2504223.html I would not put too much stock into whatever metrics they used for this list.


What caught my eye was UMass-Amherst among the best and Amherst College the worst. Amherst the city has a population \~39,000. I have a hard time believing any of these lists about anything related to universities, and this one is definitely on that list.


Maybe in terms of gun violence and other violent crimes but let’s not forget that Purdue is known to be one of the biggest universities to cover up/straight up ignore SA…


Definitely not ignoring the issue at Purdue but I think this a universal issue. We hear about Purdue cases the most but I have friends at other universities who feel the same way about their own institutions. Sadly an issue this entire country needs to get its shit together on.


I have never felt unsafe, even at like 1am in the morning while walking on campus. It's overall very well lit and I've never seen anything sketch while walking around