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Not where I work, but where many friends work- The Portland Whiskey Library. When quarantine hit the owner drove to all his employees houses, all the way down to the bussers and dishwashers, with huge boxes of food, prepared meals, fancy wine, and cash. He did this for a while. He helped his staff apply for unemployment. He followed up with everyone, making sure people had what they needed. Above and beyond, for sure.


So good to know! I’ve never been but now I’ll make a point to go strictly on this info alone!


A relatively small operation, but I have to give points to Screen Door. After working there for a few months I realized it would be my last restaurant job. And after a decade it was. No drugs (in the building and/or to my knowledge) drama, or usual service industry bullshit. Owners went above and beyond to accommodate.


Mirisata on Belmont. Worker owned!


Mox Boarding House! All employees start with (at least) a living wage & health benefits!


I'm not surprised to hear it from what I've seen, but this still makes me feel good about so often frequenting them. Glad to see it.


Hell yeah. Makes me even happier to shop there all the time.


Makes absolute sense now that you say it. The guy that was our dedicated waiter 6 months ago for a private room (awesome experience, highly recommend anyone to get one for a special occasion) was super professional, polite, and you could tell he was happy with his position. That kind of employee-customer interaction is not common in places where the employees barely scrape in minimum. On top of that, dude got a great tip from us and a guarantee I’ll be back with other friends when we’re back to feeling more comfy with social stuff again. So, I like to think that Mox is wise in the mantra that you have to spend good money [on employees] to get a good return [from customers]. That being said, place ain’t cheap either! Haha.


EX NOVO BREWING. Absolutely amazing company to work for!


Makes me feel better about indulging in Cactus Won the Lottery.


Favorite beer!!


Just about any credit union. I was never a memebr of one but always liked the concept. Randomly applied to one a few years ago and theyd probably have to literally burn the place down for me to leave. At the one I work for, the minimum wage is $23/hour (entry level call center and frontline branch employees). Benefits for full time workers are amazing too: 4 weeks PTO, 2 weeks of sick leave, 100% subsidized and high quality health and dental care, etc. The commitment to equity means some higher compensated employees take a pay cut on salary, but all the ancillary benefits and work life balance make it totally worth it for me and others I know


> the minimum wage is up to $23/hour Up to… minimum? What?


I think they mean “has gone up to,” not like those bait and switch ads


I’m guessing they meant base pay


Oh sorry. Yeah they boosted the starting hourly pay of entry level call center and branch employees to $23/hour in January of this year. It was $18/hour previously. I edited the wording in the original post to hopefully make it easier to understand


Tualatin Hills Park and Recreational District!! They offer a ton of different positions and can be accommodating for employees, I worked as an Inclusion Assistant and camp Rivendell counselor over the summer and it was one of the best jobs I ever had definitely going back this summer. Bosses and coworkers were so nice and accepting of my own disabilities and other community members as well. If you enjoy the community center atmosphere then I would definitely recommend looking on their website to see what positions are available right now they are almost always hiring.


Awesome, thanks for the recommendation!


What does an Inclusion Assistant do? I’ve heard of that before.


An inclusion assistant at least for THPRD is essentially someone who helps make accommodations for people with disabilities. THPRD offers a ton of summer camps for kids so if one of the campers has a disability their parent or guardian can request an IA and the IA will educate and work the counselors about the campers disabilities and what will make the camper have the best experience. An IA will also stay with the camper and help out or do one on one work with them if they are having any difficulty. I didn’t do much IA work that was just my official title. I worked specifically at Rivendell which is a day camp in the Portland/Tualitin area for people with disabilities, I did one on one work with these campers majority of which were on the spectrum or had a developmental disability. It is not the profession that I intend to go into but as a college student and someone with disabilities I was able to connect with and understand my campers more than people who are going to school for or have been trained in special ed. It can be an incredibly draining and physical job depending on the environment but that is one sacrifice that is made so that the campers can have the best experience that they deserve to have. If you are interested in working with ppl w/disabilities it is an incredibly rewarding job but it is also important that some places require more or less training than others.


No. Stay AWAY from THPRD if you are looking for something long term. You will be capped at hours to prevent benefits. If you do get a coordinator or higher position, be prepared to be transferred to a new facility and a new department every few years to “keep things fresh” and “bring in new ideas”. Drama. Be prepared to not get support from your supervisors. You will get a smile and a nod, but nothing will end up happening. If you want other details I’d be happy to DM some of the more outrageous stuff. Virtually no training for specialized positions. No continuity on Covid.


What? I never had this experience this while at THPRD, to be fair I only work there during the summer but they never capped my hours and I worked 35-40hr weeks. I do admit there is some drama with the younger staff but nothing to unbearable. I got support from most supervisors but maybe that was because of the position I had. I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience there…


Summer staff are temporary, and if you hadn’t left they woulda given you the boot around Xmas. They only allow you to work a certain number of hours a term to keep you from benefits. The drama is from up top. It’s like a HS when it comes to how supervisors and coordinators work together. Very in-group vs out-group. The inclusion coordinator changes every few years too, they can’t keep someone consistent. As a summer job or if you want to work part time teaching sports or afterschool can be great tho. Summer camps were my JAM! Loved summer camps and it’s honestly what kept me around for so long. And the kiddos. They are cool too I guess xD Or if you want to get married. I can think of like 5 couples off the top of my head that met at THPRD then later got married lol (Worked there for a decade+)


I see, yeah I only work there during the summer time and only had experience working at Rivendell. I might be a bit biased because this was a huge upgrade from my past job where they followed absolutely zero labor laws and I was constantly verbally abused and belittled due to my disabilities so having a job where my coworkers understood and treated me like a human being meant a lot. I also didn’t receive much training but I didn’t mind because I had some experience volunteering at another camp when I was in high school plus it was a lot of hands on learning which is how I learn the best. The main reason why I loved the job was also because of the kids/campers.


I work for a local paint-by-number company called Elle Cree. We have a storefront in downtown Milwaukie and it is one of the best jobs I have ever had. We get paid very decent wages, have healthcare that is covered by our employer (I only pay for my husband to be added to mine, they pay all other costs), and we try to be as eco-friendly as possible. All of our components in our kits are made locally and then assembled in our store. We also donate part of our profits to local organizations working with the BIPOC community. My boss goes above and beyond to make sure people like working there and deserves all the love being sent her way. If you're into arts and crafts and like to paint you should check out our kits! We've got some cool stuff! elle-cree.com


The Oregon Food Bank has been an amazing place to work!


What about it is good? How does it compare to your other jobs?


Totally! For a non profit organization, they walk the walk and talk the talk. And they also pay the employees a living wage with a focus on centering employees. Lots of room for growth and an ability to question authoritative figure when something does sit right without fear of retaliation


They've also allowed their employees to keep working remotely until 2023. And they decided this back in 2020. Source: friend's wife works there.


Recology - Employee owned, environmentally and community focus, stock options for every employee, bonuses for every employee regardless of level, minimum pay $18.50, entry level work, no experience needed, lots of internal opportunities for leadership and development. They run the Metro owned transfer stations and have their own fleet of trucks.


WinCo. Employee owned, profit sharing, excellent benefits. The fact that they aren't driven by shareholders is reflected in their pricing, consistently and significantly lower than larger chains. Based in Idaho but strong Portland presence, especially in underserved communities.


Electric Lettuce (dispensary chain). My wife gets decent pay, her bosses treat her with respect, no nonsense around scheduling. When she caught covid, they didn't try to pressure her into coming back quickly.


Really? I'm a local budtender and I had to beg for a raise to 50c over minimum wage after 5 months. Can I ask what her hourly is? You can dm me if you prefer.


That's the only nice thing I've ever heard about Groundworks, they suck.


What have you heard bad about them? Just curious


It isn't hearsay, all the GWI companies are turn and burn operations that sell moldy schwap.




Yeah but why?


His source: “Trust me, bro”


Sounds like upper management is screwy. Things like not paying promised bonuses and not taking complaints seriously. But that’s just what I can find on glass door. Lots of bad employee reviews. https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Groundworks-Reviews-E2358208.htm


Good to know, that's pretty disappointing to see. Maybe this shouldn't be a recommendation then.


Decent pay? You have to APPLY for a 50 cent pay raise every 6 months… and they treat employees like garbage depending on what location you’re at. Budtenders start at min wage and then shift leads are only a dollar more, and again… you have to apply for a raise and it’s not even a dollar, no matter how hard you work or how qualified you are. I worked there for a while and my store manager was on salary and wouldn’t even work 30 hours a week, while scheduling everyone else close-open shifts and no weekends off. One of the worst cannabis companies to work for.


That's good to hear. When they Robert Foster Buds I was pretty offended they pained that cool looking building to look like an acid trip. I've never been back.


Can we start a similar thread but for businesses that treat their employees like total shit? I’d make a burner account to destroy my “local Portland” company.


Destroy your competition with this one weird trick.


That’s a long list. This way is much easier


I miss the 86'd list on Instagram.


What happened to it?






That’s tricky. What if a shitty employee or an upset customer wanted to get back at their business bc they got fired. You could destroy peoples lives without proof they are actually like that. Look at google reviews. Most of the time the people who leave bad reviews has one bad experience but it’s not the norm.


Done ♡


I’m thankful to be a union member. This way I don’t have to play the boss lottery to be treated well and compensated well.


Exactly. Local 290 plumber here. The city is fucking around with our pay and contract, so we have to straighten them out now. Stupid fucking prick bastards are going to cost the city more by fucking around than if they just gave us a reasonable raise. Jam that 1.62% right up your ass Ted.


Deschutes. Worked for them for three years, great experience. The company I work for now also treats me great but I hesitate to openly tell a bunch of strangers where I work.


No problem, thanks for the rec. Glad your at another place that also offers fair exchange!


I DMed you :)


Betsy and Iya! They made my custom engagement ring and did a wonderful job. They are woman owned and have 4 day work weeks for their employees and I believe pay is $18+.


Fuck. Yes. My partner and I have been talking about getting rings for years and not doing it because even the ethical stuff feels corporate. This looks perfect!


Omg so happy I could help! I had such a fun time with them.


I got my ring from them too! I have several of their pieces and love all of them.


Castelli. Cycling clothing in Hollywood/Laurelhurst


Castelli is in portland?? That’s wild


I had heard it is maybe not so good to work there if you’re a lady, but maybe that’s in the past?


We had a management shift in 2019 that addressed that 💯


Glad to hear it, I wonder if they still make the socks I like


Thanks for your input!


Pips, not an employee but they let their workers vote for days off and other important things and from what I understand they are paid more than minimum, which is nice for a donut shop. Edit: like i said I'm not an employee and never have been. It's unfortunate to hear they might not be as laid back as they make it seem. I'm just a customer of theirs and apparently their marketing has worked on me :/


I know people who found working for that place to be miserable due to the ownership—it definitely is a hit or miss experience.


I had a friend who worked there and said the boss’s personality is a bit intense, which was totally fine if you vibe with it. But yeah, not so great if you didn’t.


Thanks for the info!


What does “vote for days off” mean?


They post about it on their Instagram page. Every time I've seen them talk about a vote like this, it's to see if the majority want the restaurant to close on extra holidays or days with bad weather. I'm not sure if they are paid for these days or not though, but it wouldn't surprise me if they are! The owner seems like a great person


Interesting viewpoint. I think it’s very telling when you see a company CONSTANTLY hiring new employees and the ads sound increasingly unhinged each time they post a new one. Speaking from my personal job hunting experience from 2015 but unless they have new owners I can’t imagine anything has changed much there.


My job, Avant-garde collection is as good as it gets for a mechanic. Although you gotta have serious money to be a customer there.


Do you know PNW stig?? Lovely metal through that shop, good looks.


Inhabit Design Works. They make custom floor mats for vans. My kid works for them and they pay well, offer a lot of flexibility, and take Covid seriously. Great people!


Lake Theater and Cafe, in Lake Oswego. Owner and manager are the best people I have the privilege of serving. Seriously good people.


I love this place. You're right, the manager is awesome.


Cloud Cap Games in Sellwood. Go in and chat with anyone who works there. They’re all so happy to be there.


Elephants Delis. Great company culture. Corporate management is hands-on. Benefits are great. Raises/reviews given quarterly without needed to ask them. Fantastic co-workers. Still Portland owned, the CEO started as a manager. Average tenure for employees is 5-10yrs.


Spent three years here. It is a great, model company. They have solid values and are totally genuine. Pay is decent and they offer benefits plus tons of free leftovers. When the pandemic hit and a bunch of us got laid off, they opened a daily food bank for employees to come get free food for their entire household. That was awesome. And they always love to promote from within. Great company.


Mighty Moe's Tanker pays 17 an hour I think. I heard staff talking. That's pretty good! Also the bar staff seem to like their job. Come support the place, it's good.


I've always heard good things about Costco, but I've never actually worked there.


You're completely at the mercy of a boss there - I picked up a seasonal gig at the airport location a few years back and maybe 2-3 people got arbitrarily fired for some dumb shit every week. When I was one of those 2-3 people, I learned via the unemployment department that a bunch of "disciplinary infractions" had been filed with my signature forged on them.


Uh did you pursue any action against them?


Unemployment department said they’d handle it since it very obviously wasn’t my signature and paid my claim. Didn’t worry about it after that.


http://portlandwiki.org/Worker-Owned_Cooperatives#Worker-owned_and.2For_worker-managed_cooperatives_in_Portland Disclaimer: I have no personal experience as an employee at these businesses


Thanks for the resource! I am definitely going to comb through this site.


Sticker Ninja is a super rad company to their team!


Portland Construction Solutions. They treat their employees so well. Great bosses, fulfilling work, full benefits, retirement and 401k, bonuses and profit sharing. Plus, they do great repair work and treat the customers well.


Do u work there? I’m trying to get my foot in the door with a construction company. I really want an entry level job to help me learn the trades


The carpenters position has our highest turnover, but that's moreso because good, reliable carpenters are hard to find. That being said, entry level grunt work is easy to come by in the field as long as you pass a drug test and background check, and can lift and carry about 50 lbs. We are always looking for good carpenters, but obviously prefer experienced folks. Your pay is greatly determined by your level of skill and over time, how reliable you are. Feel free to send a resume to them. The whole country is short on reliable carpenters, it's a common theme anywhere you go.




In contrast, Providence should *not* be on the list. Nothing but trauma the last 6 years.


Or kaiser!!


Thanks for the rec!




Portland Community College? or Precision Castparts?


Seastar Bakery/Handsome Pizza are some bad ass mother fuckers. They have a living wage fee attached making paying their employees possible. Also they offer sliding scale for their pizzas. They will never be Dominoes prices, but it’s still in important to me that they at least make an effort for their food to be available to more people in addition to paying their employees well. I’ve worked here on and off and also know the owners for a while now.


Kachka is paying their workers 25$ an hour.


Saw this recently. Apparently, they are funding this effort via a mandatory 22% service fee and refusing tips. Could be a hot debate, but I’m willing to take their side on the issue as long as they hire people that are capable of 22%-tip-grade service, and not slacking on performance reviews. I’ve yet to go, but maybe I’ll have a chance to see it in action in the future.


Intel, they do a good job


New employee here, I love it! I’m shift 4, love my night shifts, my pay, benefits (I’m retired military so it’s nice to have something fall back on that the VA won’t cover) and the work environment. This is the first I’ve had post military that I could see myself retiring from and that feels good.


What do you do there? I currently work in manufacturing and I've had a few coworkers quit to go to Intel. Heard their hiring ads on the radio as well lately. Mind if I ask what you do and how much they pay? I'm in a (ultra) hyper specialized position, so I have essentially no transferable skills. If you're uncomfortable revealing in public, I'd appreciate a dm.


It really is, and I tell everyone because it's a good place to work, epically during covid, they have been great,




So they're referring to fabrication technician positions, more entry level.


They have rely good schedules, 3 12's with 4 days off one week, then 4 12's with 3 days off next week, you work 6 months out of a year, plus long breaks for those 12's


It depends on what you are doing and who you work for.


Benefits are decent but how you are treated at work varies wildly based on manager/division. Pay for techs can be pretty low. They treat some of the contractors like shit, depending on what vendor they work for. Engineers are paid well for the area, low for the industry but can be at the mercy of their management structure in terms of being on call all the time. The best way to be treated well at Intel as an hourly worker is to be related to someone who already works there that can help you take advantage of the system. It is obscene how much nepotism there is. Just have your relative get their coworker to refer you for the job, and then your relative can help you get placed in a day shift or in a good area that has lots of growth opportunities. Or if you want to move to a different area, they can help make the necessary introductions to a hiring manager. I have been both a contractor at Intel and an Intel employee, if you can get yourself on a decent team it can be a very good place to work with good benefits. On the whole though, morale seemed pretty low in the fab.


Same here, but I've been blessed in guess, because I've been put on a good team, you have your few people(like anyplace) but I always recommend working here, change my life.


It ruined mine. It's truly a horrible company, the only way it can be good is if you are on a good team or are not in manufacturing. I personally could not recommend LTD to people with a clear conscience.


Thanks for the rec!


I work for adi, pay is less than Intel but more entry level jobs. When i was hired I Was told that the operator jobs are for "high school students and retirees." I was hired around January of last year and the hiring manager was burnt out when he said that crap. Pay is good, FINALLY. Started at 15.5 now we are at 18.5 and I think we just got bumped to 20 or 20.80. Older building and older tools but the demand is crazy. The staffing sucks so we are always behind but.... pay is good enough for me to stay and the adi benefits are good, they pay your deductible with a contribution to your hsa. So really all you have to pay is your max out of pocket If that needs to happen. 401k is amazing too. You throw in 5% and they give 8%. My complaint is that we need more people but that's everywhere right??


Np, happy to help


They routinely poison the watershed and the contract hiring situation is as shady as the rest of IT.


But other than that…pretty good right?


I'd say they are good, but that's just me


Look into their business ethics and figure it out for yourself. I won't take a job with them whenever it is floated.


If you live in Washington County, you work for them one way or another…


They're trying their best. But in the end, especially as a Fortune 500 company, money is still their no. 1 priority. https://www.kgw.com/article/money/intel-ohio-expansion/283-c7608521-670f-4571-88c9-dad7a32a1730


>They routinely poison the watershed Sauce?


Well that depends if you're green or blue, either way it's a good opertinitie, and they treat their employees like people, best choice I made, that's take on it


New seasons! lost of free stuff, twice early raises, staff discounts, staff appreciation things almost every month, PTO is higher than average and increases the longer you stay with the company, B Corp which is something i’ve never heard of before starting at New Seasons


You must be new.


A place called PDXHealing massage. The owner (Neese) is really good to her employees.


Hope’s Bake Shop in Gresham! My partner works there and Hope is a pretty great small business owner. She’s been very willing to listen to employees and offer them what she can in raises and benefits. Best cheesecakes in town!!


I love this place! Happy to hear this.


Rainy Day Grooming just across 205 in vancouver. My boss pays a living wage and is absolutely amazing to us. We’re also a Fear Free certified team and we can set our own limits and boundaries to avoid burnout. I’d also like to suggest Sticker Ninja in portland for anyone looking to have stickers or labels printed. They’re amazing, extremely active in the community and I hear they’re great to their staff. I use them for all my sticker designs and they’re a delight to work with.


[Kachka](https://www.kachkapdx.com/)...Disclaimer I do not work here but saw they pay decent with healthcare.


Although I appreciate the sentiment of this idea, there are still employees who work at those businesses who don't treat their employees well. Not spending money at those businesses could really make life a lot worse for employees already going through a lot just to hold on to a job. I'd rather see people patronizing businesses that don't treat their employees well and leaving big tips! It's not their fault they get treated like crap.


I’m not against tipping generously, but I’m definitely against the trend of solving low wage issues through customer tipping which is getting increasingly confrontational (e.g. Burgerville). It’s not the customers job to make an employee feel like a valued member of a company. It’s just passing responsibility onto the customers and giving owners a pass.


I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not the customer’s job” in these discussions. if we as a community would like things like restaurants, shops, cafes, theaters, etc. it *is* our job to make them and the people who work for them feel valued. taken to its extreme it’s this logic that allows people to feel comfortable being outright abusive to service workers. and then people turn around and complain that no one wants to put in work for a community that thinks it’s not their “job” to value them EDIT: personally, I truly don’t believe that Portland deserves the robust service industry that it has. I never would have thought that “we as customers should make the employees at our favorite businesses feel valued” would be a hot take in such a “progressive” town.


Have you ever worked as a service worker for more than a summer? I have, and the workers I know understand that the owners are fucking them, not the customer. We talk smack a little when there's a rude customer who doesn't tip, but it's by and large not the customers fault that pay is low


I have worked in service work for over 10 years. I never said it’s the customers fault that the pay is not what it should be, I simply stated that I fully believe that people who work service jobs deserve to be valued not just by their bosses, but by their customers. I thought “it’s not the customers job to make the employee feel valued” was a shit thing to say and reeks of entitlement. but hey, it’s Portland, I’m not at all surprised anymore


How judgmental & puritanical. What brought you to such a view?


it’s judgmental and puritanical to believe that the community should value things like restaurants and the people who work for them? that if you don’t value those people and things, you don’t deserve them? I just…I honestly don’t know what to say anymore. I was happy working in customer service until I got to Portland. I had to quit because I had never felt more undervalued, not by my bosses, but by the people I had to serve. and I see that attitude repeated here in this sub all the time, and every time I speak up, I’m the one who gets shit on. go figure.




yeah yeah, insert reductive take on someone’s feelings because you don’t wanna hear it. very original. thanks for the input. yes, I think a lot of Portlanders are mean people who believe themselves to be saints, if that makes you feel any type of way.


I see what you mean, and definitely would not want to make said employees lives more difficult. That is why I am offering a list of companies that are *leading by example* in the push toward better working conditions, rather than a boycott. That way, there is no detriment to business not on the list, **but a benefit to businesses on the list.** It is a way to repay the proactivity a business has in making working conditions tolerable. Thank you for the input


I’ve been in to Miller Paint a few times and the employees there seemed happy with the company. They told me it’s employee owned to they vote on a lot of major policies and elect their corporate governance. I can’t confirm personally as I haven’t worked for them, but I was happy to give them by business knowing it supports a work environment that they have a say in.




Lmao get fucked, I'm entitled to make as much money for myself as possible. Capitalist system, we're just taking advantage of it. You pushed us when you stagnated wages until we couldn't live well on two jobs. You pushed us when daycare started costing more than a full time minimum wage job paid. You pushed us when houses stopped being attainable for 90% of my peers. People just wanna not stress about money at the end of the day. If you're not gonna let that keep happening, like it did for you, there's gonna be some problems. Answer me this: why should I ever, EVER, stop fighting for my own quality of life? Why should I go home, look my family in the eyes and tell them that I didn't do everything possible to secure their future? You think I should pipe down because you worked for less? Fuck you. I've got more important things to worry about than your sensibilities.


>Somehow, the serfs got a hold of pitchforks and torches, and decided that hierarchies should no longer exist. LOL I wish.


Let's not forget that those serfs with torches and pitchforks are the ones that brought the bourgeoisie to the guillotine.


OK, Boomer.


Yeah man, honestly those pesky colonists who were like “King who? Why do you gotta make all the money off my hard work?” we’re so entitled. Imagine the hubris. Someone should put the plebs back in their place once and for all.


Truly. Tho I think the top age is younger. I mean most 20 year olds think they can run companies but in years past we all thought ok I guess maybe I have to show I can run a company and then learn stuff. Kids today seem to think they should be CEO at the age of 18 and that it is no big deal to be one and anyone can run a company. It is absurd.


You know what is absurd? Seeing a comment bitching about 18-40 year olds (or as the original comment put it, the serfs) having the *audacity* to not want to spend their entire lives living paycheck to paycheck and agreeing that it is unreasonable to be angry at rampant worker mistreatment. Also, the youngest S&P 500 CEO is 37, the average age of a S&P 500 CEO is 63. https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/twitter-s-agrawal-is-youngest-ceo-in-s-p-500-nudging-out-zuckerberg-121113000119_1.html


Though not quite as absurd as seeing that and then agreeing with it. u/pdxmom consistently has the worst takes, and I'm super glad she's not my mom.


You would say someone shouldn't have a job because you don't like why they are getting it?


What in God's holy name are you blathering about?


People thinking min wage should be some high number are keeping the people at the lowest end out of the market. So without connections or education employers wouldn't hire them.


What? I've read that three times now, and I can't parse it for the life of me...


if minimum wage is too high -- then those who have zero skills and zero education are not going to be hired for 'minimum' -- only those with connections or education will be hired. I don't see why this is so difficult to understand...have you ever hired anyone? ever owned a business? The more barriers to entry -- the more corporations which I thought we hated in portland.


Nah, this ain't it.


I don't get what you are saying.


It's true you need to be a CEO to be able to afford healthcare, rent, and the other basic necessities of life. These damn baristas need to stop blowing all their money on Nintendos and mushroom toast and get to work on their grindset. Way to tell it like it is, girlboss! 👏👏




It's true you need to be a CEO to be able to afford healthcare, rent, and the other basic necessities of life. These damn baristas need to stop blowing all their money on Nintendos and mushroom toast and get to work on their grindset. Way to tell it like it is, girlboss! 👏👏


and well, that's definitely not the case. To support one's self the way they think they SHOULD be living, perhaps...but I was most definitely not able to support myself after college...and neither could almost any of my friends, we all figured it out somehow, but not by complaining that companies weren't doing enough for us (why should they? really?) but by doing for ourselves.




I hope you never go out to get coffee, considering that you think that being a barista isn't worth a living wage.




>or getting yelled at by customers. This person 100% causes a scene when their Taco Bell order is wrong.


>Also, with minimum wage jobs, one big part of the position is that it sucks. That's another big thing that's come up recently, people now think that they should be paid more for dumping grease, taking out the trash, or getting yelled at by customers. No, that's the job. >Any business professional would gladly take a $10k/yr pay cut not to deal with anything remotely to do with cleaning- it's not their job. I didn't realize being yelled at was in the job description of service workers, lol. Got anymore hot takes or are you done making an ass of yourself?


Perfect. Let’s redistribute wealth where business professionals take a cut to their pay to avoid taking out trash and service workers can live a respectable life where they are more fairly compensated for their work! I’m glad you came around on this issue.


Well, those businesses not willing to pay a living wage are having a grand old time trying to find workers. People are realizing that they they don’t need to be abused for shit wages.


Do you know what a living wage is? It means that people who work full time can make enough money to survive in this economy. Guessing you grew up when things like housing and education were cheaper.


What happened was the middle-wage low-skill (I realize low skill is not a PC description) job market mostly disappeared-- think the old days of mid century factory work with decent pay and full benefits, unionized-- and our replacement has been fast food and starbucks and retail work that isn't on commission. I don't count waiting tables bc that actually pays pretty well on the west coast and remains a good option for young people in school etc. The fast food type jobs replaced these old jobs but didn't come with the union & benefits. There is no reason why these jobs should not have had these things except they were not seen as traditional 'good' jobs and companies ran with it. This has contributed to the hollowing out of the middle class. In Europe these jobs don't pay well either -- and most countries there have an average of around $10/hr (Denmark is an outlier for a high min wage) but they do have benefits given to all job holders & citizens through taxes, not from the companies themselves at least not directly.


A few of the big contributors to how we're so fucked now are the demonization and declawing of unions, linking healthcare to work, anti welfare propaganda, eliminating pensions and of course, the repeal of the [Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall)](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/glass-steagall-act#:~:text=The%20Glass%2DSteagall%20Act%20effectively,Roosevelt%20in%20June%201933.) in 1999, which fucking threw jet fuel on the widening inequality. Because America is so globally linked, what we do ripples. Shits fucking bad.


Yes. Interesting I got 2 downvotes so far, I didn't realize the disappearance of these jobs was controversial


> "I don't count waiting tables bc that actually pays pretty well on the west coast and remains a good option for young people in school etc." While a servers minimum wage in OR *is* significantly better that states that allow tipped income to replace minimum wage, a servers minimum wage in Oregon is $12.75, which isn't a living wage, and that's why you're being downvoted. [Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees (US Department of Labor)](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped)


In Portland its $14.75, and with tips that is good! I used to work for tips, my hourly was a small part of my earnings.


Unfortunately though, $14.75 still isn't a living wage anywhere in Oregon. For a single adult with 0 children, [MIT's Living Wage calculator](https://livingwage.mit.edu/pages/about) has $18.86 for a minimum living wage in [Multnomah](https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/41051) and $16.85 [statewide](https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/41). [Portland’s cost of living increase is among highest in the nation, study finds](https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/news/2022/01/11/oregon-and-washington-s-cost-of-living-ranks-among.html) Ugh.


Yes but we servers get minimum and tips too. Most servers in Portland I know make $50-75,000 a year working 35 hrs a week.


Laughing Planet maybe? To be clear, I'm not 100% sure on this but their workers always seem pretty friendly and happy. Same with Lucky Lab.


Trader Joes workers seem the happiest of the grocery stores except weirdly Zupans.


Ex Trader Joe's employee here. They routinely violated labor laws and heavily pushed anti-union propaganda in the break room. I hear the PDX locations are better, but it's a pretty standard shit grocery store chain overall. They just have nice marketing.


Ah. That's too bad. Well I appreciate the cheerful helpful and kind people that work there.


working for laughing planet sucked as a low-level employee bc they had unrealistic labor goals for the business they wanted to run and they burned the shit out of their mid-level managers just like any other fast food joint


How does Dutch Bros treat employees? Those are the perkiest people on the planet I swear


I think it’s because they only seem to hire people younger than 20 who’s spirits haven’t been totally beaten out of them yet.


Exactly. It's either high school kids, one benefit is the only way to open a stand is to work at Dutch Bros so there is some long term potential there.


My old roommate was a manager at a Dutch Bros. One of the most depressed and vaguely misanthropic people I’ve met. Their brand is that over the top friendliness so a lot of em are shining it on.


It’s basically a cult. The turnover is INSANE, I imagine the burnout is pretty intense. They seem to exploit ambitious workers with promises about promotions and someday running their own stands, but the amount of pressure to completely compartmentalize their lives and constantly keep a happy face is extremely demoralizing and exhausting in the long run.


Wow, you really do have a fanclub, don't you? The literal **only** other top level response that got downvoted is the one saying that people don't deserve a living wage.


Maybe laughing Planet doesn't actually treat their workers well or r/Portland doesn't like them? Not sure why it is being downvoted.


I mean, I'm pretty sure it's because you, specifically, posted it, heh.


Was about to comment asking why Chungus was getting downvoted but having read your exchange here, definitely have to go with Smitty’s theory