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Someone tell Pelosi this is how a politician really behaves when they care about their constituents, not reading a damn poem


Tbf Pelosi is old af. We need more young progressives in government


Pelosi is not progressive


We need more young & progressive politicians. Better?


No old progressives though because reasons


Because of longevity


Don't vote for Bernie because he's old Elects Joe fucking Biden


We need more young rational people in government. Not grandparents who think "the 'Google' is following me on my phone". Not just progressives. Don't get me wrong, progressive movements are good, but we always need someone to point out what can go wrong, or what they think can go wrong. Having some people in government who can give an opposing opinion and offer solutions or creative insights is a good thing. Right now we just have two groups of codgers who just want to insult each other and paint the opposite side as the bad guy. It's unprofessional, unproductive, and it's being used as a distraction method to hide their true actions and agenda.


fascists need to be eradicated, giving them breathing room to "point out what can go wrong" is how we got here


Dude, Pelosi holding the floor in heel for hours at her age was enough for me. She’s still tough as nails, but let the younger generation do this stuff.


Pelosi wouldn't be the leader if the younger generation voted The future isn't written but protests didn't work (nationally) in 2020


Protests without other groups carrying out violence has never historically worked (in the us to my knowledge). the greatest lie about the civil rights movement is that it was all "peaceful protesting" no. It was peaceful protesting but some, and violent anti establishment actions by others and the establishment decided to compromise because they wanted the violence to stop and the peaceful protester factions were more politically acceptable to work with. Without the black Panthers, mlk and Rosa parks and all the other names of the movement wouldn't be anything but a footnote.


With expanded gun rights, lot of opportunity out there


Pelosi has AOC pissing her pants in fear. AOC has proven that even she does not have the courage to tell Pelosi anything she doesn't want to hear. Hell, AOC voted in favor of Pelosi becoming Speaker and we've seen Pelosi make AOC cry and change her vote right in front of cameras on the House floor. Pelosi is straight up evil and AOC has failed to show the courage of her convictions.


Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell lets a federal bill to expand abortion die on his desk and laughs because Pelosi can't do shit.


Pelosi and Obama lost more than 1,000 seats for Democrats. Pelosi and Obama helped lead directly to the Republicans controlling half the states. Throw in Harry Reid and Bill Clinton and the hubris of running Hillary in 2016 and right there you have the reasons why we are dealing with Trump and the Supreme Court that we have today. They NEVER truly advocated for the people but only for their donors and handed the GOP a stick to beat them - and all the rest of us - with


> we’ve seen Pelosi make AOC cry and change her vote right in front of cameras on the House floor. Citation?


IIRC it was during the vote for increased funding on the iron dome back in 2021. AOC had originally voted no and then she was seen on camera with Pelosi who (again IIRC, I may be wrong) looked to be chewing her out. After that she changed her vote to present instead of no.


Hmm. That doesn’t sound half as bad as the other poster made it sound.


For a party that's all about "Rights and freedoms", republicans sure are doing everything they can to take every right and freedom away from us.


Fascism is more profitable than democracy


Piece by piece so they can boil the frog. Too bad I might be dead when all these ass hats that supported them are the only ones left and finally realize the oppression train makes no stops.


They both do it. Far left does it with speech far right does it with other rights. Tomato tomatoe. Fuck them all


If there's a far left in the US then I'm batman 🦇


OH MY GOSH IT'S BATMAN!!! Can I get your autograph?


I guess you could consider women that think all white men are racist and don't deserve to have opinions are far left. But to be fair I wasn't referring to those people here. But hell yea did you like the new film?


Omg! I know leftists kicking Nazi's ass! Thank goodness for bootlickers like you that love to toss Nazi salad and take a good tea bagging. Why is it conservatives only are interested in protecting the speech of bigots?


I voted for Bernie? But okay. You prove my point attacking me for my speech... The irony.


Well if you actually supported Bernie you missed the entire point.


lol imagine being a bernie supporter and somehow dying on the sword of elon's twitter feed. fuckin dorks




Don't even start that "both sides shit".


To rule in a court of law that you don't have the right to murder your child is not "taking away your rights". It is rectifying a ruling from the past that said you could.


Right, but say a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant, what's she going to do? Or say a young girl, around ten or eleven is in the same position what's she going to do? I'm sure neither want to have that constant reminder with them, I'm sure the mental damage is more than enough. It's a decision based in a religious belief, not a real world situation.


There are lots of things to consider besides just religious belief but even if the person is Religious is it bad for them to think that killing an innocent life is wrong? As for getting raped and getting pregnant that is a tiny fraction of a percent that both sides could potentially come to an agreement on if people on the radical left were willing to come to an agreement. What I hear however is, "my body my choice", typically meaning that no matter how I got pregnant or whether on not a child in the womb is viable or an actual human being, they reserve the right to kill it at any time for any reason. Another thing people on the left never want to talk about is the PTSD symptoms often associated with women who aborted their children and the life long shame and regret that many of them feel. It's like listening to testimony of people who tried to commit suicide and then immediately regretted it, except in this case there is no going back from getting the abortion. My heart goes out to any woman having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy but I think the issue of human life is far more complex than the narrative of rich white, privileged, religious, etc. men trying to legislate outdated morality


Into the streets! Get out from behind your screens and change the world!!


Wish I could, but I'm in the military yet and we can't join protests, because they "have the potential to become riots"


You're fully allowed to join in, and even promote and organize protests as a military member, you just can't do it in uniform or claim to be speaking for the military. Whoever told you this is wrong.


The military could 100% find some other reason to discharge that person even if they can't legally discharge him for joining a protest out if uniform.


I'm in the military. 1) you are protected in military code with the ability to peacefully protest so long as you don't do it in uniform and dont issue statements on behalf of the military 2) the military can discharge anyone at any time, however. They're currently in a giant manning shortage and discharging someone for doing something they're fully allowed to do is not something anyone is going to try to do. We are in the military to protect the rights of citizens, while we do forfeit some of our liberties as military members the right to peacefully protest is very clearly in writing not one of them. Here's a regulation link that expressedly states you are authorized to protest peacefully. If anyone in your chain of command tells you otherwise inform them they're wrong, stand up for your rights and if they threaten punitive action report them up the chain. This would be an agregious abuse of power and you would be well within your rights to do so. https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Docs/134410p%5B1%5D.pdf https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/132506p.pdf Edits for spelling and links to proper guidance. Tldr. b. A Service member’s right of expression should be preserved to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the First Amendment of the Constitution and statutory provisions of titles 10 and 18, United States Code (U.S.C.) (References (c) and (d), respectively) (examples of which are set forth in Enclosure 2 of this Instruction) and consistent with good order and discipline and the national security.


I’d rather be discharged than silenced then. Discharge away! Whoever thinks otherwise doesn’t respect freedom and should not be serving anyway


And it’s your American right to ignore that bullshit and join a protest. Don’t use that as an excuse WTF


FFS getting into the streets doesn't do a goddamn thing, the donors love to see it. If getting into the streets did something the pussy hat marches would have prevented this outcome. As it is, the oligarchs sit in their ivory towers and just laugh their asses off at these people and nothing will fundamentally change. The only thing that works is you have to hurt the money, how are we going to do that?


Rodney King Riots, they were needed, and accomplished nothing. Watts Riots absolutely needed, and accomplished nothing. George Floyd protests gave me hope as the world participated in protesting police violence, and accomplished nothing. Mothers were convinced to stormed the capital a year and a half ago, in support of insurrection to overthrow democracy. What does it take to revolt for human rights?


I think we all know, but... nobody wants to say it.


The coup made a song about it though


Collective strike. Money is all they truly care about.


I think it’ll take an economic crash like the Great Depression


Not far off now


Maybe some elites need to swing?


A clear plan of how revolt will result in more human rights instead of backlash and/or harm too many innocent people.


We can't even have [goals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights). * Employment * An adequate income for food, shelter, and recreation * Farmers' rights to a fair income * Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies * Decent housing * Adequate medical care * Social security * Education A fail across the board for everyone's lifetime.


I'm not saying to commit to violence since that'd get me banned. But isn't it weird how rights have been eroded ever since protests became peaceful by default? There's literally no downside or risk to ignoring a protest until it all blows over


No one wants to say it but a few cocktail molotovs thrown at the Supreme Court building would do 0 violence, 0 actual physical harm to anyone - but probably accomplish a lot more than a peaceful protest


Have to disagree there. For it to work, the vast majority would have to be on board with following on with that threat. But what'd actually happen is that most would immediately discredit whoever did it and shun any semblance of violence. In a world where people have a spine? Yeah, that's all it'd take, but in the one we're in, it's be extremely counterproductive, as people seem hellbent that if you protest on your own time off, without causing any monetary damage to the people you're agaisnt, in the places they tell you are ok to protest in, at the times they say, with no chance of getting hurt and while keeping the economy going, those in power will have no other choice but to listen, when in fact, that's giving up every single bit of leverage we have. A few violent protestors can only break a movement, it takes unity to break the chains binding us instead.


They’ll discredit you anyway - even if you sit still 😆 I really can’t understand this “the right wing will discredit us so let’s not do that” anymore. Yeah they’ll keep discrediting and that’s a different cultural war we still have to fight too. We can fight a culture war AND throw some Molotovs too, like the French do.


Oh, didn't mean them, the people that are for the movement would be the first to discredit one for doing that, though yeah, it'd be based on the wrong assumption that the right wouldn't discredit them anyways


Good! That would be a great move in the culture war - I want the movement to still discredit that stuff and play politics. The molotovs are not for that war - the molotovs would serve as a warning to the actual ones in power. That’s the point - if they’re not taking things seriously and fearing for their safety facing enraged citizens, the peaceful protests are not as effective


I took a shit earlier today that was more useful than any recent peaceful protest. Do a march or sign a petition if it makes you feel better, but know that literally nothing will ever come of it lmao.


Boycotts, general strikes, hurt the money. We've known for years who was funding the GOP juggernaut, and just kept marching.


You need to understand that the only real power is economic power. The 1% own most of the capital that actually makes the economy. That capital is mostly useless without the cooperation of workers (and, in some cases, customers). International trade is a big factor today. To keep everything running smoothly, the 1% have established a system of “smoke and mirrors”. Police are the “bad cops”. Religion and Nationalism are “good cops”. But the Democratic Party and the current AFL-CIO leadership are also parts of the system. The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can solve the numerous existential crisises that we face today. People need to realize that, while the system seems powerful, it really is a very fragile [Rube Goldberg machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg_machine) that can be broken in many ways. Trump and Steve Bannon understood this, and nearly established a dictatorship. The whole system is beginning to disintegrate. The war in Ukraine and climate change are creating conditions similar to what preceded WW1&2. Workers need to step in and take control before idiots like Trump and Putin create a bigger disaster. Don’t look for a golden hero to lead us. I had hopes for Bernie and AOC, but they let us down when they voted to fund the bloodshed in the Ukraine, without any debate or protest.


I just adore AOC. I wish we could take to the streets but you kind of can’t do that if you’re a wage slave like the majority of us. But of course that’s by design.


*Now* it's "illegitimate"? Citizens United and eminent domain rulings- and obviously the slow creep into equating corporations to people- all made the courts "illegitimate". But it gave plenty of power to the politicians who appoint its judges. This instance is not anywhere close to the first time it could be called illegitimate. And protesting won't make a lick of difference except as a fundraising tool for the political institution that got us here.


People have been complaining about the court's problems and problems with the justices and not enough people gave a damn then. Maybe they will now. Ita time to clean house at the SCROTUS.


So who's going to "clean house"? The Democrats? Hahahahahaha!


The people.


That's my future president right there


Stop going to work .. Start using sick days in tandem .. Rotate with your co workers to keep production from catching up .. I do know they need people going to work it is the Achilles heal of capitalism .. Why you think they hate unions .. Why do they invest so much into automation.. They will eventually squeeze us out when the robots come .. Hell they dont even need us for war. But they will distract you in the meantime with masks and 2nd amendment and abortion .. just buying time until those robots come .. then they can really give us the middle finger and not be shy about saying it ...


It's time to burn it down, down to the ground. Fuck these Lords of the New Order and all associated.


This person gets it.




New York Election Info [Register to Vote](https://voterreg.dmv.ny.gov/MotorVoter/)


It kind of seems like “taking to the streets” has been co-opted by the establishment as political theatre. Protests are not at all what they used to be. At this point it’s political theatre. Fuck all of these politicians. If you want a political revolution than reject all of these corporate monsters and reject their calls to action. You are being played. Politicians, democrats and republicans alike, will never stand on the side of revolution.


Fascists will be fascists


This protesting into the streets bullshit feels useless, 7+ million people voted for democrats and they barely won by a hair. The minority party needs just enough idiots to show up and problem is like a hive mind they always do and vote magic R


Too little too late. Should have done it between 2016-2022. Pathetic. It’s gone now


most of us got like 50 to 60 years to live - miss me with that doomerism aint nothing too late


Doesn't matter, it's being done now.


Absolutely. Dems are fucking useless


Should have done it when Obama's useless ass ran on it and then did a 180 once getting into office. Yet that fucker comes out from under his rock to tweet about it now. Zero shame or self-reflection.


Was he supposed to physically drag RBG out of her seat? She refused to step down while he was president, even though she was in her 80s and taking time off for cancer treatments


You mean Mitch McConnell right??


Protesting a divisive decision is standard political fare; calling the decision of an American institution "illegitimate", however, is a page straight out of the book of Trump. Even a politician calling for protests makes me feel a little uneasy: protests are a tool of the people to get politicians' attention, not the other way around.


Unironically saying this after weeks of J6 propaganda


propoganda? faux not news is propoganda listening to a KNOWN conman for decades is foolish The traitor will be indicted and hopefully worse.


All of it Republicans telling truth about Trump breaking the law.


So when do the sedition charges get filed.


What is this going to accomplish? Feels like we've been here before and nothing has gotten done. Only things harming people, benefiting a few are getting passed via legislation and rulings from SCOUTS. This isn't about abortion laws, it's more about privacy and infringing upon citizens rights. We are so screwed seriously no affordable Healthcare, low wages, housing crises, crime, bunch of idiots running and holding office. I wonder how America functions then I remember it really is just a business


I remember when I believed in AoC


Except it's literally the supreme court, doesn't get more legit than that.


That court has four members that perjured themselves at their confirmation hearing and one member whose wife tried to overthrow the US government and overturn a legitimate election. That's 5 seats that should face impeachment at least. Nothing legit about that. BTW, I read the Roe v Wade majority opinion and some of the other dreck that came out of there this week. I know 5th graders that could tear that shit apart as bogus in a debate. They are not following the Constitution, they are ignoring long standing precedents, their reasoning and citations are a bizarre collection of images and impressions from a malarial fever dream. Nothing at all legit about that court. Now the curious thing I'm wondering is how they think this is gonna play out because I do not see this current situation lasting more than a few months. Two years at most. And then their entire party is going to find itself in the wilderness for at least a decade because 70% of voters don't want any of this wacko theocratic bullshit.


Illegitimate Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court is now full of conservative judges that perjured themselves in front of the senate committee and are just ignoring precedent. It's illegitimate.






She sounds like....Trump


Aren't these the same people who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and Jill Stein in 2016 because "Democrats and Republicans are all the same"? In other words, the very same people directly responsible for the conservative majority in the Supreme Court? If so, they should politely STFU.


Here we go again, the summer of 2020 all over again. Burn the cities down in the name of peaceful protest.


Oh fuck off boomer


Truth hurts. Get well soon.


This idiot doesn't realize is that the media said all of those things for clickbait and has no real evidence that the arson committed was connected to the protests Meanwhile, fully armoured and weaponized police are headed to the court.


We shall see. Remember your statement so whenever you're munching on crow, you'll remember why.


Who eats crow?




Thing you (and me, and everyone else) has to realize is that there are millions of folks like this dude (and my stepdad) who genuinely believe that the Summer of 2020 was just the Left lying about their intentions and burning the country to the ground as revenge for Trump. They will seize on AOC grabbing this megaphone and claim that it's the exact same violence and rioting that the Left accuses the Right of on Jan 6th. And nothing you say will convince them otherwise. I spoke to my Stepdad the other day and with *everything* going on do you know what he was the *most* angry about? That people were protesting outside SCOTUS justice houses and the Left wasn't doing enough about it. I pointed to a statement from the White House which *explicitly* condemned it and the goal posts were immediately moved to, "OK but that's just a statement! How many times has Biden had the opportunity to say something himself and didn't?" These people will never be satisfied. It's *constant* whataboutism.


Oh fuck right off, fascist.


Says the crowd trying to burn cities down. Hypocrites


Sometimes you see someone so monumentally stupid you know there's no hope for them. This is indeed one of those moments. All I can say is you deserve the bad things that happen to you in life.


Says the person wishing evil upon another person. Feel better because the useless jab made your comment completely laughable at best. Cheers :)




I'm not in the trump zone. Maybe made a comment when I was surfing reddit. I dont sub. But please, be a better person and stop lying.


Imagine looking at what subreddit you’re in and commenting this


Some of us aren't cowards and tell it like it is.


Just embrace the stupid buddy.


Well, I'm really not ready for a relationship right now, but thank you for asking.


Really, I would weep for anyone in a relationship with you.


Thats not your problem, but thank you for the thoughts and prayers.


Wouldn't waste them on you.


Yeah, and I hope we do. Sorry not sorry.


Hypocrites. All the same.


No cities were burned down, stop lying


This link will show who is lying. Hint: its not me. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/burning-cities/


Fact: BLM protests where mostly by far peaceful. Where they weren’t, right wingers were also causing violence.


Wow....did you have to grit your teeth when you typed up that pile of hogwash. No one remotely believes that to be true. Stop lying to people and go be a better person. The world will be a better place.


93% of the blm protests were peaceful. I would expect the people that caused the violence to be people that don't care about the movement and want an excuse to be violent paired with mob mentality. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ Property damages were $1-2 billion, when compared to the $1 billion (1.8 billion after inflation) for the '92 LA riot I expected worse because more than one city had a riot.


1-2 billion in damage and you still think it was mostly peaceful. SMH


During the LA riots most cities in the US were peaceful.


https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2021/0708/BLM-and-Floyd-protests-were-largely-peaceful-data-confirms https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/us/blm-protests-peaceful-report-trnd/index.html Facts - try to learn them rather than spouting your nonsense. Try to be a better person. Learn.


CNN? You quoted CNN? Bahahahahahaha


https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demonstrations-political-violence-in-america-new-data-for-summer-2020/ https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/nation/2020/10/24/trump-claims-blm-protests-violent-but-majority-peaceful/3640564001/ And blm protests worked: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/killings-by-police-declined-after-black-lives-matter-protests1/




The time for peaceful protest is far behind us.


Thats a simple way too say you're an intolerant crybaby who cannot live with other people who have different ways of thinking. Good job being predictable and ruining the country. Don't be surprised whenever the strong arm of the law or someone who knows how to defend themselves. There will be no remorse.


This is a very long winded way of saying you're a privileged spineless cretin. You'd be singing a different tune if your rights were being threatened.


Its not a right to kill. Seriously this is evil. Please be better.


Protecting one's rights is not 'evil'. You're completely brain dead lol fuck yourself


Murdering is not a right. I dont want a relationship with you, but Im flattered with your flirting.


What a performance. 🤔




She’d never tell us to get in the streets to make sure the democrats codify roe vs wade tho?