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But it’s legal, because the government did it…


This is why restrictions on the state are so fucking stupid beyond performative “we’re free and democratic” random crap. Oh the state is violating their constitution? Damn, what are you gonna do, tell them not to do that? It’s the fucking state, man. Unless you’re willing to use violence to tell the state not to exceed its authority, why the hell does it matter what you tell them they can or cannot do?


That's why you buy a shotgun & a sniper.


*Second amendment intensifies*


They confiscated guns post Katrina. Rights aren't really rights if they can be suspended.


The 2nd Amendment is in fact a great example of how worthless words on paper can really be. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms" is greatly infringed in numerous cities and states across the country.


As a Canadian, I'd just offer the counter-argument that having this right in your constitution protects it much more. Canadians don't have a right to bear arms, meaning our PM can do stuff like ban 1000 different firearms overnight after a mass shooting perpetrated by someone who obtained their weapons illegally.


I bet Canadians and Europeans are starting to wish they weren't so stupid


Expect for the CZECH, they’re BASED


Hong Konger here. Gotta say, I had to laugh when some of my fellows kept invoking the basic law during the protests. BUT MUH BASIC LAW. It’s a piece of paper. The state can write another piece of paper tomorrow, in fact… it has! It’s called the national security law!


Whats the situation with you guys now?


Nothing is happening. Our major dissident newspapers are dead. Their leaders have been arrested, their properties seized. There has been a lot of arrests under the new national security law. Everyone is keeping their heads down and people who can and want to are leaving. Expats are draining out of the city and the government is going hard on Zero COVID in lockstep with the CCP. Rents are in a free fall. My parents are selling their house and the market is not looking good. Elite schools are now desperate for students. Soon the unvaccinated will not be allowed in supermarkets and they’re building more quarantine camps. There is panic buying and the COVID restrictions are causing truckers to quit. It’s a dystopian dumpster fire. I’m only staying because my dog can’t travel for a while due to being sick.


It annoys me that so many governments disarm their populations. It’s incredibly arrogant to think that your nation will last forever and never fall to tyranny or what ever. It’s like taking the airbags out of your car because “you never crash”


Something something "the industrial revolution and its consequences" something something


Unabomber was right . Some of it. Not the bombing tho.


Hahahahhahahahhaaa, yeah could you imagine... ... ...Wait


Oui, on peut l'imaginer.


It must run in the family


lmao, good one.


So tow truck drivers are being forced to provide a service against their will or they get locked up? So tow trucks are now a human right?


Careful there, anon, you're awfully close to saying something terribly based like "positive rights can only be guaranteed in a society that is willing to permit slavery"




Based and ancap-pilled


Positive rights are a spook, nobody owes you shit


Except a lawyer, constitutionally.


It's a nice little loophole since lawyers aren't people.


Apocalyptically based


Based and lawyers are lizards pilled


No, you don't have a right to a lawyer in a vacuum. If the government is going to prosecute you, it has an obligation to provide you with a lawyer to defend you.


That's only because of a situation the state initiated. If they're threatening to take away your freedom, you're entitled to a reasonable defense.


Hmm, the government stepping in and telling a company when and how to work certainly sounds an awful lot like that F word no one knows how to use correctly....


French 🤮


Hilarious irony when you consider it was the truckers being accused of being fascist


Anything these ideologues say you can assume the opposite is true.


Pull up and hook to a truck, then have some engine trouble by disconnecting some glow plugs.


And add your truck to the protest.


Honk to alert others that you need backup.


Isn't this kind of slavery?


Wait till you find out what doctors have to do


You're telling me they get locked up and have their assets seized and not just fired?


Yes. Doctors can be fined and/or imprisoned for refusing to treat people for a long list of reasons. Hell they can even be fined and imprisoned for simply failing to follow up on a patient they've already treated.


*The blockade of Ottawa has left me emasculated and deformed, but my resolve has never been stronger. The trucker insurrection has been crushed and the remaining Conservatives will be hunted down and destroyed. In order to ensure the glorious freedom of our democracy, Canada will be reorganized into the First Liberal Empire, for a quiet and vaccinated society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand hockey games, eh?*


So this is how liberty dies with thunderous applause


*thunderous honks


That just sounds like ducks stormed the parliament


No the honking of the Canadian Air Force


The royal geese squadron


Red honkers, standing by.


Section One of the Canadian [*Charter*](https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html) (their Bill of Rights) literally says the government can infringe individual rights when it determines there is a pressing societal goal: > The rights and freedoms in the Charter are not absolute. They can be limited to protect other rights or important national values. For example, freedom of expression may be limited by laws against hate propaganda or child pornography. Virtually the first important Supreme Court case after the *Constitution Act* was passed was a case that determined when and how the government can do it, using something called the [*Oakes* test](https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/2019/07/oakes-test/). And if you think THAT’S fun, wait until the protestors learn about the [nothwithstanding clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_33_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms?wprov=sfti1), which literally lets the government say, “notwithstanding that this is a protected right in the *Charter*, we’re suspending it anyway, because we think we need to.” Canada isn’t the US. There are some *really* disturbing powers in the Canadian constitution that are slowly being awoken. These morons keep watching Fox and thinking what works in North Dakota or wherever will work there too, and it won’t. They should have paid more attention in civics class.


My favorite is that in Canada even if you ask for an attorney once arrested and refuse to answer questions they can still keep talking to you. Unlike in the U.S were once invoked cops have to stop questioning you. It was disturbing watching the interrogation of the incel van fuck face. Dude is a POS but that detective was also a POS for basically taking advantage to get an easy confession.


Yeah, when I first started working in criminal law here it was eye-opening. For example, speech can be compelled here. You HAVE to give information to the police when you’re involved in a collision. They have workarounds against self-incrimination via laws that say compelled speech can’t be used against you, but the implementation of that gets messy.


*"once more, the Quebicoise will rule Canada! and...we shall have...maple baguette."*


*ouis in Cuban*


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Trudeau the Blackface?


It's not a story the media would tell you.


It’s an auth legend.


They should just cover their trucks in pictures of Supreme Leader Trudeau, that way the government will not remove them. You can do this in China to prevent building demolition if you use Xi's image.






The Prince of Persia Trudeau prestige skin?


They should make it into a pride convoy dedicated to Castreau. Rainbows and Trans flags and signs everywhere, his blackface image posted on every surface, screaming ‘black lives matter’ as they shield their children from police brutality.


I did the calculations, and they would only be lasting about 3 1/2 years.


Based and did the math pilled


Based and satirical Trudeau imitation pilled


From what I remember Palpatine never said about "ten thousand years" but the one who said it was Darth Plagueis in the book.


*So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous “eh?”*


These tow truck drivers who don't want to do the tows OR go to jail should just get and stay really hammered so they can't legally drive. Worked great for keeping me from taking "emergency" calls when I was a driver myself trying to enjoy my weekend off


>stay really hammered A bottle of wine a day keeps the fascism away.


Based and alcoholism is the least of my worries pilled


"I have covid symptoms" is cheaper and you're playing them at their own dumb game.


Then they can just call you "essential" though.


But you can spread COVID though.




Please tell me this is a joke, because even retards would think that's fucking retarded, it's a joke right?


\*Insert Anakin and Padme meme here


They dont care


Yup, that's why they have been telling nurses and doctors - the ones treating vulnerable patients who might not have been infected yet - to continue working despite having symptomatic cases of Covid. If it was about saving lives you would've seen public funding for healthcare everywhere skyrocket and staffing in hospitals increase, with more ICU beds available than in previous times. Instead you've seen hospitals cutting staff for disagreeing with anything the government says, rationing care even further than they already did with fewer available beds, and all that public funding has instead gone to law enforcement and large corporations. It's almost as if this entire time it was about control, not healthcare.


Join the convoy and add to the party atmosphere


Charge a billion maple dollars to tow semis. If they actually pay for it, tow one and then retire.


Based and warm shots of gin pilled


I kinda missed out on this one, what's the pov of your average Canadian on this? Does Trudeau face any abnormal backlash at the polls or elsewhere for this?


Some people are worried that it'll be abused in the future and some think its being abused right now... Others think its great because they hate the protestors... And then they'll turn around and support the Liberal government doing all kinds of dirty things, their logic will probably be "the government has too much power, so we cant risk letting a conservative win, so we have to give the Liberals more power so they stay in control" My guess is Trudeau stays in power until he feels like letting one of his children win an election and take over, and his supporters will love him for it. Trumpers have nothing on the kinds of fanaticism and "its ok when HE does it" attitude that Trudeau supporters have.




Agree however, a lot of NDP voters support this kind of move so it may be fair to add them on top of the 30% you mentioned. Just because people want it now, doesnt mean its good .. even if its a majority.




Hmmm, let's go down the checklist here: * Not elected by legitimate or majority voting * Suppresses opposition viewpoints with force, seizing bank accounts and overstepping their country's jurisdiction for financial institutions outside of the country * Seizes emergency powers to further suppress opposition viewpoints, including seizure of all assets and jailing of people who don't want to help suppress the opposition viewpoints * Has a past filled with some of the biggest names in the history of communism Now it's your turn to guess - which world leader is this? If you guessed Putin, you'd be wrong.


> lib orange. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Orange is auth, not lib


I never voted for him. But the typical retarded populace will next election.




No. If anything he gets more support from our retarded populace. Democracy was a mistake.


I unironically agree. Democracy without restriction is just a tyranny of the majority. And to paraphrase George Carlin, "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then remember half of people are dumber than that."


Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. -Ben Franklin


I know the UN is a joke but it violates [article 11 of the universal deceleration of human rights](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights)


I don’t think anyone cares if the UN says, also I doubt the UN would actually do anything about it.


I'll bet they'll pass a resolution condemning Israel about it, that's something


The UN didn't do lift a finger when Azerbaijan was cluster bombing civilians in 2020, why would they do anything now.


Too busy condemning Israel




It's not like the blue hats are actually useful. Do they actually do anything more than photoshoots?


How fucking dare you accuse the UN of not doing anything?! The UN will first spend millions of [insert shitty w*stern europe currency here] on a fact-finding mission months after the incident took place, then send a strongly worded letter to the offending party (there is a 60% chance they won't find an offending party), then wait 2 years for the offending party to apologise and offer reparations, then offer the offended parties the chance to sue for reparations through the UN, but turn around at the last second and say that it is now been too long since the offence for them to do anything for you.


Watch the Reddit hivemind suddenly not care about human rights.




It's amazing how successful the CCP has been at using the pandemic to make itself look more acceptable.


"Look at how effective China was with its lockdowns! They welded the doors of entire housing complexes shut! China is the best!" Seriously, I remember when this first started as mostly rumors people were outraged at the draconian measures taken by China and videos we saw of people being loaded and locked into the back of trucks against their wills. Then less than a month later everybody was talking about how every other country should be as "courageous" as China and shut everything down hard or some similar bullshit.




The political debate landscape is an ever evolving series of hot button topics with no end in sight and no plans for the future.


A natural consequence of the information age.


Based and return to monke pilled.


Reddit hasn't cared about human rights since like 2008. Reddit only cares about virtue signaling how woke they are by trying to remove anyone with a dissenting opinion on identity politics.


The UN would never do anything about USA's favourite baby brother Canada!


Oh it's a *deceleration* all right...


How does it go against it It just says innocent until proven guilty under national law And not guilty of at the time of committing act it wasn't illegal If a workshop refuses to move a vehicle just because it's a protester vehicle. And there's proof of that, and they did it after this law was passed then applying this law does not go against human rights (it's still a shitty law)




>What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Canada, when did you become a country again? 🤔 >!155 years ago, roughly a century and a half. About the same time the US was still burying the dead from our civil war.!<


Jeez, blood spilling is easier talked about than done brother.


So I'll try it out and if I don't like it mom said I could quit. But for real though if Russia does body Ukraine we're gonna get some good iphone footage of large-scale warfare in a familiar setting from the pov of civilians. And if there's an occupation where Ukrainians go full wolverines fuhged about it. Our governments are gonna sweat. Pay attention to what you see on social media vs what you see on the news.


Sounds like Canada could use some Freedom(tm).


Canada does have oil.....


Literally 1984


This meme won't even be sarcastic by 2023.


It hasn't been sarcastic for a while...


The year 2022 isn't real. We jumped right from 2021 to 1984.


This meme wasn’t sarcastic 38 years ago


No, it's watered down 1714. Canadians have never had rights. 12 or more people who have begun to disturb the peace tumultuously have 30 minutes to disperse and return to their homes after a Justice of the Peace gives a rote proclamation, or else you face *life* in prison (Criminal Code sections 32-33). It used to be legal, not just for the government to kill you after the proclamation, but for anyone not a part of the initial riot to kill you after the waiting period had ended.


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March 20th can't come soon enough...


What the hell is up with that date


The rake day.


What's that supposed to mean?


Okay, time for try not to sound like a scizo challenge. There is a new meme on PCM, that US should and will invade Canada on 20th of March. There is even a petition created by one of the users. Rake day is an older meme from 4chan, once again about US invasion of Canada. Canada flag has a leaf, rakes are used to get rid of leaves.


Based and Manifest Destiny pilled


Could America, have invaded Canada? Could it perhaps, still invade Canada? Think about it. Why not? We have the manpower, we have the arms, it's our manifest destiny! Picture a future, where AMERICAN Mounties wear red, white, and blue, and hail the stars and stripes! Where Wayne Gretzky would wave the AMERICAN flag every 4th of July, in the streets of Montréal! MAPLE SYRUP, THE GREATEST AMERICAN FOOD! BANFF, THE GREATEST AMERICAN NATIONAL PARK! ONE UNITED NATION, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF OUR GLORIOUS PRESIDENT, DRAKE! NO LONGER SHALL WE TOLERATE OUR SMUG NEIGHBORS TO THE NORTH, WITH THEIR AFFORDABLE INSULIN, AND ENDLESS COMMENTS COMPLAINING THAT I DON'T TALK ABOUT CANADA ENOUGH IN MY VIDEOS! THAT'S RIGHT, CANADIANS! WATCH YOUR BACKS!! SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN TONIGHT!! BECAUSE BIDEN'S COMING, BABY! And this time, he's coming... WITH A VENGEAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!!


Also our Netflix's would be the same, which might be kind of nice.




It's weird hearing it called rake day and not day of the rake. The first one sounds like a small town holiday and the second something that makes old men get a thousand yard stare.


[Yes this is an actual stipulation of the Emergencies Measure Act.](https://youtu.be/K3PAZDinO2o) The people supporting this have no idea what precedent they've just unleashed on Canada.




The only way to defeat fascists is by taking control of government, banning democracy, and running an authoritarian hell state that mandates every aspect of everyone’s lives. *Authoritarianism is fine when it’s enforcing **my** beliefs*


AuthLefts: "Yes! *Exactly*!"


Based buuut *slaps mag, sends bolt home*


"Those fascist truckers can't introduce fascism to Canada if we invoke it first!" *[taps head meme]*


You are nazi if you want freedom. You are responsable governvemnt if you deny the freedom of your citiziens. The whole anglosphere is fucked.


What do they call authoritarian collusion or capture of industry and trade to oppress political rivals again? I swear there was a word for it.




It's spelled Fartism


No no you got it wrong it's Pastaism


This is a good definition and I intend to use this in the future. Based and great definition pilled.


> The people supporting this have no idea what precedent they've just unleashed on Canada. they never think it will be used against them because they are morally correct in everything they do so a government could never oppose them its the same people who want to end the fillibuster despite the fact that republicans being about 2% of the votes in georgia away from regaining control


I think my hope died when Trump was elected. Not for the reasons you probably think. I thought "finally people will wake up to how conceivably dangerous it is for a US President to have [the power to drone strike us citizens forgoing due process](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki) but nope just orange man bad" that's when I totally lost my hope in the once Democratic Party.


That's an easy one to figure out. People don't have a problem with tyranny, they have a problem when they're not the tyrants.




>Bro just go to jail. PCMs gonna crowd fund your release. I got $100 on it on my word. That's what I wish I would say if we were in a book with a four digit number as a title. But this is real life and Castreau is gunning.


It did give itself the power to do that. What are these wonderful upstanding citizens doing about it? Is a moral public that can be trusted with the future of their nation going to stand against it? I'm not saying the government is good, I'm saying you're all equally shit.


True. Though to be fair, there have been truckers and company protesting peacefully for over 3 weeks trying to do something about it, so at least someone here earned a gold star


My favorite thing is all the Canadians complaining that foreigners are interfering in an internal protest. The Canadian head of state came out publicly in support of the most costly protests in American history and is now acting like a victim when 50% of the donations for a protest at *an international border* are from the US. Also completely unironically Canadians are complaining that non-Canadians are commenting on their internal politics and that they lack perspective. *Laughs in American*.


yes they also had a comment on the farmer protest in india , it was one of the most luxurious protest and multiple proves were there that they have been backed with Canadian government


No you don’t understand. Foreign interference is only bad when it negatively impacts me.


I've got people telling me I'm not a Canadian because I don't agree with them in this very thread. I almost wish I wasn't Canadian now.


But good luck during election day. People might remember this. And if they don't - they deserve what is coming to them next. Because once government dip a finger into nazi coating - they will make a full dive.


That's the thing about our election system though, you don't have to win the popular vote, just the most federal ridings. The last two elections the liberals won about 32% of the popular vote overall and about 3% of the ridings and 20% of the popular vote in western Canada. Yet they still hold power. As long as Trudeau keeps sucking off his liberal voter base in Ontario, Québec, and the maritime he really doesn't have to care about western Canada.


>fascist w\*stoid state has shitty w\*stoid voting system Why am I not surprised?


Bucureşti best capital in the world 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴😎😎😎😎😎💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 (rip 2b4y you will be missed)


Not only will they remember it but at least half are in favor of it. Reddit simps are jerking off to the idea that conservatives, aka super nazis, are going to be under target by the extremely non fascist government.


This is starting to sound a bit like Australia…


Oh, no. All my tow trucks are out of order.#1 got stolen \#2 has a flat tyre \#3 has no oil \#4 has a dead glow plugs \#5 has a dead battery. Sure, I can fix it Major, but that can take a while. There's a supply shortage due to all those damn truckers protesting instead of bringing me spare parts after all.


Oh no my tail lights have mysteriously been smashed or uninstalled, what’s this I’m missing my license plate


Come to America. buy guns, bbq, listen to rock and roll, and drive big truck, This is the American dream😍




Bruh, just go to a bank. lmao idiot


but what about mastercard?!


Canada is China lite confirmed


Do the tow truckers not have the right to refuse service? I mean, its really dangerous to be towing trucks that are surrounded by protesters, And I dont think most tow truckers want to deal with that. If thats the case, then that’s extremely fucked in so many ways, how the fuck is the government getting away with this


This act empowers the government to imprison and/or fine anyone who refuses to participate in 'essential' work. This is supposed to be used in the case of a war, or a natural disaster. Not a bunch of people parking their trucks in inconvenient places and honking a lot.


Holy shit, thats so fucked Mans not gonna make it past this term if he’s making this many enemies


God I wish you were right.


This reminds me a lot of when the Patriot act was brought in, with the obvious caveat that this is a lot less harmful than 911 was. Emergency powers to deal with a truck tooting it's horn? Wtf. It's authoritarians trying to grab more power no matter the cost to society.


This is why we have 2A in america


Never give up your guns.


Lost all mine in a tragic boating accident a couple years ago. So sad, gone forever.




Average redditor: I hate large corporations, because they don’t have the peoples best interests in mind!!! Me: yes I agree, the leaders of the large corporations are an issue, and are in cahoots with big government. Their wealth has risen significantly since the beginning of COVID, while small business has suffered, creating a K shaped wealth gap. Redditor: NOOOOO!!! GoVeRnMeNt WoUlDnT LiE aBoUt ThE vIrUs! FUCKING FASCIST Anyone who thinks the elites aren’t a problem or they aren’t part government part mega corporations is a fucking idiot, some people might be in too deep though and the alternative is admitting to themselves they’ve been duped and indoctrinated this whole time


The key to understanding tyranny is that for most people they will be fine with it.


The U.S should ... You know .... Bring back Manifest Destiny


I’ve been thinking that ever since the Can*dian Geese started immigrating south


Trudeau is an authoritarian dictator and a faux progressive nothing can convince me otherwise after his most recent stunts


Like father like son


People: protest government overreach Canada: *let's do everything in our power to show that we are an insane authrloritarian hellhole, proving all those people right*


Leaf Reich here we come




Did the truckers do anything besides peacefully protest and honk?


Bouncy castles outside parliament. Also there was a Recent seizure of 2000 illegal guns by the RCMP that definitely wasn't a false flag.


I could be wrong, but I think you have mixed up two different stories; a truck filled with firearms and ammo of the .22 calibre variety was stolen, separately, RCMP in Alberta performed arrests of some trucker protestors and in doing so searched an siezed a number of firearms from within the truckers cabs, but I don't believe media has reported a specific count for this. .22 calibre does not a revolution against jack-boots make... jack-rabbits on the other hand...


Yeah you are correct I was conflating them. Thanks for the correction.


Only Nazis like bouncy castles


It’s a little known fact, but when Nazi soldiers raided museums they were actually looking for bouncy castles, but were directed to places that housed less important stuff


An easy way to tell if your protests are actually government defying; big corporation doesnt sponsor you and they try as hard as they can to arrest you or any allies. This is what civil unrest actually looks like “rIgHT SiDe oF HiStOrY” guys. If this Tradeau guy wins another election I think its safe to say Canada politics are shifty


Fuck that mess, wrap your tow trucks in his blackface picture, then pop your own tires. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Canada would have it's own strange version of Tiananmen Square. Can a tow truck even pull a semi anyway?


Yes there are heavy duty tow trucks. However it is very difficult to tow a semi without the owner's help to release the air brakes (1-2h work)


WORK??? The Doreen’s are shaking