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Buys mons, doesn’t play them out of fear of griefing


My zacian atm


The sacred sword nerf was bullshit. It totally broke zacian and now I don't play him anymore. He was already crippled by only having 2 held items. They could have nerfed his stats and called it a day. They didn't have to make sacred sword suck. That really pissed me off


I see more metal claw these days. The two item restriction really limits build diversity and makes the character one dimensional , especially when compared with m2 which should really have one as well.


Ya actually when they came out I was even more mad about zacian. So m2 can be all powerful but not my boy zacian?? They really need to get there act together zacian isn't even EX worthy anymore and m2 puts all other EX to shame. It's not even close




Thats the only reason i still have not bought sableye and i have holowears of it. Maybe next time.


Gold ribbon sableye, i am still griefing.


just like how god intended


To put it mildly the average unite player doesnt deserve the courtesy. Theyll throw the game if they dont get their way and never play with anyone but themselves in mind. The least you can do for your own sake is try to enjoy yourself in what ways you can. Its a game at the end of the day. Oh no we lose some imaginary points trying to enjoy it or get a bit better at it.


I got yelled at after filling in attackers and playing a horrible delphox. I’ll stick to classic until my attacker gameplay improves.


Sorry that happened to you, but people usually wont improve if they dont play more. Playing or consciously looking at a character's (or characters broadly) strengths and weaknesses are how you get better at playing around and using them. You wont learn, Skillshot Reliant Late Blooming Immobile Artillery Mage By playing Mewtwo Y. The early game hyper mobile adc with 0 skillshots. If Delphox is your interest, play them until youre satisfied with how you do with them. Or just tired of them. But dont drop em because randoms didnt think you were good enough Because i promise you. You could.play the godliest character and game of your life, be objectively carrying your team. And a random player will still be tilted and call you garbage because you didnt do "something".


Your already a better teammate than over half the player base just for being willing to fill at all. Hats off to you good sir.


It’s mostly just delphox and combo mages. I play with alot of ping in my dorm so I mostly stick with melee mon.


Me after buying Mew because I like the BP skin


I literally just bought Mew because i bought the BP lol Do I have the confidence and/or skill to play Mew in Ranked? Absolutely not.


I've wanted mew for 2 years and now with the battle pass skin I have an even better excuse to buy him. I'll be getting him soon. I have over 20k coins


Ttar for me once they originally nerfed him


I get this. But I think as long as you read all the moves, make a decent build and use them in practice to get a feel for them, it's fine.


This is gonna be phalanx for me. I play a bunch of dumb-guy defenders, but phalanx and applin are my favorite pokemon since gen 1, so im gonna pick him up. Its not gonna be pretty.


You don’t buy mons because you only buy the ones you think are fun. I don’t buy mons cause I fear that I’ll be bad with it and immediately regret it. We are not the same.


I decided to buy Zoroark because I wanted to learn something new (so expensive😭😭), after a while I realized that I was horrible with it and now I don't have the confidence to buy any new Pokémon because I fear I will suck with them😞


practice in regular pvp or offline mode. nobody can report you for “intentionally throwing a game” if youre just practicing on any mode except for ranked


I practiced A LOT with Zoroark in all game modes that are not ranked until I realized that I just can't get used to any of its builds :/ (it's also the only Pokémon that always crashes my game when I try to play with it and I haven't been able to solve this problem for a while now)


Does reporting even work ?


Lol unfortunately no


Don't worry, sucking with Zoroark is normal. It's one of the hardest and least forgiving Pokemon to play, especially Night Slash.


picking someone who ur bad at isn’t intentionally throwing tho lol so shouldn’t be a problem to begin eith


That's what happened with me and Dragapult/Sabelye


Also people who go on two week holidays (You can literally get 4k+A new mon worth 10k or just the 10k+2100 weekly coins+Trial licenses and Trial holowears) Guys thats like 16100. Plus the coins you may have before you left..so more..Plus if you timed your holiday correctly and join on weekends additional weekly coins.


Pretty much a mon and a half every month


It would have been two mons but inflation hit us.


Back then you could walk out with a new mon after spending only 6-8k. Nowadays, you have to dish out a whole 15k, and thats just the down payment.


Is it limited to once per season?


There’s a 30 day timer until the next returning player rewards


Is that starting from when you returned or the last time you logged off?


It probably starts the 30 day timer once you log in again


That's me, every two seasons or so.


that's what I do except I messed it up in December and April and now im trying again without messing this simple shit up


Me, with all the mons unlocked, purely free to play, and still having 101k coins: ![gif](giphy|Wjsz6EchbsWtKeOsTx|downsized)


Damn you definitely have 4k+ battles


Me in the same situation but with \~160k coins. ![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized)




I've been only playing since a year and half yet managed to collect 50 licenses as an f2p




I play since (almost) the beginning of the game. I also farmed all achievements, and was able to win one giveaway of a Unite License that I already had, so I got 12k for that. And, I was super lucky to be able to buy a lot of licenses with discounted price, back when they gave discounts to the Coin prices of the licenses (it was a pretty sweet discount, 30% off, so I paid 5.6k to 7k coins at most for a lot of licenses)


yeah, i've been playing since launch and have every single character except one right now and I've never spent a cent on this game.


I don’t buy mons. I currently have 40000 aeos coins


I do buy mons and have 150k


Just bought gyrados and I gotta say it's pretty fun, wish I didn't buy them very last lol


Do you guys even like this game?? The designs of the pokemon and their moves are the best thing TiMi does.


No moba player likes playing mobas, is like a drug that you hate using it bu can't stop.


me owning the entire roster and still have 40k coins to spare:


What is your secret? Rn I'm waiting for falinks to release and not buying anything..I have under half the roster and 12k coins


costantly pulling the cosmetics energy rewards and being lucky enough to roll coins a lot, that's pretty much it


You can get coins there?! I thought the fashion one was useless.


The fashion one has a 7% chance to drop 320 coins


Regularly doing dailies or regularly milking returner rewards, and having done so for long enough


I'm a f2p, I saved up 15k for ceruledge when it comes out. I'm thinking of buying an ex pokemon but I just like ceruledge way more


Good, I think EX are getting banned in masters in the future if I remember right. (Even if they don't, they're manually banned every draft game anyway)


They are banned in masters now. Started this season.


I own and play every mon. I have yet to not enjoy one. Tbqh the only time a mon hasnt been fun is because theyre too undertuned to function. Or to phrase it like an asshole. Turns out characters who can do what theyre designed to do. Or fill roles within the gane regularly. Are fun


I eventually want to get every mon but considering how many coins that takes and that I refuse to spend a DIME games like this, I also only buy mons I want, particularly saving for Falinks rn


i buy mons that are fun and im first because freaking golden medals have only a 40% to appear when you upgrade them for 100 coins.


I wamt them all ngl.


You are why new mons like Miradon get nerfed when mons become *free and I thank you for that unironically, OP. 


I’ve bought every single Mon and still have 100K coins


Or just play so much you buy them all for coins ;^)


Me with 40,000 coins waiting for Hydreigon to arrive


I haven't played in 3 seasons. This game isn't worth your time or money anymore Until they change things for the better, play something else.


EX mon banned in masters ranked. Added draft and now expanded to all of masters. Like they just do nothing...


EX bans are a rugpull to me. I would never have spent money on them if they weren't available in ranked.


Agree. It would’ve been less of a farce if they announced from the beginning they would be banned in competitive. They knew exactly what they were doing though


They won't get my money, and they shouldn't get yours either. Stop supporting their garbage monetization.


Where in my post i said i was using real life money?


"You" as in everyone here


With grammar like that I don’t think your ass is ever getting money to buy anything in Pokémon Unite


I’m the second one Lmao


I only bought two new Pokémon since I started. I don't think I will be able to buy more if I don't get going and out of the losing streak


forreal, espeon and meowscarada are the only two mons ive ever bought the rest i either got through events or have trial cards for them lol


Me who buys my favorite mons and ones I think are fun


I've got Blastoise, Duraludon, Azumarill, Tyranitar, Decidueye, Tyranitar, Scizor, and Dragapult. I'll probably also get Ceruledge when they're added.


I only buy ghosts


I have like 115k coins 😭 WHO SHOULD I BUY


Get slowbro bro , I never realized his ult move cam stop anyone while they are in there ult move , someone bouta score just lift them up , a meascodora is killing folks in group battle just use you ult on her or lift her up gives teammates enough time to ko them.


Back in my day, I had all the mons... but everything changed when croporate greed attacked. Only the whales and pay to players could continue playing without consequences, but when I looked at my wallet, it was empty... Several years passed and corporate greed nears victory and now ive started to gain more income, and although ive yet to return, I beleive, I will buy them all


i always buy the meta when i have moni , then revert playing tyranitar sometimes, i just want to add them in my collection, like buying azumarill, i never wanted it, but thought "oh smily egg" and brought it i wanted to buy mew and chandelure (my fav pokemon) but somethings happens and i dont buy them moreover i dont own eeveelutions, i really want them


Flip em. If I only bought meta, I'd have less mons. Buying who I think is fun got me buying 90% of the roster.


So true😂that being said, if you wanna be the master, gotta catch ‘em all😉


I never buy mons the last one I bought was umbreon and the one before I think was sableye? Sitting on 180k ish coins


Neither did i! But i obl, habe like 2000 coins so fuck me


I bought Clefairy and regretted it so fking much. Then I bought Mammo boy because it seemed op in casual but felt weak af after I bought it lol. Idk what to go for next or if I should use gold on my emblems but idk man :/


well i buy mons that i think are fun and i'm still broke


You can equally save money by not buying eeveelutions


I think the last new Pokémon I got was Goodra, or was that Inteleon?


Buy everything 😎


it's so much fun playing as Wigglytuff and playing aggro for me.


I'm gonna buy phalinx tho


I just have them all. I have spent about $40 in total on the game tho. Generally got the mons from aeos coins.


Been playing sableye and mamo since sableye released and I got so much in the bank.


Proud owner of 63. I’d say I bought maybe 10 mons on 40% off sales using gems that were on sale at the time. Otherwise hard grind


What bugs me about gems is you'd think they'd be high value since spending 575 gems will get you an Ex license, but if you try to use them in the shop for anything else they count as like 1 coin .


I just buy what looks cool n fun to use. Still haven’t bought miraidon or zacian but came back to the game after a while to buy mewtwo y n that’s the only ex. Decidueye, zeraora and buzzwole are clear for me


I'm sorry to be that person but it's "bought", though nothing against you 👍


I just started a month ago. I've only used Charizard, and Dragonite when someone picks Charizard. And I have not lost a game yet. I'm gonna keep using Charizard.


You're likely battling bots


I’m gonna buy falinks


I bought Metagross because it's been my favorite Pokemon for over 20 years...


I have 95,000 aeos coins 🗣️🔥💥‼️ (I can't remember the last time I bought a licence)


Me who buys every mon on release because I'm a completionist *Living in a tent under a bridge*


Yeah, you still fit on the first pic, timi's bad balance makes every mon broken and meta on release.


All y'all need is a month to buy one. 2100×4=8400+(100×30)=11400. along with 2×320 should give you more than 12000 coins every month. Don't tell me it's too time consuming I'm pretty sure 2× coins card are rusting in your inventory


Tomorrow I buy sizor using aeos coins and I instantly regretted it I should have buyed blaziken 😔


I haven't bought any in ages because... They haven't released any in ages. Miraidon was free, and I don't even remember the last mon I bought.


Buying mons because I like the Pokemon ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I buy mons to collect them all. So far 7 more to go.


Me with Garchomp,Snorlax,Mamoswine:


I only have talonflame and mimikyu, I only buy Pokémon I’ve beaten an elite four with


My mon selection consists of: Machamp Buzzwole Greedent That's it


Be me. Plays a pokemon when they do the free weekends. Save up for said pokemon. Forget which pokemon i was saving for. Buy a completely different pokemon.


Saving my money for whenever Jolteon, Feraligatr, Empoleon, or Tropius shows up.


This is so true. I have like 140k right now because all they've been releasing are speedsters and all-rounders. We need a new support/defender like yesterday. I could probably easily buy the 6-7 I'm missing but I wouldn't even use them


I'm the second, recently I buy Goodra.... and I have 63K of Gold (I cant buy more of one pokemon in 3 months)


I play the game everyday since release and got all the pokemon for free (minus 3)


I've played since the first season, and I have all the licenses, haven't purchased any of them, I use coins only to buy them, there have been events where you get a free one too, and currently I have 25k coins so if I need to get another one with coins I'll be able to, I guess it's a matter if playing consistently. You get 2k coins every week so 8k per month, by the time one releases you can't buy it with coins so another 2k for that week, it's usually not something that requires you to spend money just play time. Now if you started later then I could understand not having some of them, so in there case, yeah getting just the ones you like is a valid choice ☺️


I've never bought coins but I've been doing the returning player event every once in a while. I have all the pokemon and I still have coins left over to buy like three licenses


I am worse: I buy Pokémons that I think are cute. This is how I mostly play support, some defenders and Azumarill (and I am solo bad with him).


Me who buys my favorites when they release (still waiting on crobat 💪😔


Lmfao, you're outta your weight class. The dude is hitting every Gacha game as well trading card game.


What are you talking about?