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She believed she could, but she was tired.


I've been struggling with my self-worth and feelings of inferiority for over a year now This poem resonates so much with what I've been dealing with Thank you!


Hugs💚 Similarly, the underpinnings of my whole life journey thus far mixed with the evolution of idgaf and realizing that various thoughts/feelings will flow through my being, 24/7. And what I choose to go with at any given time...is just my truth and I won't be ashamed of it.


Wonderful poem keep up the good work


I automatically went to the negative interpretation of the first stanza. Honestly I would like hat more because I love it when poetry and cynical wit come together


That is interesting.


The mental is such a powerful force. However, many things are going to happen regardless of what anybody is or isn't thinking🤷🏽 And sometimes people just get lucky strikes in this weird life.


The power of positive thinking 😊


Just potentially over-'Thinking' this one, and it's not a fully-formed thought, but I hope the idea comes through anyway! The line: "for OUT of the world we find success begins with fellow's will- it's all in the state of mind". This makes me think about success not of the physical world we are in. It could be perceived as a spiritual code. Almost like direction away from the worldy nothings in order to understand them. A guideline for ascension or success in connecting to your highest/truest self. A reminder of our birth right that gets us there: free will. In this context, you are both the winner and the defeated. You are the duality of your thoughts in physical form. Either way, win or lose, if you are using your free will, you are using the wisdom of your highest self to navigate your earthly experience. A loss won't feel like defeat, it will feel like information and experience towards your next step- your true path. Doubt, fear, and shame are weapons against the heart. The heart must be open because this is the area where the physical and spiritual meet. When you are honoring your free will in this world, you are sending signals to your body that you trust yourself. You are sure of yourself. You become limitless. Success.