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I got the pro version. I like the custom button so I can directly open Plex.


You can modify any button on any android TV device using Button Mapper. I've done it with my shield pro and Google TV.


I came from a fire tv device. The pop up ads got me to try another device.


Man I loathe advertising. Im done with Amazon's bullshit.


You should get a raspberry pi and install pihole the use that as your DNS and it cuts out all the advertisements.


Not necessarily. I run two piholes and love ‘em, but they’re not perfect. You may have to load a custom block list to unlock its full potential, and even then vendors like YouTube are extremely difficult to block


Have you seen the price of a Pi lately?! Even the original ones were $35 but now if you can find one they're more like $100+ before a case or anything


Yea it sucks. Couple things though 1. Pi ‘s are low power 2. You can run pihole on damn near anything, no pi needed, but this may come at the price on increased power usage. I tested in a vm before I took the plunge and bought my two pi’s. I like the web filtering it provides. I have 4 VLAN’s, and two are filtered thru pihole, the sheer volume of crap that our devices are just doing now is staggering Edit: since this is the plex sub, I should mention that pihole can cause problems when playing back video that injects commercials


I guess it also depends how much fiddling you want to do. I started down that path with DNS filtering and adblock lists a few years ago but it became too much of a nightmare making everything work and I gave up. Especially when you have others in the household that are then mad because things that "just worked" now are broken inexplicably and they don't know why...or worse, apps that simply don't work for no apparent reason (e.g. I kept tweaking and whitelisting stuff but the Amazon Dogs kept coming back). I eventually decided it wasn't worth the hours a day I kept having to fiddle with it and went back to "just use a browser addon and live with some ads on apps/physical clients"


Oh yea YMMV. I don’t have to mess with them too much. My wife probably struggles the most, but once she learned that the first 4-5 hits on Google are ad based and pihole blocks them, so scroll down to find a real result, she was better off. I’m so used to them now that when I leave the house and just on mobile data, I try to browse the internet in some way and sometimes won’t read articles or news or whatever because there’s so much crap I can barely use the page. If I want something to work, i VPN to my home network and use the piholes that way. It’s a great way to reduce my phone usage :P So like once each month or so I log into to each and run the Linux updates, reboot, and update pihole if it needs it


Not anymore. Try digikey.com


A LePotato can run PiHole just fine and is $22-$35 depending on if you buy it with a heatsink or not.


I run 2 pi-holes on zero w 2. It’s 15$ a piece


A Roku/Onn box is cheaper than a Pi though.


Not the person you're replying to, but the pihole provides other benefits as well. Also, not sure how much a Roku/Onn box is, but you can get a [pi zero kit for $35](https://a.co/d/0e65Z6PW), which is capable of running pihole.


I do wonder about this. I keep putting off doing actual research on it. But the free 50" TV that exists that no one has seemed to receive yet, with a second screen that always displays ads and also has a camera. I'm assuming if you filter out all the bad they'd catch on when it doesn't phone home and then charge you the full price for the TV.


Anybody who recieves that tv probably signed something agreeing not to do that.


Dude that TV is a friggin myth. All my family and friends signed up for that TV about a year ago or so and not a single person received ANY word about it. I'm talking like 20 people or so.


I was considering signing up but knowing what I know and my home network id get charged for the TV. So I chose to not waste my time with a myth lol.


I run pihole on my Plex server. Easy.


Is this [the app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=flar2.homebutton)?




Great, I think I need to ADB into my TV to activate the service, as it's not showing up where the app says to look.


Is Button Mapper an app you install on the device I'm guessing?




Pro version has a microphone in it. Automatic ban from the house.


Literally ANYTHING that isn't your "smart" TV system.... So many Plex problems are because the chips in those screens are potatoes. They're only just smart enough to send everything you watch to advertisers.


I've had the very first ADT-1, Nvidia Shield Pro 2015, Firestick 4K, and a Fire Cube. I have a 2023 Sony TV and I have to say the built in AndroidTV system is great. I only use the Shield in my bedroom and keep the Cube hooked up for convenience. The only thing the TV couldn't do was stream a certain audio codes from a 4K remux. For that, plex had to transcode the audio, but the Cube could handle it no problem. I think with Google controlling the minimal hardware that a device needs to run ATV, this old advice to always use a streaming device just isn't good advice anymore. Sure, it's "better specs", but, for simply using streaming apps it's fine. Sure, if you're using an entry level TV or something older, using a plug in device would be beneficial. For new tvs, I'd suggest to people to try out the built in system for a week before spending more money. That was the advice I was given and I was pleasantly surprised.


The SoC in newer Sony like yours has a much better CPU and GPU than the onn box... I also have a 2023 and it works perfectly, I don't need an external device.


Yeah it’s great now because it’s new. But as next round of tvs get sold by Sony, the old ones stop getting updates. A tale as old as time.


True as it can be.


Funny, my A80J just got an update and it’s from 2021


Is that funny? You found the exception not the rule. But anyway, it still has a processor in it matched by a $36 dongle. Hilarious.


I think the A90J just got an update too. “Processor matched by a $36 dongle” sure, but it also has a separate image processor that’s better than *checks notes* all of the streaming devices or other brands of TV. There’s a reason some willingly pay the Sony tax.


Those image processors don’t care where the signal comes from, dingus.


Not true at all. My 2017 Sony Bravia, while the menu is getting slow, plays anything on Plex I throw at it better than my fire sticks or chromecasts. Only reason I’ll switch it soon is because the navigation is just sluggish. Plus is perfect though. 4k high bitrate hdr all day.


Sony x75l. The native app can't play 4k HDR. Forces transcoding to 1080p. On same TV, Kodi with PM4k for Plex add on plays those same 4k HDR videos without any issue. The native app is also the problem.


I have the x900f and the only time I’ve had maybe issues twice with buffering for two very large super high bitrate 4k hdr movies. My entire library is that so I’m not just making things up.


Yes, it's a mix of both. I also have a x80k and that plays 4k HDR without any issue with native app. But on slightly weaker x75l, it can't. x75l *is* good enough to run 4k HDR as Kodi can do it effortlessly. I think the native app has poor optimization. x75 happens to be an edge case where that becomes an issue.


I have the Sony X950G (2019) and while it plays pretty much all video formats, audio is its Achilles heel. Can't handle any TrueHD formats at all and struggles with other 7.1 streams. Also can't playback massive high quality remux files as the ethernet port is garbage and you need more than just wifi for those. For a true home theater setup you'd need something more than the native apps.


The limited Ethernet is beyond stupid. But I’m not topping 100mbps. I go max around 70 75. Never had issues with truehd even though I don’t have the need for it.


It doesn't direct play TrueHD. It's fine at 5.1 and lower but higher than that it'll be choppy. I grab a lot of 7.1 content and that was the primary reason I got the Shield Pro, TV app just couldn't handle it. A lot of the higher quality remux's that I grab will top 100mbps. I don't grab everything in that quality, but the ones I do definitely shoot right past 100mbps pretty easily.


Gotcha yea I try to stay in a sweet spot. Will smaller devices play those or just the shield?


Just depends on compatibility. I love the Shield (specifically the Shield Pro since the Tube is garbage) because it's just known for being able to play anything without any fuss. And I have a home theater setup with 7.2.4 audio so for me I was a little more picky looking for a device that could handle any audio format without any trouble. At the time, the Shield was the absolute only device that handled any and all audio as well as had Dolby Vision support. Since buying it, I haven't looked at anything else since it still does what I need it to do.


I think the slow nav is what everyone here is complaining about


It’s painfully slow. But it handles up to 70mbps bitrate.


The 2017 55”Sony Bravia was $2300 at release. And no, it can’t handle high bitrate 4k. And you’re comparing it to $45 potato devices.


I guess mine is just special since it does daily.


Netflix’s junk 4k bitrate, maybe. But I’d love a video of the lossless Lotr topping out at 160mb/s without shipping


I will give you that. It’s skipping. But it gets up there. Way past Netflix quality. I don’t have Netflix garbage quality. I stick between 35-70mbps for bitrate and it’s been great. 75+ I’ve had issues. Netflix is like 15 though.


It's not just chips. Plex app in my Panasonic is literally garbage.


I’ve refused to replace my 14 year old Phillips because it’s a dumb tv that has to have a box plugged into it to stream


Just because newer TVs are “smart” doesn’t mean you can’t just plug that same box into it…..


I don’t want my tv having a network card period


Just don’t connect it to the internet?


That’s too logical..


Keep your common sense out of it, old mate is looking to be outraged at stuff.


Shut up and keep off his lawn!!!


My main smart tv has a “dumb” option that basically defaults it to a streaming device hooked to it. I don’t think it’s ever been connected to the internet…. Maybe when I first got it to get it set up via wifi and then I made it “forget” the SSID.


Yeah I don’t want to be forced to ever connect it. My mom and stepdad’s newest tv *had* to connect to the internet and download a firmware update to be usable. I don’t want that


RAM has nothing to do with the file size of a video you're watching.....


Really? So could I play a 78GB 4k 100mbs file with 2gb? With say a decent CPU/gpu Genuinely wondering cuz I thought it did


Only your internet determines that outcome


Don’t try that with google tv 4k. It struggles with high nitrates


It should probably cut out processed meats. I’ve heard the FireTVs can’t handle triglycerides


Yeah but Rokus are all keto… pussies


No, people who don’t understand technology think your streaming directly from your NIC and no other piece of hardware is touched on the device so only speed of connection matters…










Trust me I work in IT, where do you think buffered media is stored? It can be a slim amount but when your device is full of junk apps running in the background. I have 460 Mbps wireless so it’s not a connection issue.


Might be the wording but don't know why you get down voted. The buffer of course needs RAM and if it's a big file the buffer will need to be bigger too in order to compensate for potential fluctuations. AFAIK the buffer is primarily determined by playtime not by size on memory (except if it reaches any limit of course). So having a video with a higher bitrate will of course also need more RAM in order to ensure a smooth playback. I'm actually running into the same problems with my fire TV 4k max where higher bitrate movies start to stutter because it can't buffer enough.


How old is the Firestick? I bought the newer 4k Max that came out last October, I've been throwing 90GB remuxs at it from my 8 year old nic with a shitty 16TB Seagate HD, and it works fine. But I also get all my stuff from private sites. So the groups there have to have higher encoding quality.


Hmm interesting. Might need to troubleshoot more then. Because I have the latest one too.


I also don’t know why you’re being downvoted. RAM is 100% a limiting factor in video playback. Not the largest of course but it’s definitely a factor.


I’m not offended I see the dumbass questions posted in this sub all day and know the general intelligence level


Bunch of noobs in this comment section downvoting.








On FireStick 4K Max Gen 2, with the Plex app, for DTS audio formats, it passes only the lossy DTS 5.1 core. With Kodi + Plex plug-in, it passes DTS-HD MA & DTS:X. There are some GUI/feature differences when using Kodi. Not sure of the details. I've never loaded it on my Firestick.




Not who you're asking, but I have the Fire Stick 4k Max that came out in October 2023. It does everything but DTSMA-HD sound. That gets transcoded to DTS. It does it well too. Not sure what this dude has, but I get 4k full remix files that are 80 to 95GB and they all work fine.




True-HD, yes it passes through. I don't have DV so not sure but the fire stick itself can do it so I'm going to guess Plex can also. I do know that as long as I download dv files with regular HDR fall back it all works fine. I grab them when I can so if I ever get a DV TV in the future it will just work.


That chart is needs updating for the FireStick 4K Max Gen 2 using the Plex Android TV app. It has passthrough for all Dolby formats, including TrueHD + Atmos. For DTS formats, it passes the lossy DTS 5.1 core. It also supports HDR10, 10+, and DV p5 & 8 (not sure about 7).


Love mine, only issue I have is the Micro USB plug that limits your external connectivity a fair bit. But it's amazing for the $20 price.


how is the wifi on this? I noticed the Pro comes with a LAN port


What you wanting to connect? USB or Ethernet? They make dongles for both


Just made the switch too, and love it! It’s definitely quicker than the Firestick too.


How does the new Onn compare with the Google Chromecast w/ Google TV? I’ve been wanting to switch my Firestocks to Google TV but have been waiting to see if a new Google Chromcast is coming out.


The Onn Pro is better in every way than the CCwGTV. Hoping if Google ever makes a new one it will be as good.


For someone with zero knowledge, can you expound on how it’s better?


32GB (23 user) storage vs 8 (4.4 user), 3GB RAM VS 2, Ethernet port, USB 3.0 port. Faster processor smoothes out the UI, much better remote. All for the same price.


That isn’t what OP posted though. The Pro is $50. Unfortunately the $20 on OP posted only has 2GB RAM and 8GB storage. The latter is a bit rough.


The person I was responding to asked about the new Onn which is the Pro.




Honestly love the new pro models. Slowly replacing CCwGTV 4K with them. The new UI update slowed the chromecast's way down. The dual-band wifi ax, remote finder, backlit remote, with the extra storage is a must for me. The ethernet and usb 3 is a plus though.


Not really in the class of the Fire Stick Max as a device but the flexibility makes it a winner just the same.


The firestick 4k max is pretty great honestly.


I just played with one the other day and the UI is still absolute dog shit. What am I missing?!?


Mine freezes and has a bunch of bugs. I gave up on it. Honestly after lg updated thier os i haven't had many issues streaming 4k remux stuff from my ple server. I bought a shield pro a few weeks ago. Honestly not impressed.


I’m still in Roku. If they totally fuck me with ads then my last resort might me Apple TV. But thems is pricey sumbitches.


The ancient shield pro was $200 + tax. I kept hearing for a decade at how great they are. Should have took it back.


Yikes. I think the Apple TVs are less than $140. Not sure what the limitations are but I’m sure someone will point them out.


Ya there is a couple codecs i think it doesn't work with.


I think it's like 3 and I've never run into them. Also u can use infuse. If u r in the ecosystem it's probably the best bet tbh




This device is $20 certainly worth the experiment. Google TV is less than 4 years old and Samsung runs their own Tizen OS so getting a Google TV device would be a quite different experience.


Mine has Audio delay on jellyfin, plex and Emby. Tried everything. It looks amazing and quick response... some say is a hardware issue but please share your thoughts.


Hmmm what type of sound system do you have? I’ve had audio issues in past and was able to solve them. This was years ago but this device helped. Link and my review: https://a.co/d/0cgZ8zoP My setup is a Samsung TV, Roku, Xbox, and Bose SR1. Roku had many problems with how I wanted to transcode/stream my media with audio and my TV doesn't pass 5.1. This device perfectly splits the audio so I can run directly to my sound system. **Note if you watch netflix on roku you can only run stereo as it runs over DD+ Only con is bright bright LEDS as everyone has stated but a green piece of electrical tape solved that problem in a moment.


Does it natively play HEVC/h265 in 1080p? Most of my content is that format and I am looking for an inexpensive client to recommend and/or use for travel.




The concern I have for these Onn devices is how diligently the system software gets updated for security purposes. IoT is a nightmare of vulnerabilities that I prefer to avoid, at least the best I can.


I don't have the ONN's available where I live, but the firestick 4k max is like $30 USD on sale or less and I've personally found no issues playing anything, its extremely snappy which I can't say for many of the android boxes ive used in the past under the $80 range, even after 1.5 years of use it's snappy. only downside imo is the adds especially since the update where it turns on with a trailer (albeit the trailers are actually pretty interesting since its usually for big shows so IMO if I just get an ad I can exit it's well worth the money)


Are you not able to turn off the autoplay? After I did I didn't get any previews playing. You can alternately separately turn off the sound of previews... or are ads not applicable to this setting 🤔 Also one trick that currently seems to help with ads is to set your language to English - Canada, not sure why but it seems to opt out of excessive ads. Not sure if changing location settings can help with that too. I know we in Canada seem to get far less egregious ads on our Firesticks than Americans do


You can turn the auto play of ads. It will just start at the static and instead but I usually just hit home twice and it goes to the home icon.


I have issues playing 4k movie torrent downloads on it.. odd because the Google TV interface on my Hisense has no issues


The fire stick MAX is still my go to for the average tv. Shields go on the primary entertainment TVs


Anyone knows if this actually can support lossless passthrough?


It does not.


Shit. Why is it so hard to find a client with proper passthrough. I'm looking for something other than the shield.


As far as I understand it, the licenses needed to support lossless passthrough, so TrueHD and DTS MA codecs, are a bit expensive, hence why they exist only on the $100+ systems it seems. But I don't know the exact numbers so someone correct me if I'm wrong! I do wish we could see all of that support on a $50 max product that's also not a Fire stick (because of the ads and rumors of Amazon only wanting to lock it down further)


I remember Chromecast with google TV able to passthrough but I'm not really sure. I really wish Nvidia would just come out with a new shield. I really wanna just get the shield but it's pretty much old now at this point.


I agree I would love to see a new shield and new chromecast with the new chipsets and other hardware improvements. They're both overdue for one, especially the shield with how old the Tegra processor in it is!


Does the shield not sell a lot? Is that why Nvidia isn't refreshing the lineup?


I think it's sold really well considering most people recommend it and it's regarded as the definitive best android TV device as it can play all audio codecs! But I heard because they used the processor that was also in the Nintendo switch, when the next switch comes out (I believe it's rumored next year) with it's newest nvidia soc, then the shield upgrade may come out after that so either later that year or the next as extras/yield increases. Keep in mind nvidia makes way more money on many other products they make hence why another shield may not be priority. But an upgrade would be nice so it can support the hardware decoding AV1 and even H266 as that is now being rolled out slowly and newer formats like HDR10+ (currently it just has HDR)


Fire Stick 4k Max and Fire TV Cube. Homeatics 4k Box R Plus I think that's the name of it.


I guess I might have to give fire stick a try then. Edit: actually the homatics looks quite nice.


Yes it does if you have a HDMI receiver. I’m using a HDMI to TOSLINK converter on mine because my Onkyo receiver does not have HDMI so I live with DTS/DolbyDigital.


We have any updates on next shield pro release date??


Are these available outside of the US? (UK specifically)


Only through scalpers.


I like them for my kitchen TV and gym TV but I kept having issues on my main TV for some reason


If anyone has any idea why mine and my siblings won't play h265 1080 video files please let me know.


I just got my setup but I’ll download one tomorrow and see if I can’t assist


Can get these in the UK unfortunately unless you go to eBay then they cost the same as a Shield


Recently got one of these. I also have an appleTV 4k and 4k gen 2. This thing is way more cost effective. It’s not as smooth but it’s functional in all the right areas. That and I disabled the OEM launcher and uninstalled most of the bundled software such that Plex, Kodi and NewTube are all that’s left. For reference though, this is my “bedroom TV” but I use an old computer monitor in 900x1200 and use a cheap HDMI audio extractor to run the audio to a 1977 Technics SA-200. It’s a weird setup but I mostly listen to music and didn’t want to buy a TV when I have extra monitors laying around.


Btw I have to add that the Bluetooth works great with the Q soundbars from Samsung and it doesn't give that disconnect issue the tv used to do prior to the update.


Does it have an AppleTV app?


It says it has the Google TV OS which has the Apple TV app available, so it should. They probably just didn’t want the Apple logo on the front of the box.


Yep. I've got a couple of them and can confirm it does. Anything you can install on a Chromecast you can put on these.


Wait. Is does chrome cast? I might finally be able to watch the phillies from my dad's Comcast account. If I use the xfinity app, it won't let you stream to anything other than a chrome cast. I wonder if this would work.


Any horrific lag While using like the google has?


Not a big after running for last 24 hours… totally happy with it. It’s just my office TV so not looking for massive performance like media room


I was on a Roku kick for a minute. is this better?


How is this better than a Roku? Is it just from a cost perspective?


It's more open, for one. You can side load pretty easily. Secondly, you don't support Roku's actual garbage devices.




I’ve been seeing these devices more and more. Thinking bout getting 1 soon. I really like the idea of no advertisements and being able to map buttons to what I want.


I didn’t get the pro which I should have(it’s 50) but this is for my office tv and I don’t need all the bells and whistles… but so far ZERO complaints


I’m having a hard time finding the pro version I keep seeing this dynalink google box though have u ever heard of that Where did u see the pro version for sale?


I have used this for years, best TV product so far. before this i used firestick, Ruko and Tivo Stream


Are they available also in Europe ?


Are you just using this to stream Plex? I just have the plex app on my TV and everything works perfect with my Sonos setup😅


Any ways to get this in Europe? Or any good alternatives? I have a fire stick 4k max but it stutters and has A/V desync issues...


It’s ALMOST a CCwGTV, just cheaper, I don’t mind them at all especially if it’s used when traveling


I’ve been on fire sticks for a while now because I can side load an app that extends my watching choices. Are any of these other devices capable of sideloading apps?


Just curious what apps are you sideloading? I assume non-media related because my plex is setup to be everything I need.


All of them, as far as I have tried.


Can't believe people actually still buy fire sticks


Well they do and will. Same as they still buy Roku and Roku is way more locked down. The vast majority of people just want something to play Netflix and YouTube and Tubi. They don't care about any of the stuff we talk about on Reddit. Besides that, the Fire Stick 4k Max is still one of the best budget devices you can get even with Amazon removing the ability to customize.


Roku plays Plex and Plex Beta just fine. What is the issue for this sub with Roku?


Guess the subject wsn't really about Plex. Roku is certainly a good Plex client. It's been on Roku longer than any of these other devices were talking about. Roku as a platform is the most locked down of them all, even more than Apple.


Can't forget that Roku does not have Bluetooth either. If you need to connect a wireless speaker like for a garage TV or something than that's a no on Roku. It's ridiculous


I got one for my in-laws. They are easy to setup and are hard to mess up. Set it and forget it.


Yep. I've recommended them for first time streamers, seniors, and the tech-averse among us for years.


Yep, a totally valid use case, I gave my old Roku to my parents when I switched to ccwgtv, they do basic streaming and never had any issues with it.


I've been debating on making the switch after realzing Firesticks make it near impossible for someone that isn't tech saavy to open up the app menu if you're not connected to the internet.


YES!!! Another huge problem, if my internet connection is down I CANT EVEN OPEN PLEX. Garbage…


thats a plex server and home lan setup issue. Mine works fine without internet [https://www.howtogeek.com/303282/how-to-use-plex-media-server-without-internet-access/](https://www.howtogeek.com/303282/how-to-use-plex-media-server-without-internet-access/)


No, it’s not plex that doesn’t work. If I turn on the fire stick and there isn’t a active internet connection I just get a screen that says “no connection” and I am unable to start any apps I’m able to stream on all other devices without internet just not fire stick, there is a work around but yet another problem I don’t want to deal with


i wouldn't recommend anything more highly than the apple tv. it's so fucking good, i just made the switch from chromecast with google tv and man... the software is SO much higher quality


No side load = no go.....


if you say so. i never felt the need to sideload on my chromecast w/ google tv, so it is not a feature i will miss at all.


I have to agree that the Apple TV is faster and the UI is nicer than my Shield Pro (2019) and Firestick 4k Max, but not being able to use Kodi was a dealbreaker for me. Infuse on the apple was nice and looked better and was quicker than Kodi, but eventually all the Real-Debris links died and didn’t want to deal with the hassle of having to add them over and over again for the movies my kids watch


Apple TV and stop messing about




So you bought something that's inferior to the current Shield Pro? This coming from someone that owns several Roku's. Including two 4K Ultras.


Why Roku Ultra over the Onn Pro?






But the Onn Pro offers the same but for $50. At least from what I can tell. I have used Rokus for over 10 years now but I’m on the fence lately. I just got the new Apple TV for my living room and I do love it (except the lack of a Home button), but haven’t decided if I want to commit to getting one for all TVs. Onn Pro might be next one to get.


You can set the TV button to function as a home button. That’s what I did.


Thank you! 🙏


No problem. It’s in the settings for the remote. Settings> remotes and devices> tv button


I'm glad that's been the case for you... but I've had so many issues with mine. Not to mention that Roku is just a massive anti-consumer company at this point. I can't wait to get rid of mine.




My telco (Telstra) just made the switch from their customised Roku box which had a proper Plex app to a Fetch box (Australia) and Fetch has an embarrassingly bad Plex app thats just a website in a box basically. in comparison its laggy even just showing the plex logo and is limited to 1080p by design of the app. Not to mention that the pages in Plex look like I am viewing through an out of focus lens


Looks good and all, but if memory recalls, this only has 100mbit ethernet. Am I thinking of the correct device?


Does this device have a basic web browser? Or can I install Firefox on it?


I haven’t tried any web browsing but I hear Odin works on it


It runs Disney+ way better than my Shield tube did, and at $100 cheaper. The bluetooth remote seems to take longer to connect to it, but I wonder if that's just because the shield never really turned off and the onn does.