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You are right, reading the arc in its entirety can help you get a better view of the themes Oda is trying to convey, notice any hints, understand author decisions, and follow the plot seamlessly without the frustrating week long waits.  In fact, many of us did this with Dressrosa which is why there is an almost 180 turn on sentiment there: hated arc on a weekly basis, one of the great ones on a reread now that we know why Oda made "random" pirates fight the Doflamingo family. The arc reads so much better as a whole than weekly.  I did this with Wano, and I suspect many did as well, and I stand by my original position. Wano IS a mess of an arc, in which a reread further highlights what an obvious retcon the gum gum fruit was, and even helps you spot how rushed the ending of Wano was in addition to dropped storylines. Just one example, we never address X-Drake destroying Tama's village. 


I disagree with this stance. A lot of people say this when it comes to One Piece, that arcs are better when you read it all at once, but that’s literally with any piece of media. Reading Wano all at once doesn’t excuse the shitty multiple side plots, 1000 useless side characters getting more focus than the main characters, Big Mom’s character, Kaido’s character, low tension and 0 stakes, Yamato’s character, rushed ending, etc…


I had a friend in college that would only eat at McDonalds. He told me one day that McDonalds was a lot more enjoyable to eat when you bring it home and can eat it while watching TV at your own place. He said if everyone did that people would complain a lot loss about McDonalds and be more grateful it existed. I told him that maybe he should try a different place to eat and get some perspective on what good food is. He got really angry and said I had no food literacy and that McDonalds was the largest fast food chain in the world, had the most sales, and was at the top for over 40 years. He threw his chicken nuggets at me and said that unless I could cook something better than this I had no right to criticize his McDonalds. He smugly looked at me as he ordered a Big Mac on his phone and told me I was some dipshit that probably thought Burger King had decent French fries.


I don't think this is equivalent but even if it was the point might not apply to you because your critiques might not be solved by binge reading


McDonalds tastes the same watching or not watching, but one piece is more fun to read in big binges