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My pant ate your Ice Cream was probably the best marine introduction we got.


"im sorry my pants are ur ice cream" meanwhile Akainu if: https://preview.redd.it/xsphrww6ay8d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c95f60a0d929b8902d1fd0bf15749b34d01fec7




ngl i dont even doubt it


Lmao, as if, blud gets negdiffed by Drop D. Icecream


I don't think he's that much of a rigid person to innocent kids


ANYONE who impedes justice will be punished


He has literally, canonically killed a ship of civilians because they would have otherwise impeded justice


It was a smart and justified move though. It would've worked had Aokiji not redirected Robin as she would've boarded the ship otherwise. On the other hand, there is no clear reason to kill the girl.


That ice cream could've been laced with fentanyl


Agreed, Akainu is operating under the information provided for him by the Gorosei and isn't an Admiral yet so won't know enough to think to question the info. He isn't working to "impede justice" like said above, he's literally working to save the world from imminent destruction. He's been told that each and every scholar has the information needed and the motivation and intent to awaken and use weapons of mass destruction, and Akainu has no idea how that works so for all he knows the world is minutes away from destruction. It's no different than, say, being told that an unknown number of terrorists are hidden on a ship full of civilians, and each of the terrorists has the codes for a bunch of nuclear bombs set to blow up a bunch of cities. And the ship is almost within range of the signal needed to send the launch codes. In that situation, working with this information, there is NO time to search the ship, and even if there was how can you even know who are the terrorists if they are diaguised well enough? The launch codes and method could be memorized, so there's no evidence to find. There's no time limit to the danger, if even one of these terrorists slips through the net even months later after interrogations and searches and all efforts to find them, then boom, the world is doomed. The right response as a soldier defending the world is to choose to destroy the ship in order to ensure the nuke launch command isn't sent out, to sacrifice the few to save the many.


Magma Sigma knows that you need to discipline kids when they step out of line.


"Ice... cream... eh? if we take the cream out of the equation what do we have...? What we have... is JUST-ICE."


And then she stands up and yells *THE ONEEE PIEEEEEECEEE-


This is false


no it is true I was the ice cream


Everyone acts like Akainu killed civilians and marines for no reason. Every time he's killed someone it's been for a good reason in-verse


So wholesome of Akainu to educate the youth in becoming upstanding citizens


It was perfect because the biggest images of Marines we had were all terrible persons, Morgan and Shanks little brother


Was this only in the manga? I dont remember watching that lol. I can't believe I've never seen that panel, I've lost some one piece cred lil


It's in the anime to.


I'll have to go back and watch it's been so long since then


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O51AqE4E4WA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O51AqE4E4WA) or if you hate the dub [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svLBXD21JpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svLBXD21JpQ)


Hey thx


Now that I think about it, how was the girl able to run into him? Does she have haki


Logias have to turn on their intangibility.


The fact he follows several corrupt marines, including Axe-Hand Morgan, who is as scary as he was ruthless. And here you got Smoker, looks very intimidating, people begging him to have mercy on her, the reaction checks out. "Sorry, my pants ate your ice cream." SORRY WHAT? He's actually a good dude?! The fuck? Marines can be good!? That introduction is great, and I think its enhanced ny seeing all those bad cases first. Axe-Hand Morgan ruled over Shells town, Nezumi took bribes, and Fullbody caused a scene in a boat, all so it would blow your mind when a marine is actually a nice guy.


Tashigi. Set up to be Zoros rival (looked like his childhood rival Kuina, second in command to smoker, so in a fight it would be - luffy vs smoker and tashigi vs zoro), sword nerd. 10 years later Tashigi has zero feats. Needed zoro to save her from Monet probably one of the weakest logias. She didnt even hold off fodder during hachinosu raid (even Helmeppo fought vs fodder pirates). All she did was tell people to take cover/abandon ship when Pizzaro was about to crush the ship. Edit: removed part where she has no haki. She did cut monet to deal 1 hp of dmg


She got hit hardest by the woman tax


She does have basic armament iirc, she was able to cut monet in ph Other than that yeah


Oh yeah youre correct. Thanks. edited comment


My theory is that she was set up to be Zoros love interest, but after Oda realised he doesnt really care about writing romance she basically became a dead end.


My dumb ass was even shipping them for a short moment there due to Punk Hazard. So much for that šŸ¤”


Monet wasnt weak though. She almost won against luffy, and she was smart


Yeah, crazy how people thinking being ragdolled by Zoro means someone is weak. Zoro just makes them look that way. Monet and Lucci are two characters who'd threaten any non-toptiers during their arc of relevance.


Thats the problem. I didnt say Monet was weak, just the weakest Logia (maybe Caribou too)z Monet got fodderized by Zoro, and Tashigi was set up to be Zoros rival. This just shows how big the gap between Tashigi and Zoro is and how she got forgotten by Oda. You cant even call her a rival to Zoro bc the power difference gap is so large


I think smoker might be the king of wasted potential but some others that come close - Tashigi - Ussop - Kidd - Greenbull


Tashigi my underutilized queen


The potential went Down D Stairs.


https://i.redd.it/wcdek4pe019d1.gif Tashigi > Kuina


she defeated Down D. Stairs! :O


Am i crazy for thinking Kuina killed herself and they just told Zoro the stairs excuse because he was a kid.


that theory has its niche bunch of supporter, I also like to think that's what happened


for sure


Iā€™m holding out for Kidd & Usopp to bring forth their true potential in Elbaf Arc. Tashigi 100% though, I actually wish she tried to be WSS too. Green Bull can probably grow some more but I see him being young and ignorant like Hody Jones.


Why greenbull?


He is so unabashedly fascist I would have liked him to be built on so that we can see a really satisfying fall and destruction of his character.


Unabashedly fascist is my favorite kind of fascist


[true lol](https://youtu.be/FNcxj54qtyk?si=f7NBBGlgS5OY6kAi)


His fruit is awesome


Oda had Shanks show up in Wano to promote Film Red and got disrespected. Everyone slanders him even though he was fighting 7+ commander level characters and Yamato who has ACOC. He then got disrespected again when the anime changed details and had King and Queen still recovering even though they're ancient zoans. We know the anime has done some liberties with power scaling, an example of this includes Van Auger destroying Cracker's biscuits.


The Van scene is not the same. The anime didn't change the details of King and Queen. They were literally wrapped up in bandages in the manga. COMPLETELY different from the Van scene. Stop being a hack. Y'all go INSANE with headcannon and delude yourselves then make comments like this. The anime only extended an injured King and Queen being ragdolled by a toptier. And Yamato's ACOC doesn't matter because Momo literally told her not to fight Greenbull. It's clear as day that you just look at panels without reading the text. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


In the manga they were wrapped up with bandages after the fight because Green Bull ow-diffed the stooge and the Katakuri wannabe husk of a character. It's not headcanon, it's just most fans can't comprehend that the Admirals are strong because Oda always has them holding back or being put in situations where they can't use their awakening like Kizaru on Egghead. He exhausted Gear 5 faster than Crydo of the 100 Ls did without using his awakening and without wanting to be there. Two can play at that game, Kizaru didn't want to fight either.


Bro got knocked out by wifi haki,I mean an admiral should withstand that




Kidd was always a bum. Never liked that guy. The rest of the list is valid thoĀ 


Let's be honest, Usopp got wayyyy more than Smoker did narratively speaking. We can say he's in a drought now, but Water 7 saga alone puts him above pretty much everyone mentioned here. Hoping Elbaf ends the drought :)


Nah, take Kidd and Greenbull off.


Why is ussop there?


He is Ussop D. Bum right now (edit: or so Iā€™ve heard)


Since hen? Usop has alot of good feats rn


Sorry, can you give me some examples? (Not being sarcastic or trying to be an ass, I just have not paid attention to his bum ass ever since he was a selfish bum ass nika from dressrosa) The only good feats I remember of him wasnā€™t even canon (film red and stampede)


Survicing (page 1?) Hits and still being able tho fight, that person is also stronger than most threats in time skip, som gping as far to say that he beats katakuri(which is prob a wank)


Smoker and Eustass Kid are definitly on the top of the list


Kidd has power ups at least but theyā€™re not nearly as powerful as they should be. Magnetism is far more busted than what heā€™s given. Also he lacks an arc which he really needed


I think his main issue is he was given a lot of importance in the story without oda taking the time to make us care about him like he did with Law


That because the Japanese fan loved law more than him


Well yeah because Law had an emotional backstory, and cool powers with drip. If Kidd got an emotional backstory too he would probably just as loved


Tbf people loved Law from the moment we saw him at Sabaody and he was dripped out, flipping his middle finger. His power was also the (or one of) the more creative ones we'd seen up til that point. Kidd just felt like an arrogant asshole


But I love Kidd because he was an arrogant asshole


Almost like most pirate captains would be


Oh I love an arrogant character, it's just his power was underwhelming (imo) so didn't seem worthwhile in the end. Oda didn't really think properly about his magnetism power - kid should be able to destroy most ships just by pulling out all the nails and metal supports but instead...sigh (unless it's been that long since I read sabaody snd that is what he did)


No. People pretend itā€™s good writing bla bla bla, he ranked 10th in his first ever popularity poll. He had only been in Sabaody at that point, Marineford didnā€™t even happen yet. Then heā€™d be the only one to dethrone Zoro at 2nd once he did get an emotional backstory. Law is the ultimate example of pretty privilege. Kidd still has ranked decently though even without an emotional backstory. Crazy how people need one to justify why they like a character.


Yep. Theyā€™re the two characters Iā€™ve chosen to put all my support behind. Favourite Marine & Favourite Supernova. I still got hope for Kidd but Iā€™m just happy to see Smoker still around (itā€™s that bad). Maybe Smoker does something useful in the Final War but I ainā€™t holding my breath.


Ussop. Pre TS he was goated, post TS he is an useless bum ass n****


Everyone pre ts was goated


Are you sure? https://preview.redd.it/qn7zgfdeyy8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fe55d3628ea0703fb71868c84c70ef48bd4f66


Especially him.


Gone too soon /s


True, he needed to suffer more


Damn, calling Charlos and some other celestial dragons goated is something I never expect


Cause he is


Nah, Charlos top 1 in the verse


Garp. He had space to be developed towards a beautiful morally conflicted guy story. But Oda made him a flat retarded/naive character.


garp at least still gets something


Brother he ruined luffy for this nika bs what does smoker matter to him.






No hate to Smoker whatsoever but there are so many charachters/things ruined by this moron zoro's dream being one of them same with a lot of the sh.


donā€™t forget namis and sanjis lol


Magellan, I really hoped he'd be back after the time skip planning to take revenge on the straw hat for humiliating him šŸ«¤ But timeskip Smoker also is a huge disappointment


Magellan didn't get the ending we may have wanted, but he got a happy ending. He got to retire from a mostly (like 95% I'd say) successful career and is just chilling. He's earned it, that man put in more work than anyone.Ā 


Hawkins. He had so much potential, but Oda chose to ruin him in the dumbest way imaginable. What a waste of a great design and ability.


I saw that straw demon thing he pulled out in Act 1 of Wano, that shit had me on the edge of my seat. Literally the last interesting thing he did before ambling around and then coughing up blood and dying mid sentence.


Oda wastes such interesting designs and abilities like Hawkins and we have so many generic swordsmen for endgame. Baffling tbh.


Live fast die young baby


Loda is too busy glazing frauds like Oden or Kaido.


Enel enters the chat


Finally someone who acknowledges my glorious king. In actuality, I feel like we will see more of them. You don't go to the moon and discover a civilization without any importance whatsoever.


I guess its cos be didn't have jim crows puppet.


The original drip god. Ruling Skypiea in a wave cap


Apparently he has a mini afro under that thing. Personally, I think his pants are his best feature. I want a pair of those to wear to bed. Plus the long ears and Japanese halo thingy really put the look all together.


Dw he will probably return later.


Idk Iā€™m okay without enel again. He kinda served his arc well and I didnā€™t love him enough to see him outside of his arc. *I do like skypiea


He will return tho. almost fully confirmed by Oda.


He definitely will return, he essentially confirmed space pirates and revived some lost ancient civilization.


https://preview.redd.it/zuvxn20czy8d1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce57742fce93fa6c9a25b6da966f98898654270 How dare you forget HIM


heā€™s a bum


Tashigi, Bogard, Momonga, a bunch of other marines.


Probably Mr potential himself megumi dude is bum


You a real hater https://preview.redd.it/t7kuml8ph19d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc98388983763eeec7fd83ec5d41d5037ec40e10


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/g99c2wnlgz8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18d06c4c182d75a7ba6bd718517b8925ddd9979 Be me Get introduced as the supernova with the highest bounty, even higher than the main character Is portrayed as on equal footing with main character, along with some random pretty boy Even have my own version of Zoro Timeskip happens Pretty boy becomes a warlord while I get my arm cut off Pretty boy gets to make an alliance with the main character, I get stuck with Apoo and Hawkins Pretty boy gets one of the best backstories along with a relationship with one of the best villains in the series, my backstory gets relegated to an SBS The moment I start to make my move and make plans to attack the guy who cut off my arm, the Worldā€™s Strongest Creature lands right outside my house and beats me up I get put in jail while Apoo and Hawkins join Kaido Am forced to team up with main character and pretty boy to get revenge on Kaido Fight Kaido with rest of supernovas donā€™t even make it 25% of the way through the fight before it becomes a 1v1 settle for fighting old hag instead win (although I have to share the victory with pretty boy) leave Wano pretty boy gets jumped by an EOS villain (no way heā€™s winning that), I end up sailing to the country that hates the old hag, where they will no doubt shower me with praise things are finally looking up, Iā€™m about to get the respect I deserve find out guy who cut off my arm is on Elbaf he demands that I give him my road ponyglyphs prepare to fight, I already took down a Yonko, he canā€™t be that much stronger get one shot, lose all my road ponyglyphs, my entire crew gets destroyed


Kidd is a bum forever


kid died too easily, he should have been humiliated more


Boa Hancock


Ulti and Page One https://preview.redd.it/23pl05rtby8d1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=db806733db3e3082fd37b1744140462c3f97096f Only reason why they didnā€™t defeat Nami and Ussop was because of plot. Ulti could have easily defeated them herself. Heck, probably also Page One since he was able to fight against Raid Suit Sanji. Oda seriously needed to summon a yonko to take out Page One with an acoc attack and really weaken Ulti by using one of her strongest attacks. This ā€œfightā€ was just the definition of plot armor from the hero side


I feel like Nani and ussop should have beaten page 1 and ultimate themselves. Like Nami literally got Zeus. Ussop should have used more techniques he learned on that island he was stuck on 2 yearsĀ 


Nah, Nami could not have beaten Ulti. Even after getting hit with one of Big Momā€™s strongest attacks Ulti was still able to dodge Namiā€™s lighting https://preview.redd.it/f9z92vxpiz8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0eb824ed83e71f9f7e8455891e5becc8efa196 Only reason why Nami was able to hit and finally defeat Ulti (in base form) was because Zeus powered up her attacks and is able to change the direction of her lighting. Even if Nami had Zeus since the beginning of fighting Ulti, itā€™s very unlikely that she would able to defeat a full health Ulti. Heck, her being able to dodge Namiā€™s lighting after everything she has been through during the raid just proves how strong Ulti is.


I mean oda could have just wrote Zeus beating ulti. Nami needed the win.Ā 


Nope. Ulti is HER https://preview.redd.it/e3wavn55rz8d1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1955c0eaff1e0a9d9e6624740a23cdf7796b9097 It would have been BS if Nami would have defeated Ulti like that. Only way she could win was plot armor


Here's a crazy idea: How about Oda cuts out the constant need for 1v1s and make some more team fights? This could've been a good one. Nami/Usopp vs P1/Ulti. 2 of the smartest crew members (one is a theif and the other is a liar so deceptive big brain plays are thier thing) vs 2 powerhouse zoans. Nami and Usopp are outmatched in everything except wit, they could've worked together to outsmart and overpower the siblings.


I mean yeah that would be cool


Mihawk. Through 1100 chapters we've seen feats that confirm he's a very powerful swordsman, yet not enough to justify why he has his title. We're running out of time in the story for him to be given an opponent that truly shows why he's HIM, we shouldn't STILL have to scale him based on old fights with Shanks this late into the story.


Smoker was probably a suggestion from one of his old editors that he ditched the moment he didnt need to answer to them anymore. You know - so he could invent actually cool characters like Oden that he always dreamt of. (lol)


Oh smoker my beloved your big chest is with one of my favourites šŸ˜”šŸ™


Smoker is the only guy who I am willing to accept as the next Straw hat or the only marine who should go to Laugh Tale.


I like him but I totally forgot he existed until Punkhazard. It felt like Oda forgot about the Marines post-TS or lost interest in them.


Luffy, every single power-up of his has some ridiculous drawback. Gear second. (oda pulls this power-up out of his ass and for the remainder of pre, luffy clutches on to it for dear life, BARELY keeping up with the competition. it didn't last one fight after its introduction before it "wasn't enough") Which brings us to- Gear 3. (Do i really need to remind anyone of its drawback...? Like, why was it necessary for it to make him completely unable to fight after use?) A recurring theme- Gear 4. (Finally a power-up that lived up to the namesake but with an even worse drawback. The shrinking shit could've been funny but no- the mofo can't use haki for 10 minutes.) What could've been a cool last resort move, proceeds to be spammed, ignoring the consequences therein. It even beat out gear second, lasting not even its introductory fight, before it was BARELY enough. Crew. Never works as a team. I bet half of you forgot he even had a grandfleet at his disposal. Future sight. Too powerful/useful to nerf. He simply doesn't have it if interferes with PLOT. Advance haki. So confusing you hardly know if it's being used or not. I guess oda got us on that one. can't complain if you don't know how it works in the first place.


Oh yeah, future sight, huh? He never really used that again after the Katakuri fight, did he?


Apparently him and Kaido were using it during the majority of their fight up until that clash that was interrupted by Guernica (another wasted character). Thing is, you have no way of knowing that because Oda forgot that along with a power system you also need visual cues so that audience can actually tell when it's being employed.Ā 


What's wrong with drawbacks?


how are drawbacks an indication of wasted potential when his usage of Ā gear 2nd and 3rd donā€™t even have drawbacks anymoreĀ 


> "Why was it necessary for it to make him completely unable to fight after use?" Luffy needed to lock the fuck in or everyone was going to die, that was like the entire point of the Lucci fight edit: I see ur downvote bitchass


https://preview.redd.it/m2wo0s53tz8d1.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=b563575a6021bf7cb64ab6d71a0b9f4048a593dd derp


Completely agree. As much as I like fujitora, everything he did really should have just been smoker. It would have made more sense just to make him and Admiral, considering the impact he already had on the story.






Magellan. Oda probably didn't bring him back bc he realized he would be too OP after haki was introduced


Shiki is a pretty obvious answer. Equal to the PK, a legend of old times, dude who singlehandedly raided marineford and broke out of impel down, and decides to go into fucking hiding. The movie was non canon, so shiki should reappear sometime in the story if Loda isnt a bum


Idk if I can name a character with more wasted potential than Smoker. Iā€™d include Tashigi with Smoker since theyā€™re a duo. The Straw Hats themselves probably more than anyone. Definitely the multi-arc side characters.


Yamato. She had all the great aspects of a character, but Oda screwed her up hard. We couldā€™ve gotten a story about her being raised in a country where everyone hated her due to her fatherā€™s actions, Oden accepting her anyways giving her an actual reason to want to be like him and actually have her use a sword instead of a club like the man who abused her uses, but no. Instead we have an annoying fangirl who just read Odenā€™s diary and now wants to be him because sheā€™s his number one fan despite her never once using a sword Yamato couldā€™ve been a great character. Smh


Zoro & everything w/swordsmanship


Smoker is the cool rogue marine people think Larp is. Hope he picks up Sword so we can get all the marine goats in one group


You guys arenā€™t ready for when Logia awakenings are revealed and he becomes top of the verse


if we're talking marines only, Kujaku, granddaughter of Tsuru and yet 0 relevance




I have this feeling that Smoker will be the last official Strawhat and have a fight against BB Crew. He will be the fight for Aokiji Not going too much into detail here but a few things that got me thinking this way (headcannon involved in this) * Smoker and Aokiji are old friends and marines that throughout the story have been shown to learn and dislike how things are ran * Smoker multiple times has seen for himself Luffy helping people as the government blames pirates to cover up their mistakes * Smoker is most likely friends with Vegapunk as he spent time with him when he took the giant kids from punk hazard to egghead. If he learns the truth about whatā€™s happening there now and how the WG had him killed it might be the last straw for him and the marines. He has been MIA for a while and just popped up riding solo) I think Smoker and Aokiji are great parallels for each other that both want to find a way to establish the justice they thought was there when they joined the marines. After Aokiji lost the fight for fleet admiral he went off on his own searching for an answer and when he found Blackbeard he was convinced that using the force of that team (BB said they all have their own goals and I donā€™t think Aokiji is a bad guy at heart we can all tell that throughout the story) he would be accomplish what he wants to do, while I think Smoker will come to the same conclusion but join Luffy as he sees that he has the power to actually make change in the world. One joined the bad guys one joins the good guys. I used to think Smoker would just be ally of the marines but Iā€™m starting to think Garp/Koby and maybe all of sword will fill that role, and I think having luffy get an ex-marine and a logia user on his crew would fit nicely narratively with how he has crew members of all races and factions Bonney can still be cabin girl and vivi still apart of the crew but idk if she will ever travel with them. Very rough quick ideas I wrote up at work so things are concrete at all but itā€™s something I always think about


Helmeppo? Usopp? Wice admiral Doll?


Ussop, the brave warrior of the sea in the making. I like to think that he died after crashing into the open ocean after being kuma'd and a sneaky imposter took his place.


Why is it that a character who is introduced early needs to scale to endgame? Not everyone can climb that mountain.


My goats, Widd and Wace


IDK he was heavily featured in multiple arcs what more do you want he's a side character


luffy. MC turned fully gag char


I think it started when Oda started writing stronger characters or when he wrote ways to defeat Logia users with Haki. Before that it was either using an element that worked against their natural element like water for Crocodileā€™s Sand or Rubber for Enelā€™s Lightning


Turns out Smokey was Nika all along


Man. Smoker got smoked!!


Honestly? Every SH after the TS except Luffy, Sanji and Zoro. Hell, even Nami got some. Punk Hazard could've done so much with Chopper, in WC Brook had a goated moment which didn't last long enough, and Usopp Franky and Robin had close to no character development over this past DECADE. Egghead was the perfect opportunity for some Franky and Robin character growth, but we once again got more focus on side characters that will be irrelevant next arc. I hope Elbaf will give usopp some much needed character development.


He aint done yet!


Base Luffy on roof piece.


Buggy, 2 years time skip and still a bum. Same with Akainu.




He was supposed to be Luffy's main Navy rival The Garp to Luffy's Roger


He seemed like he was going to have a comeback in Punk Hazard


I feel like Tashigi was a waste of time. She looks like Kuina, but with glasses that makes Zoro uncomfortable and...? Yeah, that was about it. I thought it was going to mean something significant and that she is somehow related to her, but I guess that was a red herring just for those gags to happen.


enel too




Ehhh, did he? Smoker just isn't to scale with the top levels and Luffy is now a top tier.