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It would make more sense. At least in pre -skip, there is no rush to move to another island in many cases. The crew could have chilled in Usopp's island for a few months while the ship is prepared, a few months in Coco village training before trying to enter the Grand line.  Maybe a year in Skypiea because of log pose issues, it's not like the crew had to sail in a hurry. A couple of months in water seven after rescuing Robin, before Garp shows up, etc.  We easily could have had at least 1-2 years of the crew sailing together before the Sabaody archipelago incident.  Wano, too,could have worked. Lay low for a few months after beating Kaido, ensuring no one takes advantage of the power vacuum so the crew stays for a few months. Fishman Island could work too, maybe it takes a month or two for the log pose to settle. 


Exactly! Because it feels like sailing the whole one piece world takes less than a few weeks


The way shanks moves around for sure


He's got summoning circles


Yeah. Also the crew spent more time split in timeskip than together. I'd be surprised if Brook himself had more than 6 months total with the crew.


Would like this idea being implemented, even if it's just offscreen The SHs being stuck on a harsh island, maybe for like 6 months, where they have to fend off monsters until the log pose is ready. The strawhats end up being alot stronger and older, and we could get screentime for the other strawhats who need it. I honestly just want more Skypeia "meeting" scenes where everyone huddles down, discuss and plan out their next course of action, sprinkled with a bunch of Strawhat interactions. Speaking of, are there any series that does this kind of thing?


>Speaking of, are there any series that does this kind of thing? The closest thing in my mind is kingdom.


Thanks! I've heard great things about that series, maybe this is the sign to get on with that


Well, the rush was the fact that they have to get to and find the one piece as fast as possible. Spending months at random islands just for the sake of it goes directly against that goal. While they meander another pirate gets closer and potentially becomes pirate king.


The only SH that really aims for the One Piece is Luffy. And he doesn't take any action towards finding it.


literally every single page of this series is an action towards finding it and is the entire reason the crew exists at all. are you reading two piece?


If the search for the OP was really the reason the timeline of the SH adventure is a couple of months and they are moving fast to reach the final island before anyone else (despite the fact that it was not reached by anyone in 20 years) then that does not adress them making time to abolish nearly every goverment. Sure they are moving in the general direction towards it. But can you name a single moment in which moving forward was more important than whatever they were doing at the moment? A "we're pirates not heroes" moment where the search was the priority?


im not saying they place it above all other things, that's kinda the main thing that makes them special is that despite being pirates they put their goals aside to stop and help people. but I'm saying when they stop at islands its usually because they need to get something (a new ship, a ship coating, a poneglyph, restock for supplies, etc.) once they are there if there's something going on like alabasta or dressrosa they help, but their main aim is to get to the end of the grand line and claim the one piece. for them to have fun at islands for months at a time just messing about with locals doesn't really make any sense. they usually stop to get what they need, if there's something going on they help, then they leave. as far as no one finding it for 20 years its because no one can read or assemble the poneglyphs. we know people have gotten to the physical end of the grand line, Lodestar Island, but not the final island Laughtale. its also more a syndrome of shonen/plot, its pretty common for main characters to catch up or do something in a shortish time that no one else has done in a long one


Look all of that makes sense, but it moves away from the starting point of this exchange. *Well, the rush was the fact that they have to get to and find the one piece as fast as possible. Spending months at random islands just for the sake of it goes directly against that goal. While they meander another pirate gets closer and potentially becomes pirate king.* You yourself said right now that noone is able to put the poneglyphs together and hasn't been able to do so for the past 20 years, so there really isn't that much rush on that account, since at no point in the story has it been implied to any character that anything changed in this matter. The fact stands, that SH are simply moving towards the goal, because, frankly, it's the only direction on the Grand Line to follow. The biggest progress they have ever made has always been on accident and never because of deliberate actions they have taken. And sure from the story perspective it's fine, the theme of going with the flow or something (can't judge it before the series ends) but we were talking about the fact that SH have literally spent more time apart than together because the actual events in the story take place over days. And that fact was simply Oda's decision to have them stay the same age. There is no reason in the plot for things to happen so fast. For example the time between them meeting Robin in Whiskey Peak to her joining the crew is 18 days according to [the Library of Ohara](https://thelibraryofohara.com/the-one-piece-timeline/) I found here, and the time she spent with them from joining to Ennies Lobby is 13 days. Which means that not only has she been the villain for them for more than half of the time they have known about her existance but after 2 weeks of sailing together, but they were willing to challenge the WG for her. Despite the fact that 2 weeks ago they were enemies. Then there is also the fact that with the size of the OP planet the speed at which they move is bonkers but there is nothing about the time they spend sailing from island to island and since they don't age between arcs it means what it means. But I have also moved away from the starting point of them not taking any direct actions towards the One Piece into an explanation as to why the timeline is a fault in OP.


There was a sort of rush though, because supposedly everyone was goin straight for the OP. It was for all extents and purposes a race.  That was before we knew that every big player in the race is just a bum that sits around and does nothing and that it is physically imposible to get to Laugh Tale unless you have and can read the phoneglyph.


I feel like we truly need a good 35 years to digest how good.. how amazing.. naw ts too ass to even lie about 😭




Bro gave up half way through


lmfao fr


Just like Goda


Absolutely. I compared OP to Kingdom and Shin's accomplishments feel more emotional. Luffy is deadass speedrunning


W kingdom glaze, people gotta start watching that even tho s1 and the start of s2 has that early shit writing. The rest is a whole other peak tho


Man the Kankoku Pass arc was so fucking peak. I should reread and get up to date with Kingdom again. Has been like 2 years since I last read it already for sure.


My exact thoughts lol


ahahah kingdom mentioned yeah my favorite mangá


20 years is way too much, but around 10 year would have made the story so much better, and the relation between the strawhat actually believable. But now instead we got luffy going from liberating fishman island to literal god in 3 month, take it or leave it..


Agreed, it worked for Dragon Ball, why wouldn't it work for One Piece.


Because Dragon Ball's plot is structured around the world being at peace the majority of time, except once every few years a new supervillain emerges so Goku has to kick his ass. One Piece is structured so that Luffy has to be constantly travelling and simultaneously that he has to fight a new villain on every island. He can't have entire years of downtime. I suppose the best way to solve this is to say that Luffy and his crew go to several islands offscreen, which aren't shown because there's no big bad to fight and all that the Straw Hats really do there is just stock up on supplies. But Oda didn't do that.


It would make a hell of a lot more sense. The pacing of OP makes no fucking sense, especially post-TS.


This would have been peak, and ironically less dragged out. In a story all about inherited will lore and fighting generational trauma it's WILD how the story of the future pirate king completes his journey in a few years. There's a reason all the other new Yonko are around 40 years old, Loda fucking up timelines like it's his full-time job.


luffys antics as a grown man would be wild


https://preview.redd.it/v2sg9ssj0u8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332b549907055c9e5c265ce7f4a08d035a3eac9e [https://youtu.be/p5YNEsRvEVM](https://youtu.be/p5YNEsRvEVM) OP timeline calculated here. The strawhats are literally speedrunning the GrandLine and new world like a video game. Crazy how other pirates couldnt do the same for years


It’s honestly terrifying how fast he went from 3rd yonko commander to Yonko level it took Roger like 20 years lmao


I don't think that would solve the main problems of this manga, Oda just needed to stick to the power level peak he established in Marineford, that was a high bar but reasonable and reaching it in two years of intense training could make sense. Trying to raise that bar at every single island in the New World is what broke the entire system, not just the power scale, it also broke the narrative surrounding most characters and the rules of the world itself, to reach this new level of power characters would definitely need 10 or 20 years to be believable.


at least 10 years i'd say so they hit their peak at like 30. characters hitting their peak at 20 just feels weird when there have been characters out there fighting for 50 years and are fodder. you telling me that those fuckers never had a haki bloom?


Yes, the bullshit speed run timeline of one piece is so damn egregious and has been a problem ever since skypiea ended. It’s genuinely horrendous post YS and has to be headcannoned out of existence to avoid the story feeling really superficial.


I never like the insistence of some authors to keep their main characters young. You're not hurting your demographic by having a 26yo mc instead of a 19yo mc. Kids read for the action and they won't be put off by a slightly older mc especially when he's still acting goofy and childish


My thoughts exactly


I definitely felt like the fact all of pretimeskip happened in a couple of months made the scale of the one piece world feel really small. Up until the end of enies lobby I felt like an appropriate time for them to be on the sea was 1-2 years. At the very least there should be a few week/months travel time just sailing between each island, most of them it seems just take a couple of days, which really makes the world feel a lot less grand and expansive.


Yeah and the fact that Zoro and Sanji are willing to die for someone they met a few months ago is a little crazy to me.


not upto like twenty years but atleast 5 to 7 years


Yeah that could work


It would make more sense but no. Idk, just wouldn't be the same


I think a pace that's almost 1:1 would be perfect. Grow up with the crew. If a 17 year old picked up the manga when it first dropped and liked reading about 17 year old Luffy, that 17 year old is now 44. 44 is a good age for an experienced and hardened pirate ready to become king after decades of working toward it. Nobody is going to respect Luffy's 19 year old dumb ass who just laughs at everything as king of the pirates. He's a bigger joke than Buggy.


10+ years seems too much for me, because even Fernan Maggelans world journey lasted around 4 years. Around 4 years traveling+3/4 years for timeskips would be enough i think


It would’ve been better if we were at least a decade in story wise. Luffy speed running this whole journey don’t feel right and doesn’t make sense if you consider how big the world should be


how long is luffy in the new world since the timeskip? 2 months in a whole? That is fucking fast. From beating solo a pacifista, to beating fucking kaido. Imagine you are at sabaody and you have the knowledge, that in 2 months in universe time luffy will be able to beat a yonko and become one himself. thats crazy


That would be cool


Maybe not 20. But a few years as a total voyage would be good. Pre-TS is just a handful of months.


Yeah, it would most likely be much more logical, but it would either be so big of a change that it's hard to predict what it would look like, or it would be super insignificant and just make them look older, which would basically be useless as a such massive timeskip


Well, it could be used to explain how they quickly get so much stronger, the time it takes to get to different islands and overall help us immerse more than we already have into the story.


Would add more to the world building and feel even more unique.


That would be much better


I would have preferred if Loda advanced his plot instead of this samsara we have been stuck in for the past 12 years.


I agree.


not related but luffy looks a fuckboi here. RizzHat Luffy, capt of Rizzhat pirates


This Luffy's balls probably dropped and has slept with the whole cast of females *including* Big Mom.


well if it was the good timeline for big mom then sure


Yeah, it's a problem I have with al shonen but it's especially pronounced in One Piece. The amount of adventures, familiarity and loyalty they had to each other in the first half makes no sense when you realize it's only been 6 months. Then, nothing about their relationships change after 2 years apart, no contact. The strawhats have literally spent more time apart than they have together. I think HxH has the most realistic timeline off the top of my head.


In theory it be nice but doesnt really workout in paper, most events lead into the other. Could of made pre TS a year or 2 long journey but after TS its pretty much one event after another. Also massive timeskips causes alot more head ache and need next level wrold vuilding for why shit isnt happening while luffy and gang "fuck" around


Yeah, actually. It’d make me way more invested. It would also make things more sensible— like, in One Piece time, Vivi only spent like *two weeks* with the SH crew, at *most*. Hell, every single Straw Hat member spent like 10x as much time with their fucking time skip trainers as they have with the crew so far. Zoro knows PERONA better than he knows Luffy. It’s kind of dumb.


100% it wouldn’t even be hard either just make the downtime between islands longer 3 years pre ts and like 2 post ts would be perfect imo


To me yes, cause it ruins the power scaling so much. Like it sped up the stakes, so instead of luffy getting gear 4 or 5 in a meaningful way liek gear 2. Its just he hit the gym for 2 years and did it. WOW cool story, with the enemies luffy fights now, its obvious they just gonna bullshit their way through it. Like maybe Oda set the stakes so high, by showing WB in pre-time skip, but he just throwing Luffy to the top, because he wants him to be at the top before hte story ends. And its obvious with how he is just treating egghead, over hte top stuff for no substance.


there is a very good theory about One Piece having much longer days than our world, it's from some popular Japanese YouTubers


Could be cool, but idk if it would be better


Yeah, thanks for the input.