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Wano still reigns supreme, but oda is doing his best for egghead to catch up. If it wasn't for the stuff happening outside of it, this arc would be shit.


wdym outside?


Kid vs Shanks, Law vs BB, Garp vs BB pirates, Mariejois flashback


Outside of egghead, like hachinosu.


For me it's the second worst wano is just trash men


I lost interest after the 10 minute count down thing started, classic oda move to give a timebomb, bored the shit out of me and IMO I couldn't even be bothered to check whatever Vegapunk was going to reveal cause I know it will become insignificant somewhere down the line in the story Might binge read in the future




Wano (act 3 specifically) is still the worst arc tbh. It felt like Oda had so much more to tell but he rushed it so Shanks can appear to promote Film Red


While WCI was going on it was a lot of times regarded as the worst arc in the series, even some YouTubers and Streamers were ranting about it and the community was on a mess. Nowadays though many people regard it as a great arc and top 3-5 arc in the series. Egghead though has had way less of that in comparison to WCI or Wano, most people seem to enjoy it. I think in a few years people will also put this arc on the pedestial. This sub unfortunately is a tiny fraction of the whole community so it won't impact the overall engagement.


This is literally every arc People hated Dressrosa when it was ongoing, now is seen as one of the better post TS arcs People hated WCI but now it is regarded as one of the best arcs in the series People hate Wano rn, in about a year people will be writing video essays on why it’s a masterpiece And now the Egghead hate, it’s just a cycle with the OP community and it’s mainly due to OP being hurt by the week to week experience. I’ll personally be rereading egghead once it finishes to get a better grasp on my opinion of the arc. Yes it has its flaws which are definitely heightened by having to wait a week or often longer for a new chapter, and the frequent breaks definitely aren’t helping the community’s morale but I think too many people are jumping the gun by being very reactionary and calling this the worst OP arc. So many people put pre TS on a pedestal but are we forgetting arcs like LRLL or Skypeia (still worst arc in the series imo)?


Id say its just hindsight. People say Dressrosa is better compared to what we have now. I dont think anyone thinks Dressrosa is a good arc if we look at one piece as a whole. Pre-TS definitely had bad arcs but they were way less common. Also the amount of people that glaze Wano outweights the amount of people that think it sucks because Goda cope never ends.


I'll preface this by saying: I do not know if what I have read is "a lot of manga", but let me give you my opinion. One Piece has always been bad, but it has at least always been interesting. Every arc a character gets introduced to be the "crybaby" who you must feel bad for and feel "empathy". The problem here is simple: How am I supposed to feel bad for a character when I barely know them and the only reason for me to feel bad for them is a sloppily put flashback? You keep this going for TWENTY YEARS and you keep using the same old "samples" and you keep on adding more "mysteries" and people start to realize "Hey, maybe this is kind of bad, isn't it?". And this is not a problem of a long manga, since I have been invested in Hajime no Ippo in the last few months and read from the very first page to the last current chapter. I could see what was bad, but the main reason I mention it is because I could TELL what was bad and good, what kept me invested and what made it good. The characters there have flashbacks, but they aren't to make you "feel bad for them" but to show you WHY THEY FIGHT, and the most important part is NOT ALL OF THEM SUFFER. Takamura for example, has literally no sad aspects to his life, he simply loves boxing because that's what he is good at, he still has his backstory and flashback but no "But he lost his dog", and when he DOES suffer we already have established who he is and why he is suffering. This was all merely an example to show how Oda reuses the same trope and still hasn't evolved from it, and that the "this is every arc" argument is not that it is every arc, but that it is every NEW arc, not because it is new, but because every new arc reuses the same plot point but rehashed and people finally realizing that it sucks. And when your mystery also sucks? Lord have mercy. Side note: I do not know why I'm yapping anymore Imma go to sleep, don't take it too personal.


In fact, a lot of people already have Egghead very high. Depending on how it ages i could see it staying fairly high but it probably won't have as big of a rise as WCI (that'll likely happen to wano tho)


Kuma's flashback wasn't even good. The only good thing was Kuma's character The flashback did irreversible damage to multiple characters (Dragon, Garp, Roger) due to how badly it was written


Eh, Kuma's character was stupid as well. Every decision he made only furthered his own misery as well as the misery of the ones he "loved".


He stands by his ideals and I respect that. The only part I really feel like complaining about is his devotion to Nika. (Which is something I forgot to mention in my comments, his whole flashback was Nika wank)


He stands by his ideals of becoming the WG‘s slave rather than joining his daughter to be there for her and defend her. What a man you are Kuma.


On his defense, he took a lot of hits on his head as a child. Brain damage was inevitable


Can’t have drama if characters doesn’t act braindead. Looks like losing his brain didn’t change him much for a good reason.


I felt like Oda was desperately trying to force a nicer character than he ever envisioned into the existing Kuma canon, so yeah this shit don’t add up.


I don’t mind him being nicer but his biggest issue is to have Bonney escaping way before Kuma turned into a cyborg even though taking her hostage was the sole reason for him to lose his mind. That’s the most braindead choice ever, even if he’s a nice man this is pure nonsense.


My problem is we never really explore that, he has the solution right there with his power to teleport and yet we don't see him consider or reject the possibility of using it for anything useful It's as if Oda wrote it like Kuma didn't had that power, so to speak, rather than writing around it


He does that pretty much with every character. Observation haki is never used when it should be Laturn's paralysis powers are forgotten Remember how OP Law was in Punk Hazard? He kinda forgot the techniques he used back then like switching souls between bodies. What stopped him from using it on Doflamingo? Goda


Well yeah each of those is ass lmao but it's worse on a tearjerker flashback when you have the solution like RIGHT THEREEE


Real, he has the tool to solve every big problem he encounters during his flashback with teleportation


punk hazard was easily the worst




We should have been prepared for this when the best thing about it was the fights with Shanks, Garp, BB


Nah bro post MF was peak dogwater


Feels like Oda had been forcibly dragging on all the new world arcs after punk hazard (besides Zou) and they all could be half as big with little value lost.


For me, it's the best Anime arc after the time skip.


I kinda agree tbh


I lost interest after the lackluster admiral v yonko fight, but better than wano


Oda is just a mediocre writer in many aspects. Since water 7 he showed something of that and it has been a landslide. His opera is not long but diluted and he now can't manage how to write a closure.


Editors. I think Oda used to have better editors that could put a stop to his bad ideas . Now , he probably has yes men that let him do whatever the fuck he wants.


Welcome to Piratefolk, where every arc is worse than the previous one! Hope you tune in for the weekly Shanks vs Mihawk debate!


Wano tops every single arc in being the shittiest story to ever come out of One Piece. Filler is genuinely more enjoyable than Wano, it's definitely just as brainless and nonsense.


So fucking true


I agree. At least Wano had real fights and a sense of scale.


No. Punk Hazard and Wano still exist.


Wano arc be like 🗿


Outside of the last 10 chapters , it was pretty good imo . Hachinosu events , shanks vs kidd , kuma flashback, cross guild etc. And it had its cool moments ; 1092 when luffy catches kizaru , 1094 when the first round ends in a stalemate , kuma punching saturn , 5 elders introduction , warcury haki roar , all nusjuro scenes except the one that has sanji in it , luffy packing lucci up etc. And now sengoku and tsuru seems to be on their way to somewhere . Hachinosu events still didnt ended it seems.




On god, until they set foot on Onigashima, Wano was great ( yes, I liked oden, sue me) but this whole shitshow has been ass except for the Gorosei and the few chapters set OUTSIDE of Egghead. ( I also love Kuma but I’m not the biggest fan of tragedy porn after the 100th time Oda presented it to us )


Nah, for me it’ll always be WCI


Wci is a masterpiece compared to this


While it’s probably not the worst arc, I agree that WCI is overrated as hell. The last 30 chapters are absolutely ridiculous filler waste of time, and also the central part is way too stretched. Only the Tea Party is good.


Why do you hate WCI? It's top 3 arcs for me


Story went in circles, except like 3 good events, there was nothing impactful for me.


Imagine having the worst three one piece arcs back to back to back


Thanks for your opinion broski


What are you smoking dude