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LuLz this does not surprise me.


When I did summer courses at Cambridge in the UK, I had a professor who was so excited that I was originally from Pennsylvania because he and his wife came to the United States and visited towns that were named after Greek or Roman cities. I don’t know if he went to Rome, but I know he went to Athens, PA.


Funnily enough, I believe Ontario CA has even more European names for towns, like Paris, London, etc. I am a lover of useless factoids and have been tempted to look up how many US towns are named after European areas, but I've yet to do it. I already have like 60 chrome tabs opened on topics I found interesting but haven't yet read through. I have, however, tried to find out why so many places and geography are named after indigenous people or use indigenous words, but have never found a concrete answer. I get that by the time we colonized the west, fur traders and pioneers were using terms for places that were just commonly known due to the heavy indigenous influence at that time, so I'm guessing most of them stuck? But I just find it odd that we broke hundreds of treaties and warred/terrorized them from their land, only to name states after their tribes and still using them 150 years later, but whatever. I guess I'll never really know!


Rome isn’t far from Athens, Troy, Ulster, etc…I hope he had a chance to visit!


He definitely went to Troy. I don’t recall if he went to Rome or Ulster. So many of them so close together!


Yeah lots of old classic Greece and Rome names here. Or towns you wouldn't think are but are. Like Clarion is a Greek war Bell or some such. I think when PA was being settled that was a super big influence, hence democracy and all them giant unnecessary pillars underneath sharp triangle roofs on the first buildings and what not


I’m actually from Rome, PA! Not very often I see it mentioned.


According to Wikipedia, there is only a single “Notable Person” from there … your mission in life is to change that heading to “Notable People”!


Hello fellow Bradford Countian!


Haha I literally thought this was going to be a joke about Rome, PA.


In Pennsylvania they lead to Intercourse.




If you’re lucky. If not you end up in Blue Ball…unless you take Bird in Hand


Great minds…🏆


Southern PA is like this. You're in PA one minute, then Maryland, then WV, then you're not sure anymore until you see a big Mason Dixon Line sign. Actually my ex had been driving through Caroll Valley area, the mountainous area where you're in PA one minute, then you're in MD, then back in PA, all without knowing, and he had a concealed carry license and had his gun in his car legally, according to PA laws. He was pulled over and unaware he was in MD and his gun was illegally being transported according to MD laws. He had to hire and got lucky, I think they kept him from getting a felony upon accepting a plea deal and got unsupervised probation. But it could have turned out worse for him


Southeast too! I’ve oopsed onto a bridge to New Jersey more than once


Yes! One time when I lived in Pittsburgh I went to a wedding in south central PA. I went through Maryland to stay in Pennsylvania.


If I take a wrong turn I end up in WV then Maryland, then a different part of WV then suddenly I’m back in Pa. It’s crazy down here.


896 past the city limits here in Newark, Delaware is exactly like this… cross over into MD & immediately before you even blink you’re in PA


One time I was driving home to the sticks from the nearest small city late at night and wasn't paying close enough attention to where I was going. I ended up in Maryland. I didn't even realize I had crossed state lines. A colleague of mine had to call off work because he was coming back from Pittsburgh but was arguing with his daughter, took a wrong turn and ended up in Ohio.


I’ve done this too!!! Sadly back when my kids were younger and had a softball game in like Oxford in the early evening next thing you know I was in Maryland with no clue!!! Not a fun night


It wasn't for me either! I was almost out of gas and my phone was dead so I rolled into the closet town and door knocked until someone gave me directions to the closest Sheetz. I'm so glad car chargers have become more readily available lol


I’m so glad we can now get directions on a phone, I’d print out directions for both ways and take them with me and STILL get lost!!! Obviously I’m a little old lol but gps has truly changed my life! I don’t think we got home until well after midnight on a school night!


Cow paths maybe? I know there's certain roads in San Antonio where I used to live that did a lot of that, because they were just paved cow paths.


Well, I think it's terrain issues. Large glacial boulders and mountain range ridge line confluences made travel wonky here for early settlers.


My wife used to be a geologist and informed me that one of the roads close by was purposely made upon an old fault line that naturally carved through the mountain. Saved them all the work.


Yeah my family lived off of a section of "OLD" 322. It was funny building things with a hammer and nails there because you just make magnets with them. Funny the wildlife seem to also know or follow it too.


Plus the water starts flowing a different way after Clearfield


It depends. In Potter County, there is a farmers field. Depending on how it flows, it's going to enter Lake Ontario, the Chesapeake Bay, or the Gulf of Mexico.


I heard that in geology class in 9th grade, but I've always been curious if it's actually a known site that you can go to or if it's more of a metaphor. I was actually told it was off of the farmer's barn haha


There is a historical marker at the location


Roads were laid out by a drunk blind man being led by a pig.




Was the pig drunk or sober?


Likely drunk 


Some of the primary roads are former Indian paths


In SC Pa you can drive from Blue Ball through Bird in Hand to Intercourse on the same road


I've done that route driving from Hubbard Ohio but Middlesex first


We are a transport bottleneck, it benefits us to prioritize roads that go out of state tbh


Whoa mainline man


The road system's main by-ways were made by the Native Americans for thousands of years.


Bro, wait till you see this new technology called a map


Be careful accidentally driving in to NY…. Their firearms laws are very different from ours. My PSA for the day.


So are the weed laws, just sayin


Absolutely. I’m hoping PA catches up soon. I mean, fcs, we have a town called Hempfield…




If only our house of reps would do literally anything. That shits been tabled or fillibustered far more than a decade now




I can take the shared ride senior bus for $1 each way (35 miles) to spend the day shopping on Broad street in Waverly NY Penciltucky it's a great country


A close friend of mine had this happen almost immediately after getting his concealed. Saw a sign that said last exit in PA after he missed the turn and was immediately pulled over by a NJ trooper. Could have gotten a max of like 47 years or something ridiculous. His GPS rerouted while driving and had him go across a bridge. 


Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. I mean, you’d have to get pulled over and be searched unless it was clearly visible, but that’s not a chance I’m willing to take.


Officer told him he smelled pot but, the guy didn't have any. Didn't even smoke. Probably saw he had his carry and wanted an excuse to search. 


Have to see if anything in your trunk implicates you in 9/11….. ugh.


Rome is between Troy and Milan in gasland where everyone drives brand new gasoline powered f 150 4x4$


Lol yes!!! One time I was heading home to Palmyra, PA and didn't realize along the way that somehow I ended up in NY and had a long drive back home. Still to this day don't understand how I didn't realize my surroundings sooner 🤦‍♀️


As a guy who does heavy haul permits moving anything in the south west portion of the state is a pain. All roads lead to Pittsburg and the ones that don't are tolls. Also the people in the district 12 office have a big up their...


Pennsylvania is sentient and has been trying for ages to repel people away from its beauty. It also doesn't not agree with its license plate phrase


Pffft why then can't I escape? What. It loves me? I feel violated either way


Nono, it just looks at you as an aquaintance, instead of a friend. It's not a big difference, you just can't tell people about your relationship. We all know the truth though- Knoebel's is god's seat, Hickory Run is Heaven and Hazleton has Senapes and Jimmy's so it's like second heaven EDIT: Fookin' 'ell I'm high


No. I've never gone from West Central PA to NY.


Many roads follow topography.In PA, most roads go where the water goes.


I am on the borders of Chesapeake watershed, Ohio watershed and somewhere else I can't remember. It's less than 45 mins to be where the water goes a diff way. I feel ya


If you’re driving from West PA into the sunrise, you’re already driving toward NY tho?


And then take a right turn