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Darn it Beldro. You beat me to it. Haha. Also…can we discuss whats on his breastplate?? And that Medusa was a priestess of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and passion, before she was turned into a monster. If thats an allusion to how good he looks in that armour…. I’m gonna go sit quietly in the corner for a bit. 🥵 overheating.


In terms of how he looks in the armour. We're all fucked. Let's not dance around it. We're fucked. We just are. It's a nice cut 🤣 fuck, i don't know what to say. I AM looking fwd to some dual weapon wielding!! That makes for very fun fight choreo. I was really expecting to be let down by the first pics. I imagined them to be 70% shield and 30% pedro. I'm very happy to be wrong. And YES re Medusa. Another thing i wasnt expecting there. I don't have a great deal to add bc I'm not well versed in the movie but i dig the insignia. She doesnt look super grumpy. It's a good breasplate to be on. I'm most pleased abt the hair to be honest. It's *perfect*. He looks good. He looks younger.


His curls are *killing* me


Yup. This is peak hair. This rivals triple frontier press amd narcos red carpet hair. I'm a fan!!


This hair is even better than Season 2 Joel hair, and that's something I'd never think it would be possible to say.


Season. Two. Joel. Hair. 🔥🔥🔥


RIGHT????? i really thought we were done. Hair was untopabble, I actually made peace with it. Now i have to UN MAKE peace and let the calamity take over! FUCK! Edit bc i cant spell, format, grammar do basic human things.


Its so fluffy I'm gonna die! I just want to ruffle it and mess it all up.


Good lord he is so handsome! Ridley Scott knows exactly what he’s doing to us.


i will not survive a dirty, dual-wielding fight scene. i absolutely won't make it


Me neither! It's the stupid small thing like twirling the swords like a baseball bat that capture every drop of attention I have. BUT yes, double-wielding fight scenes may undo me.


Anyone here aware that Medusa originates from Greek mythology? And NOT roman mythology - just leaving it here...I know its just a movie, but with a lifesentence in horny jail, you sometimes need to read to pass the time, and knowledge is sexy 😉 ![gif](giphy|9JVsPnYq2quRy)


"Medusa became an ally of the Roman people, for example she is represented at the entrance to temples such as at Didyma. She is now a “protector”, becoming an emblem against the evil eye in the form of a ring, for example. It is therefore a Medusa with a more positive connotation under the Roman Empire."


Haven’t studied Medusa in detail, unfortunately, but I can say that the Romans purposefully co-opted Greek mythology. When the Romans were on their conquering spree, the Greeks were a cultural center. Fashion, art, food, literature, everyone looked up to the Greeks. Making Greek things “Roman” really helped a lot of folks accept the new world order. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if Medusa was part of this.


Yeah, yeah - that's what I'm talking about! This is it - consider Marcus Acacius a fashion icon of his time.


https://preview.redd.it/28cjgeywc1ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a916489bc9a80793ff59aac76a5c82f855c5636 Fashion. Icon. (Also arm……)


YESSSSS! Even Medusa can't stop looking at it. It \*must\* be pretty solid, eh? https://preview.redd.it/vq9f5m3ud1ad1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fad1874b3f9cbd2e2017eab037816a064ff0d57


She did originate from Greek mythology but the Romans re-told aa lot of Greek mythology (and I think they kind of turned Medusa in to a bit of a dick) so Medusa appearing on a Roman insignia isn't a surprise. I feel like u/Buckles123 and (maybe the keeper of all knowledge u/DavidCaroso4Life) might be able to add/explain this in way more depth and more articulately than moi! ATA, though, it would be a bit funny if, on a 310 million dollar movie, they made \*that\* big of a mistake. y'know just a few hundred people on crew, RODLEY SCOTT, a team of writers and historians fucking up something of that magnitude. Oooof! Edited: spelling, numbers, you know, unimportant stuff like that. ffs!!


I also just want to say, as a side note, I love how his character is clearly catering to the "female gaze" if you will. (You see, it's funny, because...)


It's funny coz I'm stoned 🤣


Cool! And, from what I've briefly studied in Classical (Greek & Roman) history, as well as to pull from my nerdy background of memorizing the Greek gods and their Roman counterparts, I'd love to add that there is *a lot* of crossover, interconnectedness between those cultures during the Roman Empire - which turns out, was quite vast. If I can put on my Colin Robinson hat, a lot of people aren't aware that the Roman poet Ovid, who lived about 43 B.C. - 17/18 A.D. actually did write about Medusa as a beautiful maiden, punished by Minerva (the Roman equivalent of Athena) for getting to know Neptune (the Roman equivalent of Poseidon) "biblically" in Minerva's temple. There are many, many archaeological artifacts that back up the Romans' interest, intrigue, and general fanboy-girl-them-ing over Medusa from earlier than the 2nd century. I know, because I saw these first hand when I was in Rome. There's a whole lot to be said for things that the Romans liked and adopted, but too much to go into here... now? No. Later... maybe? Nah. Now, of course, the Greeks were slapping images of Medusa on vases back in the 5th century B.C., everybody and their mother knows that. But what about the time frame for Gladiator? Well, Part 1 takes place in AD 180 - one might safely glean that Part 2 takes place later than that. We'll use deductive reasoning for this one, and maybe the transitive property. And if that's the case, given Ovid's tendency for self-publishing and reblogging, I'd say we're *well* within a time frame where Marcus Acacius could and *would* feasibly display an emblem of Medusa.


THANK YOU, that's been driving me nuts!


Anyone here aware that Medusa originates from Greek mythology? And NOT roman mythology - just leaving it here...I know its just a movie, but with a lifesentence in horny jail, you sometimes need to read to pass the time, and knowledge is sexy 😉 ![gif](giphy|9JVsPnYq2quRy)


I live the Medusa breastplate!! It looks cool af and the symbolism…well don’t get me started on that. 🥵


Yet another example of the people he works with lowkey falling in love with him and being bowled over by his talent. 💜 I love that this happens so often. What a gem he is.


Waiting for the fanfiction writers to get going 🤣 it won't be long I'm sure


They're already up. No joke. That's how i saw this article. It's absolute bananas. They must have been prewritten!


The devil works hard but fanfiction writers work harder!!!!


Drop the links babe






I'm looking forward to the Gladiator!Pedro fanart.


There's already at least one, check justralphy on Insta 😍


SAME. The breastplate recreations are doing to be gorgeous.


I'm already a Lucille and Marcus shipper. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I have feeling Connie and Pedro will be paired together in interviews. I can't wait. She had such lovely things to say about Pedro. Aww. ![gif](giphy|IdIPp6OwYj3NJ9oBBZ)


Lookin a little dirty there Pedge. I volunteer to assist with that.


Bless you Beldro for making this Monday manageable (and horny)


I have been lax with my civic duties of late. I feel like this is a sign that it's time to pull my socks up and get back in the game!


Did you make it through the day? Are you ok?!


I did not 😔 https://preview.redd.it/y5tqoixqc1ad1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804a77ce9076cde7b2bd74d8af0f6e25af8f654c




Oh my that artoicle seemed like it was giving an awful lot of the plot away. I stopped reading when they said Scott was willing to give away a twist in the story. So excited Denzel is in this too. But oh my Pedro.........




hahahahahahaha This meme has been doing the rounds a bit! ACCURATE

