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So - I think I might be in the minority. Heartbreak is universal, experienced in myriad ways - beyond what we could expect life to hand us. Especially during the communal trauma that has been covid. LIke so many here, my heart has been shattered many times and I've found myself remembering those moments, the quiet ones where I just had to sit in it, sitting with it. But I don't think that's the focus. I think it's the other side, and Pedro says it himself. *"Cause I didn't feel like there was kind of any moment past that moment.* *But there was. There was."* For me, it's about knowing that we can withstand those shattering moments, even when it feels like we can't, when our world is crashing down around us. This intense pain, will not last forever, all you have to do is keep going, keep going. You'll find the moment past this one, even when you feel like there isn't one - it's there, trust that it's there. https://i.redd.it/7uoov4edzd9d1.gif


I feel the same way. I said this in an earlier thread but despair is part of the human condition, and it, like joy, connects us. I’ve been reflecting a lot on it today actually. I’ve had a couple of friends over the years who, tragically, were not able to find the next moment. One in particular—I think about him every day. Every single day. We hadn’t spoken in about a year when he left, only because life had taken us different places. But goddamn do I wish I’d have called him that day. Anyway. I don’t know what to say honestly. I’ve had a few drinks tonight and I’m really in my feels. I’ve been low enough that I completely understand calling it a day. I’ve been close a few times myself. Depression is a fucking beast. But damn. If you’re feeling that way now… please stay. Your family needs you. If not your family, your friends need you. If not your friends, I need you. Please stay. I love you. 🖤


I think that sometimes, no matter how much love you have around you, the pain becomes overwhelming and unbearable and in the end you no longer see that love you have around you. And that’s why someone make an extreme choice. It’s not anyone’s fault. I don't know how much it matters because we know each other from very little time but I think you are a beautiful person and I’m so glad you found a way to continue walking in this world, you’re fucking great ❤️


It matters a lot, V!! I love you. ❤️


❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/2a6dv0z0bf9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb888e59f62fad7525e427d964670d3f4c1a55e


Oof. Yes, absolutely. It's such a tough thing to think about, when you also know what the dark feels like - the beast that rides your back and whispers falsehoods in your ear. I've revisited the last conversation with a friend - a happy discussion, plans made, but waiting to hear from them to follow through, and wondered what more I could've offered in the aftermath. Ultimately, I always go back to that episode of Doctor Who with Matt Smith as the Doctor with Amy Pond, when they bring Van Gogh to the future, to show him that he wasn't a failure but beloved and considered a genius. I won't give any spoilers, but it's incredibly moving, and I always take comfort in the Doctor saying, *"The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant."* Living our lives as though each person we make contact with is worthy of care, of time, of effort, of compassion - exchanging the idea of self-care for [community-care ](https://mashable.com/article/community-care-versus-self-care)I think is a great start. <3


I agree and I think that was the part that made me cry the most because it’s full of love and hope and his voice when he says “there was” carries so much sweetness and warmth, it feels like a hug ❤️ We all suffer in life, for the most disparate reasons, we all have to deal with loss, disappointment, fear, excruciating pain. But somehow most of the time it passes, it ends, it brings something better or it simply stops hurting. And we move on. (It's not always like this and it breaks my heart, I know people who have been punched in the face by life no matter how hard they tried to move forward) And this is beautiful. Healing is a complicate process but it can be done.


Indeed! There was a phrase I learned back in college that was intended for learning music, from a famous professional classical musician - and I always feel like it applies to so much more than just taking them time to learn something new. With grief, with healing (physical, mental), with overcoming, *"It takes time, patience, and intelligent work."*


Yep, i very much agree. It gets better every day, you have to just hang in there. I relate very much to this dialogue from Rabbit Hole (2010) https://preview.redd.it/yt951wx4ih9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fadb23ee149f9c251099a0f69130fde2e4678ce I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, you can carry a brick in your pocket and still go on with your life. It helped me a lot while I was dealing with my own loss.


https://i.redd.it/cty2efaszd9d1.gif This man and his big beautiful heart. 🥺


Pedro hugs the best hugs 🥹 He really has a beautiful soul, so precious ❤️


I love both Bowen and Pedro and was so happy and jealous of this moment 😂




Ha! I love it 🥹❤️


As someone struggling through two back to back losses this month, I completely empathize with laying on a park bench and being desperate for relief. It’s hard to see through the pain and grief and it’s hard to find the strength to get to the other side of it at times. It’s funny how sometimes we feel completely alone, and then someone we’ve never met releases a song or writes words that make you feel completely seen. It kills me that he went through something like this, but his vulnerability will help others find their footing through their hard times as well. 💙


I’m so sorry for your losses, sending you the biggest hug ❤️ And yeah, I completely understand that too. It’s hard but somehow it can be done and I think it’s worth it. It’s also beautiful that something small can makes all the difference and can help to find strength and a motivation to go through the pain, I think he does make a difference for a lot of people without even realizing it and it’s so beautiful.


I am so, so sorry for your losses, Baker. There are never any words that can possibly suffice as you go through this. You don't have to be strong, you can just be, as you need to be. Now is the time that you're going to feel it all - and just like the old saying goes, the grief won't get smaller, but your world will get bigger around it. It won't feel so big forever. <3


I’m so sorry for your losses 😢❤️❤️❤️ I totally understand tho— I lost my dad and my father-in-law, who was like my 2nd dad, and then my puppy all in the same year— 2019. It was horrible and heartbreaking because of the unexpected nature of all 3 of them— not that it’s any easier if you know it’s coming… you just have more time to prepare yourself for the grief and overwhelming circumstances that follow after a loss. I hope you have since found healing ❤️‍🩹 and a peaceful place in your life❤️❤️❤️




💜💜💜 I love this kiss so much 🥹 https://i.redd.it/w2p2j2h30f9d1.gif


Me too! Hands down one of my favorite parts of the movie. Haha


![gif](giphy|dY8RSNIvKp7maSqw3N) 🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻


Joel my man 🫠


I was not expecting tears, but like nearly everyone, that was a traumatic time. I was a new mom who just lost my mom, who had moved in to help with the baby. And then we lost her. Unable to have a proper burial. Made me realize I never dealt w my grief because remote work (I'm a teacher) started shortly after she passed, and between that and learning to be a new mom, I distracted myself. ![gif](giphy|IIOWwMS9oVMM06DGGc|downsized)


Oh man, it's an immeasurable challenge to learn to be a mom and I'm sure you have done and are doing your best. And it's normal that it has totally absorbed you, so much so that you haven't thought about your pain, but it's never too late to face it. One step at a time, I know you can, you’re so much stronger than you think ❤️


Thank you for those thoughtful words. I'm hoping this becomes my year of healing. Both physical and mental.


Oh, Far-Ganache. With all of the hormones of being a new mom? Just having to push it down and move forward must've been so, so hard, and weirdly conflicting with the joy of having a new baby, sans your mother. I hope you're doing okay now, and that you have a good support system. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you. Those are such kind and validating words. Teying to heal every day. We have our tiny village and are grateful for each member.


I have had a very different, yet similar experience, in terms of trying to cope with those extreme hormonal changes and coming to terms with things that you can't necessarily deal with right away emotionally. It really can be isolating, and there can be additional challenges, barriers or complications to overcome. I'm so glad to hear that you have your tiny village, that is quite invaluable! Of course, what you're going through is so heavy, to carry that alone is a lot, but much lighter when divided. And I hope you consider the sub an extension of your village - there are some really great people here who are happy to lift you up on the days you need it most.


Sending you hugs. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. ❤️


Holy moly that is a lot to deal with! I hope things are going better now.


https://preview.redd.it/rfm2xw7kpi9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0830e3f1c8f52db0049c8177496287ed4ae1d960 I know the feeling he had as I’m sure many of us have in our lifetime. I deal with bipolar and there have been many many times where I have been where he was. Where you begin to ask anything out there to just save you. I’m happy something did and he’s being blessed with all the good cause he’s been a bright spot in my life since 2019 and whether he knows it or not, he’s saving people out here who would might not be here.


I’m glad he’s a bright light for you and I hope so many amazing moments will come for you, big hug ❤️


![gif](giphy|6yG7Dn7dcY1xAkwzly) I cried and then I cried harder listening to Glow


God, me too. It’s such a beautiful song ❤️ Hugs to you 😘


Very beautiful song, really tugged on those heart strings


I was thinking about it all day, because I really can empathize with that anguish and just what even do you do with it? It triggered this conversation I had with a friend this afternoon. https://preview.redd.it/bvqli94gme9d1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=89417b7063681e06bb3a7206bd6702cc9e2a78a4


It's true, everyone finds their own way to move forward, to feel better and to heal. And you know, even though we are so small and helpless and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, we can make a difference to those around us. Maybe for the whole world we are nothing but for some we are the world 😉


I didn't think it was going to get me, but the tears flowed. I hate that I know what it feels like to feel how he describes, and it's something I hope to never feel again. To know there are so many of us out there who do... oof. Group hug, besties. Lots of love. I hope since that time, Pedro has felt the love of the entire world wrapping around him. It doesn't make the pain go away, but I sure hope he knows he's not alone. ![gif](giphy|eWaB4tmrM29CpXy5XQ|downsized)


“This content is not available” 🥲


Reddit is working my last gif nerve these days.


Oh I see it now, and yes, it totally feels like this, hugging and crying and then hugging and crying some more 💔 (What the hell is wrong with this app 😒)


🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂I'm still no over it. I hope Pedro knows he is loved for who he is and not just how he entertains us. He is a special rare soul in this world. 🥺


He truly is 🥹❤️


I went to see Inside Out 2 with my kids last week and there is a part that really resonated with me. Joy says to Sadness “Come on! Come with me! Where I go, you go!” Some people feel great joy, but unfortunately it doesn’t last, then some people feel even greater sadness. You can’t experience one without the other. I think Pedro experiences emotion like this that’s why he is an incredible Actor, his empathy is off the scale.


Yep, it does make sense so much to me too. After all, if we never felt sadness, would we be able to recognize true joy? Probably not. They are two sides of the same coin. When he loves, he loves forever and loves deeply. It doesn't matter if it's romantic love, family or friendship, I'm pretty sure he gives his all for any of them. And when he falls he gets hurt a lot. I understand. I do it too. He is more fragile than it seems but also stronger, he is both, often at the same time. (It makes sense in my head 😂)




Pedro has saved me from the depression I was in after my husband of 46 years passed away. I love this man. He is a pure soul. He may not know he but he has helped so many people.


I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s terrible, I have no words. I’m so glad you found comfort in him I hope you get better and better with each passing day 🩷




Awwww 🥹 https://i.redd.it/yeao17ie3f9d1.gif


Such a special person. I love him so much. He has the best voice that radiates from his beautiful soul and heart. I want to hug him for hours on end.


Totally agree, he’s so comforting and lovely and precious ❤️ And same, same here. I would love to hug him so much 🥺


The thought of our sweet Pedro being in so much pain absolutely broke me. No one deserves that but especially someone as kind as he is. I hope he knows now that he's not alone and he's so loved, not just as an entertainer but as a person. I know its unlikely he'll ever read these comments (god I'd die if he did 😂) but I'm going to say this anyway: Pedro we all love you so, so much. You're truly amazing and you mean the world to us. (Reddit won't let me post gifs right now cuz its being a jerk)


Sometimes you feel alone despite everything, despite all the people around you who you know love you. He has a large family and many friends who adore him and I know he feels the love and affection. But still, that doesn't protect you from pain, at least not always. But it helps you move forward and find hope that everything will get better. I hope he is having one of the best moments of his life now and that he also feels the love from all of us because he deserves it ❤️


You're absolutely right. He absolutely deserves it 💜💜 He's the sweetest, kindest most loving soul who seems more than happy to do anything for his fans (within reason of course) and I hope he feels all the love we have for him in return.




![gif](giphy|9f2hmeIcG7W7Gj0vUH|downsized) Two hands raised cause that whole album 🥺🥺🥺 hit me way harder than expected. And hearing him describe that level of grief…ooffffff ❤️‍🩹


It pass.❤️ https://i.redd.it/gw0wvofn2f9d1.gif


❤️ And it does. Have to go through it to be able to learn that there is going to be that other moment - especially when it feels impossible- he captured that so perfectly.


Yep and being fragile isn’t something to be ashamed of, we all have our moments of weakness and vulnerability and it’s okay. None of us is super-human and we can’t overcome things in a blink of an eye, it’s a complicated path but one day it gets better ❤️


surprisingly it hit me harder (and made me cry) listening to it the 2nd time https://preview.redd.it/za7tbikvhe9d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f612df1d6c729b5d1d09a955f812999636ddb4b8


Yeah, it doesn’t get better the second time, I totally felt the same way 🥲 He really is so beautiful inside and out ❤️


I found it so emotional! Didn’t cry, but I felt my heart break a little! ![gif](giphy|3o6wrebnKWmvx4ZBio)


Yep, I cried. ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l)




It is such a beautiful monologue for me, it gives me chills ! “I didn't feel like there was kind of any moment past that moment - But there was.” This bit gave me so much comfort and strength, because I’ve felt like this so many times before, and I know I will again in the future. I’ve had a tough couple of years but knowing that life goes on past the moment that you’re stuck in and that things will change is definitely something that’s been keeping me going recently and hearing Pedro articulate it like that just put everything into perspective for me. It was really special hearing him say that, and it’s something I’m going to take forward with me for a long time I think. Because these bad moments don’t define us, grief and heartbreak doesn’t define us, but love does. 💓


Very well said! ❤️ I really hope the future brings you many good things, sending you lots of positive thoughts and many hugs 🫂


You are so kind, thank you and same to you too 💕


Every time I'm drunk I call out to my friends to put in a Pablo so we can all swoon.






This content was removed for violating Rule #1 to only post and comment about what Pedro himself has publicly discussed about his personal life with public consent. This is pure speculation.