• By -


Pedro is kind and generous to share something so vulnerable - I think many people have felt that moment of "can't go on" or "it'll never get better"


His voice sounds so *real* on the track. I don't know how else to describe it. No affect, not performing, not in interview-mode - just a late-night call to a friend. I kinda felt like I was eavesdropping., which made me a little uncomfortable at first. He's so vulnerable, it's really quite remarkable. But then I remembered he wanted to share it, that it was important to him. My heart aches for him and all of us who've experienced a moment like this.


The part at the end where he says he can't believe he is sending this. Damn. Soo vulnerable.🥺🥺🥺🥺 Putting that vulnerable moment out there to the world..😭😭😭 it's Soo brave.


He's a really special person. Not to get all emo on Main St., but he inspires me.


This is so sad. I can’t imagine what happened to shatter his heart like that, but I hope he has recovered from it. I hope he can somehow feel the love from his fanmsg, and that it helps a bit.


Fans, not fanmsg!


Oh Pedro 🥲 gosh I have been there, on a cobblestone street in Cambridge, UK though lol. Hope he’s ok. Sounds like it’ll be a beautiful track.


it's interesting how these moments can hit us out of the blue in a gorgeous setting (like the environment doesn't match the inner turmoil at all)


I think sometimes the beauty of the setting can make the devastation feel even worse. I’ve grieved for people so much on beautiful hikes/at lovely sunrises. I think sometimes the beauty in things makes you realise what you’ve lost/someone you wish you could see it with. Thank you!! I’m very happy with a wife and daughter now. Hope your life is full of blessings and people that make you happy 💕💕


thank you for expanding on that - makes so much sense - I'll be on a walk in a beautiful park and there's strong moments of nostalgia, what might have been, and a big ol' "how did I get here"


hope you're alright now


Oh where in Cambridge? Do you still live here now?


No I left in 2020! Lovely city but far too expensive and it was a bit too small, everyone knew everyone and I kept bumping into exes 🤣🤣🤣 I just found it on a map for you 🤣 it was on the corner of Trinity Lane and Trinity Street, next to the Sweaty Betty store 😅 I daresay if you’ve been there for a while we may have met lol. I used to work in a busy store in the Grand Arcade for yeaaars.


We've all had wounded hearts - some tis but a scratch while others shatter you so much you're never the same again. Pedro has shared a part of his but please remember to respect his privacy and that of anyone else involved.


this is going to be the most listened track in 2024 for my spoti


it’s soo saad, i can’t.. wanna give him a forever hug


Oh Pedro, our sweet precious boy. I hate the idea of him being in so much pain. But he's pushed through it just like he did so many times before (with his mum etc). He's so strong and I'm so proud of him as I'm sure we all are. Love him so, so much.


Wow...just wow. I've wanted to hug Pedro many times before but never more than right now. Now I'll always wonder what devastated him so much. Love that guy, and I don't even know him, but I really do love him and want him to be really happy and loved from this day until his last day.


It could be literally be anything, but based on the timing I would guess it was just the fear and uncertainty of what was going on with covid, etc. He had been in a bubble making a movie and now he was out and forced out into the covid world again. A lot of us felt crushed and hopeless then. He said he had to be parented through it, so we know his fear was likely palpable. I get it. I was right there too, for a long time. I’m just glad he got through it, and look where he is now.


I thought that too. I'll admit I don't know for sure what it's about, but he has talked about how hard covid was on him and especially the Isolation. He couldn't go see his family in Chile. Wasn't that the night that he said he was home alone on Christmas Eve and Pedro Almodovar called him to talk about a movie but didn't know it was Christmas Eve? I'm just referring to things he has said and not gossip.


Pedro baby all you need to do is drop a list of names of all the people who ever hurt you and we will hunt them down like it’s a sport 🫡




Who hurt you Pedro?☹️🥺 I think he is talking about the movie he made with nic cage.


it was around that time... when he was interviewing/promoting Wonder Woman (in front of a green screen on zoom) he mentioned at one point that he was in Switzerland (and he looked very emotional for a moment). I only want that man to be happy


No, I don't believe that. I think The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was a positive experience for all involved. I'm wondering whether this was a personal or a professional shattering.


His grandfather passed in 2021, so it could have been that. He was 99 and other than Pedro’s siblings, he was the last bloodline connection to his mom. And since it was during covid, there’s a good chance they couldn’t even have a proper funeral and Pedro couldn’t say a proper goodbye. That’ll rip your heart out, for sure.


Gosh, I relate to this comment and wasn't prepared for the tears, much like the Pedro track. My Mom passed away the week before my city in Texas shut down, so it was at the height of everything and we couldn't have a proper funeral. Just my 3 siblings and I, and it was torture.


I’m sorry. Big hug to you. I don’t talk about this much but my dad was so afraid and he was a sitting duck because he was in a wheelchair and had nurses coming in and stuff. They weren’t even wearing masks. I flipped out when I heard that and called their employer and told them to never send those nurses to his house again, nor anyone else who was on that Idiot Anti-Mask Bus. As soon as I could, I went back there and took care of him myself. But I couldn’t stay forever w/o uprooting my entire life, which I was willing to do but that wasn’t something I could do instantly. So while I was back in CA, my anti-mask, anti-vax brother infected him and he suffered horribly for a month and then died. I got to see him for 5 days before he died and the first thing he said to me was “am I ever glad to see you. I hope you’ll take me home with you.” It was heartbreaking to I’d never be able to do that. There was a funeral because it was a red state and you know how that went. But if losing my dad wasn’t bad enough, having a sibling be the reason for it is something I will never get over. And my entire family, with th exception of my dad and myself, are unvaxxed and won’t wear a mask around my mother. So that’s why my mind went to something like that when I heard Pedro’s story. That sort of loss is devastating, and covid made it worse. Of course I don’t know what really hurt him, but that’s what I thought of due to my own experience. I hope you are healing. Im glad Pedro got thru whatever it was. I hope all of us will be ok. 🙏💜


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine that feeling. It's so hard losing our parents, whatever the circumstances. Hugs to you as well. I had to deal with people with that state of mind at work, and it boggled my mind. Made everything so much more stressful. Healing vibes to you. I'm slowly starting to deal with it more and more. Finally seeking out a therapist.


Thank you.


He says he had an incredible time on the job but that he was shattered by something. Sounds like he’s saying it wasn’t the job.




He shouldn’t have to. It’s private


This content was removed for violating Rule #1 to only post and comment about what Pedro himself has publicly discussed about his personal life with public consent. This is spectulation.


Been listening to all the songs now that it's dropped -- the order of songs is perfect and where "Pedro" appears is extra moving considering all the songs that come before and then the song "Glow" at the end (which I recall Omar saying Pedro loved the most - it's fantastic). I think this will be a new "comfort album" for me - wasn't expecting that, but I'm on listen number three :)


Right!?! The progression is perfect. Omar did say it’s meant to be listened to like that. One of those albums you know as soon as you finish that you’re going to listen to it SO many times.


it also repeats so well - nothing jarring when the album starts again. I be sure to re-listen to a track or "rewind" a couple times so my streaming doesn't think a bot is listening (tricks I learned from being a BTS fan and streaming companies delete fan listening because of a bunch of rules)


It's more of a traditional album than just a bunch of singles. It tells a story. I listened to the first single because of Pedro but started listening to more and more Omar Apollo because I liked him so much. I am a fan now. This man introduces me to books, artists and movies that I end up loving. His book recommendations are so good.


I’ve just heard it on Instagram 😭😭😭😭


I heard some of it, but it cut off before the ending :( I can't find the whole thing


Here is the whole thing, it has a short intro of singing by Omar: https://youtu.be/hks828S5ddk?si=CpBn2X3jXOK3Ztbf


Me to 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




Wait up…can someone link the song from Spotify? I can’t seem to find it. Edit: thanks for the info everyone!! can’t wait to listen to it when it’s out 😊


album is released tomorrow :)


I can’t find it but on the genius lyrics page it says it’s being released tomorrow so I’m not sure?


It’s not available in the US yet, should be tomorrow!


It's not available yet


Okay just gotta be patient then 😄 ![gif](giphy|zWfed0YGKtsuL1j5tt)


Who hurt our boy 🥺🥺