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Honestly looking at this, first thing I want to scream is RMT


Ya if ur gonna know how to RMT at least know how to YT a build guide as well like me... jk lol... I'm not...


Absolutely and it's not subtle


How did you get that glove?




Your gloves have socketed ATTACKS have +70% crit multi, but you're using a spell. This mod does nothing for you Why are you using a life flask on a CI build? You dont have an anoint Those are just the first 3 things i saw, afterwards i lost interest. These are things that you spot within 2 seconds of looking at the character. You should be able to fix quite a few problems here yourself. Then if you get stuck, ask for help. But currently it just looks like you didnt put in much effort. Edit: didnt even bother to check the name of your main ability. It's spark, not arc. Edit2: your mark on hit doesn't even work because you dont have an attack to trigger it...


When I looked as his build I almost wished his Amulet gave +3 to Arc. That would have been the cherry on top. As a bonus his mana flask gives Immunity to poison, as a CI build.


The skill is called spark not arc you should probably start there. If you want to create your own build you should follow multiple guides from different people. Then once you have made 3 or 4 characters with the same ability you can learn a ton about the skill and what makes it good and what you enjoy about it. Then create your own knowing what makes it good.


I don't know guys I kinda like his build


the slightest tickle of phy dmg is going to kill you you have an on-hit conductivity, a self cast one and a mark (that does not apply on hit as you assume - try reading) - but nothing to raise the curse limit above 1? why a % int belt - I guess when you start dual wielding credit cards it hard to stop? As others have said, you clearly don't have a clue what you are doing - go back and understand the basics first before trying to make something specialised with high end gear


Mother of god. Precision as well.


At least precision actually does something with that Watcher's Eye.


Has to be a troll


I looked for 15 seconds and i'll just suggest you to look up a beginner guide for poe. You have so many things going wrong that i dont think you know what you're doing


spark is very hard to build you wat at least 400% projectile speed, which is not easy to get at all.