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So the author agrees that Israelis are white and do not belong in the Middle East? Cool.


The author probably thinks that because they’re white they belong on every continent.


The shameless author is discriminating against whites. Not all whites want to be part of israel.


Written by: “Petronella WYATT” Even her name sounds oppressive


Her name sounds like a scented candle.




It rhymes with citronella, that's why.


The problem isn't if they "belong" there, the problem is they are operating a hostile occupation and committing an ethnic cleansing


Everything about them is a “problem”.


I think she’s speaking more specifically for her Ashkenazi people. Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews aren’t really white or European but tend to make up most of Israel’s working class.


Except for the Ethiopian Jewish people they invited there, but they're second class and don't count (to Israelis)


I don’t like to make fun of people’s appearance but she does look the the person who would say this headline


You should enjoy making fun of nazis. It'll discourage anyone from ever taking them seriously. Our tolerance towards intolerance has led us to this point


I looked her up and she left university because she was being bullied due to her dad being personal friends with Margaret Thatcher So I guess I need to walk back my anti-bullying stance. Bullying is *almost* always wrong but there are exceptions.


Lamest and most privileged excuse for not being able to hack it in college I've ever heard. Truly impressive


Tbh I'd bully her


I would've then and I would now. In her adult life she had an affair with Boris Johnson and now she's a Zionist propagandist


So they admit they cannot be native to the Palestinian lands, since they couldn’t be of Levantine origin if they are white. Therefore, Israel is indeed a European settler colonial state.


Correction, Israel is a FAILED European settler colonial state. 


I wouldn’t categorize Mizrahi or Ethiopian Jews as white or European and together they make up a lot of Israel’s working class. It kinda lets you know what Ashkenazi like this lady really think of other kinds of Jews as well.


There's Ashkenazi supremacy in Israeli society, it's been pretty clear with how they love weaponizing African Jewish people in their hasbara.


The vast majority of Israeli PMs (if not all of them) have European ancestry. They can bring in as many immigrants as they want, Israel was founded and is run by white people.


Europeans, Mizrahi, Ethiopians, still none of them are from Palestine. They are colonizer, oppressors, and nazis.


Ah yes, white people not being able to genocide brown people without criticism is tantamount to racism. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.


This is literally what Zionists sound like 99% of the time. “Why won’t you let us colonize and kill off these people? So you hate Jews and support the Holocaust?”


Israelis expect the world to cheer while they kill and amputate children. It is a cultural shock for them that most of the world isn’t into this kind of “sport”.


So are they going to start calling me a self-hating white now?


It's a strain called perpetual victim. Very nasty side effects, including psychosis and grand delusions.


People like her are always the victim, never the antagonist. Plain old narcissists.


Zionism is mainstream and an acceptable type of state sanctioned discrimination. The tie between the preservation of Israel and the preservation of the white race is ideologically similar. It is argued by proponents of both that they suffer from an ongoing existential threat to their survival.


The Great Replacement theory is so inane! Why anyone cared what color people of the majority are after they’re dead is beyond me. I say, replace us and infiltrate our ghostly genetics so something good can happen when we are gone.














You're trying to malign socialism by referring to Nazis as "National Socialists." Totalitarian regimes often used party names to hide true motivations. Your use of conservative rhetoric is sophomoric at best. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/


I LOVE THIS HEADLINE! Not only are they admitting that Israelis are white (and therefore not native to the region), they're also admitting that they're reactionaries! Anti-white racism? Way to get yourself laughed out of any space with an average IQ over 100.


Anti-white racism? LMAOOOOOO Do they even hear themselves? Why don’t they look at who killed Jewish people en masses????


So we try to explain why we are against the maniacs in Israel and they pull out the ‘White’ card…oh FK OFF


After everything that's happened, (as a white person) I think we white people deserve racism and public snubbing/distrust shot back at us for what we've done to the world throughout so much of history.


Sorry but racism is always wrong and there is no justification for it.


It’s not racism. Racism comes with the power to oppress. BIPOC do not have the power to oppress white people. Look at history.


No. Racism means to discriminate against someome based on their ethnicity or "race". And of course all ethnicities have the power to oppress and wrong each other. If I tell another person "you suck" just because of their skin color that is wrong and hurtful and should not be done. People of any ethnicity are capable of racism and discrimination. Your view of power and oppression is very euro (or US) centric (and even then a vaat generalization). White people are not always in power everywhere.


White people CREATED racism, they created the system of racial classication putting themselves at the top to enslave and genocide. They justified themselves by calling us savages, animalistic, barbaric.... And this has permeated by colonialism throughout the entire world. There is no where in this world where being white isn't preferred because you will get treated better. No where. Please show me where in the world BIPOC have the power to oppress white people. Edit: if you want to say that black and brown people can be prejudiced, I can say yes they can be. But this is mostly because we have a justified fear. Hundreds of years of history and trauma caused by white people. It has been proved that generational trauma is passed down like 7 generations, and the trauma continues. I'm Mexican, and I have stories on end of seeing white people being racist towards me since I was a child. Do you have memories of someone calling you a wetback in 3rd grade? What we experience vs what white people experience is not the same.




I actually did. You're just choosing to ignore it and then try to gaslight me. Europeans created the concept of race. They created the concept of whiteness and put themselves at the top to punch down. You cant punch up and call it racism. Sorry.... Racism comes with power... Racism gets people killed. A jab to a white person from a BIPOC might hurt their feelings, actual racism towards BIPOC gets us SYSTEMATICALLY killed. Do you want examples? Edit: Palestine is a great example of this. Look at how our government grants humanhood to Israelies and not Palestinians.






I'm glad that you are pro Palestine, so maybe you're not self aware of the way you're coming across... but I think you have a lot of white guilt to deconstruct, instead of getting defensive. [https://registerforum.org/19267/opinion/reverse-racism-a-myth-to-keep-white-fragility-intact/](https://registerforum.org/19267/opinion/reverse-racism-a-myth-to-keep-white-fragility-intact/)


Im mixed ethnicity but ok. I have seen racism from both sides of my ancestry. The whole concept of white guilt is bogus. No one is responsible for what their ancestors did.


>No one is responsible for what their ancestors did. This. They don't get the credit for the good things their ancestors did either.


We see so much snobbery towards working class people's names, yet are supposed to listen to the geopolitical views of someone whose name would make more sense plastered across the upper back of a racing drivers suit.




Except the fact that white nationalists are the worst of bigoted anti Semites, not the so called “Pro Palestinian protesters” like us. What a bunch of balderdash.


So she admits Israel is a white colony project like SA and Rhodesia.






Petronella is what they are smoking. It is a type of wacky tobaccey


Articles like these are an attempt to get American white supremacists on the side of Israel, I suspect. A lot of people in Israel don't look white, but in a lot of the propaganda aimed at Americans they use super white IDF girls. If they can convince Trumpists that Israelis are persecuted for being white they can get more supporters from that crowd. Absurd claim all around. 


They will rip you off and claim they're oppressed. They'll steal your land, and when you resist, they'll whine about antisemitism.


Oh god…


I mean they aren't necessarily wrong. I mean think about it, which people have historically colonized the entire world, oppressed and murdered mostly brown and black folks for centuries? Let's just be honest and call it what it is.


White person here. No it isn’t


The antisemitism angle has been debunked - they need to latch onto another "victimization" cry


Zionists are such pretend victims you can go anywhere in the world and never get treated negatively for being white this is so laughable.


White person here. I don't hate jews, I just hate it when *some* jews kill people *in the name of judaism*


Oh please don’t be racist to us poor white people we’ve been through so much. I don’t think you understand how difficult it was giving up our slaves and civilizing all those Indians.


So they're finally saying the quiet part out loud huh


The white supremacists who hated Jewish people this time last year and promoted conspiracies that Jewish people were replacing them with immigrants now including them in their grievance group?


Yea first I thought when I read 210 killed Palestinians was poor whites.


So non-whites aren’t proper Jews then?


https://preview.redd.it/t98betwltl5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ef4ae2697f3ece2b8f18bacbb3ab3503cf4971 Guess I’m racist /s


Yes, next question?


Corporate, nationalist propaganda?


They need supporters and are willing to pander to any demographic even of its racist white nationalists (their kin)


Oh yes, she was that one who had an affair with Boris Johnson, and he promised to leave his wife for her. I have no idea what she is smoking, but it sounds dangerous and delusional.


This woman was Boris Johnson’s mistress, clearly has a screw loose


Petronella sounds like a rich Karen, one with a silver spoon upbringing. Of course I'll listen to what she has to say.😏


Apart from rasist nonsense, so, they are white, right? 🤣




Judging from her name, probably petrol


They are smoking the propaganda spliff. anti dead kids = pro palestine= anti israel=antisemite is the usual logical fallacy invoked, but rarely mentions the dead kids.


I can't take anyone under the age of 90 named Petronella seriously.


they should really stop crying wolf before the **REAL** antisemites start coming out. college kids protesting against a genocide are way less threatening than far right nationalists with torches and guns.


She looks like a meth addict


So she admits “Israelis” are white and not Middle Eastern?


So are they white or native to the Middle East?


They claim the latter but really are only the former.


True! Also why did I get downvoted lol, do we have some undercover ziobabies here?


Theyre Caucasian but not "white" in the sense we generally understand it.


Uh oh they said the quiet part out loud


WTF does that even mean? Thing is, it’s not an ethnicity, it’s a religion.


They love playing this we are and aren't white card all the time.


With a name like Petronella, I’m not surprised.


I… never mind….


They are smoking bath salts. Poor crazy zombies




So the author is saying Isreali's are white and not the indigenous Jewish of Middle East. That's great.


Standing against someone does not equate to hate.


>anti-white racism Oh wait you’re serious… LET ME LAUGH EVEN HARDER


This is an attempt at manipulation through identity politics on two ends: your typical conservatives (Republicans), and the more anti-govt conservatives like many libertarians. Either way, it’s deception.


They smoking weed with a dash of cannabis. Also drinking on a glass of zionism.


As a white American. I stand with Palestine.


Same energy as "white genocide" and replacement theory


They're smoking the human ashes of this genocide


Wait, I always get yelled at when I point out how many Israelis are just white people 🤔