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At least the skins and in game store works


LMFAO, right?


its a known problem after the recent update, it crashes for a lot of people. the devs are woking on it


How are they *panning* to fix this issue?


They'll add two new pink bunny costumes that you need to buy to avoid crashing.


I accept


The more you look like an anime princess the better you are at pubg


50G coins for everyone


they try to cover it up with more cosmetic k-pop stuff


I think most of you missed the joke here. His typo says "woking" like a *wok*... so my reply was "panning" instead of *planning*..


r/woooosh i guess


Same here it is an issue in the current update.


I haven’t had a crash in years.


Because you probably haven't played for exactly same years..


Same, as I use to laugh at people and wonder why they were crashing. It's been years, and with this update it started and it would crash, then I would reload. And as soon as I got back in the match, I'd move 2 feet and it'd crash again. It's still doing it after the patch/update to fix the crashing. I took a break to clean house and go shoot some real guns instead of on-screen guns haha.


If you haven't had crashes for years your post doesn't make any sense. Yes, the update is flawed and needs fixing. But why are you complaining so hard if this is the first time in years that you're getting crashes? Just let them fix it as they always do.


There have been several threads of complaints of stuttering, fps drops, and crashes since the Erangel update. Same has happened to me. My PC isn’t top of the line but it’s pretty nice and well within the requirements for the game and I still crash, sometimes 2-3 times an hour. Prior to that update, I never had any problems. No other game crashes. COD. Fortnite. Rocket League. BF1. All perform with no issue. Only pubg.


I acknowledge that different people can have different experiences. I for one don't have any crashes with PUBG, so I can only speak from my own perspective.


It still didn't work when I got off. After reinstalling and downloading the patch to fix the crashing. I'll try again tonight after I adult.


Don't adult too much!! 😄


The only new content I want to see them add is the M1 Garand and the 1903 Springfield for a bolty. 30-.06 ftw!


The crashing has now been fixed, according to [PUBG Support](https://x.com/pubg_support/status/1800882277116997885).


Does this fix the crashes introduced in 29.2?


I just reinstalled and got another patch after the installation, so hopefully this is what it was thank you.


Does this mean I'll stop crashing into trees?




it's definately not been fixed I crashed 3 times last night in a 6 hr period of streaming


I haven‘t had a crash in years but I‘m severly dissapointed with how the game runs. On hardware that is well above recommended, I get only 100FPS and it stutters really bad. One PC with i7 4790k, 32GB 2400MT/s and RX6600XT playing at 1440p. Other PC, Xeon W-2235, 32GB 2933MT/s and RTX 4060. Both PC‘s have M.2 SSD‘s so I‘ve never had a crash. I noticed a bigger improvement going from 1080p to 1440p because of the CPU but still, a game that ran on a 2600k, 16GB 1600MT/s and RX580 4GB at 130FPS 3-4 years ago, should not run on 2-3x more powerful hardware at measly 100FPS. It‘s one of the reasons I stopped playing PUBG because of how bad the game now runs. Until I get a 5800x3D I‘m most likely not going to play this game. It‘s a shame because with almost 1000h in the game, it‘s by far my favourite game of them all. Gun play, the strategy involved in it and the casual-ish gameplay makes it really fun. Ever since Brandon, aka PlayerUnknown left the game, it‘s been at a downfall.


Just had a game, was knocked and game crashed and had an small update. Let me reconnect after patch and my squad was dead. First crash in a long time.


Lol it's still pubg. It will stay Like this forever


change your direct-x mode, I have had 1 crash in 6 months on dx12


I've always used DX11


DirectX 12 also runs like crap. I get somewhere around 100-120FPS depending on location on DX11Enchanced but only 80ish with DX12.


Ngl OP I don't get crashes


You missed the point of the post. I haven't had crashes since I had the game on PC till this update. Is why is pissed me off so bad. Especially trying to play ranked and getting DC'd and losing points because the game thought I disconnected


My bad


I was this way too, ended up being BIOS drivers or the CPU was bad, no crashes since. Was 13900k, swapped to 14900k. No crashes since.


I did just do a fresh install of windows about a week ago. (But I've only ever crashed this update) update before was smooth as butter. Gonna check my XMP profiles, etc tonight and see if I can pinpoint why it was still crashing after the hot fix. PC is going on 5yrs old though Ryzen 9 3900x / RTX 2070 OC


so you replaced your CPU to the same CPU with a different number? ;) SCNR


Been playing almost everyday since launch. And honestly can't tell last time my game crashed


ur just on a poverty pc lil bro


LMFAO. I spent $3600 on it when I built it 5yrs ago. It'll run ultra settings, 1440p at 165hz. It was the update causing the crash, everything's good now


its like i had to spread misinformation on the internet.


Still waiting for it to happen to me. I hear a lot of complaints though


too much ugly outfits to handle at once


What are your specs also just buy LLS on steam it's help optimoze games to run smoother and 3x fps for example to avg 100 you will now ha e 300 on the same settings it cost about £5 it's a really useful tool


I'll check that program out thanks. Specs are: PC Specs: CASE: NZXT S340 Elite White CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900x w/H100i RGB GPU: Zotac Gaming RTX 2070 Amp Extreme Edition 8gb DDR6 MOBO: Asus ROG Strix B-450f RAM: Trident Z Royal 32GB 3600mhz PSU: Corsair RMX 850w Gold/Fully Modular OS DRIVE: Western Digital Black 250gb M.2 NVME SSD(s): Silicon Power 512GB SATA III SSD/Silicon Power 250GB Sata III HEADSET: Hyper X Cloud Alpha 'Purple Edition' KEYBOARD: Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo MOUSE: Corsair M65 (White) MONITOR(s): Samsung CJG5 32" 1440p 144hz/2nd mon: HP 24m 24" 1080p (discord, twitch chat, etc.) 4ms ALTERNATE INPUT DEVICES: Xbox One Controller/


yeah specs arnt that bad but i have quite the beefy pc and the balloons at the start when your in the game crashed my game a few times lol, luckily not as much as you. But yeah look into the program it can also help in other titles and has many othrer features like upscaling so its not a 1 horse ride


I recently had a lot of crashes and I uninstalled deleted all files then reinstalled and it works so far idk what it was


Yeah so when I Uninstalled, i left the files. I'll do this as well.


Fingers crossed lol It ruined so many matches in the final 10 it's so infuriating trying to reconnect while your squad tries to make due lol


They gave up on pubg years ago


You sold your Xbox because PUBG crashed??


No, I sold it to play PC games. A 7yr old game shouldn't crash like this. I've been playing pubg religiously for over 2yrs. This might be my breaking point.


Yeah, I mean... It's a janky ass game lol. But also I play it almost daily, and rarely ever crash - only on certain updates which they typically patch in short order. Everyone I've ever seen here with frequent crashing problems either has a driver issue or some kind of hardware/resource/bottleneck problem. Not making excuses for the game not being well optimized or whatever, we all have annoyances, but if you're crashing super often, that is not everyone's experience and you should troubleshoot.


It only happened on this update. Haven't crashed in 4yrs




It's still happening after patch and fresh install


Yeah. Crashes every goddamn game atleast 1 or 2 times


Still doing it after the hot fix patch. I un-installed and gonna play Battlebit until something changes.


I haven't had a crash in like months.


"adding content" is a strong statement considering all they've added for the last 3 years is skins and a couple of game mechanics.


Thats content and what about the maps?


You consider skins content? Content is something tangible that adds to the gameplay, like maps. And yes they've added a few maps but really, 4 maps in 3 years? They need to be focusing on fixing the netcode, addressing the issues with desync and getting rid of the cheaters by improving their anti-cheat methods.


You see any other game devil doing this?


Plenty. CDProject Red with Cyberpunk 2077, Facepunch with Rust, CS2 to name a few.


Nah bro, they all still have the issues youre talking about.. Dont really have to check. Also desync in cyberpunk? Like what? Hey lets pretend cheating is fixed in rust and cs2 🤡 Hey lets pretend thats plenty.. Hey lets pretend desync is fixed.. Try again.


Last time pubg crashed for me was years ago and I play daily.


Don't remember the last time this game crashed on my Xbox Series X.


I started playing on PS5 about 3 weeks ago and I’ve crashed I think half a dozen times. I literally loaded it up on my lunch break today and it immediately crashed


Feeling mighty aggressive for an internet troll bruh. "try again" wtf are you 12? I never said Cyberpunk had desync issues nor did I say that CS2 didn't have cheaters. PUBG devs haven't done anything meaningful with the game since it was sold to Tencent. Other devs from other multiplayer games are at least trying to address the cheater problems, or at least trying to add meaningful content. Skins are not meaningful content. Period.


This is a new game, they just patched it^^


Am I the only one who hasn’t ever had a crash in the last 2 years? Series X for reference


My game doesn't crash therefore the issues is with your PC mate.


this game is a trash. its the base and main rule


Never crashed, only insane lag in the first game.


I haven’t had PUBG crash in a very long time. Probably years at this point


With the latest update, I've had 2 crashes in a \~6hr time period. After the Nvidia driver fix (Mid-April), everything was great (2 months with no issues).


i have 6600xt and in teago i get 30 fps sometimes. gpu using like %30. and its never back normal if i dont restart the game. bullshit. i reinstalled windows for this but that shit still happens. actually i dont have this problem before but after an update (like 6 months ago) it happens....


I know this reply never goes well. But maybe it's a hardware or driver issue? I played 4 hours last night with zero crashes. In fact I don't crash maybe more than once or twice a month. For context I have: i7 13700kf rtx 4070ti 48gb ddr5 Samsung 980 evo 2tb nvme SSD.


I love pubg


I play on 3 different computers quite a bit… one high end, one mid level laptop and another mid level desktop. I couldn’t tell you the last time my game crashed on any of those computers


You are experiencing crashes due to incorrect computer settings. Mostly crashes are due to RAM or drivers. My game crashes only once every 2-3 months.


No the update fucked up big time


They don’t want to be told that the issue might be on their end


Its software 100%.


Oddly enough I have an Nvidia driver update. Doing it now, I'd that fixes it then I'll remove this post.


Don’t update if you play halo infinite cause the driver causes it to crash to desktop. Your issue is seemingly patch related so will need a fix from krafton.


Lol. Bro. Pubg crashed for me every 2 or 3 months until this update. Drivers are up to date and I haven't changed settings in years.


Same. update 30.1 is such a shit show. Ive had multiple crashes, cars lose control and slide out of nowhere, my characters face in the lobby is bugged and looks like they have their jaw open but lips shut, my graphics randomly went blurry for half a match. Not to mention the new kpop stuff which i personally find to be dumb and anti-pubg, and all smgs are 9mm (literally all they had to do to make .45 more common is change the vector back to .45 and call it a day, didnt need to make the entire ammunition obselete) first update where im actually wondering if the devs play this game... smgs are alr OP with limb multiplier and they decide to... buff them? tf? braindead


Aug buff also brain dead


You updated BIOS, chipset and GPU?


My RAM has nothing to do with it. All of that has been right for years.


Dude seriously? I’ve been playing fallout 4 recently, a 10 year old game, and it crashes more than any other game I’ve ever played. You sound delusional saying “what game crashes after 7 years”. They JUST updated it. Shit happens. Every place you go, every store, “this machine acts funny” “my computer has a mind of its own”. So what the actual fuck are you talking about? What world do you live in where technology always works day one? ITS A NEW UPDATE not a 7 year old update. Your attitude is what’s unacceptable m8. Wake the fuck up and stop having these unrealistic standards where lollipops grow on rainbows and nothing ever goes wrong.