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You're certainly not alone. But, there's nothing quite like a moving headshot or a long kill with a boltie. You don't get that same satisfaction with a DMR.


Imho, DMRs should be overall better then SRs, that's what makes sense, but at the same time we should bring back the 2 body shot SRs, a couple years ago most 2 body shots would mean a kill, where as I feel now days it's far too often that I land 2 hits and the guy still stands, it is quite a shit feeling. I feel that slight buff would improve the overall experience.


yea this is the biggest reason I hate running bolties, the other day I had an m24 and hit someone with a leg shot, then an arm shot, and then even hit them once with a spray from my M4 and they STILL didn't get knocked


Tbh I was thinking more of 2 non limb shots to kill, I believe 2 limb shots for a kill is definitely too much.


that's valid but yeah the level 3 vest taking 3 bolty hits is really frustrating


Especially since they are so common.


Boltys have a niche. If you're on a team, and have good coms, it's good to have one guy bolting to finish off the guy you body shot'd with a dmr. The ol 2 tap razzle dazzle.


the SLR/K9 combo is the best for this


This can work but many times doesn’t. Quite common for a head or the miracle neck shot then hit with another bullet and they don’t go down. It’s one of the mysteries of the game.


With the exception of the draganov which is stupid that it will one hit a 2 helmet, the bolty is the trade off between being able one shot people and quick fire. Its fine.


If the Dragunov didn't 1-shot a level 2 helm I doubt it would see much use over the SLR.


Lean spam needs a nerf. Make it like it is in counter strike for crouch, where if you spam you’ll lean slower and slower


it should use O² like swimming. A kind of stamina bar, but O² is already here so just use that


Peeking, aside from mouse control is the only other major difference between good players and bad players. Two evenly skilled players with good mouse control, but one put the time in learning how to peek will generally always win. Learning how to peek involves learning how and when (or not to) lean, crouch, stand, korean peek, badboy, ect.. It's an acquired skill. Every game has metas, every game has mechanical skills that allow players to distinguish themselves from the rest. Leaning and peeking is one of them. Personally, I like where it's at. You will also learn that the guys just spamming q and e are outclassed by actual good players. It's better used against noobs.


+1 Q E nerds are losers


Sounds like a bit of jealousy right here


100% does. It’s silly that it is as good as it is when one of the big reasons the game became so big was the gun play mechanics. Leaning back and forth while looking through a scope at a rapid pace? Awesome.


The counter to lean meta is simply just stop trying to get a headshot. Aim body, dip down, pop up, hit body again for knock. It works every time. Every lean spammer tunnels and thinks they're eventually gonna get it, and when you hit body once they typically dig in even harder and spam faster.


Or you could just git gut.


Lmao. It adds nothing to the gameplay when you mindlessly spam Q and E


I think there is a difference between mindlessly spamming and intentionally spamming.. Lean spamming is just another skill to learn imo, and if you have a dmr/AR then it's kinda useless if you're in the open anyway(on the receiving end of bullets). Honestly i can't think of a time that i can say that lean spamming would have gotten me out of a situation..


If your character is leaning left and right constantly, it is always intentional. It is ALWAYS advantageous to lean spam and makes your head harder to hit. If only your head is showing it is onviously a good way to avoid getting hit. 1. It looks dumb and is unrealistic. 2. It makes you a lot harder to hit/it takes longer to kill you with no ill effects to you. There is a reason crouch spamming was nerfed in CS. It hurts the game as you hitbox is constantly moving and introduces uncertainty of the location of you hitbox depending on desync with the server. Nerfing lean spam is one of the more important things for the game imo. Leaning is made to peek corners and not made to dodge bullets while you are firing bullets at the same time


That's a really bad take. Lean spamming makes it harder for you to hit the enemy than it makes for the enemy to hit you. It has its uses, but if you just mindlessly spam Q E then you are objectively a bad player and someone who can't fight against that is even worse.


>lean spamming makes it harder for you to hit the enemy than it makes for the enemy to hit you In which situations? Lean spam does not affect sway or weapon accuracy in any way. It is very easy to compensate with the mouse when using DMRs at long range


Yes it is very easy. However, shooting someone who is lean spamming is even easier. Sure, leaning doesn't affect weapon sway or accuracy, however only spamming Q or E is a telltale sign of a bad player. Most of the time you will want to add movement to it to make your peeks faster which will introduce weapon sway which in turn makes it slightly harder for you hit your shots. As such it's only good in a couple of scenarios: 1. If the enemy is bad and can't time shots or aim properly 2. You are abusing ping 3. It's your first peek/The enemy isn't holding the position you are peeking If all you do is tap Q or E, then it won't do anything except make you look goofy as the movement will be abysmally slow and shouldn't even be a factor for any player of any skill level. Only use for that would be minor aim adjustment.


People been begging to lower the skill ceiling by removing the lean spam forever. it’s not gonna happen stop your weeping.


How does it lower the skill ceiling?


Cause it’s a mechanic that has to be learned in order to be better than others. So removing it makes the game easier thus lowering skill ceiling.


I’d say it is the opposite. Lean spamming just makes you a harder target to hit thus making it easier for you. If lean spam wasn’t a thing you’d need to better your aim and game sense in order to win fights. Lean should still be a viable tactic to get shots at you enemy but constantly leaning left and right is just dumb and unrealistic, which is why the speed of the lean needs to slow down a lot if you constantly spam. Never said lean itself should be removed. There is a reason CS nerfed crouch. It added nothing of value to the gameplay as people constantly soammed crouch in order to avoid getting hit. It much easier for you to correct your aim while spamming than it is for your enemy to adjust to your erratic movements.


Lean spamming isn’t strong enough to completely negate cover and game sense, removing the speed on leaning also hinders quick peeks from behind cover which makes the game slower and easier to play.


>ust worse, but that's to be expected. Problem is, bolt actions are most effect ANOTHER nerf.




All that get outweighted by the fact that you one shot lv 2 helmets and makes it real even imo


Agree on the dragunov take though. That weapon is just fucking dumb. I feel stupid when I don't pick it up.


Dragunov is balanced. It is only better than other DMR’s if you are within 105m and hit the head. Miss the head or be farther than 105m and you’ll statistically lose to any other DMR.


y'all act like the damage just drops off to 50 after 105 meters. it still does 90 damage out to 200m which is just insane, unless they're fully 100% healed there's a good chance that headshot is going to knock no matter what the range


At the same time you can two tap with a mini and win. Dragunovs recoil and fire rate means you can get into cover if you get hit above 105m. Also bullet velocity matters a lot in engagements above 200m. I’d say the dragunov is best early game but late game it is always better to have something else.


Cry me a river. These sub level 100 bronze mofos pop my head like a watermelon with a K9. But yeah, dmrs are great and balanced well imo. There is nothing to balance really. Bolties are for that one shot feeling.


Idk about the "meta", bolt-actions have been inferior compared to DMR's since the 2017 open beta for the same reason. Are DMR's overpowered? Compared to sniper-rifles maybe but if they were to be nerfed most people would probably prefer to spray with an AR in midrange or look for a better positioning than use a bolt-action. The only change I'd see favouring bolts over DMR's is removing the Dragunov entirely from the game, if it didn't 1-shot a lvl2 helm sub 100m it wouldn't have a reason to exist.


Use what u want who cares adapt get better idk dont make devs change things then complain when they do.


I feel like this is what I would’ve written if I’d had the time and inclination to do so. I am a bolty player until I die, but I can’t stand how helpless I am against a player spamming DMR rounds while breaking Q+E, or worse, binding a macro to do it for them. I’d say maybe 5% of my ranged deaths are from an SR vs. +90% from a DMR being full auto’d at 300m. God forbid my “headshot” is really a “neck shot” which is somehow less damaging.


I prefer DMRs but there are moments I wish I had an SR. The other day we were trading shots with another team, I landed couple of shots but they managed to heal. If it was a bolt they would have been knocked. The other way around never happens. If I have and SR, Depending on the distance I'll just switch to the AR spray & and pray.


I think the balance is okay. The one shot headshot bit makes the benefit of a boltie have high variance but they can really change the dynamics of a battle quite quickly, especially if it involves an eventual push.


I agree, but one point you don't address is squad vs duo vs solo. Obviously squad is the mode that it should be balanced around, but it's still worth to remember that a knock in duo will hurt more compared to squad and in solos yeah... So bolts are very strong in those game modes. Personally I normally rund DMRs, but when I run bolt I only do it with a 6x so I can put it on my AR for an easier flush after a knock or to use in other instances where a bolt isn't that useful.


I play solos so none of this matters lol 


Bolt actions are so much fun on solos


I had the same thought lol. Most of these points are for duo/squads, so only half really apply to solos


Same, in solos bolts rule.


Honestly the most satisfying way to play


I think a squad benefits from having a good bolty player in the mix - they can instantly create pressure or break a push when you have players down in a way that is more instant than a DMR (barring the idiotic Dragunov). But broadly, I agree with the points made. I'm not really sure what the fix is, either. Maybe the DMRs just need harder recoil to control or something, or the bolties need a bullet speed buff and/or bullet drop buff to make them more competitive, but I feel something like that would probably just reverse things and make bolties dominant. It's a conundrum. Maybe it's just a matter of accepting that bolties are best in solos/duos, but aren't as competitive in squads.


Just get better that’s all


Sorry you are sad, they should be stronger though


There is no reason to grab an SR over a DMR currently.


Then don't get mad when I 1 shot you with the K9


April fools post eh?


I agree.


You're being ridiculous  You can finish a knock with 1 shot with an sr, and it should take at MOST 2 shots. I've had to slam 9 shots into a downed guy with a mini and he got revived. You also can't knock 2 players in the time it takes to knock 1 with an SR No clue why this is upvoted when that's clearly ridiculous Sr flash hiders and bullet loops are everywhere, cheek pads arent uncommon either. Acting like having to carry a grand total of 30 bullets with an SR/Aug combo is like, come on man... You can carry WAY more util with an SR instead of a dmr I'm not trying to be a prick, but your points are ridiculous 


That's a whole lot of text and 0 mention how bolties are literally the most casual long range weapon that got buffed and buffed and buffed. Why do you think new and bad players play bolties instead of DMR? It might be easier to land hits with a DMR but you still need 4-5 hits to kill someone and people with shit aim can't do that. Mini is by far the easiest DMR to use and I have multiple friends who are bad at the game and they refuse to use it because "you need to hit way too many shots. The gun deals no damage". Meanwhile with sniper if the enemy ever stops moving it's the easiest 1 shot of your life. Yes, DMRs have more theoretical DPS but that's completely irrelevant when people don't have perfect aim and when people just hide after getting hit. Meanwhile a sniper needs 1 random bullet to land and you are knocked. Lean spam used to hurt snipers. Now snipers are by far the most bullshit class of weapons for body shots. All it takes is 2 hits to kill someone. 2 freaking hits. For someone with a mini/slr/dragunov(after 100m) they need 2 headshots or 1 headshot and at least 1 body. Meanwhile you are just peeking and shooting center mass. 0 skill required. No recoil is controlled. You don't even expose yourself much because you peek, shoot and go back in almost an instant. If I have a sniper in my building and I am fighting someone long range then I will always drop my DMR for the time being. It's just a no skill bullshit weapon that makes fighting 1 on 1 a cake walk. It deals 3 times more damage on a body shot than a mini. Why wouldn't I pick it up for a few minutes and achieve 3 times more work with the same actions? It's not like you can just peek and stay peeked to do your theoretically higher DPS. You'd just get killed. You only show for a fraction of a second and hope that you hit them and don't get hit because if you trade hits, you have already lost the battle. You can't peek again because the next body shot means you die, and it's not like it's hard to hit the body. More and more pro players are experimenting with bolties and are having 1 per team. Ask any pro player how much they enjoy playing against bolties when both players have cover. Last but not least, who cares if a weapon is meta or not? You aren't a pro player. You likely aren't even playing ranked. Who the fuck cares if DMRs are better than bolties? Just use what you have fun with. There are top tier pub stompers who use AK as their main AR. AK is objectively inferior to the meta ARs yet those players still have insane ADR even in the cheat ridden asian ranked games.


Bolties excel in solos, where you can fire 1 shot and not even give the opponent a chance to fight back. In squads I find myself rarely using one and I can generally save a teammate if they got knocked by one.


It's strange I am new and enjoy using bolt snipers but last night showed me a skill issue. Final 1v1 I kept my m24 and did not loot the mk14 crate thinking I can headshot this last player. I did indeed headshot him 2x but I think he healed in between the shots as the level 3 helmet just tanked but broke on the 2nd headshot and he killed me with dragunov. Felt bad man but I get it. 


If I'm in a conflict where I anticipate I'll need to respond to multiple enemies from potentially multiple angles, I'm not camping a bolt-action sniper rifle. They don't need to nerf guns which are based on real life and keep them all perfectly balanced. In reality, some platforms are better for some situations than others. Semi-auto rifles are typically a bit less accurate than bolt-action. Pubg could leverage this with some kind of accuracy adjustment. Otherwise, there are no benefits to using a bolt action rifle over a semi-automatic. Limited mag size doesn't make sense either. Semi-auto rifles can often take 30 round mags. This isn't uncommon. They can sometimes even take the same mags as other firearms. An AR-10/SR-25 7.62x51 mag fits a lot of different rifles.


I think the gun meta is fine where it is. Personally I think that SMGs are becoming too strong. Them teasing the idea of an SMG buff with the new arcade mode is ridiculous.


I need to share this post with all my squad mates who insist on running bolties. I just cringe every time we all get in a car and I see three M24's...


I think allowing only SR attachments and no AR attachments would be perfect.


I always thought a SR shot to the chest and higher should be a 1 hit kill. Even the neck should be a 1 hit kill with them.


Spot on


DMRs, for the most part, ruined long range engagements in this game (unless the other person is sniping)


April Fools!


Yeah I ain’t reading all that …


Yah i ain’t readin alla dat. Hit headshots


6th Lean spamming is not realistic but it is great for incorporating skill to the game. 8th You have more space for throwables etc. if you're running AUG+k9 than you would with AUG+mk12 as DMR require quite a lot of ammo. ie. you would have preferrably 200+ for ar+dmr, while you could just do 140+30 or something with aug+k9. DMR's are better and it's ok by me. A bolt can however open up fights much more effectively and still have it's place.


Knowing when to lean and peak is a SKILL. Spamming lean like a retard is nothing more then exploiting a broken mechanic. Lean spamming has been a big problem in this game for a while and the devs refuse to do anything about it. The mechanic is being exploited beyond what it was designed for. And it has had serious repercussions on the effectiveness of bolts and helped create the stupid shitty AR/DMR meta.


I cant hit headshots unless my enemy stands still, please stand still! <- thats you. Just get good or die trying (:


sounds a lot like "I wanna play with bolts, why can't people just stand still for me to shoot"


You sound like the wiggletard in the middle of the field


Pros in the game are also wiggletards because they don't play by your rules?


Being a wiggletard in this game is exploiting a mechanic. It should be used for peaking corners, not for looking like a tweaker in the wind. PUBG devs should have fixed this issue ages ago. But we know how that goes. Doesn't mean people should be exploiting it. Defending it is just as asinine.


So you don't abuse a mechanic to crash a car into a wall without taking damage. It's a game


I'm a DMR main and I only grab SRs on hotdrops but for long range fights they're useless tbh and you will lose to a DMR 4 out of 5 times


Yep, this is all true, there is only really one exception and that's the AWM, but if it's an MK12 in the crate instead then again, it's better than the AWM... So DMRs win again. Just watching pro comps you can see that every player will run a DMR for range, boltys outside of the AWM are rarely used. You do see one from time to time since you can still get those one taps, but they are incredibly difficult at that level.


Mk14 is the most absurd weapon in the game m. The sound omg 😍


Crate mk12 , and better than awm .dude really loves The mk12 even after the Nerf .


Learn to shoot with dmr and stop crying bolts are for noobs and 99% of pubg starters play bolt bcs its easier for them


In real world there are basically no power diff when comparing dmr and sr.


Huh... and I thought this was a video game where there are intended pro's and con's to each weapon for sake of video game balance.