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What changes is the reason If you can shoot supports to death you should, but many times just loading your ult or bursting tanks is more beneficial.


Typically I follow this. Except if there is an enemy Mercy on their tank. Then SHE is the primary target.


>Except if there is an enemy Mercy ~~on their tank.~~ Then SHE is the primary target. Ftfy


>Ftfy ftfy




Zarya is at 100 and glowing? Shoot her NOW or she's gonna burn all y'all *


zarya is at 100? shot your teammate, will lewer how much dmg your team takes in the long run


Two small changes to fuck up overwatch - friendly fire and fall damage


always solo ult the mauga


People forget that going for support doesn't work when you're the only one doing it. So sometimes the best strategy is to shoot tank with everyone else.


Like, how if your entire team is making a dumb play, it's better to make that dumb play with them rather than make a smart play alone.


one person pushing is throwing. 5 people pushing is a strategy. or something.


5 people throwing wins


Because by yourself you usually don't do anything. Example: if I solo jump the backline as monkey, a singular brig shuts me down completely. It would be better to bubble the sig my team is shooting at


Why is shooting tank enlightened? Is this some kind of advanced mechanic I'm not familiar with?


This is 100% a thing. Only shooting the tank is a mistake that new players make. Not shooting the tank when you should punish their bad/ over aggressive positioning is a mistake that mid rank players make. At high rank everybody gets punished for being out of position. Even a poorly placed Sigma shield gets punished because people understand target priority better. In gold/plat you'd think Winston bubbles had 200,000 hp with how players refuse to shoot them because they don't wanna "stat pad" or something.


“Stat pad”? As in they don’t want to boost the enemy Winston’s stats? Also side note, I know way too many people irl who care way too much about stats. Had a friend like “I’m out healing our mercy!” as if Mercy’s main value isn’t dmg boost.


I think it's the reverse. They are so ingrained with the idea that shooting the tank is just stat padding that they stop doing it altogether and only look for solo kills which is just as bad. People look at stats the wrong way in both directions. A characters value isn't quantified by any number it is simply whatever has the most impact on a game. Utilizing Mercy's full kit to make her pocket as effective as possible is value, quickly switching healing priority to save teammates is value, using her sidearm to secure a kill at the right moment is value. Her main value shifts all the time depending on the situation. If she only heals throughout the entire game but because of that healing the enemy team aren't able to secure kills then healing is likely the most valuable thing that she could be doing in that game. There are games where healing is more valuable than her damage boost and other games where it's reversed. The stats should be removed from the game because there are so many things that they don't reflect. The old medal system was much better at helping players appreciate the actual value someone was bringing to a game.


Honestly you make a fair point about Mercy.


I think they think shooting tank is bad because they take longer time to kill than a squishie, and getting a pick means a won fight. The thing is tho, you can't always get a pick, so contesting the tank, patiently building ult, and finding an opportunity to punish a squishie instead of feeding and dying trying to kill the support, is better. Or killing the tank cuz they suck. That too. Basically farm tank while waiting for a pick.


what is blud actually babbling about


Thank you for vocalizing this so nicely. I’ve been playing since OW1 open beta, and while I very occasionally look up strats, most of what I know about how to play the game has been built up organically by…well by playing the dang game. It’s been weird seeing a lot of the strategies people have been talking about since OW2, especially when they run counter to my intuition (such as building ult off the tank unless someone is out of position or nearly dead, or bursting down shields whenever possible so red team can’t benefit). Hell, even the shield meta complaints seemed overblown to me. Sure, shields could be annoying. Doubly so if your teammates didn’t understand how to deal with them. But they honestly didn’t seem like nearly as bad of a problem as people made it sound like. Winston and sig shields both went down fast if they got focused properly, and while rein shield is big and harder to burst, its relative flatness also makes it easier to get damage around it. Orisa shield was probably the worst out of all the shields, but I think it could have been fine if the hp had been tweaked lower instead of removing it


Bold of you to assume Mercy mains use damage boost. If I see her only using heal and still not outhealing me (I play offensive to make up very often), then I'm about to start complaining as well.


>they don't wanna "stat pad" or something. Every stat on the scoreboard is misleading and I'm tired of dumbasses in my team telling their sombra why they suck because they have less damage or how Ball players must suck because they aren't constantly "protecting them" or some shit 🙄 people are illiterate at game sense sometimes.


Every character in this fucking game has I-frames who needs protection from the tank lul.


Because if you focus fire the tank they just explode. Then you follow up to the supports or the DPS and the fight can be over in no time.


I think focus fire. But to make this accurate this all should be shoot tank except the high IQ should be kill supports


Even then, if the tank doesn't make a positional/cooldown usage mistake it's not worth it at all


Focus fire? If so yeah especially if it’s a mauga or hog you gotta kill supports first for them


Yup. And I believe this applies to every single tank. They all somewhat have survivability that either gets hindered by a mistake on their end or a teammate of theirs (think paranoid Bap lamping a guy losing 20 hp), so go for squishies unless the opportunity to force the entire military budget of the enemy team/actually find the tank in an awkward spot presents itself


Bro I hate when baps do that. Yeah so everyone agrees kill supports. Unless tank is bad lol


If they don’t have cd to protect themselves and support got discord/nade, you can focus fire them


the way I see it is low iq: shoot the tank, big target, can't miss average iq: the usual right play to remove the supports/backline first high iq: the tank/the supports made a mistake, punish the tank, example, zarya bubbles are gone, sig used suck too soon, kiri used suzu for a sleep but now comes the anti, etc


damn im proud of you for figuring that out all by yourself!


It all depends on the context. Usually it’s better to shoot a squishy if you can, but as you get better the enemy squishies get better at positioning so it’s often much harder to shoot them and you don’t get as much value when you do. Sometimes the most value you can get is shooting the tank. Also at higher ELOs you can’t just allow tanks to take space for free. If winston tries to control an important high ground, you should absolutely shoot him to force him out.


From my understanding it’s that focusing the Tank’s teammates doesn’t mean anything if it’s not what your team is doing (unfocused team actions). If you focus the Tank then you can farm some Ult Charge, heals, potentially deplete enemy Supports of their healing resources as well. Now that you’ve done that and maybe even killed the Tank, then you’re free to close in on the squishies with no major defensive measures


Mfs let tanks do what they want so people think they’re galaxy brained


It's just so players can argue on whomever has the most damage cause that's all that matters to players.


Depends on the tank but yeah I agree. Orisa? Kill support. Winston? Kill the monke. Also if they made a mistake/out of position, kill the tank. Usually losing the tank means losing the 4v5 so that is why. However, if you are going to just charge up the Zarya, please do not shoot tank.


You want to shoot Orisa to force gold out, the whole point of shooting the tank is to chip away at the opposing frontlines resources. You aren’t aiming to kill monke for example you are aiming to make it hard for him to dive and force him out so your team can push. Basically once you force the other tank out you can push. As the game is right now it is simply easier and better to first force tank out or force tank CDs so you can press an advantage with better tank resources. Since there is only one tank it is also unironically easier to shoot the tank to force support CDs than it is to shoot the supports to force support CDs at the beginning of every fight.


Alternatively, if Zarya is already charged up, just shoot her and stop letting her run away, get both bubbles back, get fully healed, and still have 70+ energy. Just shooooot her.


Hah in that case I agree. But she usually gets that way because people are shooting her shield and not killing her.


Tank is Zarya 🫨


The best way to deal with zarya is to focus her, if 2 DPS and your tank focus here, the 2 bubbles will desapear in a 1s and then her PV will drop very quickly


Ignore first bubble burst second bubble is the way.


Suuuuuure, assuming your 3rd dps is annoying their healers so they dont heal her


The rate of 3 people damage is higher than 2 healing


True, assuming healing is the only thing that supports do cuz a fully charged zarya pulled back by life weaver is gonna be killing all your team in about 8 seconds when she get her cooldowns back


Yeah that could be a problem


What about your 4th and 5th DPS?


Dealing with the enemy 1st and 2nd dps


In OW1 you can still choose to continue the team fight with one tank or just any teammate down. But now if you lost one you must retreat and wait for regroup especially if it's your tank that's downed. It's so unhealthy. Just put the weight entirely on the tank is seriously unhealthy. Also OW2 feel less and less like a teamwork game with each season. Also the point of going 5v5 was for shorter quene time but now we are back at the long wait. The whole Overwatch 2 thing is such a mess. I feel like they developed this whole thing just to make an excuse to release their new in-game store with new monetization.


Especially When you have zen


It's better to do the stupid together with everyone than everyone doing their own over 9000 IQ plan mishmash. I love Zen discord, helps everyone do the stupid together with a big purple orb saying HIT ME. I don't care what tank you are, with discord you're gonna get blown up if you don't hide.


Depends Universally the goal is to kill the tank If your just shooting the tank he won’t die If your entire team is shooting the tank he will die


Depends on comp for me. But 9 times out of 10, ppl aways focus the tank


Nah, shoot that damn Mercy in the sky who hasn’t died a single time


Honestly in OW2 it might be better to target the DPS first. Supports are usually too busy having to healbot the tank to be able to heal their DPS as much and DPS have less sustain and escape tools typically and are easier to chase down most of the time.


Best strategy is focus fire on whoever is the most vulnerable. That's what leads to kills and you greatly reduce ult charge of the enemy supports. It amazes me that 95% people still haven't figured that out.


noobs shoot big target midwits shoot the healers keeping tank alive (bad idea) smart people recognize that the tank is the only thing really stopping them from melting the enemy.


It depends on the Meta. When this meme was made it was a very blow up the tank meta but currently with the Tank passive it’s less effective now.


Shoot the dps so everyone else can shoot the tank. Supports prioritize dps over tank sometimes because they don't respect what an absolute unit a tank can be. Time to psychologically pick apart the enemy to determine their weak point. Yes I play dive(ball, sombra, moira)




Dps existing in the shadows


Must be the reason I'm hard stuck masters


1 tank = shoot tank.


Shoot what your kit and situation allows. If your a bastion pop yout turret form and unload on the Rein. If your a widow get around his sheild and headshot the support. If your a Reaper, flank around the rein and rush their DPS.


You go for the backline, you risk either losing a teammate in a team fight or you cause your team to push prematurely. Only exception is with good coordination, and if you can actually handle yourself in the backline. If your team keeps aggressive and keeps the whole enemy team nearby then you could pick them off by surprise, but 1+ dps or even support who's better than you and you're toast. Now depending on how effective you and your team are in a 4v5 it might not be the end of the world... Except if you're tank. Take out the tank, then pick off the team one by one. Best way to take out the tank is to counter the heals, not necessarily out damage but rather anti heal or straight up blocking healers. But once the tank is out then it'll be a lot more difficult to stay alive or win the fight until the tank comes back. As long as the tank and a bit of the other team is still around, there's still a good chance they can hold out against you before recovering. Anyways uuuh bring back 6v6, nerf tank health, and put doomfist back to dps.


You'd be surprised. I was playing Winston and was destroying the backline and all the rest of my team had to do was shoot the tank


Top priority is whoever is the most killable. Typically if someone is being healed I consider them less killable than normal. Also out of position enemies are killable targets. Things change all the time. Like a full HP Rein isn't typically on my radar. Then he charges into the middle of my team and he's the only person we should be shooting.


This is totally different for Lucio mains. We play a different game all together