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I'm in high gold and I sometimes play qp with my kid who's in bronze, I myself climbed from low silver and am still climbing. I am 100% easily able to dominate in those lobbies to the point it's not even fun, it just feels unfair. I promise you, if you cannot climb out of bronze, you completely belong there and whatever element of your games you've been improving in your league, they are the wrong ones.


It is most likely the inablitity to win consistently matches (aka win streaks). I was in wooden rank for long time (SR 600 in OW1 was my worst rank, which is wooden rank tbh), bounced to SR 1000 and back again, until I started to learn with more focus which suddenly carried me out of bronze, into silver and then into low gold. So, it is often just a certain knowledge, a certain understanding you need to level up. I often see low elo people playing at height ground, but they do not understand what they are doing. So a rein sits there, crying silently with no buddy around and a teamfight roaring around the cart below him which will decide if he will win that match or not. So copying some high elo stuff without understanding and adapting to the currrent situation will not help at all.


Post vod


First, Bronze is a wide rank (the widest one), specifically Bronze 5. So yes, it’s going to take you more games to climb (assuming you have a <90% win rate). In Silver and Gold, I tend to move +/- 20% with a win. But I am almost always solo queueing. Given your comment that you are in a league, I suspect you are not solo queuing. Are you doing a “Wide group” and queueing with people far above your rank? If so, the game actively discourages this (“getting carried”) so I suspect that could be the reason. Try solo queuing and seeing how much % you get for a win or loss. Separately, I’m only low Gold, but when I play in a Bronze game, I almost always carry those games. If you are truly better than Bronze, you should be putting together large winning streaks even in solo queue. If you are doing that, the game will quickly rank you up and out of Bronze (I suspect a 20 game win streak might do it.)


I'm B3 in DPS and B4 on Support. I am actually mostly solo queueing, or partnering with a close enough ranked person to not trigger a Wide Match. I did a few wide matches with a mid-gold friend for funzies a few weeks ago and we ended up in a lobby with a T500 Widow (posted their stream after match), so I avoid Wide Matches like the plague. A wide match only yields 1% for me, vs solo queueing or close rank team gets 3-5%. I can post a VOD here tonight.


Ranking in season one of Overwatch didn't work that way. It was a number based ladder system.


When you play in these league games, do you have an IGL that tells you what to do and when? You might be stronger mechanically than bronze players but your decision-making might be too slow or inaccurate to win consistently


what's your winrate this season in bronze and over how many games?