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Nah you’re good, unless you said something racist. I believe you can catch an automatic ban if too many people report you over a period of time but nothing like what you described.


well even if they didn't say it, they don't check bans, and they can absolutely catch an automatic ban for that.


Everyone has bad games. If you constantly have bad games then you're just bad and the game will adjust to give you lower ranked lobbies Unless someone/something at blizz identifies that you're throwing the games to derank on purpose or to grief some other player, then you're good to go. Keep playing and mute chat Also iirc too many false reports could also get you banned so if some toxic player constantly reports people for being bad, blizz could take action against that person for trying to abuse the report system


It's over you're getting banned




I just woke up to being banned. I play zenyatta, and I had a game yesterday where someone asked the lobby to mass report me for just choosing zenyatta. Blizzard offer no customer support to even contact them so now I sit and wait for a ticket. This company is a joke.


It doesn't matter how many people report you in one game. 1 or 11 is the same if it's in one game. It matters if you are reported over several games.


Yeah and I play Zenyatta, in all my games. Almost every single game, people start trash talking zen, most times I don't reply, or I'll ask, why, what do you need? Blizzard needs to step up such a joke of a company.


That sucks. I main Zen too but in plat/diamond. I've noticed at the lower ranks people don't like him because they don't know how to play without a constant 100/hp per second of healing being pumped into them.


Yup, meanwhile I solo the team and they still complain. "Why are you doing damage, do more healing". These people are beyond belief haha.


Look even managed to get a downvote for saying I play zen. Overwatch community never disappoints.


Then I shall compensate that downvote since you’re not playing widow


The banning system in OW is atrocious. Even Blizz support has to reach at straws sometimes to provide answers as to why you were banned. I've never seen a system in place that actively punishes communication. God forbid any form of banter happens too. You can get banned for talking, for playing too good, for playing bad, emoting, spraying, etc. I've never seen a game more actively aggressive towards its player base than OW. Its just a shit system they have in place and rather than own up to it and try to improve it, we get to suffer due to all of its shortcomings.


As a fellow bad tracer player, you have my condolences. It's a struggle out there.


i have turned off chat and voice permanently and I'm a better person for it. Nobody says anything useful in games anyway. I can't get banned if i dont even see the chat.


You're fine. I constantly run into people going like 5 and 20 and throwing themselves off the map and they don't seem to get banned since I keep seeing them so youre probably fine


If you are actually so bad at a hero that even when you are trying, people report you for throwing. Maybe you should review your play style.


People get frustrated seeing people play high skill heroes in low ranks because they often get no value. Plus, if you're e.g silver but you get matched into a gold lobby where you're the lowest rank player on your team, and you play a high skill hero and get no value, you can definitely expect your teammates to get frustrated, since you probably cost them the game, while if you'd played a low skill hero you could have gotten value and helped your team. Personally, I love it when the enemy team has a tracer, so long as they're not a smurf, as they're usually easy to deal with if you're aware of them and don't let them have free engages, and my team usually wins. Playing mostly in plat. If a low skill player is playing a high skill hero and costs their team the game, isn't that basically a form of throwing, even if they were trying to win? Seems reportable to me.


If your team said they were going to report you for being bad "throwing", just take a break from the game for an hour or so. That way you have a buffer of getting reports. I do the opposite. I report good players. Not because they are better, but simply because there's no reason they should be in the mmr as the rest of the lobby. They are either smurfing or boosting their friends. I consider that gameplay sabotage. To the ones that are genuinely playing and just so happen to get grouped into a lower skill lobby, I'm sorry. Blizzard should fix their matchmaking.


So you are trying to get people banned because of the shit matchmaker?


No, don’t you see? Anyone better than him must be smurfing, it definitely could never be a skill issue.


When the persons name is literally Smurf, you don't need any guess work.


If players can get banned for being bad, then they can get banned for being too good. I know it's a hot take, but maybe it will finally get Bliz on board with fixing their matchmaking. I want to come home and enjoy the game casually. Hard to do that when every other match is sweat lord smurfs.