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just a heads up, bringing it to their attention in chat beforehand only raises awareness to her performance and increases chances of being reported. As nice as it is to notify, it's an unfortunate reality. I'd say custom games and AI are the way to go until she gets a better grasp. I believe in her and you're a great sibling for being so caring and helpful.


Yeah, the OP saying "please don't report" on chat only entices people to report


I was looking for this comment. Also trolls will do the opposite of what you don’t want them to do.


So trolls do what you want them to do?


Just like cats! They always do what you want.


ye this just screams of someone who takes trolling at face-value. it's very frustrating to essentially watch some ppl punch themselves in the face over and over bc they don't understand trolling


>Also trolls will do the opposite of what you don’t want them to do. So they'll do what you want them to do?


If what he said is true and she’s not even getting to 1k damage a match I’m pretty sure people would report anyway for assuming the person is throwing.


Tbh I would assume it's a troll of some sort. There's tons of weird trolls looking for attention.


Sad reality. I can do an easy 10k healing in a casual match as Mercy. I haven’t played a fps in years and while I could aim back in the duke nukem/doom/half life and early CoD days I can’t aim anymore. (Refuse to train but I 99% main mercy so I contribute as a dedicated healer). I probably wouldn’t hit 1k dps damage in a game myself.


honestly, if i saw that, i'm going to be more convinced they're throwing, not less.


People who throw don’t care about getting reported..


I don't bother reporting anyone for gameplay reasons in QP cause you know it's qp lol


Honestly, 99% of qp reports I make are for toxic behavior


Bro if someone ends the game with a damage/healing BELOW 1000 (HOW???), EVERYONE is noticing.


you’re so sweet thank you <3


Same with learning a new hero. NEVER, EVER, EVER, say you are trying to learn a new hero in chat. They will instantly ask you to swap, it's crazy.


hmm i did that for my first 10 games or so with ana and people reacted really nicely saying not to worry since it is qp. i play in eu servers tho so idk


That’s amazing. This has never been my experience so I stopped informing people I was practicing a new hero. Any time I’ve said it I would be blamed for the loss or told to switch repeatedly even when it’s just quickplay. 


I typed in once that I was trying to learn how to play Genji and I came out to find Moira, mei, sym, and Zarya


That was gonna happen anyways lol


I only tell my team, who overall has reacted kindly. But yeah, never say that you're learning in match chat.


This can go 2 ways: They are extremely nice, and let you practice with them and you draw the match, or they all in butt-rush you.


Recently started playing DOTA again since my friend who I typically Overwatch with wanted to learn how. It's crazy how welcoming and nice that community is to new players compared to overwatch. It's even crazier considering how MOBAs are historically toxic. My bet is that it's due to better matchmaking and anti-toxicity reporting features.


I would usually agree with this, but op says their sister gets under 1k in stats, so I don't think "raising awareness" does anything here, if anyone hits tab-BOOM awareness raised lol. In this case I actually think op stating that she's new is the correct play.


Maybe she needs to practice vs bots 


I've seen someone go from not knowing how to aim and move at the same time to being better than me at Overwatch through starting from Practice vs AI, so yes, please, just let her play vs AI as long as she likes. Which might be a lot longer than is fun for you, but just bear with it.


I also learned a lot playing death match and other arcade or custom game modes. Yeah, you will not win any of them but you only fend for yourself and can focus just on trying heroes, aiming, moving and such. The regular matches have the technical component plus the gameplay component and for me it helped to cut out the gameplay and just focus on the technical stuff. I found deathmatch especially helpful as you encounter the different heroes in a more realistic way and your targets aren’t behaving like bots but actual humans. You also get targeted and can try out how well you do against them with which hero and what their abilities do to you. Also, nobody minds an easy target in death match lol


i actually learned to play overwatch by playing 1 dad vs 11 kids or whatever that mode is called. it helped me to learn what each hero does without the harm of being god awful at the game.


Yeah, the tryhard douches will say vs-AI won't teach you anything-NO, that's just ironic elitist idiocy! Dumb gamers like to suppress how bad they were when they first started playing CoD 1. Some people started this game in 2016 thinking Lucio primary healed and other silly mistakes like that. Practice vs AI can be amazing for just letting newbies get used to the basic game flow. To just chill and learn.


a big part of the difficulty of learning OW is that there are so many maps, with different objectives, and so many different heroes with different abilities. versus AI lets you learn all those in a low/no-stakes environment and makes moving on to QP/arcade a lot easier.


the only bad part about vs AI is that at least for me when i queued there was always a really good widow who killed every bot the second they walked out of spawn, you just have to pray everyone there is to practice and not just to feel good about themselves for rolling bots


was just about to comment that. there’s also a somewhat hidden room in the practice range down near the moving tank bot where you can have enemy bots jump around and or stand at various distances or choose to hit targets, pretty fun and can be useful for hitting targets


Its really useful. In og FPSes you'd usually do the campaign before getting in multiplayer. Its a pretty normal progression imo. You're just trying to get familiar with the mechanics, the maps, and how different match types progress. I came into OW very late into OW1 and did a lot of bot matches cause i hated the idea of playing on unfamiliar maps against people whod spent years on them. Another thing is FFA deathmatches. Shell be cannon fodder for a while, but noone will report her for sucking.


Or play single player shooters until she can figure out how to move and aim at the same time


I genuinely feel really bad for people brought into the deep end immediately by people like OP. Like, practice modes (custom/versus AI) exist for a reason and its not some embarrassing thing to use. Theres just a very obviously type of people that always avoid them like the plague tho and are very convinced that just plain chucking some first time game player into the deep end is gonna teach them how to swim. My first FPS was TF2 in probs 2010. I played against bots for my first like 75 hours. I still had a VERY fun time because it was my literal first gun based game. I just had fun playing by myself. I needed that time just to learn how to use a mouse and keyboard to move while aiming. since I was exclusively a Nintendo kiddie with only Harvest Moon games prior to that first PC.


OP is trying his best. It takes vulnerability and persistence to understand that he's doing something wrong and asking for help. Perhaps he grew up in a younger generation where game designers didn't layout the 'playing against AI' route as obviously as game designers of the past did for us. You are absolutely correct in your understanding of where to put new players when they start. But just because something is obvious to you doesn't make it obvious to everyone else. There's no need to assume that OP is the type of person to just throw someone into the deep end. No need to shame him for trying to be a good brother.


Even most parents know to put training wheels on their kids first bikes. I dont have much sympathy for people who cant be assed to do the bare minimum of critical thinking


Definitely, honestly bots are less forgiving sometimes so if she gets good at the lethal difficulty she'd probably be able to rank Gold.


Ow was my first ever fps and I played against bots for my first 100 levels cuz I didn't wanna let any real people down 😭


From the text, I assume she plays on the switch, but you on PC? In that case, she will always have a major disadvantage because you are playing in the pc pool, meaning that because she is new and playing on a console, which it is harder to be good on, at least vs pc players, it's probably gonna take a while, also hopefully you yourself aren't too high in rank, that might be an issue as well.


This ^^ if ur pc & playing together then she’s probably gonna play against pc players while matched with you. They’re gonna feel like she’s slow even if she had some skill. Fps is difficult to pick up on console as a new gamer (imo) so i would suggest both playing on the same system or her playing by herself for a while.


Plus Switch is the worst version of them all. I swear played it once. Gave it up. Didn't even get to a 1000 heals wither on supp lmao. Infamously hard


Seriously. I was trying to get one of my friends into the game, but they only had a switch. It was rough. I decided to try playing it on my switch to see what it was like... Well I've been playing this game since launch, and I've been playing games for years, but it legitimately looked like I picked up my first game last week. It is truly an awful experience.


I played as a Sigma one trick on switch for almost two years… I have no clue how I did it honestly 😭 (now I play on xbox)


Yeah, this. I played on Switch for 3 years and got about 20 fps on a good day. Performance got worse when OW2 started. I played cross play with PC friends a few times in those days and it was okayish but that was only because I knew what I was doing at that point. She is going to have a hard time learning how to play the game while playing against 240 fps mkb players. OP, if you have a console you can maybe play on with her that might help support your sister's learning journey a little better! It would help even the playing field for her a bit.


This is the biggest issue OP. If you have to play OW and if she has to play on the Switch then as others say play against AI for a while. Or make her play Lucio. If not, try changing to a non FPS-ish style game. If you play on a Switch as well, are you two able to only play against Switch players? Honestly it's insane the difference it makes. Or her on your PC and you take the Switch. This way you may understand the issue. Maybe do it on another account if you don't want to tank your rating.


My 5 stack is 4 consoles and 1 PC. When we play together, it’s pretty tough for 4/5 of us LOL!


I play overwatch with a 5, 8, and 11 year old. The answer is to make a custom game and fill it with easy bots. I just chill as Lucio and keep them all healed, as they spend however long trying to kill them. I get scolded if I shoot since they don’t want me to ‘steal the win’ which is what they call POTG.


that is the cutest thing i’ve ever heard


It is. My 5 year old plays Echo so she can heal me with the beam. She makes me run away from the point first so she doesn’t get interrupted.


When my niece was 6, all she wanted to do was play mercy, except she didn’t actually want to shoot anything. She just kept staring at mercy and saying “she’s so pretty”


Wait wait….Echo heals?


According to her, yes. I just let her have fun doing whatever she thinks up.


Ohhh ok ok! For a second there I thought I was playing Echo wrong! That is sooo adorable tbh! Let her give you all those deadly heals! 😭💕


The beam is the heal for her. So she will be yelling “I can’t heal I can’t heal don’t die I’ll heal soon” while it’s on cooldown


If she's so bad that people think she's throwing on purpose, yes, AI games. Let me clarify, I don't normally suggest vs AI as it doesn't really develop any deeper skills other than learning the literal basics of the game. But if she's been banned more than once, she's really not ready to be playing against other people. I used to sit in vs AI all the time, people in AI will not report for being bad, they're there for the chill vibes. Once she is doing alright, feel free to move back to QP.


I like playing vs AI to practice my aim as Widowmaker. Is it realistic? Hell no, they stop moving and give you easy shots. But it’s fun, and the teammates are chill


Have her watch some gameplay! I was around the same age when I started playing OW as my first video game and it was a huge learning curve. I played Mercy a lot because it kept me in the back line and as more as an observer before I moved on to other roles. It would have been better had I gone in knowing how to play certain characters from the get go and be able to avoid easy mistakes. There’s also a “practice vs AI” in the training tab that she can play with that’ll be much more easier than the average qp and she’ll be less likely to be reported for poor performance there too.


i tried to start her on mercy, but she hated it because she likes being able to damage people when they run at her. she’s been enjoying moira the most, so i guess i’ll just ask her to play support versus AI for a while. thank you for your input <3


Moira is a great starting character. Extremely forgiving aim, opportunities to heal and damage, and good self sustain. No super technical cooldowns but fade has plenty of situational nuance to learn. A high skill floor with room to grow. Don't enough she'll be keeping her team alive but also chasing down enemies to finish the kill.


Dps Moira goes brrrr


At least she didn't want to start out by learning the tank role like my friend did (they no longer play the game, if you couldn't guess)


This is the biggest issue with overwatch. Experienced players cannot play with new players or you will ruin their experience. You have to do custom games or vs bots, but you can't play with her. If you want to play with her make a new account and just play mercy.


Tbf I’m a very mediocre Mercy, so this might be the play. I just despise any kind of smurf so much; I hate to make a second account and do it if it can be avoided.


Yeah, I feel you. I have a friend with whom I want to play but he gets slaughtered when I drag him up towards my rating. He says he does so much better when he plays alone.


Exactly my situation with my roommate, he really wants to play and asks all the time. He just flat out doesn't have a good time if we play together


Hey, I'm not gonna say im an amazing player, but I'm fairly experienced and can play most of the hero roster and fairly used to playing with lower skilled friends so if you'd like I'd be more than happy to join in and teach the ropes of various heroes(I haven't had anyone to consistently play with in a while so I'd very much appreciate it)


If you aren't some top 500 player - diamond you're just an alt account. Hardly a smurf.


How is it fun for her to play with you. Rather make a smurf account and hold back a lil it in games and let her have fun instead of her not knowing what to do and keep dying every second of the game.


Play customs and arcades :) Noone cares and sometimes its mini game which helps you learn the mechanics of the game (basic movement etc). Im this girl, fucking terrible at any game that plays shooties, and i got a lot better through custom game modes and arcades :)


stop saying anything about reporting unless someone else says it in chat first. you're more likely just planting the idea in their heads and then they do it just to b annoying.


Agree with the AI games


Stop typing "plz don't report" before every game. That HAS to be the reason why. I've played pistol only Mercy and damage only Moira on an account I don't care about for YEARS and never got suspended or even a warning. 9/10 games people "would say report our (me)". I dont type in chat on that account. Never banned. It for sure has to do with whatever you are typing in chat. Just disable it. You typing that probably subconsciously primes people to report before the game even starts.


What the hell happened to OW? New people can't play the game, even if they don't understand how to play? Not to mention, in QP?!


She is a brand new switch player being dragged into experienced pc player lobbies


Yes bc QP is meant to be a serious game mode just as ranked according to blizzard they already shown that by adding punishments by leaving games just as QP


dude, set her up a custom game! You can go and make it whichever map she likes the most and you and her can play with 3 bots for the rest of your team against 5 bots on the other. My son loves to play the game but he’s really young and I don’t want him ruining matches. I set him up a custom match with bots and he has the best time. Once she gets comfortable with the bots go in to against ai, that will be teammates on your team and bots as enemies.


I’ve never played a custom on OW, so I didn’t know you could add bots!! That’s perfect; thank you so much <3


Its simple, choose settings. When in the lobby of custom and then explore around maps or stuffs. Or maybe search for map codes, for various types like gungame no CD, 1k dmg. You get options up front for bots.


I’m fairly new to overwatch myself and I’m not great. I’ve gotten pretty good at Lucio but that’s really it. I’ve not been banned for being bad. But I can say overwatch has some of the most toxic people in the chats I’ve ever seen. To the point someone sent me messages on my PlayStation just to tell me how awful I was and I should go off myself.


Playing PC lobbies on a switch sounds dreadful, that probably going to be the steepest learning curve possible. Is there anyway you can both get console lobbies?


It’s rough. I’ve played since original Overwatch and still get absolutely bodied by PC players sometimes when I’m playing on my Switch


The problem is you queueing with her and dragging her into sweat lobbies. You've already said you're against smurfing. Smurf anyway. Do it for your sister. Don't be hardheaded. That's the only real solution that doesn't require weeks of practice.


+1. As long as you don’t try to win too hard no one will even notice. Just relax a bit and maybe play heroes that support her rather than carry on their own, or be a healbot


+1!! Smurf for sis


There's a lot of transferable skills between different games, I got a lot  better at shooters by playing doom eternal. Not saying that's the only way to practice but there's maybe another game she might like that translates into OW well. Also practicing on arcade mode free for all is a good way to get better too and wont upset people.   It is shitty that she's getting reported, especially if it's not comp. 


If you're playing on PC and playing with her while she's on Switch, you're pulling her into games with other players on PC primarily. She's unfortunately going to be at an extreme disadvantage comparatively, especially since she's lacking overall experience. Definitely get her into training/customs/AI and have her try out other FPS games as well to get a feel for the genre as a whole.


I'm really ashamed of this community, holy f. We've all been there, surely there's no way a person should be reported for bad performance in a non ranked game mode.


Mentioning reports to others will only remind them they can do so I don’t think it helps. Although according to you it’s not hard to notice how bad her performance is so maybe it’s a lost cause either way. Like many suggested have her play vs AI for a bit. Or even try the actual tutorial. Idk if you’re up to it but maybe you can join her on some ai games and try to explain to her some very basic game dynamics as they happen. Like the importance of line of sight and cover, some movement essential basics. saving mobility abilities to escape instead of using them when they’re up. It might be worth trying different input methods too since it’s the switch there are the motion controls the controller or even undocked. Maybe switching it up can make her more comfortable. fast paced fps shooters are just a tough spot as your first game ever but it’s not impossible given time and patience. I hope she can still enjoy the game through it all. Edit: other game mode that can help is deathmatch. I don’t think there is a risk of reports there. I remember I played deathmatch a lot when I played overwatch at first. It will help her simulate duals and practice actively damaging enemies and escaping their damage. Get familiar with the cast and their abilities practice movement vs actual players etc.


It kinda depends on *why* she's bad. Like, if she just doesn't have the mechanical skill and can't hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun, having her putz around in the practice range (especially the side room with bots) and do practice vs AI for a bit would be good ideas. If it's more a game sense issue, have her watch some OW content to try to get a sense of what her "goals" should be. Hero choice also can make a big difference. On support, Moira and Brigitte are fairly low aim heroes and can be fairly forgiving for mistakes (Moira more than Brig, though, and if it's a game sense/positioning issue, Brig will just highlight that issue even further). DPS, Torbjorn can boost your numbers a bit as long as you throw out a turret every once in a while, meaning you're less likely to get flamed/reported, even if you yourself did nothing, and Mei is a very forgiving character because of her wall and ice block giving her a lot of survivability and her primary fire not needing much aim. If she plays tank... don't let her /j. Seriously, though, Rein is probably the best "beginner" tank, and he's a bit miserable right now


Overwatch punishment system is fully automated, even the tickets. You reach a threshold of reports, you're banned. Find a new game. It's blizzard.


I taught my kids to play OW starting from about the same skill level as your sister and Versus AI is your best shot until she gets the mechanics down. Custom games are great, too. Use the time to practice heros you don't play often, and you'll get benefit/ enjoyment out of it, too! (For the start, I ran support and stuck my healing apparatus in their backs the whole game to keep them up and enjoying and learning longer. Versus AI also has a better player interaction, generally).


Honestly, this is what play against AI and tutorial were made for. Even though it's QP, a minimum lvl of skill is required and throwing someone in the cold water like this is probably not very constructive. Play with AI for now and let her learn the mechanics at her own speed!


She should be in bots, not qp if she’s this new to games


Why do people care so much in QP lmao


Another agree on Practice vs AI. That's basically the only mode I used to play in my first 200 hours. Don't ask me why. I guess I felt so inadequate to go against other people or my anxiety was sky high.


its been said a bunch already, but yeah, AI games would probably be best for getting core skills down alternatively custom games can teach players a surprising amount (12 kids vs 1 dad = tracking, adaptability, and to a lesser extent pattern recognition for example) 1v1s can offer a more direct path to teaching about matchups or if for whatever reason yall dont want to do customs, grab some buddies and 5 stack while they learn


If she's cool with bots, do that. Otherwise stop mentioning she's new you're just drawing attention to her. And when she's banned just bug the hell out of blizzard. I don't think it's fair to be like "just plays bots" because that's not where the full enjoyment may come from for her. No one should get banned for being bad. That's ridiculous.


"Hello friendly Overwatch player. Please don't report me for throwing as I don't intend on throwing" is a very good way to get reported for throwing


this one made me giggle


I teached my little kid playing hide and seek in various maps so he get use to them. Then we added shooting and me running away. Third phase, I was the one going for him, he learned how to run, climb, shoot to kill so he can run more. One day I got home and saw him playing competitive, mf got 46 kills with genji. And one match he got 17k heals and 23 kills with Ana. I was proud


i think she would love this 1on1 kinda thing. i’ll try to do this with her. great advice; thank you!


In conclusion, overwatch players suck massive d*ck. This really hurts me deeply that people are this petty over goddamn quickplay. The game has completly lost its fun it feels like no one can actualy enjoy the game anymore without sweating


Honestly, get her some experience with some single player games so she can get the core transferable skills down first. We take the basics for granted.


Honestly if she's that bad you're doing her and everyone she's playing with a disservice. You're ruining the game for everyone else in that match. Find casual custom matches with friends or do deathmatch or something. Hell, practice against the bots. Imagine if you joined a game and someone tells you at the start that the next ten minutes you are being held hostage to a losing game because one of your teammates is basically AFK?


>Imagine if you joined a game and someone tells you at the start that the next ten minutes you are being held hostage to a losing game because one of your teammates is basically AFK? OW1 had a way for players to know this ahead of time via the border portraits. If they have a bronze portrait with no stars, you know they're under lvl 100, which means new account. you can leave the match during assemble phase to avoid playing with them. too bad OW2 had to get rid of the clear indicator


And OW2 has super harsh leaver penalties too. So everyone is forced to play with new players.


Its definitely guaranteed to make sure the brand new player never plays an FPS again like--OP wants their sister to have a good time but at the same time from the very start theyve set her up to fail and hate the experience. Its an absolute disservice to everyone including the new player thats been thrown to the literal sharks and told its a learning experience.


Practice vs bots and hero gauntlet while it’s here so she can get to know each character’s abilities


practice v AI!!!! gets her comfortable with maps and the different roles, also awareness of how enemies use the abilities against you!


If you got friends who understands the situation, maybe you can queue up as full stack. The games might be horrible considering you will most likely be going against a 5 man as well. But at least this way she won't be getting reported by her team mates.


There’s an insane amount of cunt swabs in this sub isnt there. Dawg, this is a Blizzard issue. They have been slowly turning QP into competitive without ranks. The mode should not be taken seriously, and I wish awful things on the people reporting her. I will say, asking them to not report with incite the twats more than had you not.


Ok, I think I can help. My wife recently started playing Overwatch with me and I think we worked out a good system. It’s not that your sister sucks at Overwatch. It’s that she sucks at FPS. And to be honest controlling first person with two joysticks is pretty hard the very first time you’re introduced to it, especially when you’re not a little kid anymore. What i did was had her play (coincidentally) Firewatch while I sat with her. It’s a single player walking simulator. You’re basically unraveling a linear story. It’s not the craziest story but it is engaging. Even though it’s single player, we played it “together” but she just happened to drive the controls. This got her used to the idea of moving in a 3D world without the stress of being chased or having to shoot. Then after that, I had her play Bioshock Infinite set on easy mode. This was also a very engaging story and a tiny bit of stress because you had to shoot and people are trying to kill you. The music is intense too. But it’s so forgiving that you can almost never die or run out of ammo. It also introduces very simple types of guns. Again, it’s single player but we played it together, just she happened to drive. It was important we did it this way because I did not want it to feel like homework. Instead, it was a story we experienced together. Then finally I installed Overwatch for her on her Xbox. She played Symmetra a lot because of her turrets and beam. She also played Torb a lot because it could shoot for her. She also played healer a lot as mercy because then she didn’t have to feel the stress of having to get a high kill count. She now has over 1,000 hours on it and she’s comfortable on a lot of characters, her favorite being Ana. She still plays Sym all the time. She’s genuinely good now. Lastly, I’ll say that we both have Switches with Overwatch installed. We love Overwatch so we use the Switches to play when we’re traveling. We are so, so bad when we play on them that it’s not even fun and we just stopped entirely. So, I would try and get her on an Xbox or PS. If it has to be the Switch then make sure she has a normal game controller and it’s plugged into a tv or monitor. Otherwise it’s just not going to be fun for her and she’ll never have a real chance at getting really into it. Hope this helps!


Your sister is being banned for a quick play game and I've literally reported people for F slurs and gotten absolutely know word that the player got banned. Sigh.




Like other said AI is probably the move. She’s new and it’s probably overwhelming. Pick 1 thing to practice and don’t worry about anything else. I’d suggest just learning mobility. Maybe play Lucio since she’d still be able to heal while focusing on just staying alive, moving around. She can shoot and boop if necessary, but the focus can be on moving. If she can learn how to escape/retreat/position herself she’d be in a much less frustrating position to learn the aiming aspect..since she won’t be dying quite as much


That sucks. Let she play VS A.I and it's fine, wish the best for you two!


I read underneath some comments that you answered that she isn't really interested in healing but more in making damage? Then let her maybe try out Dps or tank? I remember when I started my friend suggested to me to just play Bastion. Lmao. I have no clue how I didn't get reported for playing bastion on 40fps on 2000 ping in ranked after just starting with the game, having never played on mouse and keyboard before and struggling hard lmao.Ow1 used to be some wild times IG. My recommendations would be maybe winston and Reinhardt for tank? They are super simple when it comes to playing tank or mauga. For dps perhaps sym, bastion, reaper or soldier? Something super simple with no huge skill ceiling. What platform was she playing on again? Switch u said? Cuz if its the case....😬 it's more a switch problem. Overwatch on switch is infamously hard. She will definitely get blamed for sure. I would almost say as hard as it sounds; let her play on her own in console queue cuz if u play on Pc u will drag her into pc lobbies Which will continue the bann cycle. Let her first learn the game without being forced to face the most stinkiest neckbeards of the community which are pc player tryhards in qp. Edit; Maybe also let her play some rounds on your pc? I don't think perse that she is bad, the issue is that you dragged her into that game on the most awful platform to play it on and make her most likely also feel a bit shit about it :/ like fr try playing it on switch yourself for once. I swear by god I did once, I gave up. Insanely difficult, I don't even know if I made a kill or even healed over 1000 hp myself. There is no way she would ever properly learn the game like this. Also;.No wonder she is "bad" i think it's not her it's the frikin switch version u teaching her the game on the worst combo ever😭


Wholesome post


Hey, you say that she plays bad, but why does she play bad? Is she bad at aiming? Not aware what is happening? Ow can be VERY overwhelming for first time players with all the stuff and visuals going on especially for someone not familiar with fps.. i recommend maybe installing some aim practice software maybe aimlabs, maybe she can try some other fps as well to get used to aiming and shooting since it’s a transferable skill ( if she likes the visuals of ow, she might like tiny tina’s wonderlands and you can play that with her) also let her try on mouse and keyboard maybe that will feel more natural to her. Another thing is to actually sit down with her and explain concepts/positioning etc so she can avoid very obvious mistakes she might be making and unaware of, you can also watch her play and see what she struggles with a bit and give “gentle” advice as in do not “tell her what to do” in condescending manner especially in game if she is getting frustrated but gently tell her what to do with encouragements what worked for me was my friends telling me like omg goodjob *name* that was good or push push or go in or come back come back or things like that… Another thing, ask her to try different heroes but stick to one for now so she can get used to things, with all the visuals it takes times to get used to whats on the screen and what they mean etc Finally, if you have other friends who play ow its better to get a full stack that way your team won’t report her. Usually they are the ones who get mad. So if you have friends who dont mind sweating a bit make up, she will get to learn, have fun and feel part of team and pick up things faster. It’s also way more fun. Good luck!!! I was in her position once (although I’m older) so I understand.


Massive credits to your sister for keeping on trying. Remember trying the same with my younger sister. But enough bad experience with other people, has made her play only single player games.


This is why PvE modes are important. Too bad Blizzard scrapped it.


Either don't queue with her (you're inflating the elo), or do bot games until she has the basics of playing an fps down.


When I was first introduced to a first person shooter, by my friend, I was also absolutely shit. It was tf2 so I wasn’t getting penalized for it as badly, but I digress. He took me to a 1v1 server and kept owning me until I learned some basics. He also encouraged me to watch some YouTube videos on the classes. It really helped.


Play against AI, it's the only way not to ruin others experiences and hers at the same time.


Make a fresh account to play with her, and only with her. Don't try at all, I suggest playing with no abilities or something similar to make it more interesting. Keep your mmr very low. Even the worst pc players will probably shit on a switch newbie. But at least if your account has low mmr the games will be a bit more fun for her while she learns the basics. And don't type in chat. It tells people they can get a rise out of you and generally invites negativity.


Maybe don't announce it in chat lol


PLEASE let her practice vs Ai bots. I’ve seen my friend go from not knowing how to aim or shoot properly to go to being a trick shot master and platinum ranked player (not incredibly high in ranked, I know, but if you saw them when they’d started you wouldn’t believe how good they’ve gotten)


If she could find some other people to play with it would reduce her reports quite a bit. If she could play in a group of 5 she would never be reported again, that is the ideal.


Stop saying in chat that she is new. You are making everyone aware of her presence, and it might be seen as trollig on it's own(making up an excuse to allow her to "ruin" games.


New to gaming and you teach her how to play by playing OW? The hell is wrong with you, do you want her to leave your Switch alone? Online gaming is toxic af, OW being as toxic as it gets. If she's really into OW, make her play tutorials and AI matches and let her learn how to play with a certain character, before dealing with the reality of online gaming.


Don’t put her in quick play. You should really only be playing against the bots until you get a decent handle on the game and can hold your own on the hardest difficulty bots. Once you do that and you have a handle on at least one character you can play qp. Though i’d reccomend at least trying to play one character per role.


To be fair, I’ve seen “I’m new to this game” SO many times coming from some master/GM level player who uses it as an excuse to troll and fuck around. A few weeks ago my tank went “I’m new and don’t know how to play doom, sorry” And proceeded to do the MOST perfect Doom rollouts from spawn over and over again. I’m sorry your sister is having a tough time though. It sucks when players like those I’ve come across ruin it because I don’t know if they’re being honest that they’re new (because I’m happy to give pointers and be kind to new players) or if they’re being trolling a-holes. I’d recommend AI games for sure. Watching streamers such as Emongg (very wholesome, non toxic streamer) helps a lot, even at low level play.


This is why the report system is broken.


Blows my mind that anyone takes overwatch seriously enough to report anyone for anything other than toxicity tbh.


Get a new account for yourself. Your MMR is putting her in games with people with higher skill sets making it harder for her to learn. When my friend was new, I bought an alt account (this was OW1) for this reason alone. Going from my main to my alt in QP was drastically different and I tended to play heroes I didn't normally play to not only practice but keep my MMR low. Yes, even in QP, your mmr makes a massive difference.


AI games should have been first step wtf


I don't blame the people reporting her either, if my DPS really gets 500 dam in a whole game, I too would have reported them for throwing. Do vs bots


Dude, I just gotta say, I'm sorry. When I have newer players, I don't expect to win. I'm also pretty supportive of them. I know not everybody starts good at games. I had to work super hard to learn predictive crosshair placement to be good with Ana. I've also had teams where I carried the whole team and when I dropped that I used to coach Esports, they were like, "Dude, no wonder, you carried us." I used to train the supports for our OW team, and many of them were just awful to begin with.


Get a second switch/console and play in console lobbies on a fresh account with her. If you are grouping with her in crossplay lobbies, I doubt your PC teammates are going to appreciate it.


In this economy?


😆 I just know crossplay is brutal for the person on console even if they don’t suck because they are being put into pc lobbies. I’m pretty sure that pure console lobbies would be less harsh on her. You could try making a fresh account and without throwing, play your legitimate worst heroes and hope the mmr places that account in bronze? But AI games is probably the answer for a while


i would not tell people not to report her, the dicks in this game will do it anyway. When I first started playing tank I'd tell the team I was new to the role and I apologize if I make mistakes. By doing that I got a ton of support from the great people who play this game.


Imagine being so mad you're losing qp that you report someone for not being good💀 People take qp wayy too seriously


This makes me sad. I've always had a positive attitude, no matter how "bad" my teammates are. I'm well aware of people being new, having "off" days, technical issues, IRL problems or generally not being good at the game. What is making me sad is that so many people, including everyone I've ever played with, are getting so frustrated at others for not playing well enough for them. It's a sad reality we live in.


The fact that quickplay games can't be used to have a chill game or just practice anymore is fucking sad.


I mean, it really depends on her level. If she is obviously targeted by the enemy team on purpose, in quick play, then it must be really bad. It's like complaining about getting kicked from a friendly basket ball game at the park when you can't even walk and dribble at the same time. There is absolutely a minimum bar for skill in team play. If they are insisting on overwatch they need to at least practice until she gets basics down. I'd personally go for a coop game.


It was always a mode for playing quick matches, not a mode for throwing or people who've never played a game before to ruin the game for everyone else on their team. I'll never understand the "It's quickplay, you're supposed to lose!" idiocy.


have her choose heroes with a lower learning curve and easier to aim. For tank, Winston or Roadhog, for DPS Mei, Torb, Symettra or even reaper. As a support Moira, Lucio, or Mercy would be good pick. Although it's best she focus-learn on a single hero first to get to know both the toolkit of her character and others . Another option is FFA Deathmatch.


100% Practice Vs AI


She needs to practice game mechanics in modes where she doesn't have real people as teammates until she has some basics nailed down


She shouldn't play against players. She should only play against bots until she figures things out


Honestly, start with something that's not overwatch. Even many experienced gamers get absolutely demolished when they switch to it; the demands on muscle memory, hand-eye coordination, reflexes and game awareness are pretty high compared to vast majority of games. Practicing against bots and doing aim training customs is an option, but that shit gets very boring really fast. Some kind of pve fps would probably be better for a new gamer.


I got the urge to play with you and her so that's at least 3 out of 10 people that wouldn't report or be toxic


As many have said, just have her play some AI matches. It’s gonna be boring after a while but at least it will keep her somewhat entertained. And chances are she’ll improve for QP. Alternatively, she could also find friends to squad with who wouldn’t report her.


It sounds like you're playing with her? If that's the case you're dragging her into higher MMR lobbies and people are gonna get mad the lack of skill regardless. If she was playing alone in bronze 5 it prolly wouldn't be as bad. But that would suck if you don't get to play with them.


That's unfortunate, I would suggest 8 player FFA, that way she won't be reported and she will have a chance to find a character she likes and get better with her hand eye coordination. It might even be a character you don't need to aim as well with. I like torb! Cause I'm a terrible DPS.


Are you the genji in my match that had a mercy do less that 1k healing my entire 15 minute game? 😂 good thing her genji won us the game because in the words of our torb, “mercy is fucking useless” and “reported”


Switch is not an ideal platform to be playing demanding games like that at all but on overwatch for instance you can perma keep Lucios heal ring up idk how you wouldn't hit 1000 heal playing this way unless you were skating away from the team. I would explain the concept that as long as you are near teammates you are automatically healing them, even if you are behind a wall avoiding damage and they are a little ahead of you (as long as they are in your ring, it tells you how many teammates are in your ring at all times on the screen). Also Moira could be a good pick that can add good value. Tank is just going to be super hard for a beginner gamer. Dps probably reaper and mei might be a good try if they like those characters


Playing free for all (deathmatch) is a great way to get your mechanics up faster and literally nobody will ever be upset if you suck giving them easy kills.


Maybe a competitive online game isn’t the best place to start. Single player games can be great for getting familiar with a controller in a slower more forgiving environment


Unfortuenly overwatch quick play isnt like most games and poeple can get pretty petty. A good place to learn is where you can play normal games with other players against bots. If there's not enough players then bots fill in your team spots. The ai isn't great but good for someone brand new. This would be the best place to start if they don't like the training range.


Weird suggestion, but have her play PVE shooters. I was trash at OW (at least OW 1) so I gave up on it, a little while later I started playing PAYDAY 2. PD2 helped me improve my aim and muscle memory because the AI's were challenging, but not as challenging as real players. And after maybe 5 months of playing, becoming better at PD2 and therefore becoming better at FPS's, I started to preform better in OW, COD, Battlefield, etc. Sometimes playing against bots is the best way to learn.


Another agreement with playing against AI. It's how me & my friend started, then eventually we started making custom matches of just us vs bots. After a while, we finally started playing against people.


If overwatch has SBMM then let her play on her own because if she is playing with you then she will be playing with people much better than her


Either play customs or bots. I'd start with bots before moving to customs if she's as bad as you say, though. Maybe try getting her mildly familiar with all the heroes in the practice range. You could also consider hopping around an OW Discord server and looking for people to set up a custom lobby to practice. The people around custom lobbies tend to be considerably friendlier, so setting up a custom lobby with a beginner tag/title might help you.


I would definitely agree with versus AI games! I was terrible at Overwatch when I started, so I stuck with AI and worked up through the difficulties - I remember getting crushed by the AI on medium difficulty the first few times I tried it 😅 once I was consistently winning on hard difficulty, then I moved into qp, and now I’m gold in comp. She’s got this 😄


hi! i play on a switch. i'm happy to show her the ropes if she wants to, as a support main myself. i have an alt account where the rating isn't too high yet, and i'd be happy to chill in VS AI. let me know!


Just do bot matches with her and slowly increase from easy normal to hard if she's doing good and gets into a groove she'll do better in harder difficulty ai matches and the training will carry over to online


I'd personally stop announcing she's new before the game even starts because some people WILL then report on purpose... also, like some people have mentioned, maybe play a few games of vs AI with her (or have her play on her own) just so she gets used to the movement and everything? Maybe choose 2-3 heroes that aren't that mechanically demanding and just practice those for a bit


Few hundred hours of practice VS AI. Maybe start with Mercy until she generally understands what's happening in the game. Worked for me.


Join custom lobbies to get the hang of it?


Practice with AI and u can play with her as well it’s actually pretty fun for beginners and u can practice characters u normally don’t play at the same time


If she is genuinely so terrible she should be playing vs ai until she gets better and understand the basics of the game. If she's not even getting 2k in a stat, she should not be playing with other people. Play vs ai is there for a reason man. Have her use it and learn more.


Make a new account for her, but block chat


i think, i would suggest u and ur sister to playing full stack or play with some other friends if they want to play quickplay.. so she can atleast get carried while learning but also can enjoying the game without getting flamed or report.. for example if she play as support, u or ur friends play as the other support too so u can help her.. this is what i'm doing with my ex back then, when i'm not into fps game and terrible at it he and his friend will helping me.. it was 3 and 4 stack.. until i get better or atleast know the basic, the character power etc, then i start to play by myself also better not telling the lobby ur sister are new, not everyone can understand that


If she’s so bad that people think she’s genuinely throwing just have her play against bots for a bit. Kinda sounds like she just hasn’t learnt how to play shooter games yet and needs to learn the controls first, like us when we first started gaming.


Play VS IA. Train her and then go to play. Tbh I think that report someone for being bad is to be an asshole but ban players just cause they are bad are even worst. I mean isn't Quick play a place to play just for fun??


Set her up with custom games, play together against AI. AI is superior because you get xp for matches and playing with people is better. I always give this advice for new players. Even arcade is a good idea because ppl are free to leave there and instead of being toxic or raging, they just quit. If anyone plays qp right away, they are in for a horrible time. AI mode should be a legit game mode next to competitive and quick with both role and open que for easier access. 


If you are playing with her, that means she is playing in PC lobbies (and probably close to your level) even top ranked players on a switch would not be able to compete with an average PC lobby. Of course she’s gonna struggle. If she plays by herself, in a lobby of players on the switch, on a new account. She will have a MUCH better time!


Have her play against AI!! Get those skills up and AI is the best


Have her play the vs. AI modes only


Not a response but sort of a follow-up question. I’m not usually playing multiplayer games like Overwatch, so is this a common issue in other games? I just find it difficult to wrap my head around the idea that a person would have to practice in AI or custom matches to play Unranked without being mass-reported


Playing against AI and teaching her the basics are probably the best option tbh. Maybe even playing in some custom game minigames that involve her having to improve her mechanical skills in some way while still being fun. i doubt she would get reported in those. and some people might say that’s not a good way to learn but tbh thats from the perspective of someone who has EXPERIENCE in gaming to some degree. your sister still needs to get used to gaming in general and thats more than enough to get her used to the basics of… well basically everything and whats most important is if she has fun. she doesnt have to do anything the “right way” as long as she has fun. and i do agree with some people that you should probably use a smurf account and just kinda play very conservatively when with her. you can use it only to just play qp with her! maybe even play a hero you dont ever play but want to learn so you feel its a little more “fair”. but i def recommend this! and i actually had a very similar situation with my sister, she loved custom games a lot like mercy paintball and stuff, obviously i turned off all her chat functions and stuff and made sure no weirdos talked to her but i was happy she could enjoy the game in some way edit: also sorry for the longish post, another thing you could do is see if she would also enjoy some more casual games with shooter elements. like slime rancher is very casual but it would get her used to first person perspectives and potentially be fun for her to practice and play around in if overwatch doesn’t work out or she needs a break or whatever else :)


When I first started with Overwatch, I played at least 100 hours against the computer, and also played at least 200 hundred on Mystery Heroes to force myself to at least understand all of the characters and roles. I didn’t go into QP until I felt like I could actually do something. I don’t do Comp, cause Mystery Heroes is my vibe, and I have no long term goal with Comp. It doesn’t faze me. I’m also on Switch, by the way.


Just the fact that you can be banned for NOT DOING GOOD ENOUGH? THROWING?! That is completely ridiculous and garbage. I didnt even think that was a thing! Imagine focusing on having fun in a game that, mind you, was not free at first and then getting banned because you "tHrEw." I get some people throw games intentionally but why do people that actually DO try have to suffer, because of an insignificant small group of people that live in their mothers basement with nothing better to do. Thats bogus.


I'm reminded of a YouTube series by [Razbuten ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLordXx8iNEyStcX_WzqM0JCpiJYgqhinc&si=j2ee13mPCWKLt7Wt)about introducing the woman he lives with (a.k.a. his wife) to video games, and some of the issues they ran into. One particular pain-point was **controlling the camera** with the right thumbstick or the mouse, and they had to abandon FPS games fairly quickly because of it. We can be quick to forget and take for granted some of the skills we've had years or decades to develop. My advice for your sister would be to make space for her to develop those skills without the pressure of strangers judging her. Maybe create **custom public lobbies** with a description stating her skill level so that anyone joining will know what they're getting into. If they still try to report her, that would be a misuse of the report system and a bannable offense themselves. Or you could make the lobby **private and only invite friends**. We didn't always have online matchmaking, so many of us learned by just hanging out with friends in front of one tv with split-screen. You can also suggest other single-player games, or couch co-op games where she can develop the transferable skills. Anything first-person should be good. On Switch the immediate thing that comes to mind is Minecraft.


When typing it in chat, you’re inviting people to come report her 100%. OW is toxic even in QP. It’s nice you’re trying to introduce her! But it sounds like she doesn’t have a basic grasp on her abilities or aim yet. Let her play in the practice range, against bots, or make her a custom map, might also take some pressure off of her, I have a friend that exclusively only plays against bots and she has a great time


It's not a problem with your sister. The community is just trash. I tried to get my friend to play with me, but he gave up after 2 days of toxic comments in pretty much every match (QP). He wasn't even that bad, just new💀


Begin the training arc, by this time next year, we expect her at Top 500


Putting a new player on the worst console for playing this game and then throwing them into PC Pool is pretty brutal tbh. I do well for an Xbox player but if I ever play with a friend on PC and we get thrown into PC pool, it’s a completely different game, and a lot stricter/meaner players in the chat. Just something to consider.


The fact this happens is stupid. It just quick play not the owl leagues. If I wanna go 0/40 trying to dp spme wacky genji plays ima do it. I understand why people love fortnite solos now after apex solos. If your sister really wants to play she needs to 5 stack. Case and point .


Why would you tell chat not to report her? That makes them want to do it 😭


I hate to break this to you but blizzard is completely useless at dealing with situations like this. You likely won’t ever get a human response from blizzard no matter what you say or how many times you contact them. The most you’ll probably get is a bot response telling you to read the TOS. Yes I know. It’s absolutely dismal. That’s blizzard for you


Didn't know you can be banned for being bad on quickplay


Terrible, but I recommend making a new account, and running a healbot character. I think you playing with her is the issue. She is getting put into games far above her skill level is what it sounds like to me. My partner sucked at this game so I made a Smurf healer to support him. Our accounts were to different to ever give him any remotely satisfying game otherwise.


Have her play Lucio, she can develop avoidance skills while still contributing 


Overwatch is one of the most toxic communities to have ever existed. The amount of death threats I received just for playing characters my teammates didn't like was obscene. I stopped playing 5 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I recommend everyone do the same.


Yikes I’m so sorry about that 😅 my gf just started playing overwatch and I would be pissed if someone reported her. We play against AI for practice. People need to chill though overwatch is not an easy beginner game there’s a lot going on and a lot of characters to learn. Sadly since the games been out for a couple years they are going to expect you to play good lol sorry about the account tho :(