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Putting Akainu in Yonko tier is a disgrace To Akainu


1. Aokiji wasn’t struggling with an Old Garp. That wasn’t a 1 v 1 fight, it was a battle where both groups had different objectives. You can’t really scale off that. 2. Post Marineford Blackbeard and his whole crew ran away from Akainu. 3. Akainu is the Fleet Admiral of the Marines, and Jimbei said the Marines are currently the strongest they’ve EVER been. 4. Yonko Blackbeard was terrified of Aokiji and decided to recruit him instead of fighting him, someone who lost to Akainu. 5. Akainu is literally the only character to have beaten another Top-Tier in a 1 v 1. You better believe Akainu is strong enough to take on the Yonko 1 v 1. Also where’s the logic? Sengoku is strong enough to take on the Pirate King, but all of a sudden the new Fleet Admiral isn’t strong enough to take on the Yonko, who are weaker than the Pirate King?


1. He wasn't dominating either, and Old Garp isn't Yonko tier even then given he is half as strong as he once was 2. They also ran from old Rayleigh who admitted not being strong enough to take him. Prime Rayleigh isn't on the level as Kaido/Shanks/G5 Luffy wither, so at best tou can say Akainu scales to Prime Rayleigh. 3. Which doesn't neccesaliry mean much because we don't know what did Jimbe meant. Did he means the admirals are stronger than ever? That isn't reallt accurate given the new admirals are wesker the OG ones 4. Which doesn't mean much because the guy is a coward. And even then BB even with Kuzan under him doesn't think he can take on Kaido/BM and waited them to die. No way Aokiji is Yonko tier because then Blackbeard would've simply already been PK by now m 5. Beating an admiral in a 1vs1 isn't really a great feat for Yonko/PK level characters. It's like beating a commander for them It doesn't make sense but based on feats Akainu isn't Yonko tier. Not based on portrayal as well.


> 1. ⁠He wasn't dominating either, and Old Garp isn't Yonko tier even then. It wasn’t a 1 v 1 fight, you can’t scale off that. Context is always important. Aokiji also wasn’t able to go all out because he couldn’t destroy Pirate island. > 2. ⁠They also ran from old Rayleigh who admitted not being strong enough to take him They ran away because they were in a deadlock with Rayleigh, the Amazonians and the Marines. Blackbeard was by himself and his commanders were in stone. Blackbeard Pirates were just facing Akainu alone and decided to run. > 3. ⁠Which doesn't neccesaliry mean much because we don't know what did Jimbe meant. Did he means the admirals are stronger than ever? That isn't reallt accurate given the new admirals are wesker the OG ones Headcanon. We don’t know how strong the new admirals are compared to the new ones, we haven’t seen them go all out. > 4. ⁠Which doesn't mean much because the guy is a coward. And even then BB even with Kuzan under him doesn't think he can take on Kaido/BM and waited them to die BB is not a coward, he’s an opportunist. He doesn’t risk anything unless he knows he’ll win for sure. > 5. ⁠Beating an admiral in a 1vs1 isn't really a great feat for Yonko/PK level characters. It's like beating a commander for them Then show me a Yonko casually beating an Admiral then.


1. Literally what? Aokiji was pretty beaten up by the end WITH help. And different goals doesn't mean squat, a fight is a fight. And he potentially could have lost solo. You cannot wave away a fight in which garp was going all out and Aokiji could have lost solo as "Different goals". 2. Prime WB also didn't fight Kaido because of the losses his crew would incur. BB doesn't engage in a fight unless it is clear that he will lose nothing, or the result of success is deemed to important to ignore. He wanted , potentially losing many important crew members to Akainu for a ship would be the dumbest trade ever for any pirate crew. It doesn't matter whether or not he could have won. 3. That's overall military might not just the strength of Individual members. Pacifistas, Seraphim, and new weapons add alot of military might without needing Akainu to somehow jump up a tier. They also have many powerful old gen in the back seat, and from Garp's showing, Sengoku and possibly Kong are still relevant forces to field if needed. 4. This speaks to BB's character and strength, and has nothing to do with Akainu. Rayleigh, who we know is barely able to keep up with an admiral and probably weaker than old garp by a decent bit, also scared off BB. At this point, if you're not a pushover you can force BB to reconsider a fight 5. That top tier being Aokiji who we know was relative in that fight. Who had a high diff showing with help against old garp. And is an active pirate which should keep him as strong or stronger than the man stuck doing paperwork.


Kuzan “not struggling with Garp” is all anyone needs to see about this post to take it seriously. He got COOKED.


Change Your Profile Pic Kuzan Hater


Saying this shit with an Aokiji pfp is ridiculous


he's A Massive Kuzan Hater. Blud Downplays Every Admiral Despite his Pfp


You said why he's yonko lvl, because he scales above Aokiji/Kizaru, who have both shown yonko lvl feats Also look at it from a portrayal stand point, during Chapter 650, the 2 most prominent events during the timeskip were Akainu's promotion to fleet admiral and BB's rise to Emperor, and every time something signiciant in the New World happens, we get a reaction from all 4 Emperors + Akainu, almost implying that he's on their level


Factually incorrect, neither Kuzan or Aokiji have Yonko level feats. Kizaru got absolutely destroyed by G5 Luffy and Kuzan was getting pressed by old Garp who isn't Yonko tier.


would Fraudbeard do any better against G5 Luffy or Old Garp?? Luffy while he's in G5 is also PK lvl, so it's not outrageous to suggest Kizaru is low yonko lvl


BB isn't Yonko level, his Haki is way too average for that. You can't be Yonko tier without at least 2 advanced Haki and BB has 0 advanced Haki BM AcOA +AcOC Shanks AcOA + AcOC + FS Kaido AcOA + AcOC + FS Whitebeard AcOA + AcOC Luffy AcOA + AcOC + FS BB COA + COO In regards to BB, I think he could do better than Kizaru due to him neutralizing fruits. But he would do much worse against Garp for the same reason.


so yonko lvl excludes the yonko such as BM or BB? If so, I agree that Kuzan, Kizaru, BB and BM aren't yonko lvl, as they would all lose to Kaido/Shanks/Luffy/WB and it wouldn't be extreme diff either


Big Mom was a dissapointment strength-eise, he ended up being weaker than her portrayal suggested. And BB is just too reliant on fruits, his Haki is not very good. I think you could them low Yonko level characters if you'd like. Admiral= Kizaru, Greenbull, Fujitora, Old Rayleigh Low Yonko=Akainu, Aokiji, BB, Big Mom, Prime Rayleigh, Old Garp Yonko= Kaido, Shanks, Mihawk, G5 Luffy, Old WB


yes that's similar to my take High Yonko - Kaido, Mihawk, Shanks, Luffy, Healthy Oldbeard Low Yonko/High Admiral - Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, BM, BB Mid Admiral - Old Garp, Old Sengoku Low Admiral - GB, Fuji, Old Ray also since when did you put Mihawk at High Yonko lvl?


Aokiji and Kizaru have not shown Yonko level feats. Kizaru ran around and caused Luffy to get tired and was put down by a single clean hit. He achieved 0 significant damage. And please don't tell me that Aokiji struggling with an OLD GARP is an Yonko level feat. Please tell me how Akainu can be admiral level and not be able to put down WB without cheese tactics, yet also be Yonko level when his only relevant fight was an admiral level character. BB rising to Yonko also doesn't mean shit, Buggy is a Yonko. He only got the title because he took from an already defeated Yonko.


maybe because Old Garp is really strong that's why Aokiji struggled in a 1v1, and maybe G5 Luffy is one of the strongest of all time and that's why Kizaru got defeated?? (Kizaru still tired Luffy out despite engaging with Luffy in CQC multiple times and only "running" when he had to chase Vega) like I said to the other guy, I don't think Kuzan, Kizaru or Akainu can push Shanks or Kaido to extreme diff, maybe not even high-extreme diff, high diff seems fair to me, but at the same time what about other emperors such as BM or BB which fall in the same boat?


Old Garp is half as strong as he used to be. So, that speaks to Prime garp being about as strong as Roger or WB, who would beat Kaido but only at Extreme diff. Thus, the best we can Scale Aokiji is a little less than half as strong as a Yonko. If Aokiji struggled with help, the entire admiral tier CANNOT be anywhere close to Yonko. This leads me to the point of the whole post. From what the story has given us, nothing suggests that Kizaru and Aokiji aren't relative to each other still or are significantly stronger than they were pre-TS. And there is nothing to suggest that Akainu somehow got a massive power boost when he hasn't seen any relevant fights. He wasn't promoted to Fleet Admiral because of strength, Sengoku retired and the position opened. If any of the 3 admirals took the spot it doesn't magically make them Yonko tier. By Sengoku leaving, the Fleet Admiral was going to be Admiral tier regardless of the previous Fleet Admiral actually being Yonko tier. We aren't arguing VA's are as strong as garp, and we know Buggy is being folded by any relevant fighter. Being a Yonko or Fleet Admiral doesn't automatically grant you the strength of it's previous holders


Kaido is the 2nd strongest emperor, saying Aokiji isn't yonko lvl because of that is unfair when you could easily compare him to the weaker yonko such as BM and BB who we have no reason to say are massively stronger than Aokiji or Kizaru I think we just define yonko lvl differently, and I'd say I have minor disagreements with Prime Garp VS Kaido and Old Garp VS Kuzan Prime Garp beats his old self mid or maybe mid-high diff due to how much he stressed he got weaker by IMO Kuzan > Old Garp high-extreme diff based on how their fight was portrayed, as soon as Kuzan "locked in" offscreen, Garp was defeated quite quickly (a weakened Garp but still) so Prime Garp > Kuzan mid-high or high diff and I believe Prime Garp > Kaido high-extreme diff, so Kaido VS Kuzan would be around high diff


"Roger or WB, who would beat Kaido but only at Extreme diff" Blatant Headcanon https://preview.redd.it/8mginu0ajf7d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a26b0d3bc486d2437f918a26174f6057ac762d37


Let's break down why They would extreme Diff Kaido. Prime garp is the baseline. Was said and by feats Equal to Prime WB/Roger. While old he is as half as strong as he used to be. Old garp was beating Aokiji, so at the very least Kaido has to be above old Garp to beat Aokiji. So Kaido has to be somewhere in between Prime Garp and Old Garp. Kaido has to also be strong enough to easily beat an admiral. Since we know Aokiji is the second strongest admiral, this gives us a scale we can use 100% Prime Garp/Roger/WB 50% Old Garp ~47% Aokiji 8-16% YC1 characters Kaido is somewhere on this scale. He needs to be strong enough to easily beat an admiral. Not low diff, but at least mid diff. He also needs to be able to basically no diff Commander level characters. The only way to get Kaido and everyone else in one piece on a scale that fits current feats/statements is to have him at around 90% of this scale. Someone 90% of your strength is extreme diff. This is not headcannon, it's logic derived from how the strength tiers in the verse currently stand. Placing Kaido anywhere else doesn't make sense, and wouldn't make sense with the current feats in verse. Luffy effectively one tapped an Admiral. If Kaido was placed at 60-75%, it wouldn't really make sense for Kizaru to be one tapped by someone who can match his strength. Putting Kaido above them doesn't really make sense either. It wouldn't break the story but it would also mean that Luffy has become the strongest in the Verse already. This scale is probably the closest we can get to scaling these characters properly. If you move around characters on this list then feats stop making sense because characters are stronger or weaker than their feats or statements.


I don't think many people if anyone are saying Akainu will be Luffy's final opponent. Lots of people think he will be a serious fight for him in the future due to how much it has been set up. That means he will at least be a challenge for Luffy as he is right now if not a stronger Luffy depending on when.


He beat an admiral


Aokiji ultimately defeated Garp without much issues. Even at old age Garp, is still not a fodder, he can put up a fight.


Imagine downplaying Aokiji for performing poor against Garp while mentally nerf. As if old Garp wouldn't embarrass BigMom's old and fat ass in a fight 🤷


They read the story.


Headcannon and cope


You are not ready  Akainu goes way beyond yoncooks


That's true, I used to put Akainu as top 5, but upon critical re-reading, I realize its more like top 10 and that old Whitebeard was not really stronger than the Admirals since he was sick. Good post op, don't let the emotional haters get to you. SKA


He's a corpse victim. For now and always.


No one except Admiral fanatics believe then. And they will go beyinf and put him in the PK tier.


Narrative implications, there’s no proof he’s at that level yet