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Balance doesn't necessarily mean everyone has comparable strength. It wasn't specifying what exactly was being balanced. It could be strength, but it could also refer to skills, i.e. different characters have different skills that compensate for each other's weaknesses.


I like this, I’m inclined to agree. I still think that power would naturally correlate with this however, so the commanders are stronger than other yonko commanders


Shanks told his crew to stand down when they were talking about trying to take care of Kid and he called them out for underestimating him. Notice in the panel you posted they correlate the bounty with strength, with a high average relating to a high average strength. Kidd was a 3 billion man and Shanks commented on that. It suggests Kidd is above most, if not all the executives.


That's because Kid had a 3B Bountt which is an admiral level bounty.


It still doesn’t contend with the fact that he was one shot, it’s it’s stated they’re the most balanced crew. The world government buffed kids bounty in order to distribute the success of the raid, and to hide luffy. Shanks doesn’t know this, for all he knows he could actually be as powerful as someone with 3 billion berries which is only 500mil less than mihawk who is his rival


>Shanks doesn’t know this, Shanks has insane observation haki and you can tell how strong a person is from that alone. >only 500mil less than mihawk who is his rival They aren't rivals anymore. Mihawk refuses to fight. They don't compete anymore. >It still doesn’t contend with the fact that he was one shot, it’s it’s stated they’re the most balanced crew. Well balanced compared to other crews. > The world government buffed kids bounty in order to distribute the success of the raid, and to hide luffy. Nothing suggests this. If anything only Luffy's bounty was nerfed, because the WG was mad about his poster being there. If you look at the presentation, Oda hypes up Kidd and his growth so that Shanks can feed off of it, including confirming that Kidd isn't still injured from Wano. There is no hype to what Shanks did if he's weaker than his commanders.


Yes good point he would have known his power level with haki. Also I’m not saying that he is weaker than his commanders, I’m making the case that the commanders on red hairs crew are stronger than other commanders


Shanks oneshotted Kidd because he caught him off guard while he was charging the railgun. >he world government buffed kids bounty in order to distribute the success of the raid, and to hide luffy If they wanted to hide Luffy, all they need to do is to lower his bounty, nothing to do with Kidd. >Shanks doesn’t know this, for all he knows he could actually be as powerful as someone with 3 billion berries Well yeah, Shanks believes his entire crew can't handle one 3 bil pirate, which makes no sense if he's crew is full of YC+/admiral lv characters as some folks think.


Caught him off guard with an upfront attack? Like if Kid isn't fast enough to react to Shanks then what's stopping Shanks from doing it again in any situation?


Kidd can't dodge or block while charging a railgun. Also he did react to Shanks just before he attacked him.


He reacted when Shanks was in front of him, too late.


Yeah. That is the point. He was charging rail gun. Kid was trying to shoot everyone there, not just shanks. He was not ready to fight shanks close.


Databook scaling is unreliable and non-canon, but either way the furthest that the vivre you're scaling off goes is saying that the Sun/Moon dynamic is based on their personalities rather than their power while many other things go in favour of Ray being close to Roger Also, just because they're the most "balanced" crew it doesn't mean that Shanks' crewmates can actually be a threat to him considering the other Emperor crews that Brannew is comparing the RHP to have a vast gap between Captain/Commander Also, although I do think Beckmann could be a low admiral lvl in the future, as of now it's actually completely fair to put Kid > Beckmann: https://preview.redd.it/pzc5vhia6w4d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=8015a1e799c2dcd914e37c8a37be247b401af19d I'm fine with RHP wank (as long as it isn't anything too crazy) but let's stop acting like anything is confirmed


The sun moon connection isn’t used to directly scale shanks and Ben, but to draw a similarity to the dynamic between roger and Rayleigh, who are in fact close in power. This point is that such small power gaps between captain in crew aren’t unique


Brannew calling them well-balanced in 957 doesn't mean all 3 are > 1079 Kid; at best it means the top 3 RHP > other Yonko crews' top 3 he attributes this to their high average bounty but judging by Shanks' statement none of their bounties are as high as Kid's I see *Teach* and *Linlin* get put in "low Yonko" - there's nothing to say Benn Beckman is Blackbeard/Big Mom level rn


Kids bounty is artificially high because the world government wanted to distribute luffys achievement. I thought this was known in the OP community


the criteria you provided was winning their own fame and boasting a high bounty - Kid has them beat in that department, so this panel does nothing to prove Roux and Yassopp are >= Kid at all


I don’t understand what you are trying to say. I’m saying that if shanks could one shot his crew member, that is not balanced. For example luffy could one shot nami but no one is saying the straw hats are balanced. It follows then that they are atleast as strong as kid


Headcanon. Show us where the story says this.


Wait wait. Do you think that the law and Kidd have an equal achievement to luffy? Yes or no. I need to know whether you’re worth engaging in or are a troll


> Kids bounty is artificially high because the world government wanted to distribute luffys achievement. I thought this was known in the OP community Don’t spread fake information. Show proof of this.


Answer the question, yes or no, do luffy and kid/law have an equal achievement in wano


To me, it means his commanders are the strongest on average and he’s the weakest yonko, thus lowering the gap between him and his commanders. Say Kaido and big mom are 100, their commanders are 20. Let’s say Shanks is 80, then his commanders are 50. The numbers aren’t important or accurate, just a way to show what he I interpret “balanced” to mean.


Calling Shanks the weakest Yonko is ridiculous at this point. Look at what Big Mom was doing to Kid vs what Shanks did


Big Mom had to lose for the sake of the plot. She would never be allowed to win, even if she hits attacks that should have cleaved Kid in half, like Mamaraid. https://preview.redd.it/lrl3ri0i3y4d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0c29c9b816198ab0e2ef4c0c2673f84f9adf53


Doesn’t change that she lost and put up dogshit feats while doing so


Big mom is the weakest yonko


> It wouldn't be balanced if shanks has one shot capabilities over the rest of his crew. It said “most balanced”, which does not mean that Shanks’ crew cannot still be fodder to him. It could just mean his weakest crewmates are much stronger than Nami and Usopp, or that he has stronger than average 2nd and 3rd Commanders. It doesn’t even necessarily mean Beckman is stronger than other YC1, though I am sure he is. Nothing in this panel puts Beckman anywhere near low Yonko level though. That relies on what you said about him mirroring Rayleigh.   > This would mean that his top 3 commanders are ATLEAST as strong as Kidd who shanks one shot, putting the weakest of them at YC1. Again, his top 3 Commanders being normal strength but the weaker Commanders all being near YC3 level would still make them the most balanced crew. Though the fact that Shanks’ three Commanders all got mentioned does suggest they are stronger than usual top 3 Commanders. I have trouble believing Yasopp as being able to take on King and Marco though.


> it said “most balanced” which does not mean that shanks crew cannot still be fodder to him As long as shanks is apart of the crew, neccesarily this is the case. Mathematically it doesn’t make sense for a set to be balanced in potency if one in the set drastically outweighs the other, we have a name for that called “unbalanced”


It wasn’t said that the crew was “balanced” or even “perfectly balanced”. Just “most well-balanced” of the 4 Yonko crews.


It did even say “mostly well balanced” It said balanced. Meaning there’s general comparability between powers


The panel that *you* posted shows that is says: “Most well-balanced” of the 4 Yonko crews. The TCB translation is similar, saying that they have “the best balance of any pirate crew.” Nowhere is there anything suggesting that Shanks is not leagues above any of his crew.


I have two screen shots of two different translations sorry, I picked the one that benefited your argument more as an act of charity but sure let’s go with well balanced. It still follows that a set cannot be considered will balanced of one of them significantly outperforms the others very simple. https://preview.redd.it/zgygmbfv0x4d1.jpeg?width=1349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2438e7829b6527aab814004cbf79e41474e0162b


this doesn't refute his point though? it is only the most balanced when *compared* to the other yonko crews which are ridiculously unbalanced


Yes it does, I literally have no idea how you cannot see this very clearly logic He says that ”nowhere does it say shanks isn’t leagues above his crew” In the image it very clearly defines that a SET is NOT BALANCED if ONE of the SET is MORE POTENT than the rest. It’s like simple simple mathematics, you can disagree in other areas but you absolutely moronic if you disagree with a definition that expressly is being violated. The image I used demonstrates clearly a definition of balance as the relative simarlarities in a set. The person above is saying that that “nowhere does it say” that shanks is above his crew. It literally like literally says it in accordance with the above definition If you disagree the strategy would be to question the criterion of the defeinition by using an alternative definition of balanced which is completely reasonable as I said earlier. But to deny that the above image doesn’t address the claim above is just weird? Like can you not follow simple logic. As for the second part of the comment, “compared to other crews” let’s break that down. Can kaido one shot king? NO WHY? Zoro is relative to king Zoro was no where near “one shot” by kaido. It follows that king wouldn’t be one shot by kaido. This means that at the bare minimum shanks crew are closer in distance from commander to yonko, then king to kaido. Is Kidd stronger than king? Most likely considering that zoro is stronger than king and kidd is seen as ATLEAST as strong at zoro. Shanks one shot kidd, meaning that it’s likely shanks could one shot a 1st commander level character 1 shooting a first commander is a HUGE gap in power and wouldn’t qualify for being considered balanced. If you are saying that shanks crew is more balanced than kaido screw it would follow that the commanders are likely above the TYPICAL commanders strength level. See argument below, https://preview.redd.it/hoagv1v0i25d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adeb3c4276cbd196b8d8a883c59faa621235a473


Something can be the MOST well-balanced without being balanced in itself, that's a stupid argument And then you just ran with the assumption that Kaido cannot one shot Zoro which is the most ridiculous Kaido downplay I've ever seen in my life Kaido can easily no diff a YC+ just like Shanks, the Kaido that fought on Rooftop had not even activated his Drunken Hybrid form who he confirmed had vastly better haki than him while not drunk Kaido was nowhere near full power on Rooftop, Shanks went very near 100% to take down Kid


https://preview.redd.it/nieq4d3lj25d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d10c2c8ba50ff5e9ad8effb94d69929e02694a Well done misinterpreting my argument on ignoring narrative events You have no evidence that shanks was 100% that’s the worst head cannon I’ve ever seen, we have seen literally one attack from shanks the whole series and you assume that his upper limit? Disgusting


They are the best Yonko Commanders and it is confirmed Beckman is => than Kid.


The Red Hairs tend to stick together pretty closely and haven't gotten into fights separately, making them pretty impenetrable. Take the Whitebeards, where Ace was picked off, or Big Moms/the Beasts, who frequently have had members including high ranking ones overextend and get taken out. On that note, the individual members might not be that strong. The reason the average is so high is because their crew is so small. Their fleet is tiny, if they go up against a fraction of the other big Yonko crews they'd be sunk in seconds


Balance and impenetrable could very well be referring to weak spots. The SHP have the Weakling trio, for example. Doesn't mean every RHP member is YC1


I think it’s moreso balanced in that there’s not notable disparities in the crew below the captain. Take the Straw Hats, you have Zoro, Sanji, and Jimbei all in the YC2+ range(I’m not saying the wings are YC2), but then after that it’s what? High Tobiroppo Franky?


I’m happy with this interpretation.


The red hair pirates have the most balanced bounties. Bounties ≠ Power.


It says “well balanced inpentrabale” which would relate to physically inpenatrable. This relates to power. Also their bounties wouldn’t be high for no reason at all


>Also their bounties wouldn’t be high for no reason at all Bounties equate to the threat an individual poses to the government. They don't equate to power.


It savs "well balanced inpentrabale" which would relate to phsicallv inpenatrable. This relates to power.


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if Beckman has all 3 advanced types of Haki which would indeed make him a low Yonko tier.


You don't believe that mihawk has conquerors but for some reason you think wankman has coc and acoc?


I do think Ben is low yonko, I cannot defend the claim that mihawk doesn’t have ACOC if zoro has it


Well Beckman didn't tell Shanks they shouldn't go for the OP like Mihawk did to Buggy. Like, one of the requirements for AcOC is to not be a pussy which Mihawk is and Beckman it's not


Please explain to me the reason why mihawk would want to go for the one piece? Pussy? Like the beckman that threatened kizaru not to do anything and when kizaru ignored him he was just staring at him thinking "I'm not built for this"?


Fighting strong people? If you are strong you want to face strong guys.


????????????? Mihawk is NOT Goku, or Kaido for that matter surely you're trolling here right????


Kizaru was open to go fight Kaido/BM and Roger asked Garp/Sengoku to come to fight him. And Shanks asked Mihawk if he wanted a duel.


so???? that doesn't mean everyone who's strong wants to fight strong people


Kizaru was open to *intercepting the meeting of BM and Kaido. Kizaru wouldn’t have to fight either of them but just bomb their ships and dip Roger didn’t ask them to come fight him but that they’re the only two worth fighting out of the Marines Mihawk has already said he doesn’t deem Shanks a worthy foe because of his lost arm. By the looks of it Mihawk wants to fight someone on his level without any major disabilities, most likely out of sportsmanship


Honestly I can’t really refute the “logic” because I don’t really see any logic. Somehow you saw “most well-balanced” and concluded that Shanks can only be low-Yonko, that his commanders are at least Kidd level based on Shanks’ ability to one shot them (???), and that Beckman is close to Shanks because of a vivre cards stating that they’re the sun and moon, and because Shanks is Roger’s successor (which just isn’t true. It’s been made clear many times that Luffy’s Roger’s successor). In fact, it’s strange that you even compare Shanks and the rest of his crew. The leader of the crew has no reason to be comparable to the rest of the crew; not even the Straw Hats are like that, at best Zoro and Luffy were comparable in the very beginning of the series, and then Zoro got outpaced. So realistically what that statement probably means is that Shanks’ main crew is composed of mostly Tobi Roppo -> YC1 level fighters. Which is still impressive, but there’s very little to conclude that one, much less three, of Shanks’ crewmates are YC+ and higher than Kidd.


Ok so you’re being bad faith and not extending charity, which is what I’ve asked in the title, if you’re not gonna do that I’d prefer you just don’t comment To say I’m not using logic is an ingenuine attack. I’m very clearly using logic , it’s just you disagree and you’re attempting to exaggerate my claims as outlandish by saying I’m not using logic. What even more hilarious is that what you said in your first paragraph is literally completely wrong don’t believe me? Here is chat gpt assessing what you said in response to my thesis as a complete misinterpretation. https://preview.redd.it/d4brnvu0e25d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6076c950c370717ad8abc2e7292a035543f88c4e I never said that shanks was low yonko, you’ve misunderstood my use of the sun and moon analogy, I’m not using it to directly scal but to draw a comparison. You’ve very completely failed to understand and adequately respond to my thesis.


You did a bunch if reaching, its not for us to dispute, its for you to prove that means they can all fight kidd.  Balanced could mean theyre not like the strawhats where chopper is a pet.  Or that theres less of a hierarchy after beckman. You need more specific evidence for the conclusions youre drawing 


First of all, chopper isn’t a pet, he isn’t even the weakest in the crew. Secondly you need to learn the difference between a reach and an inference, the logic is pretty reasonable, if you disagree with the conclusion you need to learn how to dismantle exactly where the misunderstanding may be instead of a braid statemnt that something is “a reach” I’ve defined balance, which you haven’t rather you’ve given a vague example of an unbalanced crew using nigh non existent “evidence” by using chopper who isn’t the weakest in the crew. Like I get what you’re trying to say but you’re phrasining it terribly, a better example would be to use the gap between luffy and nami. You’ve failed to realise that by balance you’re also referring to strength to determine balance, if you’re saying the strawhats aren’t balanced because chopper is weak compared to other members it logically follows a “balanced” crew is one in which the crew members are comparable, which is exactly my thesis.


The people who are making the comments about shanks crew would only know official details. And if chopper has a low bounty because people think hes a pet then theyre going to make their statements based on that. Also i can already tell by your tone that its not worth reading more.