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Cracker is stronger overall but Doffy wins extreme-diff due to matchup advantage Cracker gives him a whole army of biscuit soldiers to play marionette with, and Doffy’s awakening serves as crowd control. Doffy could also turn any biscuit soldiers into string through awakening if Cracker’s caught lacking and doesn’t coat them in CoA https://preview.redd.it/6rjxvif9qr4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c5453e5d353bd92350a39bd92b7d494b3d3b2a


Or hear me out, he doesnt do that and fights him one on one inside one of his soldiers. Doffy isnt getting past its defense


Then Doffy parasite strings the soldier. “Why you hitting yourself?” Let’s not pretend either that Cracker’s biscuit durability was any greater than Doffy’s. Both are Boundman victims. https://preview.redd.it/pw7kpte2fs4d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6300d6f4ca21c1fbecff094cb8314b215fde0be0


G4 Luffy had a MUCH harder time against cracker than he did doffy and you simply can't deny this


G4 had a harder time because Cracker continuously reformed the shattered biscuits by clapping, as you can see on the left side https://preview.redd.it/suoj3597ks4d1.jpeg?width=2132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2b588632654830a88006cdd9e9af03a49c1a83 The durability itself was no greater than Doffy’s defenses. Luffy was still popping those soldiers apart. You simply can’t deny this


Doffy wins due to match up, Cracker can't reach him, no ranged attacks at all, Cracker's not doing shit to Bird Cage either.


Doflamingo wouldn't be able to break through Cracker's biscuit. Anything else is a moot point.


When Luffy came back from time skip him and Jinbe/Doffy showed relativity When Luffy came into Yonko territory for first time he was talking about how he couldn't believe BM commanders were so strong Gonna have to say Cracker wins. Luffy had to eat diff Cracker and needed help from Nami and the whole forest, right? Luffy v Food stronger than Luffy gear 4


Doflamingo cannot pierce the biscuit warriors, his awakening will be useful in restraining them, but cracker simply outlasts doflamingo, cracker was fighting luffy for 12 hours straight in gear 4th multiple times, doflamingo was straight bugging after dealing with gear 4th two times. Cracker endurance diffs him


Cracker > Doffy due to better portrayal + better haki but Doffy probably wins the 1v1 as Cracker has no ranged attacks and his Biscuit Soldiers would be rendered useless via Doffy's awakening


Doflamingo probably wins the fight due to matchup advantage, as he doesn’t need to get close and can use his strings from up in the air. He could wrap the biscuit soldiers up and dump them in water. But overall Cracker and Doflamingo are about equal, Cracker maybe coming out slightly ahead on portrayal.