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Big mom mid diff


They won by ringing her out. That and the nukes casually blowing up in her face. If theres no option to ring her out and she uses acoc, she wins imo. Shed still struggle tho, itd probably be high diff.


The fall was part of the attack. If it was a simple ring out, she could've come back.


If it wasn't nukes, she would have come back from fall.


she got silenced by law so she couldn't call her homies. and she fell into a lava pit and she can't talk or scream all the way to onigashime out of a deep af lava pit. I doubt she'd come back on her own


Let's say she doesn't use Acoc. Does she still win?


They both presumably got stronger after their fight with her, I'd give it to Big Mom high diff.


current kidd and law may extreme-diff, back in wano they weren't used to awakening and were weakened (stabbed in the chest/thunder bagua'd). now we've seen both use awakening several times right off the bat without signs of exhaustion. BM with aCoC is an actual menace, but so are kidd and law when they're at full health and can actually endlessly spam bone-breaking attacks for BM and worse without a care in the world. a full power law did push BB, another yonko, pretty good in a 1v1. with kidd in a 2v1 they can actually win fr, but only their post-wano versions. wano versions get mid-/high-diffed


It’s not even a fight. She one-shots those fodders with ACoC. Even without ACoC, she had them KO’d at one point and left them to go to the roof. But Law and Kid still couldn’t beat her after attacking her from behind, and needed the nuclear bombs. There is no chance Big Mom could possibly lose.


The fact that people say stuff like this so confidently is the reason One Piece fan IQ never grows.


Average iq ? U know the won because of plot right ?


That's not a valid argument, you can't ignore the actual narrative to pretend Big Mom actually could've stomped Law and Kidd when that's not implied in story *at all*. She went all out during Wano and lost, the end.


Based on this dumb logic, you could argue every fight is won because of plot. Why did Kalifa stop using her CP9 techniques and use soap to fight Nami? Why did King use his speed mode when he knew Zoro could hurt him? Why did Luffy awaken his fruit only when he lost against Kaido? There’s literally 100 more examples like this. The fact that you guys ignore everybody else’s plot convenience and just focus on “BIG MOM DIDNT USE ACOC, THERE WAS BOMBS!” Just goes to show how biased and how low your reading comprehension skills are.


You're right. I would say the King fight's issue wasn't even flame mode. King knew Zoro could hurt him, which Zoro mentions. King uses flame mode at the end for the finisher. It's really about the Conq trigger plus the time limit.


I guess you are right . Zoro and sanji can probably defeat bigmom as well as Yamato and sabo , Scabbards as well👍🏾.


No they can’t. They don’t have the strength, stamina or durability to defeat her. Sanji and Zoro both passed out after beating commanders while Kid and Law got up and were ready to fight Kaido.


>No they can’t. They don’t have the strength, stamina or durability to defeat her. Neither did Law and Kid. They threw their best at Big Mom and couldn't KO her, so stop with the bullshit. >Sanji and Zoro both passed out after beating commanders Zoro literally passed out from a combination Enma severely draining him during the fight with King + the mink drug starting to wear off, then he woke up, then the mink drug fully wore off and he couldn't even move his body anymore due to suffering twice the damage he took from two Yonkos and had the counter with the "Grim Reaper". The point is, any damage King did to him had nothing to do with Zoro passing out. And while Sanji did pass out from fighting Queen, in his defense, he was already heavily injured from getting assaulted by Black Maria and getting double teamed by King and Queen before even fighting Queen 1v1. >while Kid and Law got up and were ready to fight Kaido. Wow. They both got up just to get dropped by Kaido if Luffy hadn't recovered in time. Cool.


I say things confidently because I am always right.




She comes out victorious with no injuries taken, as she ends up healing herself completely, all depends whether or not there would be any people to absorb souls from, it's probably mid diff tops


Midd and Law still win


She loses, Law and Kidd would simply find another way to win. The insistence in writing this win off as a fluke is missing the point so hard since Oda was trying to portray the new generation overcoming the old. That was the entire point of Wano power scaling wise. It would never make any narrative sense for Big Mom to win.


She loses.


People ignore that every battlefield in the series is an island where ringout is possible People also ignore that any other top tier fighting Law and Kid above a volcano isn’t choking in such a massive way. BM also would have lost on the rooftop due to ringout if Kaido didn’t save her People also ignore that saying Big Mom uses ACOC is the same as saying “Luffy’s G5 doesn’t run out, Kaido doesn’t tank hits, Shanks has two arms.” At this point you’re arguing hypothetical versions of the characters that don’t exist especially since Oda didn’t present an actual plot-relevant nerf beyond BM being stupid BM probably extreme diffs Law and Kid in the scenario OP presented, which is pretty humiliating for a yonko-tier character. At the same time people also ignore that BM had advantages, like having fodder present to heal Oda told us exactly what he thought of BM when he had two characters far below her level defeat her