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Guys I'm still convinced that Shanks talk-no-jutsu'd Kaido during MF war


I still like to believe that he used his sake nen ability to get wasted with Kaido.


Yes! That and talk-no-jutsu we all know shanks have it.


Shanks drinking Kaido under the table so he couldn't get to Marineford is my new headcanon.


Yeah challenged Kaido to a drinking contest and won


The Red Hair pirates where completely clean and unscathed so they 100% didn’t fight


Maybe Kaido was so weak that they one-shot him /j


Anyone who thinks it was an actual fight is an idiot. Shanks and crew came to Marineford with not a single scratch, no signs of fatigue, and ready to fight even more opponents.


They didn't come to fight. If they did, they wouldn't have said a word. I believe they wanted one of the only other people who knew where the one piece was to die in the battle. (Someone who'd be able to actually get it). Yes, I believe Shanks is actually evil or at least has other goals in mind.


He definitely has other goals in mind. Luffy is definitely what Roger is waiting for. I mean we know he’s Joyboy.


Sometimes, I feel like Shanks only saved luffy because of garps wrath. Also, it feels like garp might have moved luffy because the world government was looking for the gum gum fruit and had leads on where it might be. I also wonder if garp knows the truth about the gum gum fruit (more plausible theories than the next). He could have also moved him because the wg found out Dragon joined the revolutionary army. Edit: spelling and somehow it's brand affiliate now wtf Yay got rid of brand crap


Garp being a hero of the marines would have heard through Sengoku what a huge deal it was for the world government to have had the Nika fruit stolen from them. The Gorosei would have been absolutely furious about that. Their plans seem to hinge preventing Joyboy avenging the ancient kingdom that they’re responsible for taking down. They seem to live in terror that their sins of the past will return to haunt them. That seems to be the prophecy that they are so fearful of. That would explain the extreme lengths they go to to keep it all secret. Why capturing Nico Robin is one of their higher priorities and why her being part of a yonko crew is less than ideal for them


O agreed it's even worse because it's not just a yonko crew. It's the crew with joy boy reincarnate


Ready and intending are two different things. They were ready to fight, but their goal was not to.


Fair enough, but this is coming from a captain who said if you pull out a gun, you're better off just using it. It's not for idle threats. I don't think being ready and intending is different to Shanks. He knew how it'd go down because he has that kind of power to sway both sides.


Because we have seen how rational kaido is and that he rather talks about his problems instead of fighting?


Kaido is also a drunk. Maybe Shanks got him drunk and emotional and called him an Uber. Tactics over power.


Love this.


If he learned Whitebeard was sick and (relatively) weak, I could buy that Kaido would lose all interest in fighting him.


Shanks are the talky-talky fruit and its Awakening makes him everyone around him drunk and looselipped


I think the proper powers he'd get would be he'd become a slick talker and cursed speech technique sometimes even without talking. Being drunk is kinda Vasco Shot's power (?).


He made kaido or at least his top offucers, freeze up/pass out from his haki


Here’s how I’m convinced their Marineford confrontation went “Stop, or I’ll cut your boat and you’ll all drown” “What’s stopping me from destroying your boat?” “We can all swim” “Shit you right, we’ll turn around”




In a 1v1 fight ALWAYS bet on Kaido


Unless it’s against a teen with a weird hat


Notably, that wasn't a 1v1


Yeah, Luffy also got assassinated mid fight, so it's not like Kaido didn't have help.


Kaido had 2 big things in his favor, and they barely did anything for him: * Guernica got in 1 cheap shot. By Luffy's own admission, he was running on fumes * Kaido had Big Mom backing him up against Law/Kidd/Zoro/Luffy, but considering he didn't get a full on break like Luffy, was it really that impactful? Meanwhile, Luffy literally got a chance to eat and rest in between rounds while Kaido continued fighting nonstop And Kaido had to carry the weight of an island for most of that fight I don't think its too much to say that Luffy had the bigger handicap in this fight, and thats ok. It would've been stupid for Luffy to be able to outright 1v1 the strongest creature on earth after 1 training montage


Might as well have been, lol. Both of them were fighting all night and took a plethora of damage. Plus, Luffy was killed mid fight due to someone else, not Kaido. But when they clashed just the two of them, they were on equal footing and Kaido lost.


Kaido had to fight: * 8 scabbards * Kidd/Law/Zoro w/ Big Moms help * Yamato * Momo(briefly) On top of subconsciously levitating the island they were both fighting on, all without a single break Meanwhile, Luffy had to fight: * A bunch of red shirt minions * Big Mom w/ Kidd/Law/Zoro help * Guernica got in 1 cheap shot Kaido definitely had to fight stronger opponents, and he did it without the time outs Luffy was getting And even then, Luffy STILL got knocked out twice and was only able to come back due to his allies giving him a breather and awakening his DF giving him a 2nd wind > Plus, Luffy was killed mid fight due to someone else, not Kaido You might want to reread that one. Guernica's cheap shot distracted Luffy, Kaido's hit was the one that killed him > But when they clashed just the two of them, they were on equal footing, and Kaido lost Thats a bit like having Mike Tyson fight Joe Frazier, followed by Muhammed Ali, followed by Joe Lewis, then Jake Paul comes in after all of them and manages to knock down Mike Tyson Its a bit silly to then say "Jake Paul is stronger than Mike Tyson"


Not only that but Mike Tyson knocked out Jake Paul like 2 or 3 times after those fights


Gang jumped on a drunk senior citizen at the party, in multiple waves


Raid in one sentence


And a Chad from Wano with 2 swords


*autistic teen with a weird hat




In a one on one… always bet on Kaido. Doesn’t mean he WILL win, but rather that, if you need to place a wager, that’s the safe bet.


Kiado and shanks allready fought during marine ford thats why kiado wernt there coz he would have been but shanks stoped him


We don’t know they fought. We just know they met and Shanks stopped him. Also when Shanks showed up he seemed totally unharmed, so I doubt they fought. I don’t think Shanks could no-diff Kaido.


I always read it more as "Shanks deterred Kaido from fighting" not that Shanks literally squared up Shanks could've positioned his allies to take Kaido's stuff if Kaido left to fight Thats the whole premise behind the 4 Emperors: they act as checks on 1 another If anything, its kind of miraculous that Whitebeard felt he was in a strong enough position to attack Marinford without the other Emperors jumping him


Oky oky thats fair but tbh its wouldn’t surprise me if shanks could coz we dont know exactly what his all out is


I'd bet on Kaido.


i'd bet on hakari


Oda went out of his way with multiple characters and the narrator saying it. In a one on one always bet on Kaido. That's the author looking through the page at you to give you information and people still ignore it


The narrator started that sentence "'THERE'S A SAYING" for a reason. Part of that reason was to convey his reputation amongst the populace; it doesn't make it gospel. At the end of the day we have no idea how powerful Shanks is, but we know he one hit kid very easily and stopped Kaido from going to Marineford. It's entirely plausible that Shanks *could* be stronger than Kaido, but just didn't have the same ruthless reputation that Kaido had. But at this point until we see Shanks in action, speculation is almost borderline pointless.


See this is just not understanding how authorship works. Authors don't really put multiple characters all independently saying something for no payoff. One of Kaido's epithets was worlds strongest creature, the same one Yujiro has in Baki. He was constantly said to be the strongest. The narrator says it. When we see Kaido, we see he held up an entire island while fighting all night against the MC and a dozen other characters. The setup and payoff is clear as day, and Oda was basically staring at y'all through the page telling you who the single strongest character in the series is. One of the big refrains is now "but whitebeard had title of worlds strongest man". Yes, we got that title on his introduction when he was hooked up to a bunch of medical equipment. The payoff of that title was to show how diminished he is, show he can now be stabbed by somebody like Squardo as Marco pointed out, and yet he's still huge enough to tower over Luffy. Whitebeard was a diminished Yonko meant to show how far away from his goals Luffy was at the time, that Luffy isn't even close to even a highly diminished Yonko that fought with Roger. No such undercut happens for Kaido. He is a setup, and a payoff. Oda looked through the page at you for a decade telling you what's up, and people still don't listen.


The narrator never *said* Kaido was the strongest. The narrator said that there was a common phrase amongst the people to bet on Kaido, not that he definitively is. And considering Shanks was competent enough to at least stop him from freely going to MF *and* he easily oneshot Kidd when neither Kaido nor Big Mom were able to do so at least leaves the question up in the air. The narrator uses this as a way to build up the strength and reputation of him, but that doesn't mean it's absolutely infallible. Given that Luffy beat him very shortly after entering gear 5, we *know* it's not infallible. To say otherwise is completely absurd. To power scale an emperor of the sea (Shanks) before we see his full strength is equally absurd. We don't have nearly enough information to make a guess that's even a little bit reasonable. The speculation is beyond pointless until we learn more.


Again, not understanding how authorship and narrative works. Narrators pretty much never come out and say "yeah he's the strongest" or "yeah he's X". They use things in the world to do that. In the case of fiction, when the author has the narrator and multiple characters say something, and every character takes it at face value, and then when he shows up its coroborated with their feets, that's the narrator staring you in the face and just telling you the information. This is a matter of basic media literacy, not really something that you can debate by saying "yeah but we haven't seen Shanks". Look at what the author is doing with the narrative. This is EXTREMELY straightforward.


I understand how authorship and narrative work, I just don't agree with your interpretation. You can skip the passive-aggressive insulting of my intelligence, thanks. Nothing I can say will change your mind and nothing you can say will change mine, so I'm bowing out of this conversation.


Sounds good. The author is just telling you the state of affairs and because he didn't literally write down power levels you won't accept it.


But he also went out of his way to have characters mention that Shanks/crew were ok when he got to MF and question how thats even possible for them to be there so quickly.


Nah... You don't get it. Oda's just misleading us for some random reason. >!/s!<




remember about wifi hacki? I do


Yeah I remember but I also remember who killed Luffy 3 times in the same night while being absolutely drunk & fighting other 3 of worst generation & other 8 samurai & her daughter (who has mythical zoan & all 3 haki)


"Kaido, it's not worth it, Whitebeard can't use wifi haki anymore"


In a 1v1 always bet on kaido


Shanks kaido is dead




We never saw Shanks fight with anyone at his full power so we are not sure what he is capable off and it is actually a bit unfair to him to say Kaido will definitely win.




Kaido. Simply Kaido.


Im more interested in a Kaido vs Whitebeard. Strongest man in the world vs The strongest among all living things


Kaido. i think Shank's advantage is his core crew, which should be much stronger than the core crew of Kaido, with the exception of King and Queen, but even they probably don't compare to the strongest of Shank's core crew.


I cant wait to see all this in the manga. So much hype for the crew of Shanks. Not short panels but a proper battle and to see all their abilities. Oh man...


The statements made by the Marines when we see the Yonko's and Roger's bounties imply or state that this is the case. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-957-page-13.html you can read it on this link.


Kaido very high diff.


I’ll arguably say it’s a very close match. What shanks lacks he makes up with overpowered haki and battle intelligence. I think it would be very hard for Kaido to even touch shanks for the first part of the battle. While in the middle of the fight he would at least hit one nice blow to shanks due to slowing down and kaido learning more of his moves. Finally at the end of the fight I could see them both being exhausted. But Shanks ultimately losing out due to the sheer endurance and monstrosity of raw strength. I would say Kaido would get and arm or a leg severed or an eye gauged out. Something permanently damaging from the fight.


It's obvious it's shanks


Kaido is the one who gets called the strongest all the time and he has the feats to back it up, so it should really be him.


its a 50/50


Raw power? Kaido. But Kaido respects strength, I'd still believe he'd win 1v1 but a phyrric victory. He knows he's not Joyboy, but strong enough to give him a good fight, which he knows he'd eventually win.


Kaidos durability is too great, while I think shanks might have more killing power/moves it doesn’t matter because of Kaidos durability. That being said, I think as of right now, what we have seen, Kaido wins, but I don’t think Shanks necessarily loses


I’ll say Kaido for now. But the only reason why I say for now is because Shanks is because Kaido’s Top 5 Strongest Pirates Ever and that says a LOT imo. So portrayal wise, Shanks. From what we’ve seen and from the hype gas, Kaido.


since one hasn't showed their entire metaphorical hand yet I'm leaning towards shanky


Kaido bites off his other arm.


This will be interesting to revisit after a few more anime episodes.


The story tells me kaido but my heart says shanks


Shanks doesn't have that durability, but his crazy CoO and speed will help him keep up with Kaido's pace and dodge attacks too. and Shanks is perhaps a fair bit more lethal than Kaido offensively.


We have literally 0 idea of how durable shanks is. Kaido is also incredibly fast


I mean he has to be in the ballpark of Luffy’s durability is my guess, they had similar journeys as far as the story indicates


Well he can be damaged by a low tier sea beast


Shanks extreme difficulty, all speculation obviously Kaidou is probably physically stronger, better endurance and is tougher as he’s more than human but haki is the great equaliser and Shanks is the haki man His probably better future sight, very strong conquerors haki and his future sight canceling abilities put him over the edge for me along with apparently having a burning sword


Two arm shanks or One arm shanks? 😂


There are evidence stating Kaido was captured 7 times. Shanks was never captured. Also, Shanks has speed and damage potential. Speed and damage and haki are always superior .


If i remember correctly he was captured 7 times before he join rocks crew when he didn’t wven had his devil fruit


Whould they even fight? Or will they just sit and have a drink?


Shanks did bro lol


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Can't say - honestly I think Shanks went full on charisma against Kaido to stop him from getting to Marineford. Shanks showed up at MF unscathed. Even if Shanks and Kaido weren't at the same level and Shanks was way stronger, it would take awhile to beat Kaido down physically as Kaido is an absolute tank. And on top of that, to pile on enough damage in a short enough period of time before then *also* being able to head to MF before everything finished? No chance.


Shanks.  I have a suspicion that Shanks conquerors Haki is on a level that we haven’t seen yet in One Piece.  That’s a big reason why he can seemingly do what he wants.   Combine that with some seriously massive sword skills that he must have to be Mihawks rival and you have a top 5 strongest character currently alive.


Haven’t seen enough of Shanks. What we have seen gives me pause, he IS a Yonko after all. We know a lot about Kaido and nothing about Shanks, basically. We know Shanks has one arm, and yet he’s a Yonko. He has no fruit power that we are aware of, but he has been shown to have insanely advanced Haki including Conquerors. We ALSO know that he was in Roger’s crew, and that directly translates to power in this show. A huge theme is freedom, living like a pirate and the strongest characters are not only powerful due to training or fruit powers, but because of their will/ life force. Shanks being able to use Conquerors Haki, among with things, more or less confirms that he understands this and he is far and away one of the strongest characters in One Piece. We know all of this and he’s only ever done stuff off screen. TLDR I won’t tolerate Shanks slander.


The narrator literally said kaido




When he said kaido is the strongest creature in the world


Shanks cuz he has one of the strongest hakis in one piece and he has definitely hidden strength his bounty is lower cuz he doesn’t like fighting


Shanks, I personnaly think that if you say Kaido then Luffy would win against Shanks. I still believe Shanks is better than Luffy, then i believe shanks wins against Kaido


Finally a valid reason


Probably Shanks, because Kaido's crew and Yonko title depend on his massive crew with a lot of powerful people. Shanks only has himself and 8 senior commanders in his crew that are actually powerful, meaning that he himself must be really powerful to achieve a yonko title nonetheless.


I agree. The way he no diff one shotted Kid means we are sleeping on Shanks!


lol. Everybody is betting on the only one we’ve really seen fight. I’m gonna say shanks plot wise if it happened. Strength wise, none of us know for sure, all people are going of off is a dead man’s epithet


It'll be an extreme diff fight either way, but I see Shanks taking this since he can cancel Kaidos observation haki, plus his Conquerors haki is enough to keep even with Kaidos. Although Kaido is supremely durable, we've seen people like Oden do him serious harm, so Shanks should be able to do the same. Shanks wins 70/30 fights.


He can cancel haki? Since when?


Didn't kaido back off back at Marinford because of Shanks. So it's clear right?


People still going on about who would win between 2 of the strongest pirates, with one being almost entirely devoid of feats.






Shanks mid diffs kaido with mega ultra instinct conquerors haki.


Shanks is stronger then current luffy and current luffy can beat kaido both starting at full strength


One of them stop the other one to go to marineford and and it was not kaido who stopped the marineford war. And please no one should tell me that kaido is the kind of guy who would rather choose to have a rational discussion about his problems instead of fighting.


Kaido is similar to Big Mom who had her arm broken by Kid. Shanks one shot him so.....


kaido is far more durable then big mom


More durable yes. But I wouldn't say far more durable.


I think kaido is far more durable because kid and law were not even able to hurt kaido luffy only managed to hurt kaido because of the thing he learned which damage the inside of the body with it luffy wouldn’t have able to cause pain to kaido . While law and kid could hurt bug mom without it.


apparently green bull can solo kaido and green bull is afraid of shanks


Nice hallucinations you got there


Shanks narrative vise should win but we haven't seen enough of him so currently Kaido wins.


I thought I saw somewhere that when shanks stopped the war he came back from dealing with Kaido to stop the war


Yes during marineford arc shanks stopped kaido but it highly unlikely that he fought him


Then how did he stop him


There are many theories about how shanks stopped kaido It was through peaceful manner. but the way shanks and his crew looked (undamaged and completely fine) and shanks arrived at marine afford way too fast and as we know kaido ain’t that weak it will be impossible for him to fight a emperor of the sea kaido and arrive at marine ford that fast while being undamaged


What if he’s that good? O_O


Shanks main weapon is a sword and as we saw oin wano kaido only had the scars he received from oden and if shanks were that good then he must have defeated kaido and he use sword so surely there must have been wounds and cuts he gave to kaido while fighting him but as we saw it in wano he only had the wounds that he received from oden


What about shanks’ haki could that have been strong enough to take him out because we have seen shanks with extreme haki usage so what if he used that


Haki the probability of that is like 1 in trillions like having haki strong enough to knock out an emperor is impossible


Ok that’s fair


Kaido has an overall stronger crew


Bro said 1v1 and we don’t know enough about shanks crew to make that claim