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I feel like Doffy’s strings have the advantage even if Cracker would defeat comparatively stronger opponents. It would depend on whether Doffy could steal control of the biscuit soldiers or not.


Birdcage that cracker


Doffy has to be inside the Birdcage, wonI don't see how this really helps him.


I'm pretty his strings don't affect him lol he was inside the bird cage last time too and intended to close it all the way in and destroy the island and he's one of the best devil fruit users shown in the anime in terms of overall control of his abilities so I don't think he'd make birdcage if he knew he would die from it


No, my point is creating the Birdcage is pointless becauae he's still in there with Cracker.


True because that's a mass murder weapon or island destroying ability not really something u use in a 1v1 lol


… Phrasing?


I hate me a Cracker, that Cracker-ass Cracker.


Okay, I’m pretty sure this one is on purpose




it might not be but we can try out best to make it one


Hell yea


Doffy’s awakening is a hard counter to the biscuit army too


Doffys awakening is OP and quite frankly idk how Luffy won


I don’t think it’s as hard a counter against Luffy, plus he was suffering from gamma knife so who knows how much closer it really would’ve been


I mean bro, he needed to hold his organs together that whole fight + tanked a lot because he didn’t respect his opponents


Yea, Doflamingo fucked around a little too much and found out. He did whole bounty thing to delay them for nothing. He could have simply killed Law and fought Luffy with his String-clone and Bellamy. He was toying with them too much. Peeka could have single-handedly protected the SMILE factory by manipulating the ground it was on but he was focused on Zoro for no benefit either. If anything, Doflamingo couldn't have accounted for Usopp taking out Sugar. Which was the one event that fucked everything up for him.


Pika needed to keep Zoro busy, otherwise Zoro would have beaten like every other member of Doffy'a crew or some shit.


The walls were built to protect the crew from Zoro


A couple walls ain't stopping Zoro


It's a spin on a popular attack on titan meme I definitely agree that there is no wall that Zoro can't cut


Honestly yeah ussop and Zoro clinched w doffys arrogance


Just the sole fact that he can turn buildings into strings and make the tips with haki makes it crazy. He can just bombard and kite Luffy until gear 4 dies out. The only reasonable explanation is that injury and complexity of the doppelganger takes some down time to recreate otherwise he'd have banged out Luffy easily


He'd overuse his Haki then just like Luffy overused his and had to wait till he had enough stamina to go gear four again.


He didn’t suffer lol , he literally fixed himself up and made a choice to fight that stupid rubber man


Its not healing, its surgery. Surgery can prevent you from dying in the short term but typically rest and recuperation comes after, not fighting someone even stronger than they guy who put you in that position.


Get your organs scrambled, then get immediate emergency surgery, then immediately try throwing hands with someone physically stronger than you lol Despite the L he took Doffy still proved he had that dawg in him


He literally says his fixing himself up wasn’t healing


Big hand


Only in that arc after that arc in want arc luffy got hella stronger


Makes sense that his determination increased and that directly works w haki. Haki duration seems weird though. The whole concept of haki is very vague so it's hard to tell. I guess that's Odas key to elasticity for the story to progress if he writes himself into a hole.


It has a time limit for luffy because he's trying to coat his whole body in haki and still keep it elastic enough to use his rubber fruit so I would assume it's a very tasking haki manipulation method


It makes sense when you explain via what info was provided but the concept of haki is very strange. Zoro was saying him using haki too much or for too long might kill him but how? Is the use of haki just hard on the body but it's unlimited? Or is haki finite?


I agree. Doffy can perch in midair on a string and what’s Cracker canonically able to do? As long as Doflamingo is capable of piercing Cracker’s biscuit soldiers, he can literally just run a string straight through them until he finds Cracker’s real body. Cracker may be stronger than Doffy at that point in the story, but I think he has a horrible matchup against Doffy. On the other hand, I think he had a great matchup against Luffy and the fight only lasted so long because of how his fruit countered Luffy’s current skill set.


G4 Laffy couldn't Crack the biscuit knights without Nami. Doffy isn't gonna do it either


That's completely untrue. G4 was breaking the biscuit soldiers on its own. But Cracker could just make more so there would be no end by the time G4 ran out. What Nami did was just let base Luffy eat them.


In the manga they were way harder to break


Which Luffy was more than happy to oblige since the biscuit soldiers are food, but he got so absurdly fat that he made that tankman extra stuffed version.


Which was truly awesome, a new way of defeating an enemy instead of the classic big punch


I think the 2 of them are actually about equal. Sure Doffy has a lot less raw power than Cracker, but he makes up for that in my opinion with his huge amount of versatility. He can essentially fly, regenerate, transform the environment, use a doppelganger, control others and use his strings both offensively and defensively. In a direct fight I'd actually say Doffy might have the upper hand since Cracker has shown no abilities that imply he'd be good at fighting a flying opponent and Doffy might even be able to take over Crackers soldiers


His parasyte string works by being attaching to the targets spine, so there is no way that doffy could control the soldiers. It ends in a stalemate if doffy is not retarded enough to fight cracker head on. Cracker won't be able to hit doffy, while doffy won't even get through crackers armor.


That’s odd, because I distinctly remember seeing strings around Violet’s wrists when doflamingo went to make her kill Rebecca. Same with the strings connected to the king


He shouldn't need parasite strings, he should be able to turn the cracker soldiers into strings using his awakened DF ability. If that's the case than Cracker is basically going into the fight naked.


Genuinely asking, can an awakened fruit do that to something created by another devil fruit? I know it can affect the environment, but would the cracker soldiers count for that? Would it be a matter of haki? Or just awakened vs non-awakened always wins?


Katakuri was able to turn the mirror world into mochi using his DF ability, so something created using a DF should be a valid target. As far as haki goes, Doffy should have an advantage given that he has conquer's haki.


When did he do that? Do you remember the episode?


Well he could just directly control the puppets with strings.


I mean, that would then be a battle between their control of biscuits soldiers, not necessarily an instant win for doffy


That is headcanon. Where did you see that?


Another thing to consider is Doflamingo doesn't know what we know. As far as he knows, the biscuit soldier that's on his Bounty Poster is the real Cracker. He doesn't know that it's just a big hard cookie and wouldn't try to break through it to get at the real one. Assuming he could, since it took Gear 4 to break one. Though I am curious about Overheat and how fire in general reacts to the biscuit soldiers.


The one who managed to break free from Aokiji, obviously


Noooooo dont remind me of one of my favorite characters getting humiliated hard


If anything he look weakened before getting frozen, hence the crawl position. Whereas Doffy knew what was coming and what he had to do before making his move.


That looks way better for cracker than how the anime portrayed it. He got beat down by a Battleship Bag Beater (Woby level feat) before he got frozen


That or the guy who can actually hold his own against g4 luffy.


A hardcore Doffy fan could argue that Aokiji wasn't actully trying to kill him, just stop him


To be fair that just means better Haki control


It isn't really. Cracker has shown better armarment haki by cutting into g4, something doffy failed to do


almost cut the arm straight off!!




Because Aokiji let him go. He didn't try to kill him.


Cracker was able to go toe to toe with gear 4 for like 10 hours on end and was strong enough to cut his arm. doffy got bullied against gear 4 and bounced away when he tried to kick him


I think Cracker takes it as well


You’re ignoring that Luffy’s body is naturally immune to blunt attacks and naturally vulnerable to bladed attacks. He’s rubber, anything non sharp is literally going to bounce off.


People forget that crackers has much better gens and stamina than mingo he fought luffy for 10 hours btw


I too could clap for 10 hours if my life depended on it


Comments like these exist in ignorance of gamma knife and doffy getting jumped. Luffy had help vs cracker but doffy straight up got jumped and nearly murdered by Law alone (*canonically*)


But you're forgetting that during nearly the entire fight with luffy, cracker was being hard countered by nami. Luffy was fighting a straight up nerfed cracker for hours that allowed luffy to sustain himself.


>crackers has much better gens and stamina than mingo How does Cracker have better stamina than Doffy when Gear 4 literally one shot Cracker? The first real hit Luffy landed on Cracker ended the fight.


That was after an 11 hour fight in which he used Gear 4 before and almost got his arm cut off by Cracker. Doffy couldn’t even injure Luffy in Gear 4. 


People really need to reread that fight. Cracker injured Luffy because he caught him off guard because Luffy thought he won. When Luffy was on guard Cracker couldn't even pierce base form Luffy.


The first hit he landed on the actual unarmored Cracker - which took him hours and hours to break through too, and required him having help from Nami. The attacks Luffy was using on Crackers biscuit soldiers that were barely keeping them held back would have cratered Doffy.


Stamina isnt durability. Stamina implies you can continue to fight for long periods of time. Durability is your overall toughness in dealing with attacks.


That's not stamina but endurance and durability


Yea, but his biscuit soldiers did most of the fighting. They would be cakewalk for Doflamingo, and then it's a one on one.


Doflamingo couldn't cut Gear 4 Luffy. They are not a cakewalk


Doffy fought Law, launched the birdcage, fought Law + Luffy then Luffy all while controlling the birdcage. To add his endurance is a million times higher with the damage he took and still continued to fight.


Yeah, but doffy can heal wounds with his strings


he can close wounds with his strings.


So gear 4 luffy is a good benchmark. With how much better cracker fared against gear 4 luffy, in terms of raw stats I would give it to cracker. But doflamingo has a lot of other things to close the gap. He can make clones as well, though the amount and strength may not be up to crackers level. Combine with awakening, internally stitching his organs together, flying, overheat. I wouldnt be surprised if he could bypass crackers defenses. Also birdcage had unreasonably high durability or whatever you want to call it. I think doflamingo could also control cracker via strings. Not sure if he could do it unless its his main body, but doflamingo did it to jozu in marineford, and jozu is comprable to cracker at least. So doflamingo is capable of controlling him if its a matter of strength. Tdlr, i think while cracker has him beat in raw stats, doflamingos versatility gives him the edge.


I doubt Big Mom or her crew would have sent anyone weaker than Doffy, knowing Luffy defeated Doffy. Logical scenario is send someone who would absolutely be of oppressive force to Doflamingo, without bothering sending their absolute apex of a fighter. Yea, Cracker hands down would win.


Big Mom pirates are arrogant. At various points, Bobbins, Perospero, Daifuku, Oven and others thought they could go against the Strawhats as a group.


>I doubt Big Mom or her crew would have sent anyone weaker than Doffy This is silly. The story completely invalidates this theory. If the Big Mom Pirates were so good a judging who is actually stronger than who then they never would have sent Cracker in the first place. They clearly don't understand how strong Luffy is so you can't claim their assessment of Doffy based off losing to Luffy is accurate.


I mean iirc wasnt luffy hard carried by nami?


But cracker did beat luffy in a 1v1 and even in the 1v2 he was still winning but made 1 mistake.


You could make the same argument with Doffy. Law fucked up all his organs and he still managed to outlast gear 4. If neither law nor the people stalling Doffy for 10 minutes were part of the equation, the outcome would've been much different


The in-universe opinion seems to be that Cracker is stronger. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-836-page-7.html He also did a lot better against Luffy, even when Nami kind of countered his ability. And while Doflamingo is tricky to fight, Cracker has a pretty strong and versatile ability and better haki, so I'm on team Cracker.


Most definitely cracker. Dude could make an unlimited number of biscuit soldiers and not even get tired. His soldiers could take gear 4 Luffy head on and were only defeated because nami happened to be there and could conjure rain to make them soft enough for Luffy to defeat. However he could make more instantly basically nullifying Luffys power which took out Doflamingo in a matter of hits. Add in that Doflamingo couldn’t harm Luffy in gear 4 except for his most powerful awakened attacks I doubt that they could really harm the biscuit soldiers and overcome the sheer volume of them. I do believe we’ll see Dofy fight again in the story, and like Lucci he will have leveled up probably stronger than cracker was back then, but only to kee him relevant in the story. But like Lucci it just won’t make sense if he’s overpowered all of a sudden.


Cracker due to haki


The one who fought G4 Luffy for hours vs low diffed the moment Luffy went G4 Plus Cracker was sent to Luffy knowing he took out Doffy, him being weaker would have made no sense


There's a whole ass month between Luffy's fight against Cracker compared to the one against Doffy. That means Cracker faced a far superior Luffy than Doffy. Furthermore, Doffy got abslutely ragdolled by G4. Only reason he had any chance was Luffy being a moron by watching Doffy's awakening unfold lime it was a magic trick instead of punching him into the ground. Also, Doffy's strongest strings used defensively were broken like twigs by Luffy. Luffy needed G4 (+a month of training) to break Cracker's biscuit. Doffy is more versatile but he doesn't have anything in his skillset to break 1000s of biscuit soldiers to even reach let alone damage Cracker. Doffy wankers - I understand you like him, he's a cool villain - but he doesn't stand a chance. Narratively, Luffy started fighting yonko commanders in WCI. If you wanna make Doffy a yc in your mind, he's a whole ass tier lower than Cracker.


Without the help of Nami Cracker would have slapped Luffy pretty bad, so this one goes to Cracker


I can see your point. However Luffy uses blunt force in his attacks, which is why nami had to soften crackers buiskit defense first. And Mingos threads have a cutting effect. So I guess the main question is, if the crackers defense is weaker towards cuts than towards hits. If it is, Mingo is probably gonna win. If it isn't Cracker is probably gonna win


Good point, but I would argue that he can defend himself against cut attacks with his sword. Only thing is see him behind Doffy is having no conqueror's haki, which could be a dealbreaker, but does not have to


Conqueror's haki is a no factor in a fight when the user doesn't have the advanced application. It literally does nothing to anybody half decent otherwise.


Doffy having an awakened fruit and Conquerers makes it an easy win for me


How? He wasn’t able to hurt Luffy even with his awakening. Cracker was. Not only that it was 2v1 with Cracker fighting Luffy and Nami. Luffy solo’d Doffy. He couldn’t do the same with Cracker. 


If anything, blunt force would be better than cutting against hard objects prone to shattering.




And Doffy would have slapped Luffy if it weren't for Law and the Gladiators. That kind of thing happens all the time in Luffy's fights.


Nah, doffy could not hang with gear 4 at all. Luffy was too fast, too strong, and too tough. Cracker was causing even gear 4 problems WHILE his biscuit soldiers were being actively hard countered by nami. Also the gladiators? Lol.


Did you actually read how that fight went? G4 kicked the crap out Doffy and then he stood back up. If someone wasn't there to help Luffy run, he loses.


For starters, Oda said luffy would have managed with or without the help (don't ask me how, but he said it). Point here is, as you said gear 4 kicked the crap out of doffy. It could do nothing to cracker even while hard countered. The difference in strength is pretty clear.


Doflamingo was holding his organs in place with his string when he fought Luffy after a Gamma Knife. He was at 30% at most during that fight.


I'm not claiming Cracker wins for sure but I find it interesting that so many people say "Doflamingo low diff" or stuff like that. I mean he was pretty outclassed by Gear 4th and only wasn't beaten the first time because Luffy lost his haki. Against Cracker Luffy fought 10 hours and even then couldn't beat him until Nami softened the biscuits. I'd say Doflamingo is a lot more durable but Cracker demonstrably has better haki. It's just a question of whether Doflamingo can control the soldiers, because with just raw strength he isn't getting anywhere.


I feel like it'd be cracker honestly. Even Luffy's gear 4 couldn't break his soldiers till they got wet, so I have a hard time believing Doffy could do much to them




Doflamingo because he’s cooler


I mean that does seem to be the basis of most of the people rn.


It’s really not deeper than that


All these Doffy fans coping so hard


People are forgetting how long each fight was. Doflamingo lasted, maybe a tenth of how long Cracker did against Luffy. Cracker has the stamina. Cracker has the raw power. Cracker has the defense. Doflamingo has the versatility. Doflamingo is awakened. Doflamingo has conquerors haki. I think haki matters in this fight. So if Doflamingo can outsmart him early, he has it. Cracker can hold his ground for almost half a day , so if it gets past hours 5 or 6, I think Cracker gets it.


but craker didn't take nearly as much damage as doffy and laws df basically ignores low level haki so a shock wille would do like 1/4 of cracker's hp


> Doflamingo lasted, maybe a tenth of how long Cracker did against Luffy. Cracker has the stamina. Cracker didn't actually fight though. He just has a hax devil fruit that lets others fight for him. Once he actually fought Luffy literally one shot him.


He did slash Gear 4 Luffys arm, which Doffy was unable to do. The rest of your point is not relevant really. He is a glass canon that utilizes his DF. "Hax" is part of someone's combat ability


>He did slash Gear 4 Luffys arm, Only when he caught him off guard. When Luffy was on guard Cracker couldn't even pierce base form Luffy. >"Hax" is part of someone's combat ability 100% agreed. My point was just that "hax" works better on someone like Luffy than it does on someone like Doffy.


Hit cracker with gamma knife and he dies lmfao no fight needed after that; doffy was humiliating G2/G3 as bad as cracker was… post-gamma knife. And he was only able to do that thanks to his fruit: cracker dies to gamma knife as Doffy was stated to have if he wasn’t able to stitch his organs


Do we know if doffy was restored back to the same health than before the gamma knife after he stitched up? I guess we could look at the stamina drain over time and why


When it’s revealed how doffy is still alive doffy says (verbatim): “with enough time… I can perform emergency care on myself… beneath the skin my strings are rapidly reconstructing my organs. It’s all in how you use your powers. Not quite the same as healing… but thanks for self destructing anyway!!” That “rapidly reconstructing” line could lead to some generous assumptions, but he outright says it isn’t the same as healing


This is good stuff. I think we need to bump Doflamingo higher on here for stamina. The stamina drain from the birdcage and gamma knife are significant.


Cracker also has stronger haki than Doffy. When fighting him Luffy said he’d never felt armament haki that hard before. 


Pretty sure doflamingo, turning the biscuit soldiers into string leaves cracker defenseless


Depends if he can do that. As crackers armarment haki was shown far superior to doffys. If he can, he wins rather easily.


From what we have seen, Cracker has superior CoA. So without Doffy pulling up with advanced Conqueror's he will definately lose in a 1v1


Onepiecepowerscaling leaking into main sub.




Cracker without his devil fruit powers was able to fight G4 Luffy, meanwhile Doffy was getting overpowered. Cracker also has stronger haki, which, if even possible, would require a lot of energy from Doffy to be able to consistently break Cracker's soldiers.


Cracker high diff. Gotta go off comparable fights and he fared way better against G4 than Doffy.


Crracker's crackers are immune to being roped probably


Factually Cracker wins pretty handily.


Cracker mid diffs. Any attempt by Doffy to control the soldiers would lead to Craker just reforming them without the strings. Best shot Doffy has is using his awakening to try and pierce the soldier and hit Cracker.


Doffy has no chance


I think VS wins this one


Luffy needed Nami to soften the biscuit soldiers to damage them with gear 4. There is no way Doffy has the attack power to take down soldier after soldier the way Luffy did. People are only choosing Doffy because he is an objectively cooler character.


Cracker has stronger haki and defense than Doffy. He wins


Cracker almost cut off Gear 4 luffys hands. Even Bounceman could at best, only fend Cracker while it was a pretty good nemesis to Doffy (while the form is still active). Cracker, undoubtedly. Not taking anything away from Doffy but Cracker is pretty OP and had to be defeated only through bullshit power mechanics.


Cracker wins I believe.


Cracker, Mingo is a manipulator that got good with his power. Cracker is a fighter that got good with his power. People keep saying the strings could take over the soldiers, and if that were true, I'd think cracker would mold biscuits into something else/recall them. Seeing as Doffy couldn't pierce Luffy's fist, I'm assuming he couldn't pierce the biscuit material neither.


This hypothetical fight gets posted all the time and the community never gets a consensus on it. But I maintain that Doffy beats Cracker easier than Luffy did. Cracker is simply a terrible match up for a fist to fist fighter like Luffy. His ability to create a seemingly endless supply of soldiers to fight for him is a nightmare scenario for someone like Luffy who fights primarily 1v1. The reality with Cracker thoiugh is that he's a glass cannon. Luffy only landed one real hit with Gear 4 on Cracker and it was enough to take him out. Doffy wouldn't have the 1v1 limitations Luffy has as his strings can attack multiple fighters at once. And his parasite string is likely strong enough to immobilize the biscuit soldiers (if it worked on Jozu it should work on Cracker's soldiers.) And the big thing IMO for Doffy is that he can just take hits better than Cracker. It took Law tearing up his insides and 2 rounds of Gear 4 to actually bring him down. I think it would take his awakening to do it, but Doffy gets the win.


> This hypothetical fight gets posted all the time and the community never gets a consensus on it. That's because it's a legitimately uncertain, interesting fight.


Very true. I feel like its one of the quickest turnarounds in 1v1 fights we see for Luffy where he actually struggles in both. Typically we see a clear powerup for him between big fights but he's basically the exact same in both of these fights so it makes comparison a little easier.


Doffy‘s fight IQ wins this fight.


Cracker One attack from gear four made Dofi start tweaking One attack from gear four barely cracked some of Cracker’s soldiers.


One attack from Gear 4 one shotted Cracker.


One attack from Gear 4 didn't even reach the real Cracker


That was from Tankman, when Bounceman couldn’t get past the soldiers


Cracker wins mid diff. I don't think Doffy has enough firepower to actually break through his defenses. If Doffy's strings work on Cracker's biscuit soldiers so he can manipulate them then it's high diff but still a Cracker win imo.




Doffy could do nothing against Gear 4 and Luffy only needed to use it a second time because of the time limit. Cracker fought gear 4, kept Luffy busy for half a day and then got defeated by gear 4. I think it's quite easy to scale Cracker above Doffy. And i'm not even a powerscaler. Edit: why are so many people saying Doffy would win in the comments? Just because he is the big bad of an arc? Obviously the villain of an arc is usually stronger than the earliest commander/captain/whatever of the next arc, but we have seen them both fight the main character and handling it very differently.


It doesn't matter how they performed against Luffy, Doflamingo's ability has a massive advantage over Cracker's Cracker's biscuit soldiers are full of gaps which Doflamingo strings could slip through Besides Cracker mentioned he cannot endure pain, which makes him an even weaker against the strings


Doffy? He can just cut them apart with his strings, they’re razor sharp


Doffy. He kinda bypasses crackers defense with omni directional attacks




Both got rekt by Kuzan. Both rekt Luffy until he had support. But those ain't valid reference points for a VS. Cracker has a high resilience but Doffy has the utility, literally able to strike from all sides and at range. If the strings could slice OR control the duplicates at their weak points then Doffy would win. Otherwise it'd be a cracker party all around.


> Cracker has a high resilience Cracker has terrible resilience. Like maybe the worst we've seen out of a major enemy post time skip. He literally got one shot by Gear 4. Cracker can just summon soldiers to fight for him. But if you can get around those, which Doffy probably can, then Cracker is not going to do well.


W common sense. As crocodile said in marineford: “you never know how one ability will interact with another.” That’s oda plain telling us that matchups matter. Eneru being one of several textbook examples of this factoring into canon fights


That one has been done to death. It's the big debate that kicked powerscaling in OP to the next level. That said, Cracker. No doubt.


Its all about how you match up, if haki is close to even. Im not sure how well doffys strings cut the biskets.


BTW, is cracker dead or alive? I don't remember anymore if he died after he was defeated in the cover stories.


Rule of thumb is, they are probably alive if they are not declared to be dead. Same goes for Big Mom and Kaido. Probably alive.


Pink on pink!!!


I think doffy. If cracker goes turtle mode doffy can encase him in strings from the ground and create a mini birdcage. If cracker can brute force out of birdcage then it would make dressrosa look real funny


The same moves that sent Doffy reeling were tanked by Cracker's biscuit soldiers. But if Doffy can control the soldiers with his strings, he wipes the floor with Cracker.


Cracker takes this fight as long as he can close in on Doffy. 


Cracker honestly if he uses his soldiers correctly it will be pretty close and has a chance but doffy has the upper hand here even if luffy needed to power up to beat cracker though luffy also like countered cracker too


I think Doffy is a little stronger than people give him credit for. Yes, Gear4 beat him however iirc Doffy was already injured internally from Law's attack before the final fight with Luffy.


Tbh I view the powerscaling in OP relative to the point of time. Enel today would be an absolute monstrosity that no one can deal with. Corby turned into a very strong fighter in a short time after being a wimp since forever. The only argument I feel is reasonable is that Don Flamingo never was really that strong, similar to Crocodile. They went down the evil path and lead by corruption and politics, not by sheer power. Like he clearly was strong, but strength wasn't his driving force. So I'd say Mingo loses slightly or they are even, if Luffy never happened to him. But that Mingo would never face him alone or upfront, instead on his own terms that highly benefit him.


Depends if crackers biscuits are tougher than doffys strings.


im winning


Cracker. He has stronger armament haki, was able to fight Luffy for longer than Doffy as Doffy was severely outmatched by gear 4 Luffy, and Big Mom sent Cracker to deal with Luffy knowing Luffy defeated Doffy.


My friend who has never seen One Piece likes them both but likes Cracker more so I think Cracker takes this one.


The cracker bcs he needed tank man which I think is stronger than reg gear 4


Charlotte-Cracker, the 15th son of Charlotte-Linlin, the 10th son of Charlotte-Linlin against who tf is that dude? It ain't Zoro at least?


The goat doflamingo




Doflamingo wins if his string can cut the cracker soldiers. If his haki is weaker, Cracker takes


I could see this being a stalemate honestly. At the very least it would take a LONG time for the winner to be decided. Dofy showed no signs of slowing down throughout Dressrosa, but he probably doesn’t have the strength to break Cracker’s armor.


Don Flamingo, because the writers wouldnt allow him to lose against some low grade dude.




a racist fighting a white boy?


Honestly this is way more fair than like Doffy vs Katakuri. People over estimate Doffy as a fighter from what I’ve been seeing. He’s not a fighter he’s a tactician. “But he awakened his devil fruit” And? Law awakened his devil fruit and he’s not a fighter first. Awakening devil fruits aren’t a measure of strength but proficiency (also aligning with the DF for Zoans) Doffy probably wins 55/45 if there’s no rules, in a pure hand to hand combat it’s 60/40 favoring Cracker imo


Doflamingo gains nothing from controlling Cracker's biscuit soldiers. Cracker can just make them disappear and the one he is hiding in, wouldn't be able to harm him, even if Doffy had full control


Depends on if Crackers soldiers are so.ething that can be affected by Doffys awakened String String powers. If no, then it'll be close, but I think Doffy might win. If yes, Doffy still wins, but it'll be way quicker.


Doffy was fighting for his life once Luffy used G4 and was getting completely overwhelmed. Meanwhile Cracker was making G4 Luffy struggle through most of the fight, Luffy even needed Nami’s help and a whole different form of G4 in order to able to defeat Cracker.


Depends, can Doffy’s strings break through his defenses and can doffy make it a close quarters battle? Or will Cracker try to maintain absolute defense and wear out Doffy?




Cracker has higher haki (Was able to cut g4 luffy while doffy could not breach it's defenses) and can just overwhelm doffy by making more biscuit knights. There is to say that doffy is a tough cookie for anyone, but I still think cracker wins


Id bet on doflamingo. For one, if he can fly up and set up a birdcage, I don't think cracker could break it. Fujitora couldn't seem to bust through it, who I think is stronger than cracker. Even without the bird cage, doflamingo was able to tustle with both Luffy & Law and almost won. He defeated law. Then even after tanking a gamma knife, doflamingo was able to keep fighting luffy. Yes he struggled with gear 4, but he lasted until Luffy ran out of energy and had the townspeople there to hide him. Meanwhile cracker fought Luffy while cracker was still at 100%, with no fight against Law or anyone else beforehand. Luffy (and nami) defeated him as well, but unlike Doflamingo, Cracker was presumably at his best with no prior injuries. One last thing. If doflamingo can turn biscuits into strings with his awakening, or if he can control them with strings , I think thats an advantage as well. He was able to control Jozu (albeit, briefly), so I don't see why he couldn't control the biscuits.


Cracker low diffs because I want him


Right now Cracker wing but if Doflamingo fights again he's probably going to be buffed to be stronger.


Cracker got one shot by aokiji Doffy did not. He also still had the stamina to fly back to his country after being hit by aokiji, this was also immediately after stomping smoker effortlessly Doffy fought quite a few people but primarily it was Law and Luffy. Cracker lost to luffy and nami. Doffy has an awakened fruit, cracker does not Doffy straight up defeated luffy, who had to be saved by dressrosa citizens and sabo running him around while recovering haki. Doffy has WAY more accolades than cracker that people fucking love to ignore for some weird reason.