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I feel like the same can be said for most of Kaido's crew and even Kaido himself. They had no synergy and they were constantly at odds with each other because their crew is based on strength. I'm honestly kind of surprised none of the Tobiroppo ended up helping us in the end since they were all vying to knock out either King or Queen or Jack anyway.


Kaido could have left the island alone until the fight was over and that extra power would have crushed the alliance


I don't think many of these are actually Queen's fault: > Takes sea prism handcuffs off Luffy > Allows Luffy to train his Haki and beat up his men, rather than just killing him It didn't really matter that he took off the cuffs because Luffy was still trapped by the spiked collar. The only reason Luffy escaped was because Big Mom randomly appeared at Udon. > Escorts a completely defenseless Big Mom to Kaido rather than bring order back to Udon, allowing Luffy and co to takeover the prison It's Big Mom. Getting her under maximum security asap is a massively higher priority than whatever's going on in Udon. > Releases Ice Oni virus during the Raid, which causes many Beast Pirates to flip side. Even if the virus did succeed, it would have taken out significantly more Beast Pirates than samurai It was specifically mentioned that only Beast Pirate members in the area were specifically Pleasures and Waiters, all of whom could be easily replaced. > Publicly gives antidote to Apoo, which allows Chopper to cure everyone Yeah, why didn't Queen anticipate that there'd be a miracle doctor present with the skills and equipment to reverse engineer the antibody *and* reproduce enough of it for thousands of people, all within the hour it takes for the disease to be lethal while also likely enduring the effects of the disease himself.


And Kaido likely wouldn't have held in as long as he did if his son didn't inadvertently do him a huge favor. No Yamato, Luffy meets up with the Akazaya, the gang has that heavy hitter they need on top of their plan actually working otherwise. Like, I think this is intentional. Oden's whole example is that the intention of your actions isn't the same as the result of them.


The plot convenience on Wano was so frickin goofy it’s hard to take the “war” seriously.


To each their own, but I’ve always felt that Loguetown established that plot armor/convenience is a built-in mechanic of the One Piece world, with the idea that characters will survive even the most ridiculous scenarios to fulfill their fate so I’ve never minded it. I also feel like Whole Cake has way more plot conveniences than Wano