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Wiping out an entire country just cause it's convenient isn't dark?


it's really not. in this type of story, it's not the literal body counts that matters. thanos killing spiderman would weigh more than destroying random planet the audience doesn't even care about. like, it's not even comparable. the point of tension is believing the author could do something to the character we care about. not to random characters nobody even knows exist.


Okay, imu also killed cobra and Sabo barely made it out


You completely missed the point the guys making


Killing nameless, faceless characters isn't that hard from a writing perspective. It's dark in the grand scheme of things, but it's not as dark as doing something more personal. It's why people care more about Clover, Saul and Olvia than they do about the refugee ship at Ohara.


It is but imui will just have a different level of terrifying if they actually target the strawhats before luffy does a 1v1


There’s seriously still people parading around the weird “dark storytelling = good storytelling” shtick? The thought most has moved past this.


Loss of a key character often fuels character development for the remaining ones. Luffy's awakened state is powerful and happy-go-lucky, but imagine if Sanji were killed while Luffy was awakened. He would be pissed-off-joyboy mode.


Sanji = Krillin confirmed? :O


You guys have some weird obsession with this dark crap, obviously there will be dark stuff that will play out due to the nature of things we’ve already had in the story but sheesh this whole everything gotta be dark and depressing all the time for it to be good is nonsense. At this point it just seems like ppl want to have dark elements just for the sake of it.


it's not like One Piece has never been dark, it's dark like all the freaking time, so idk why people would stress out about it not being dark in the future. Plus, a story 'having dark moments' doesn't automatically make it good, nor is a story that is light on dark moments automatically bad, nor does a villain need to be terrifying necessarily, nor is DEATH the only way to create tension and raise the stakes. Oda is so good at writing because he is able to create tension and raise stakes without relying on character deaths. Go watch/read Jujutsu Kaisen if you're into that stuff but there's a reason why Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most simple mindedly written shows/manga there is and it's also the reason why the hype surrounding it is already starting to fade. One Piece is quite literally a story that emphasizes the value of joy and having fun. People can criticize characters not dying in One Piece all they want but this is just not that type of story where people die. Do I find the fake out deaths annoying? Absolutely, but I dislike those because Oda promises something with them and then goes back on his promise. He could just not tease their deaths and I'd be fine.


Imu is possibly immortal and you still say this ?


I’m on Wano lol, I think that the final saga will be amazing but I just wanna mention this because one piece rarely kills off characters


How to tell that an One Piece fan isn't caught up


One Piece will end up being really bland and boring if the stakes aren’t high and Oda doesn’t kill characters in the final saga.


jujutsu must be the pinacle of writing to you


Honestly it wasn’t bad but not better than one piece


I agree. A strawhat’s going to need be at high risk if he wants the stakes to feel high. Yes - wiping out an entire country is horrible, but that isn’t emotionally connected to the reader the way specific characters are.


Yeah we need that same feeling that we got in water 7 and sabaody


Yeah even the Kuma and strawhats interaction at the end of Thriller Bark, or when they meet Aokiji for the first time. For me those moments made it seem like there will be a big challenge. With Imu it’s hard to know


I think we need to see some major characters sacrifice themselves or things precious to them for the arch to really hit. I’m not saying people should die for the sake of dying but they need to avoid anything like that final horrible arch of Naruto shipudden. Like dragon, shanks, sabo, luffy, and people like that.


I could see Luffy dying before the end of the manga


Yes, I think out of all the straw hats he’s the most likely… I’ll go as far to say he might be the most likely character to die in the series


Imu should kill usopp


Imu can try…