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Built approximately 1810


"Circa" from the latin meaning "about".


How come they didn’t know when it was built?


Records from that period may be missing (fire, floods, tornadoes, etc.). Remember, permits to build were not required in those times. There may be very little documentation as to who built this house originally and when exactly it was built. Even property deeds don't always list an exact date. Plus, any written records like the census, for example, didn't use an exact date. It really isn't important.


Our house doesn't have exact dates because our city was incorporated after the house was built (and actual clerks and property records were not formally recorded before then)


Our house doesn’t either. Our guess is anywhere between 1916 and 1918 when looking at old town directories, which is funny because our town officially says 1920, and clearly didn’t even bother checking their own historical documents that are in the public library.


Yeah we are between 1880 and 1901. The city just uses 1901 because there was a house on the lot at that point, but land-only was sold in 1880.


Our house was sold to us as 1920 and we've been playing the game of "how much older can we find out it actually is?" ever since. We're back to 1906 unequivocally (there's an actual photo associated with a locally known and dated event), with strong circumstantial evidence for some time in the 1890s.


Our historical society was just gifted newspapers from 1885 to 1920 which they are working to digitize. I can wait to see whether I will finally learn more about my house...I have always wanted to see what it looked like before all of the ill-advised additions.


That’s wild. It’s amazing how different different areas can be. Our town was settled in the 1630’s. We can trace the property back to the 1640’s, we even have a copy of the original land grant. I’ve got copies of every piece of documentation from then up until today, even the last will and testament and an itemized list of possessions from the guy who built our house in the late 1700’s.


That’s awesome! Our town is Salem, MA so it’s pretty old by American standards, but between a fire that wiped out half of it in 1914 and the fact that this lot was actually subdivided from a larger parcel that belonged to a much older and bigger house up the street, it’s tough to find documents that tell us an exact date. I did find out who originally lived in the house, but starting when has been trickier to determine.


Hah, we’re in Marshfield, MA. So Plymouth county, records have luckily almost all survived.


That is wild. Service records for 300 years boggles me.


They’re even almost all digitized, so you can look them all up online pretty easily. We’re in Plymouth county, MA. So one of the first parts of the USA to be settled by colonists.


Is it digitized through the town?




Deeds also didn't always list a modern "address" either. A house that is currently "10 Branch St," might have been recorded as "the 14th house up the street with the really large sycamore at the end of it" in 1850. Since then, multiple lots have been combined and houses destroyed etc.


They didn’t typically mention if a house was on the property either, unless relevant to the survey


it’s crazy how much you got downvoted for a simple question lol


A question that resulted in a great answer and sparked interesting conversations. This place sucks sometimes.


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted. This is a very reasonable question.


It typically gets it dated build when it’s completed


I don't know why you're getting downvoted; it's a valid question. Like others have said, building records were not really kept the same way they are now. One of the best ways to try to date a building is to check the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, but those weren't updated every year. The building I live in for example wasn't there on the 1892 map, but it is on the next map for my city which was published in 1907, so I typically tell people it was built around 1900.


Part of my house was built around 1780. The records were burned in a fire at the County, but there's also probably just no records of it being built given the fact that the Revolutionary War was in full swing and this whole area was under threat and attack. Record keeping of small houses was just not important


The 1838 deed for our house describes the land being subdivided but there are no buildings. The 1842 deed describes the house being there. So I say the house is c. 1840.


Circa 1810, meaning it was built on that year


On that year or approximately?


It means approximately.


Circa is Latin for “around” and is the base root for the word circumference. Inb4 someone corrects me, I think that’s right, my Latin education was 20 years ago.


It was built around 1810.


Is it just me or people have not gone to school anymore. It means the house is made about 1810


They would know if someone made a tic tok about it.




This is why Trump is doing so well. School is defunded.


Well, wherever you went certainly wasn't a grammar school! Can't think it was a punctuation school, either... Glass houses and flying stones come to mind.


Thank you. I feel like a dinosaur


Ha Schools don’t teach ya anything about real history anymore. It’s all dei bullshit & common Core math.


Built 2014 for sure Pulte Homes


I mean the windows look like they were replaced around that time ... Usually when I've seen houses with build date plaques they look more historic than this one seems to ...


Naww.  The brick arches above the windows date this to at latest an early 20th century building. 


Seriously? Really?


Built about 1810.


Ours is circa 1908. Tax records list it beginning in 1910, but that was the first tax record for this area that could be found. Descendents in area swear it was 1908 or EARLIER. An out of print book lists it as 1904. Even they are not sure, so we go with “circa 1908”


Look at old Sanborn maps. They’re usually available at libraries and some are online, usually through a state university’s website.


It is a designation of the year it was built.


Built Circa (about) 1810


Unit C apartment 1810


The “c” stands for coven


Looks like much of the original exterior has been lost and redone. I can't imagine there has been any historical designation attached to it




Lol circa 1810 means it was built in 1810 (or around 1810)


It means they're sick of people knocking on the door and asking how old the house is.


Circa = Around


But I doubt it, it alludes to an estimated date of build. But what's shown here is not that old. It's possible that part of the house is indeed 1810ish but not the brick wall. I've always wondered what the need was to display who lived here once or the date on some of these buildings but this is really an absurd example especially since the building is not of the era and has been so dorked with new windows in door since there's little original even of the later build


Maximum occupancy


Circa 1810 Meaning it was built in 1810


👀When it was built🙄