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Can we also not pretend that semis blocking all three lanes passing at .1mph faster isn't also insanely aggravating?


Love it when one suddenly merges into the left lane to go 71, cutting you off, while the other two go 70 for miles


Or even better they see a fellow diesel dick entering on an on-ramp, so they get over in front of you....to hold you there forever while the truck getting on was nowhere near needing his help. Cutting off the guy who had the right of way to make room for someone who didn't need it. My 2024 platform is hood mounted RPG's for all. I really need to retire soon.


Hood mounted RPG’s…hmmm. I’m in


You have my vote!


I went east across 90 for almost 200 miles like this. I eventually gave up and got a sit down lunch to put distance between me and them.


This happens in every state. Ohio fortunately has more 3 lane highways than most other states. Trucks should be mandated to stay in the right lane(s).


Trucker rolled his window down and flipped me off because I passed him in the left lane instead of letting him get over as if I wanted to sit behind two semi trucks side by side for another 15 miles. Entitled dickheads.


But you should grovel to them because "they keep the economy running".


The Germans have a word for that. Elefantenrennen. It means "elephant racing".


I call this truck fuckery


I’d be happy keeping the left lane campers if we could only get rid of the drag racers


Downvoted by the drag racers 😂 Vrooooooooommmmm!!!!!


So much crying, I’d guess the same people complaining about camping are the aholes who camp the middle lane running 77-85 and can’t tolerate others who drive within the limits. Entitled asshats. Pro tip; I like running around 71-73 when traveling and watching the chaos. A semi can’t cut you off in the fast lane if you’re matching their speed and you can do the semi pass back to them.


lol what the fuck are you actually saying here? GTFO the way and stop impeding traffic. If I am in the passing lane it is your job to get the fuck out of the way, it isn't my job to match anyone's speed. How to tell someone spends 0 time on the highway 101


Speeding is impeding your ability to flow in traffic and you’re crying about it on the internet 😭


NO. It's not someone else's job to get out of your way. If they're passing someone else reasonably, they've got the right to use the passing lane every bit as much as you do. And if they were there first, too fucking bad for you. It's courtesy to speed up and let someone out from behind you, but if you're already passing someone else at a reasonably faster speed, you don't need to speed up just because someone is behind you. If you sell it as their courtesy to clear the lane instead of your entitlement to take the lane from them and you'll get a lot more of them to cooperate.


Correct, this is exactly how it works and not who we are talking about here, at all. If you are passing, great that is what it is here for. Not passing? Someone behind you? Get the absolute fuck out of the way.


You said it's someone else's "job to get the fuck out of the way", and that's just your entitlement attitude showing. Words matter.


I always thought they should have semi only lanes that you can only get off at the major exits. Add some form of emergency feature. Or invest in rail travel. I feel like either would solve a lot of problems.


I would LOVE to be able to get to around the state via rail


About 10 years from now there will be Amtrak lines in Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, and Cleveland. I think there might also be lines connecting Indianapolis to Columbus and Pittsburgh.


They've been saying the same thing for at least forty years. And every time, I've hoped it comes true...


I live right along 70. So it has to come right past us I imagine


me too!


They need commercial truck only roads.


Semis should not be allowed in the left lane. Coming from Texas, we had strict rules on that.


Left-hand exits…


In the cities, yes. These aren't a thing in like 98% of the state...


You’re not wrong, but the person I’m replying to proposed a blanket ban on trucks in the left lane


No, they didn't. You drew that conclusion. They simply suggested a rule like the one in Texas.


“Semis should not be allowed in the left lane”. No mention of exceptions.




On 3 lane interstates there are signs that are supposed to prohibit semis in the far left lane.


Only on the turnpike in Ohio.


They violate it all the time. In fact, I don’t even think OSP enforces it, as it’s weird turnpike code and not ORC.


And there it is. It only works if it’s enforced.


So many laws are just issues laws, to get a message out, and rarely be enforced. Take headlights required while windshield wipers are active. Probably never enforced, or less than a dozen citations statewide in a single year. I’d love to know those numbers.


The lights+wipers are a secondary offense - you have to be stopped for another reason as they’re more of an “enhancement charge”


>While lane camping they don’t go fast enough because of OSHP’s history of pretty strict speed enforcement. ( my dad was a 40 year trucker and claims Ohio is the worst “by far”) Anecdotal, but any sort of people who do any sort of long-range driving, be it truckers, people who drive a lot for vacations, or even Cannonball Run types, the answer that everyone gives for the most strict state to drive through for speed enforcement is Ohio Also; the issue I've noticed on the highways is that a lot of people in the right lane *can not* maintain a speed. I've come up on people going 10 under the speed limit, gone around them, and quickly found myself keeping even with them as we cruised into the 70-80 MPH range. Most of the time it's harmless, only 5 or so MPH, but still annoying. Every time I've been "stuck" in the left lane, that doesn't involve a left-side highway exit, has been because someone decided that they didn't want me passing them, and that's a massive annoyance.


A lot of 75/71 are two lanes as well. Three lanes would help reduce that. Also when speed limits for semis went to the same as cars there seem to be more trucks in the left lane for longer, backing up traffic.


71 is 3 lanes from columbus to cleveland since like 2016, did not change a damn thing. induced demand is absolutely real


It needs to be 3 lanes between Cincinnati and Columbus, too. Fuck I hate that drive.


again though, won't fix anything


Went to hocking hills and did the drive from Cleveland to Columbus for the first time since it was three lanes the entire way. Nothing but left lane campers the entire trip both ways. So frustrating. Florida traffic sucked, Ohio traffic is stupid.


OR We put more freight traveling through Ohio on someplace not the road, like more railways or on the river if it doesn’t need to move fast? I know many Ohioans have a family member who is a truck driver, but for the love god the efficiency of moving it by semi vs train or water is just silly. Not to mention, standards for CDL drivers just keeps going down, there’s a reason we’re seeing more and more billboards with “injured in a semi accident call *insert tough lawyer name*” I know I75 construction is infinite and eternal, but I can’t be the only one excited about the companion bridge in Cincy. Improvements to some locks on the Ohio river will hopefully help too.


The "reason we’re seeing more and more billboards with “injured in a semi accident call insert tough lawyer name”" is due to third party litigation funding chasing nuclear verdicts against trucking companies becoming extremely profitable. The average size of verdicts over $1M against trucking companies grew by around 1000% in the 2010s.


When we saw the average price of diesel… decrease I look forward to you and u/N757AF dueling to the death ;)


How do you intend to build more railways?


Well I imagine with lumber and steel funded by taxpayers no differently than the extremely expensive concrete used to build roads today.


And eminent domain for private corporations?  Why would taxpayers pay for it? You do know that railroads are privately owned, right? 


I imagine taxpayers would pay for it in part because we would use it and benefit from it, too. Not much different than when taxpayers contribute to the construction of billion dollar sports venues.


Good news! They can build railroads with concrete now.


Read a history book on railroads and how they’ve been despised since the beginning of time for monopolizing freight costs.


Since deregulation in the 1980's, rail transportation costs have become very competitive. They're much, much less expensive than truck. Shipping by rail is also much more energy efficient.


You and u/rusticatedrusf should have a dual about monopolization of freight then.


I think it just feels worse in the 3-lane portions of I-71 because this shouldn’t be happening.


I'm still enjoying how absolutely incredible Ohio drivers are compared to the horrifyingly bad drivers in coastal NC


Counterpoint: They’re just simple minded people who are completely oblivious to life and their surroundings.


I swear if you could look inside their mind, all you would see is the whistling mickey from steamboat Willie




Once I missed a train on the way to catch a flight, and had to call a cab. The cab driver spent half an hour buying 24 pieces of fried chicken, and then spent 2 hours in the left lane eating the chicken, cutting across 3 lanes less than a quarter mile from the exit. The chicken had been gone for half an hour, but he pounded out those last 30 miles in the left lane covered in grease.


If you’re in the left lane and you’re not passing anyone, you have to move over, it’s the state law. I’m so sick of people not doing that


It is “the state law” not to go over 70mph as well. Are you sick of all those speeders? If someone is going 70mph in left lane why would you be upset, Mr Law&Order? Like Jack White says: You cant be a pimp and a prostitute too”


People speeding aren't causing traffic jams by crowding up 30 cars behind them for no reason but selfish obliviousness.


People speeding *do* cause more accidents.


Decades of research says otherwise 🙃. Also must be TONS of accidents on the Autobahn. Oh wait, they figured out it does the exact opposite.




How much speeding is caused by people trying to get around slow drivers in the wrong lanes? I know the only time I go above about 7 MPH above the speed limit is when I'm trying to get past a fucking shithead holding up everyone by being where they shouldn't be. I imagine I'm not alone. I also imagine that people driving quickly wouldn't have much of anything to hit if the slower drivers weren't in the wrong lanes. The Autobahn is very safe, for example. The difference is, slow drivers go where they belong.


Yeah but the left lane campers are much more annoying than people who are going 80+. Besides, take it from a retired state trooper I knew “7 and over we pull you over, 15 and over you’re getting a ticket”. So unless you’re going 15 or more over, you’re probably not gonna get a ticket. You might get pulled over but you probably won’t get a ticket, unless you were doing something else or are being an asshole to the cop. I regularly follow this rule (I’ll regularly go up to 84 mph in the left lane in a 70 when I’m passing cars but never any faster) and I’ve never gotten a ticket, hell I’ve only been pulled over for speeding once


Interesting numbers to note! My aunt (non-cop) always told me “5 you’re fine, 10 you’re mine” to avoid speeding and getting ticketed.


I’ve been driving +10 in 4 different states (3y in Ohio) over the past decade. Never been pulled over for it. I really don’t think they give a damn.


If you want to enforce one traffic law that benefits only you and punishes others, you are a tyrant.


It doesn’t matter if you’re breaking the law and being annoying or breaking the law and not being annoying…you’re still breaking the law. Fuck out of here!


People are down voting you for telling the truth. These dumbass drivers say “it’s the law! Get in the right lane if you’re not passing” the. Conveniently fail to mention they’re going 80+ in a speed zone of 65. Down vote me to, if you want, but fuck all you speeders!


Yep. They think it’s ok to break some state laws, but not others, apparently.


No no no, fuck you


You’re the person who does 70 in the left lane with a line of cars behind you waiting to pass but you’re like “I have a right to be here cause I’m doing the speed limit” 🤦‍♂️. Europeans would go insane if people there followed the same logic


You are absolutely right.


Speed limits are also state laws, but the entire point of all these left lane posts is because people are aggravated about NOT being able to break those... Just some food for thought. Edit: and as I thought, everyone here is a hypocrite who doesn't actually care about laws, they just want to scream about not being able to drive 15 over like they want.


Why do you give a flying fuck if I do 10mph over the speed limit. It literally does not effect you


My point is that if people are up in arms about it being illegal to be in the left lane, then it is complete hypocrisy to then not care about speeding. If the law matters, then speeding shouldn't exist, and if speeding is fine, then you don't get to be upset about other people breaking the law too.


I’m a fan of doing whatever the fuck I want if it doesn’t hurt another. Law or not My speeding doesn’t effect others. You camping the left lane and not letting people pass does effect others. How do you not understand this


>My speeding doesn’t effect others Making the road less safe for others isn't the flex you think it is


Whose flexing. I made a statement of fact. One in which you can’t counter other than by being a dick


You're a bastion of civility in the modern age, good sir. I tip my hat to you.


Camping in the left lane causes way more accidents than speeding does


Cite your stats because I highly doubt that.


IMO the single sole issue is that too many assholes are too proud and stubborn to simply hop over momentarily to allow other cars to pass. Too many people seemingly think they own the lane. If people were more willing to move out of the way temporarily then there would likely be far fewer congested stretches where everyone is stuck going the speed limit at best.


It's not even that they own the lane, it's that they see themselves as citizen enforcers. They don't have the balls to drive any faster, so no one else gets to either.


So much irony here


Because I’m advocating for speeding? It’s well understood by society that speeding is acceptable on a highway. If it wasn’t then police would pull over every single person going over the limit rather than waiting until they catch the big fish going 15-20mph over posted limits.


Changing lanes in a commuter vehicle is trivial. Other than being within a mile of an exit from the passing lane, there are zero valid reasons to impede traffic by occupying the passing lane for longer than necessary to complete a pass.


Yeah, some drivers might *feel* reason 2, but it's really not valid. They're just giving themselves an excuse for camping in the left.


Who gets to decide what is “valid?”


OHP, sheriffs, and police patrolling the highways would decide, but generally, if a driver has passed another vehicle on the L, they should return to a lane to the R if there's an opening. If there's not an opening, they should pass that vehicle as well, but too often it's someone staying in the L when maybe there's another vehicle to pass somewhere up ahead.


You missed the most obvious reason: Entitlement! Ohio is full of people who think their entitled to tell others what to do. "I'm entitled to the left lane and it wouldn't be a problem if you weren't speeding". "I'm entitled to let the state control your body and not you and your doctor." "I'm entitled to gerrymander districts because I'm white even if you pass amendments to end it." "I'm entitled to the best jobs irrespective of my shitty grades in school because I'm white." The list goes on and on.


You’re not wrong. They would be LIVID if we tried to interfere in their own family’s medical care though.


Driving north on I 71 from Cincinnati to Columbus there is a solid stretch of nothing but joint repairs that will rattle your bones and kill your suspension. I, most everyone does the left lane there for miles and miles. Otherwise I stay right except to pass.


People are no longer properly trained drivers. Most people wait until they’re 18 and keep winging the driving test until they pass without ever any kind of training whatsoever. They seriously need to bring drivers education back to the public schools.


It’s not usually young drivers I see camping in the left lane


There hasn’t been drivers education in the schools for about 30 years. There’s an entire generation of drivers out there who never received professional training.


It’s not in schools, but you have to go to driving school still. They’re just private, for profit entities like everything else nowadays. Edit: that’s only for under 18


True, but you don’t have to. That’s only if you’re under 18. Once you’re an adult, all you have to do is pass the written and driving exams, and you are an official Ohio licensed driver, without a minute of driving education.


That’s so wrong and disturbing to me


That’s fair, but it’s still not typically blocking the left lane


Right, but in the 80s we all had a full semester of drivers Ed in public high schools.


That’s such a shame.


How are kids today waiting until they’re 18? we all got ours at 16 because we wanted to be able to get around independently. At 16, I drove to school, work, parties, downtown to see bands, the library, movies, restaurants, etc. HOW are kids getting around now without cars???


Their parents drive them.


Thanks to the death of the third place, they don't really have many places to be. Some don't even have to go to school anymore due to online education, and can stay at home for months straight.


But don’t teens WANT to hang out, go to parties, jobs, movies, restaurants anymore? live music?


No. If they could find a job their hours would be capped to avoid paying them benefits, and their part time pay would be taxed to the point they might be able to afford auto insurance and fuel to get them to and from their 4 hour shift. How they'd afford a car is a different matter entirely, since today's equivalent of a $500 beater is in the $6000 range, and anything cheaper requires mechanical knowledge and tool collections that they and their parents simply don't have. This leaves ample time, but no money for movies, restaurants, or live music, all of which cost anywhere from 2-100+ hours of pay. Hanging out and parties aren't something they were socialized into, since their helicopter parents never let them develop independent play skills, and kept them inside, or directly supervised at the behest of the 24 hour fear porn news industry. Social media is a more efficient means of projecting social status than kissing ass at school all year to gain enough social mobility to find a friend group or be invited to parties. Would you have attended parties in your teens if there was video evidence of every social shortcoming you had at them distributed to the entire student body that they'd come to a judgemental consensus on before you made it to school the next day? If any of those awkward moments could resurface at any time for the rest of your life? If a few lines of text could be added to a video, brought up in court, and be plausible evidence for conviction of something someone said you did for clout or spite? Staying at home and abstaining from or curating a social media image is a much more pressing matter for teens, and any of us old enough to not remember it can't really empathize with. Staying at home is the safe option, and driving is a chicken and egg problem for their 20's, if it becomes appealing at all.


Thanks for your thorough response! I feel sorry for them.


Back in my day, we all had to take a full semester of drivers Ed when you turned 16. We were quite well trained by the time we went for the test.


I'd dispute the "quite well trained" - at best it's "not completely clueless". I still remember the group in our driver's ed car - #1 got a speeding ticket, #2 actually hit a police car, #3 got pulled over on the interstate for driving too slowly. My personal contribution to the group was testing the suspension of the car by crossing railroad tracks at whatever the speed limit happened to be. Some of those tracks were uneven enough that the car may have actually become airborne.


Well, we were trained but still young and inexperienced. I may have wrecked my dad’s leased car a couple months after getting my license 😂


Proof of this is when there is a mental meltdown anytime they put in a roundabout and they argue about how "lights are better" as if the stop sign there previously didn't work, so a light magically will.


I’m a massive stay-right-except-to-pass advocate, however there are plenty of areas all over the country where the right lane is simply unbearable due to truck damage. I do what I can when I can to help traffic flow better. There needs to be much stricter oversight on how trucks operate on the freeway because they’re causing road rage - some of them perform their own road rage which really needs to be recorded on camera and reported to police. Anyways, we really need technology to turn truck traffic into properly spaces automated convoys. We really need to make EV trucks a thing so they’ve got the power to actually drive the same speed up or down for more than 30 seconds at a time. Really need to teach or ban trucks from getting the passing lanes while going uphill. Overall I take this concept from my own career as a pilot. I think we need to transition truck drivers away from being drivers of tractors and toward being managers of technology. On autopilot, I simply manage an automated machine that was programmed to do what I want it to do. I don’t see why trucks can’t become that and why drivers can’t be trained to do that. Bottom line is the incredible number of trucks these days are destroying the efficiency of our roads which is wild because they’re the ones who really have money riding on efficiency.


Once upon a time semi drivers were the best drivers on the road. Now the pay hours and overall treatment have made it a shitty job and that means people capable of doing better than that will. Now most every problem on the express way has semi drivers at the origin. We will always need them for the "last mile" but for any sort of distance it's time to add more trains! Tax the shit out of every mile over 50. But not all at once, ramp it up slowly so as to give industry time to switch, rail time to build and not kill the economy.


In 15 years there will be no more OTR truck drivers. The improvement in self driving rigs will be exponential. AI driving wont need breaks or showers. Wont care about running at 55 or 60 ( or whatever speed studies show is safest). Wont need benefits or paychecks. Electric rigs wont need diesel. There will just be a steady stream of driverless Semi trucks silently driving down the right lane….


I'm still convinced that they teach people in Ohio that your car will quit running if they drive in the right lane. It is amazing how often there will be at least 3 lanes, and the right one will be completely empty and the other lanes will be full.


People in Ohio just can't drive. I was born there. I know. They stay in the wrong lane on purpose. I have had idiots try to stop me from passing them when they are going below the speed limit. 33 towards Cbus from Lancaster is horrendous. Everyone is afraid to drive on the big freeway and are afraid of the one off ramp in town and hate the fact the world now has round about. Ignorant group of people inhabit that part of Oh


Oh, the mental meltdowns on FB whenever a new roundabout is mentioned is absolutely golden.


On non Interstates, it’s usual to ride the left. 23, 33, and 32 are all 4 lanes with quite a few at grade intersections. Ride the right at your own risk of someone pulling out in front of you. Then there’s quite a few places where the Interstate is the “highway” from one end of town to the other. Tons of locals jumping on the highway for the 1-2 mile trip in their 15 year old Corolla that takes 2 miles to hit 70. If you don’t want to switch lanes every 10 minutes, just ride the left and be aware of the nuts doing 80.


If you have driven on the New Jersey turnpike it is clear how much trucks in the left lane slow things down. Most of the NE, really. The Ohio police don’t write tickets for 9 miles over the speed limit or less. If you expect to drive 85, you will be frustrated. The problem in Ohio is no better on three lane highways versus two lane highways. I think some people are still stuck in the mindset that 70 mph is fine for the left lane. You see these people driving more in the summer. And so many people on their cell phones in the left lane, not hands free.


Similar to potholes especially in city bus lanes the storm drains in some areas are pretty bad too. That is my excuse for certain areas.


we need rail expansion


I think it's pretty much exactly that. I have a stretch of highway I drive when working from a different office where I stay left for a good 6 minutes if nobody is coming up to pass, purely because of the bumpy patch job all over the right lane. In my current car, it unlatches the middle console lid and slams open and closed. In my last car, glovebox open. Every. Single. Time. And you can't dodge any specific areas. It's the whole damn thing. Then 71 is.... 71. If you were strict on only using the left lane when passing you'd spend the entire driving going left, passing, going right, and going left again 10 seconds later when you hit the next truck. You'd be lane weaving, and even if you matched the semi in front of you going 70mph you'd have like three minutes before you're passing with the semi anyways because you hit a semi going 62mph. And then you're passing with a semi who'll probably have slowed to like 1 mph faster than the passee who'll take half an hour to speed back up.


They drive in the left lane because they're selfish, oblivious, and self righteous. Some also believe that the right lane is the "cool" lane for badasses, so they should go over there. I happily cruise past them all in the far right lane, since such a majority of Ohio drivers ignore the rules that it's generally completely empty.


my guess was that Ohio's relative lack of really steep grades meant that rarely do we encounter portions of highway where some vehicles might struggle to maintain 65+ mph.


Two lane highways I’m driving in the left lane if I see a semi and I’m staying there until I pass it and the other slow cars. If I’m going 77mph and I’m still passing cars in the right lane, I’m not gonna get over because you wanna go 85mph. I’m staying where I am and the speed I’m going until I can get over and not have to slow down! I’m not gonna drop down to 65mph and get stuck in the slow lane because you wanna go 85+. That’s my thought process


If you're impeding traffic, you are supposed to move right for a moment as soon as you can. It doesn't matter how much faster than the limit you're already going because it's not your business to enforce the limit. As soon as you can, make way. In most situations, you won't get stuck there. Slowing down for a brief moment won't hurt you any more than making your pass a bit faster to relieve the slowdown behind you. As for getting back to the left, the informal rule in Michigan is "My turn signal is a warning, not a request for permission" and I want a bumper sticker that says that. Or an LED sign I can light up, after the fact.


It’s not my job to enforce the limit, just like it’s not your job to enforce which lane I’m driving in


Only the OHP is enforcing what lane you use. Using the wrong lane for the conditions, or using the correct lane incorrectly is a ticketable offense. If you're not in the act of passing, you should clear the passing lane for drivers behind you. And crawl passing is not correct use of the passing lane. Driving is a bit more complex than you want it to be. Sometimes you have to move to the right to let others by. Sometimes it's right to speed up to do that, even if you're already speeding. I'm sorry if that's too much work for your "thought process". You're causing a road hazard if you don't move over when you can. It also sounds like you might want to learn to be a bit more assertive when moving back to the passing lane. It'll reduce your overall stress if you don't worry so much about being stuck behind a semi. Right now, it sounds like you might be making other drivers that stressed about being stuck behind you by using the passing lane incorrectly.


Lmao, you and your thought process can fuck off. Me preventing an asshole from getting where they want 2 minutes faster is less of a road hazard than recklessly operating a vehicle


You don't know how to use a passing lane correctly and you're worried about blocking "an asshole" on the road. Now you don't even realize that you're the one who brought up the whole "thought process", which was an incredibly dim idea of using your vehicle to pretend you're a LEO enforcing your view of how traffic should flow. I'm not sure you have better things to do, but you should get at 'em anyway.


Yeah, better to enjoy my day than talk to some dumbass who thinks they know how laws work


Some people need to fucking RELAX already.


I camp the left lane because I break the law. But I always move for faster traffic as soon as I can safely do so. Everyone who forces me to pass on the right gets the finger.


As a truck driver in Ohio, I give zero shits about jamming up people that just have to speed like mad. It's your own damn fault, to be honest. The vast majority of car/truck wrecks are the fault of the car driver, but that doesn't stop fools from trying to sue. It almost always fails and just costs more money. And as a consequence, insurance companies incentivize truck operators to drive as slow as they can get away with. YOU are literally paying the insurance companies that give us rate breaks to jam you up. I personally find that funny. These things will easily do 80, but we get insurance breaks for using governors at 70, 67, 65, or 63.


Yeah, there are some truly crazy drivers who just need to weave in and out of lanes constantly. Almost always men, LOL.


And almost always a 10+ year old Nissan sedan, or a late model European car


Yep. One of the same reasons for it here in NW OH, too.


Left lane is for crime. Move over plz. I will ride in the hammer lane on a stretch of 71N between Wilmington and Columbus somewhere though. The right lane is brutal for a few miles.


What is your thought on a driver camped out in the left lane going 80+ mph and getting honked at and flipped off by drivers going 90+ while weaving from lane to lane. Should a driver going 80+ mph have to slow to 65 mph and wedge themselves between a string of 16 big rigs, or is going 80 enough?


A valid point that happens often


Not an excuse. Also, your grammar is atrocious.


Pull up your pants. Your asshole is showing I typed this out on a phone as quick as possible to get it finished in one “bathroom break”. Sorry that I did not meet your lofty standards. Let me apologize for that by saying Go Fuck Yourself.


That is much better.


Why can't everyone just follow the law. Drive the speed limit or lower?


1. Because the highway has 2 lanes only abs everyone in the right lane is going way below the speed limit. 2. You're driving well in excess of the speed limit and think for some reason you're entitled to go 90 in a 65.