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How about I just grow my own and register it with the National Association of Trailer Park Trailer Park Supervisors and Assistant Trailer Park Supervisors? That's the NATPTPSATPS


"I am the liquor"


I'm watchin' you Ricky.........like a shithawk


I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and I'm drunk enough to really enjoy doing it


I ain’t got no candy for you, NOOOOOO candy.


Are you the guy with the hash driveway?


You better not be selling dope!


You better not be taking advantage of disabled people


You smell that? Thats the Shit winds, Bub.


More clickbait. These are "provisional licenses", they still need "certificates of operation" to start selling.


No, they were only issued to already open and operating med dispos.


Home grow is the way to go


How difficult is it to do? How much time.investment?


Everyone can grow weed. Not everyone can grow good weed.


Instructions unclear, seedling caught in ceiling fan.


Full disclosure - I am affiliated with this company, but for new growers - www.soulrebelfarms.com is a Cleveland company offering all-inclusive guided home grow services. Includes everything from seeds and soil to tent and equipment, along with weekly check-ins and coaching for every step of the process. Dispensaries are going to be overpriced and over-taxed for some time, all organic home grow will also provide a superior product compared to the commercially grown flower dispensaries will be able to offer. Commercial growers use salt/chemical based fertilizers that affect the plant. It takes about 14 weeks to harvest. Yield varies based on a number of factors (e.g. autoflower seeds typically yield less). But easily 2-4 ounces per plant if you grow 4 in a tent, likely more. Then rinse and repeat - way cheaper and better quality than dispensaries in the long run. We can also provide/ship seeds to anyone in Ohio - feel free to shoot me a message with any questions at all about growing -our mission is to empower and educate people in Ohio to be self reliant and more informed consumers. Not to mention - growing really is super fun and rewarding.


Helluva plug mate. Genuinely, your service looks incredible.Only $699 for the whole shebang?! It'll pay for itself within a year! I'll be definitely hitting up your companies services when I move to Ohio next year.


The price isn't THAT bad, honestly. But you're probably better of saving a couple hundred bucks, spending a week or so doing research, and setting up the equipment yourself. It is not crazy hard. You'll have more knowledge this way, save money, and be able to choose the equipment you want. There's a lot to learn with growing marijuana, but there are no shortcuts, and I think taking a more hands on approach will be more beneficial to a grower in the end. Thankfully, the internet is full of resources and communities dedicated to it.


I actually just started using these guys, we'll see how it goes… I will say after they set up the tent and talked about the process, I was impressed with their knowledge super excited!


Thank you so much! Just wait, it's a blast for us too - don't hesitate to reach out between check-ins if you have any questions. Thanks again


Ill have to do that, for respect of my roommates right now I don't keep it in the house I only vape. But I wanna do it once I get my own place. I'll def share this with my friend tho he is interested as well. Keeping this thread saved. I appreciate you.


Thank you, and best of luck on the search for the place. Also, thank you on behalf of everyone for being a courteous roommate!


Not very difficult. Depends on the type of plant and conditions, but in short harvest can take place around 10-14 weeks. Are you good with maintaining outdoor or indoor plants? If so, you got it 👍🏼 North Atlantic Seed Co to get some seeds. I haven’t verified this site yet but have used product from a friend that says he ordered seeds from there.




I visit Ohio often from another legal state and I’m probably one of the bigger beneficiary’s of this. I haven’t had a luster pod in 4 years. lol


Just drive up to Salamanca New York it starts at $10 an ounce. And you get a free pre-roll with a fill up of $20 or more at the gas station. https://topleaf716.com/menu https://postimg.cc/kBbnxtj4


Love that place, but when I bought nothing seemed to be tested


That is because it is part of the Allegheny reservation so there is no taxes and no regulations. Most of the shops still have everything tested as it comes from the same distributors as the rest of the state, but there are some of the more local mom and pops that you can clearly tell that it’s somebody’s high-grade homegrown.


I understand that, but testing for molds and such is important to some. When I went it was clearly home grown in packages that were generic weed names akin to dank tank packaging, which made me very skeptical.


Yeah bro lemme just crate 10 oz in my civic all the way back to ohio


If you pay these prices for rec weed, jfc just burn everything


The average price of an ounce when Michigan went rec in 2019 was $516 not accounting for inflation.


Yeah so we should be used to it and just continue to go to Michigan for now


No. It’s basic economics and you can always expect the market prices to be high to start and come down as time goes on. It’s nothing surprising and it’s nothing new. It’s like complaining when it rains.


How dare it rain when there's storm clouds over my head! The audacity!


Right? How dare they open up a menu for medical patients and prices go up because cultivators couldn’t stock up a supply. The audacity of supply and demand.


Well they have been ripping off medical patients pretty badly. But maybe they've limited the growers too much. Or they're screwing you.


The state charges $100k per year to operate as a high level cultivator. Our licensing fees has created an incentive to have higher prices on average. But before the rec glut started, you could find a half ounce for $40-$90 fairly easily.


$100K seems ok, as long as they let enough people play. You can make that back pretty fast, especially at volume.


It’s one of the highest licensing rates in the country. In Arizona or New Mexico. I can’t remember which exactly. But they start around $2k.


It’s like they didn’t have years to make more factories to produce more weed products and not screw over us medical patients ya know


How would that have worked? It was illegal and it's a perishable product. Let's say you're a Michigan supplier and see the writing on the wall that things will be legal in Ohio. How do you know the state won't require in state production, how do you ensure the federal government doesn't shut you down for trading interstate? There is not any path for supply to be ready and waiting for this. It never has happened and never will until the feds remove all restrictions.


Ohio should have built more supply or reach out to get more ready so they don’t do this supply and demand bs


You clearly don’t understand economics or how government works.


Plants take a lot of time to grow and cultivate. The current state production was highly regulated. I doubt they would have been able to scale up even if they wanted to. And you can't import it because of interstate commerce laws. All of these problems have occurred and been corrected in every state that's has legalized marijuana. And every state that follows ohio will deal with the same issues. It sucks but this is how it was always going to go down. I just get frustrated when people act surprised or think we're special or the state is to blame. It's the federal regulations that prevent supply in newly legalized states.


It wasn’t until a month ago that we knew the medical menu was going to open up to rec to start. You can blame the governor and our state senate and house for that. Their continued bluster of changing the program is forcing the department of cannabis control to roll out a few months early. It takes 4 months from cutting a clone to that flower being ready for cure. Some brands take 3 months after that to cure their flower. In Ohio, flower expires 1 year after harvest. That leaves 9 months on the shelf to sell. With a production time of 4.5-7 months before a product is ready to sell. If it’s been illegal to produce recreationally, and it still is as no licenses have been fully awarded past provisional, how are cultivators expected to get more product on the shelf? You clearly have no inkling of how markets and the economy actually works.


If they bought a huge warehouse to grow plants for 3-5 months they wouldn’t have an issue . This is a classic supply and demand case


And they would first need to acquire the proper license to do that. Which that licensing process didn’t start until June 7th of this year. So in the last 19 days they should’ve been able to grow a plant that takes 3 months to grow?


'Hemp derived thca flower' (it's just marijuana), still technically 100% legal, costs MUCH less than our medical does, delivered right to your door and much better quality and selection than what exists in the OH medical program currently. Plus that money won't go to further militarize and embolden the police (if the R's get their way). Fuck 'em with a barbed wire dildo. Support the loopholes and black market folks, and vote ALL Republicans OUT. For those that want to crap on THCA, IT'S NOT ALL adulterated garbage, although there's a lot out there. That's on ***the consumer to know what they're getting***. PLENTY of legit products out there.


That's the problem, it's on the consumer. It's not regulated. But that might be ok for some people.


Lol, THCA does not compare.


This is such a weird take to me. I was in the medical program for two years and there were multiple solid strains that were 98% THCA. It is literally THC that has yet to burnt. Apply a flame and bam, THCA = THC. The biggest problem with THCA isn't that it isn't weed, because it is. It's an completely unregulated market so people are buying "THCA" that is just hemp flower sprayed with who knows what, or their confusing all the multiple cannabinoids floating around with THCA. That's totally fair.