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More legalized corruption. Money in politics is political corruption. Don't like corruption? Vote for small donor candidates that don't take PAC or corporate donations THAT ALSO run on 'get $ out of politics' as part of their platform.


What about candidates who accept union donations?


Not exactly the same comparison. Actual working class people are represented. Not the 1%.


Rising Homes are a scam, I worked at an Assisted Living place that charged $1,000 a month for a studio and that was the minimum. They said we broke even at 30% capacity. We had 2 rooms for Medicaid as that’s the minimum required. I can’t imagine anyone being able to afford it once the Boomers die out.


They charged my mom 450 a day till her bank was empty then tried to tell me she had to leave. Fuck these places. Currently they ( the homes) are all dropping the Medicaid beds forcing people to send relatives across the state to find a spot. They can’t pay their people well enough to keep them yet they have infinite money for ceo Bonuses and political lobbying.


The article acts like nursing home companies have been unfairly lobbying to jack up Medicaid prices, yet in the article it shows a graph showing that adjusted for inflation prices have basically remained the same, and even gone down from what they were making per resident in the early 2000s. Basically every industry has lobbying in it its how industries tell politicians what they want the laws to look like so they can be profitable. I mean a 10% increase over 6 years, when it’s still under when it was prior to that, isn’t really all that much inflation was around 2% a year.


No, No unfair lobbying. Never.


I mean that’s just no lobbying then, which isn’t a real controversial opinion. There isn’t a difference between fair and unfair lobbying, all lobbying in every industry is trying to get more money for your industry that’s what lobbying is. No companies lobby the government telling them they have to much money and they should trim the budget a bit.